blob: 3a9e6098777768459c7c3d160e25f132c3cd5c69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Actuate Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.IResultSetMetaData;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.OdaException;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.CommonConstants;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.Connection;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.ResourceInputStream;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.FlatFileQuery.FlatFileBufferedReader;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.ResultSetMetaDataHelper;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.flatfile.i18n.Messages;
* FlatFileDataSourceReader is a utility class that help read and parse the raw data from flat file
public class FlatFileDataReader
private String currentTableName;
private String charSet;
private FlatFileBufferedReader flatFileBufferedReader=null;
private IResultSetMetaData rsmd;
private ResultSetMetaDataHelper rsmdHelper;
private int statementMaxRows = 0;
private int resultSetMaxRows = 0;
private int maxRowsToRead = 0;
private String[] originalColumnNames;
private boolean isFirstTimeToReadSourceData = true;
private boolean isFirstTimeToCallReadLine = true;
private int fetchCounter = 0;
private int[] selectColumIndexes;
private Connection conn;
private List<String> nextDataLine;
//Max number of rows fetched each time from data source
public static final int MAX_ROWS_PER_FETCH = 20000;
* Constructor
* @param connProperties Connection properties
* @param currentTableName The current table name of this connection
* @param statementMaxRows The max number of rows specified in the query
* @param rsmd ResultSet meta-data
* @param rsmdHelper ResultSet meta-data helper
* @throws OdaException
public FlatFileDataReader( Connection connection,String currentTableName,int statementMaxRows,
IResultSetMetaData rsmd, ResultSetMetaDataHelper rsmdHelper ) throws OdaException
this.rsmd = rsmd;
this.rsmdHelper = rsmdHelper;
this.statementMaxRows = statementMaxRows;
this.currentTableName = currentTableName;
this.conn = connection;
this.charSet = conn.getCharSet( );
private void initNameIndexMap( ) throws OdaException
assert originalColumnNames != null;
HashMap<String, Integer> originalColumnNameIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>( );
for (int i = 0; i < originalColumnNames.length; i++)
originalColumnNameIndexMap.put( originalColumnNames[i].trim( ).toUpperCase( ),
Integer.valueOf( i ) );
selectColumIndexes = new int[rsmd.getColumnCount( )];
for ( int i = 0; i < rsmd.getColumnCount( ); i++ )
selectColumIndexes[i] = findIndex(rsmdHelper.getOriginalColumnName( rsmd.getColumnName( i + 1 )), originalColumnNameIndexMap);
public boolean getTrailNullColumns()
return conn.trailNullColumns( );
* @return
* @throws OdaException
public String[][] getSourceData( ) throws OdaException
createBufferedReader( );
List<String[]> v = fetchQueriedDataFromFileToList( );
return copyDataFromListToTwoDimensionArray( v );
* Read a row from the source data
* @return
* @throws OdaException
* @throws IOException
public List<String> readLine( ) throws OdaException
if ( isFirstTimeToCallReadLine )
createBufferedReader( );
isFirstTimeToCallReadLine = false;
return flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( );
* @throws OdaException
private void createBufferedReader( ) throws OdaException
if( this.flatFileBufferedReader == null )
examCharset( );
this.flatFileBufferedReader = new FlatFileBufferedReader( getInputStream( ),
this.charSet, conn.getDelimeter( ));
catch ( IOException e )
throw new OdaException( e.getMessage( ) );
* @param resultSetMaxRows
* @return
public int getMaxRowsToRead( int resultSetMaxRows )
this.resultSetMaxRows = resultSetMaxRows;
return this.maxRowsToRead = ( ( this.statementMaxRows != 0 && this.statementMaxRows < this.resultSetMaxRows ) || this.resultSetMaxRows == 0 )
? this.statementMaxRows : this.resultSetMaxRows;
public void clearBufferedReader( )
if ( this.flatFileBufferedReader != null )
this.flatFileBufferedReader.close( );
catch ( IOException e )
this.flatFileBufferedReader = null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#finalize()
public void finalize()
this.clearBufferedReader( );
* If Charset is not set (that is, of null or empty value), test whether the
* file is encoded with "UTF-16LE" or "UTF-16BE". If neither, then treat
* file as using default "UTF-8"
private void examCharset( ) throws OdaException, IOException
if ( this.charSet != null && this.charSet.length( ) > 0 )
InputStream fis = getInputStream( );
byte[] byteMarker = new byte[2]; byteMarker );
// file encoded using UTF-16LE sometimes have two bytes prefix
// -1, -2
// file encoded using UTF-16BE sometimes have two bytes prefix
// -2, -1
if ( byteMarker[0] == -1 && byteMarker[1] == -2 )
