blob: 48d850898090ab374893b3a220ad3c9684fe993a [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which is available at
-- Contributors:
-- IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
-- Source File Name = org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.parsers.sql.query/sqlqueryparser.lpg, cme, cme_v1r1)
-- Component Name = SQL/92 Parser
-- Descriptive Name = Starwinds grammar source file (Full SQL/92 + extensions)
-- Function = Source file defining Full SQL/92 grammar, plus extensions.
-- This file is input to LPG (LALR(k) Parser Generator).
-- Parser Generator = LPG Version 2.2 by Philippe G. Charles, IBM Yorktown
-- List of Functions =
-- sqlnp_tkactn - token action procedure (shift)
-- sqlnp_smactn - semantic action procedure (reduce)
-- Dependencies =
-- This grammar is dependent on the reordering of the SQL tokens,
-- so that the FROM clause comes first (see sqlnp_reor.y)
-- Restrictions =
-- The default LPG escape character, a percent sign (%), cannot
-- be used due to conflicts with C's use of the percent sign.
-- We use an exclamation point ($) instead (see the ESCAPE
-- option).
-- Operating System = Common Code (LPG is available on AIX, DOS, OS/2, and VM)
-- Notes =
-- The following LPG warning messages are normal, and may be
-- ignored.
-- ***Warning: Base Check vector contains value > 255. 16-bit
-- words used.
-- ***Warning: Terminal symbol > 255. 16-bit words used.
-- Output =
-- sqlnp_prs.C - generated C functions (input to C compiler)
-- sqlnp_tkactn - token action (shift) function
-- sqlnp_smactn - semantic action (reduce) function
-- (a giant switch statement that
-- executes code when a production
-- is "fired")
-- sqlnp_dcl.h - LALR parsing tables (big arrays of numbers)
-- sqlnp_def.h - #defines for constants used by LPG (maximum
-- lookahead, number of rules, number of symbols, etc.)
-- sqlnp_prs.h - code that looks up information in the parsing
-- tables:
-- nt_action -- non-terminal action (C macro)
-- t_action -- terminal action (C function)
-- sqlnp_sym.h - #defines for all terminal symbols (SQLNP_xxx),
-- plus some other constants
-- Change Activity = (list most recent change first)
-- ============================================================================
-- Feb 13, 95 - RAW Comment out grammar for <explain_stmt> and CURRENT
-- EXPLAIN MODE per request from Paul Bird. This feature
-- has been cancelled from this release.
-- - Move memoryPool initialization statements around to
-- save a few instructions per call.
-- Feature Activity:
-- ============================================================================
-- 00014427 12/Oct/94 dtl calling recursion_check from @14427dtl
-- <SQL_schema_stmt> and <SQL_data_stmt> @14427dtl
-- f0124079 08/Sep/99 ske TRF: Enable SQNLP_A_TRANSF_GRP_ID @f124079ske
-- Defect Activity:
-- ============================================================================
-- 00028725 16/May/95 RAW Require keyword ATOMIC in CREATE TRIGGER. @d28725RAW
-- 00028863 19/May/95 JHC Flag syntax error for FROM ... SELECT ... @d28863JHC
-- 00032859 25/Jul/95 JHC assign host vars before sqlnq_sem_rtn for @d32859JHC
-- stmts (non-SELECT) that skip the reorder phase @d32859JHC
-- 00309683 03/Feb/04 rmi LI4255 Phase 1: Grammar & header files @d309683rmi
-- Last Changed = (04/08/10) (00:01:45)
-- ============================================================================
-- ============================================================================
-- Detailed Description =
-- The OPTIONS section defines LPG processing options that affect the output
-- of the parser generator, including
-- o time or space optimization for parsing tables (time)
-- o name of generated semantic action file (sqlnp_prs.C)
-- o names of various functions (sqlnp_tkactn, sqlnp_smactn, sqlnp_errmsg)
-- o prefix for generated constants (SQLNP_)
-- o prefix for generated header files names (sqlnp...)
-- The DEFINE section defines LPG macros (of C code) that will be inserted into
-- the semantic action procedure (the big switch statement) at the appropriate
-- place. Textual substitution of rule text, rule number, etc., is done by
-- LPG when generating the C code. LPG macros may invoke other LPG macros, but
-- recursion is not supported.
