blob: 9b56abf5dc1eeebbdc7f5ef524b816e796fe7a07 [file] [log] [blame]
ParseException_expecting=Was expecting:
ParseException_encountered=Encountered "
ParseException_atline=" at line
ParseException_atcolumn=, column
ParseException_expection_oneof=Was expecting one of:
JavaCharStream_invalid_escape=Invalid escape character at line {0} column {0}.
SimpleNode_1=Error while trying to get position of node:
SimpleNode_2=Error to getSQLText:
SimpleNode_3=Error while trying to delete node:
# SQL ParserExpection Message
SQLParser_datatype_judgeLength = Precision must be great than zero
SQLParser_datatype_judgeLengthAndScale = You must specify a scale that is less than or equal to the size
SQLParser_datatype_exceed_maxlength = The maximum length in bytes of the string allowed is 32767.
TokenMgrError_lexical_error=Lexical error at line {0}, column {1}. Encountered: {2}, after : "{3}"
TokenMgrError_currentchar="{0}" ({1})