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| <meta name="DC.Title" content="Context-Sensitive Help UA Plug-ins"/> |
| <meta name="abstract" content="Context-sensitive help UA plug-ins handle the mapping of help contexts to context-specific help content and related online documentation topics."/> |
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| <body id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B"><!-- --></a> |
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| <h1 class="topictitle1">Context-Sensitive Help UA Plug-ins</h1> |
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| <div><p>Context-sensitive help UA plug-ins handle the mapping of help contexts to |
| context-specific help content and related online documentation topics. |
| </p> |
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| |
| <div class="p">For projects that use the DTP help-helper, context-sensitive help plug-ins |
| contribute: |
| <br/><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_D60802A9E95B4E728ED3BBB917E6EA06"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_D60802A9E95B4E728ED3BBB917E6EA06"> |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_0265CD145B494797AFEB4AA66E7EFE89"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_0265CD145B494797AFEB4AA66E7EFE89"><!-- --></a>Eclipse context XML files, which supply the context-specific help content for |
| each help context, and point to other help topic contributions related to the |
| help context</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_39066DE080F14A8DA42E24413C458339"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_39066DE080F14A8DA42E24413C458339"><!-- --></a>Java properties files, which define the property key-value pairs that map |
| abstract helpKey constants to concrete help context IDs and context-specific |
| help search expressions</li> |
| |
| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <div class="tip"><span class="tiptitle">Tip:</span> The helpKey properties files are usually contributed in pairs, one each |
| for help context IDs and help search expressions. |
| </div> |
| |
| <p>The following diagram shows how a dedicated context-sensitive help plug-in |
| interacts with the DTP help-helper and the Eclipse help system at runtime, to |
| provide dynamic context-sensitive help for a UI plug-in. |
| </p> |
| |
| <br/><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__image_91AC6C14E1944A8DA1378596459891F2"><!-- --></a><div class="imagecenter"><img id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__image_91AC6C14E1944A8DA1378596459891F2" src="../images/dtp_csh_runtime_interaction.jpg" alt="Image shows runtime interactions between the context-sensitive help UA plug-in, the UI plug-in, and the Eclipse Help system."/></div><br/> |
| <div class="p">During workbench startup: |
| <br/><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_F5BBE7E6521448D88B3A9C967A4743EA"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_F5BBE7E6521448D88B3A9C967A4743EA"> |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_2348E67775ED4CDEB68457B3E1885A29"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_2348E67775ED4CDEB68457B3E1885A29"><!-- --></a>The DTP help-helper registers helpKey properties file contributions, declared |
| by context-sensitive help plug-ins</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_3E6551997D3F48039727DB25F4B3ACC4"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_3E6551997D3F48039727DB25F4B3ACC4"><!-- --></a>The Eclipse help system registers: |
| <br/><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_67F52F4BF4AE47FF9927CF54E561F6E1"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ul_67F52F4BF4AE47FF9927CF54E561F6E1"> |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_3647D37866A74D5F896091008D117C3F"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_3647D37866A74D5F896091008D117C3F"><!-- --></a>IContext content contributions, declared by context-sensitive help plug-ins</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_64C30B62F3A64592A8CECA9280615BCA"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_64C30B62F3A64592A8CECA9280615BCA"><!-- --></a>Online help (TOC and topics) contributions, declared by documentation plug-ins</li> |
| |
| </ul> |
| </li> |
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| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <p>After the workbench is initialized, the GUI is presented, with workbench parts |
| and controls contributed by UI plug-ins. Context-sensitive help requests are |
| usually handled by a UI plug-in (or its delegated help event listener), for the |
| workbench parts and UI controls that it contributes. |
| </p> |
| |
| <div class="p">When the user requests context-sensitive help (for example, by pressing F1, or clicking |
| a help icon), the following sequence occurs: |
| <br/><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ol_A63B9717B1A74241AE5B89553EA0D592"><!-- --></a><ol id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__ol_A63B9717B1A74241AE5B89553EA0D592"> |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_A96ED5F003B14C69BCA00D7CB9F7D1F2"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_A96ED5F003B14C69BCA00D7CB9F7D1F2"><!-- --></a>The UI plug-in requests a concrete help context ID from the DTP help-helper, |
| by passing an abstract helpKey.</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_B8AAD5E4A943439588D38B3B6B6A1F46"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_B8AAD5E4A943439588D38B3B6B6A1F46"><!-- --></a>The DTP help-helper looks up the help context ID by its associated helpKey, |
| in the helpKey properties file that was registered for the UI plug-in.</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_888E2D9BA8E04B059864536E5DA83F4C"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_888E2D9BA8E04B059864536E5DA83F4C"><!-- --></a>The DTP help-helper returns the help context ID to the UI plug-in.</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_CE6C78704DE04F19A27F1D55046800FD"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_CE6C78704DE04F19A27F1D55046800FD"><!-- --></a>The UI plug-in sets the concrete help context ID on its associated workbench |
| part or UI control, and then passes that help context ID to the Eclipse help |
| system to request the display of context-sensitive help.</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_B6D1E499916544D99BDC50BD75F2A79B"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_B6D1E499916544D99BDC50BD75F2A79B"><!-- --></a>The Eclipse help system looks up the context-specific content and related |
| topics by help context ID, retrieves them from the context XML file that was |
| registered for the UI plug-in, and then displays them in the Help view.</li> |
| |
| <li id="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_2DC6444276F64D94B1C483BC06BF701B"><a name="concept_CA8D4C4D4DCB48C4B02B8556197A640B__li_2DC6444276F64D94B1C483BC06BF701B"><!-- --></a>Upon user request (by clicking a related topic link), the Eclipse help system |
| retrieves the help topic content contributed by a documentation plug-in and |
| displays it in the Help view.</li> |
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| </ol> |
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| </div> |
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| </div> |
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| <div> |
| <ul class="ullinks"> |
| <li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_eclipse_context_xml_files_extension.html">Eclipse Context XML Files Extension</a></strong><br/> |
| Each plug-in that contributes an Eclipse context XML file must declare an extension to org.eclipse.help.contexts in its plug-in manifest (plugin.xml file).</li> |
| <li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_helpkey_properties_files_extension.html">helpKey Properties Files Extension</a></strong><br/> |
| Each plug-in that contributes helpKey properties files must declare an extension to org.eclipse.datatools.help.helpKeyProperties in its plug-in manifest (plugin.xml file).</li> |
| <li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_csh_plugin_ids.html">Context-Sensitive Help Plug-in IDs</a></strong><br/> |
| Context-sensitive help plug-ins can be supplied as dedicated plug-ins, which point to related help topics that are contributed by other, online documentation plug-ins, but do not contribute any help topics themselves.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </div> |
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