blob: 9df72dee30d2a2236a350eeea27765da8ff65f7c [file] [log] [blame]
#* Copyright (c) 2008 Sybase, Inc.
#* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
#* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
#* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
#* Contributors: brianf & mdow - initial API and implementation
wizardpage.title = FTP Transport Location
wizardpage.text = Specify the FTP server name, user name, and password.
wizardpage.label.servername = Server Name:
wizardpage.label.username = User Name:
wizardpage.label.password = Password:
wizardpage.summary.label.servername = Server Name
wizardpage.summary.label.username = User Name
wizardpage.summary.label.password = Password
wizard.title = New FTP Connection Profile
wizard.error.title = Error
propertypage.label.servername = Server Name:
propertypage.label.username = User Name:
propertypage.label.password = Password:
ce.node.label = Server Content
FtpWSMFConnection.connectmessage = Connected to
FtpWSMFConnection.errormessage = FTP server refused connection.