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| <title>DTP Preference Sections</title> |
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| <H1><CENTER>DTP Preference Sections</CENTER></H1> |
| <p></p> |
| <h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Identifier: </h6>org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.common.ui.preferenceSections<p></p> |
| <h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Since: </h6>[Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.] |
| <p></p> |
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| <p> |
| <h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Description: </h6>This extension point provides a way for data server vendors to contribute preference controls to an existing DTP preference page. All preference settings will appear in a tab with the vendor name as the title.</p> |
| <p><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Configuration Markup:</h6></p> |
| <p class=code id=dtd><!ELEMENT <a name="e.extension">extension</a> (<a href="#e.section">section</a>+)></p> |
| <p class=code id=dtd><!ATTLIST extension</p> |
| <p class=code id=dtdAttlist>point CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>id CDATA #IMPLIED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>name CDATA #IMPLIED></p> |
| <p></p> |
| <ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc> |
| </ul> |
| <br><p class=code id=dtd><!ELEMENT <a name="e.section">section</a> EMPTY></p> |
| <p class=code id=dtd><!ATTLIST section</p> |
| <p class=code id=dtdAttlist>dbdefinitionid CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>class CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>page CDATA #REQUIRED<p class=code id=dtdAttlist>launchConfig (true | false) ></p> |
| <p></p> |
| <ul class=ConfigMarkup id=attlistDesc> |
| <li><b>dbdefinitionid</b> - db definition id to be defined by Model Base project. (For now, clients should use productName_version for this attribute.)</li> |
| <li><b>class</b> - A fully qualified class implementing org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.common.ui.preferences.IDataServerPreferenceSection.</li> |
| <li><b>page</b> - The preference page id. The page should extend AbstractDBPreferenceFieldPage so that vendor specific setting can appear.</li> |
| <li><b>launchConfig</b> - Whether this section can be reused in launch configuration dialog. If true, "class" should implement org.eclipse.datatools.common.ui.preferences.IDataServerLaunchPreferenceSection.</li> |
| </ul> |
| <br><h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Examples: </h6>[Enter extension point usage example here.] |
| <p></p> |
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| <h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>API Information: </h6>The contributed preference section must implement org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.common.ui.preferences.IDataServerPreferenceSection or org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.common.ui.preferences.IDataServerLaunchPreferenceSection. |
| <p></p> |
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| <h6 class=CaptionFigColumn id=header>Supplied Implementation: </h6>[Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.] |
| <p></p> |
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| <br> |
| <p class=note id=copyright> |
| Copyright (c) 2005 Sybase, Inc. |
| All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| Contributors: |
| Sybase, Inc. - initial API and implementation |
| <p></p> |
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