-- The TERMINALS section defines all the terminal symbols used in the grammar,
-- each one having a unique token class. Each terminal symbol is assigned a
-- numeric value in the tables generated by LPG (see sqlnpsym.h). The
-- scanner/lexer (sqlnp_lex.C), tokenizes the SQL statement and returns the
-- numeric value, or class, of each token.
-- The "terminal symbol"/"token class" values are used in the generated parse
-- tables to indicate the valid expected tokens for a given state. The
-- lexer/scanner (sqlnp_lex.C) returns the token class of each token as a
-- constant. For the token SELECT, sqlnp_lex.C returns the constant
-- SQLNP_SELECT, which is #defined in file sqlnpsym.h.
-- The ALIAS section defines sets of terminal symbols that are equivalent.
-- The START section defines a list of one or more goal symbols.
-- The RULES section contains the actual grammar specification
-- for valid SQL/92 syntax. Some productions have a name at the far right
-- side of the line surrounded by "/." and "./" delimiters. The name
-- indicates an LPG macro to be executed if the processed input matches
-- the production. The metasymbols defined for the grammar productions
-- grammar productions are:
-- ::= separates a non-terminal from its productions
-- | means OR (an alternate production follows)
-- $ precedes an LPG macro name or an LPG keyword (can be changed to
-- something else with the ESCAPE option).
-- /. ./ is used to begin and end an LPG macro or C code generation
-- -- begins comment lines within the PRODUCTIONS section
-- The NAMES section is used to define output text that will appear in
-- error messages, e.g., ") inserted to complete phrase" instead of
-- "LEFT_PAREN inserted to complete phrase".
-- For more information on the form of the LPG inputs, see the LPG Version 2.1
-- User's Guide (available from Philippe G. Charles of IBM Yorktown).
%options escape=$
%options table=java
%options action=("*.java", "/.", "./") -- should take the fp when use "*"
%options fp=SQLQueryParser -- fp file prefix for all generated files
%options prefix=TK_ -- TOKEN/Terminal symbol prefix that we omit in the grammar
%options error-maps
%options scopes
%options margin=8
--%options noshift_default
%options shift_default
%options nogoto_default
%options single-productions
%options noserialize --serialize for large grammar (65k+), makes it faster after load overhead, creates a .dcl file in dat directory
--%options serialize --serialize for large grammar (65k+), makes it faster after load overhead, creates a .dcl file in dat directory
--%options dat_directory="../../../../../.." --TODO change path
--%options stream-type=TokenStream
%options package=org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.parsers.sql.query
%options template=sqlparserTemplate.lpg --This option can be given at lpg compile time
--%options import_terminals=sqlquerylexer.lpg
-- when use soft-keywords lookahead is forced to be 1 and don't use backtrack option
%options soft-keywords
%options LALR=4
%options backtrack
-- import declarations for generated parser
/. AbstractSQLQueryParser ./
-- Type mapping imported, return types of factory methods/AST types
$include sqlqueryparserTypes.lpg
-- Alias definitions imported
$include sqlqueryparserAlias.lpg
-- Grammar rules imported
$include sqlqueryparserRules.lpg
-- Tail of Semantic Action Procedure (sqlnp_smactn)
-- Substitution strings (inserts into error messages)
PARSE_ERROR ::= 'Valid token'
LEFT_PAREN ::= '('
-- PERCENT ::= '%'
-- AMPERSAND ::= '&'
QUOTE ::= ''''
ASTERISK ::= '*'
PLUS_SIGN ::= '+'
COMMA ::= ','
MINUS_SIGN ::= '-'
PERIOD ::= '.'
SOLIDUS ::= '/'
COLON ::= ':' -- @d124889gus begin
LEFT_BRACKET ::= '[' -- @f95756rps
RIGHT_BRACKET ::= ']' -- @f95756rps
-- UNDERSCORE ::= '_'
-- VERTICAL_BAR ::= '|'
-- OSF_RT-BV-B 960906
RIGHT_ARROW ::= '->'
-- OSF_RT-BV-E 960906
<table_ref_commalist> ::= 'table1, table2, table3, ...'
-- Keywords/Reserved Word list - included --
$include sqlKeywords.lpg
-- Token kind of identifiers for softkeyword support --