this.charSet = "UTF-16LE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
else if ( byteMarker[0] == -2 && byteMarker[1] == -1 )
this.charSet = "UTF-16BE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
this.charSet = CommonConstants.CONN_DEFAULT_CHARSET;
fis.close( );
* @param connProperties
* @param tableName
* @return
* @throws OdaException
public int getColumnCount( ) throws OdaException
int count;
ResourceInputStream fis = null;
examCharset( );
fis = getInputStream( );
FlatFileBufferedReader br = new FlatFileBufferedReader( fis, this.charSet, conn.getDelimeter( ));
List<String> columnLine;
while ( isEmptyRow( columnLine = br.readLine( ) ) )
count = columnLine.size( );
br.close( );
fis.close( );
catch ( IOException e )
throw new OdaException( Messages.getString( "query_IO_EXCEPTION" ) //$NON-NLS-1$
+ fis.getLocation( ) );
return count;
public ResourceInputStream getInputStream( ) throws OdaException
return conn.getInputStream( this.currentTableName );
* See if this row is empty or not
* @param row
* @return
* @throws OdaException
public static boolean isEmptyRow( List<String> line ) throws OdaException
if ( line == null )
throw new OdaException( Messages.getString( "query_INVALID_FLAT_FILE" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
return line.isEmpty( ) || ( line.size( ) == 1 && line.get( 0 ).equals( "" )); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @return
* @throws OdaException
private List<String[]> fetchQueriedDataFromFileToList( ) throws OdaException
List<String[]> result = new ArrayList<String[]>( );
if ( isFirstTimeToReadSourceData )
// make a copy of column names if there are
if ( conn.hasColumnNames( ) )
List<String> columeNameLine;
while ( isEmptyRow( columeNameLine = flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( ) ) )
this.originalColumnNames = getColumnNameArray( columeNameLine );
initNameIndexMap( );
// skip Type information. The type information is in the second
// line
// of file
if ( conn.hasTypeLine( ) )
while ( isEmptyRow( flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( ) ) )
if ( !conn.hasColumnNames( ) )
while ( isEmptyRow( nextDataLine = flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( ) ) )
this.originalColumnNames = createTempColumnNames( nextDataLine );
initNameIndexMap( );
nextDataLine = flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( );
isFirstTimeToReadSourceData = false;
// temporary variable which is used to store the data of a row
// fetched from a flat file
int counterLimitPerFetch = fetchCounter + MAX_ROWS_PER_FETCH;
while ( ( this.maxRowsToRead <= 0 ? true
: this.fetchCounter < this.maxRowsToRead )
&& this.fetchCounter < counterLimitPerFetch
&& nextDataLine != null )
if ( !isEmptyRow( nextDataLine ) )
result.add( fetchQueriedDataFromRow( nextDataLine ) );
nextDataLine = flatFileBufferedReader.readLine( );
return result;
* Extract the column name from the line into the format of string array
* @param line
* @param isFirstLine
* @return
* @throws OdaException
public String[] getColumnNameArray( List<String> line )
throws OdaException
if ( line == null )
throw new OdaException( Messages.getString( "common_CANNOT_FIND_COLUMN" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
return getStringArrayFromList( line );
* Put the contants of the list into a string array
* @param list
* @return
public static String[] getStringArrayFromList( List<String> list )
String[] array = null;
if ( list != null )
array = new String[list.size( )];
for ( int i = 0; i < list.size( ); i++ )
array[i] = (String) list.get( i );
return array;
* Feed the row data from a List to a two-dimension array. The string
* value is trimmed before being copied into array.
* @param v
* @return a String two dimension array with each horizontal array contains
* a row
* @throws OdaException
private String[][] copyDataFromListToTwoDimensionArray( List<String[]> v )
throws OdaException
String[][] rowSet = new String[v.size( )][this.rsmd.getColumnCount( )];
for ( int i = 0; i < v.size( ); i++ )
String[] temp = (String[]) v.get( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < temp.length; j++ )
if ( temp[j] != null )
rowSet[i][j] = temp[j].trim( );
else if ( conn.trailNullColumns( ) )
throw new OdaException( Messages.getString( "data_read_error" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
return rowSet;
* @param columnCount
* @return
* @throws OdaException
private String[] createTempColumnNames( List<String> aRow ) throws OdaException
String[] tempColumnNames = new String[aRow.size()];
for ( int i = 0; i < aRow.size(); i++ )
tempColumnNames[i] = "COLUMN_" + ( i + 1 ); //$NON-NLS-1$
return tempColumnNames;
* Fetch data from a row.
* @param aRow
* a row read from table
* @return an array of data values for each specified column names from a
* row. The "specified column names" are obtained from meta data
* @throws OdaException
private String[] fetchQueriedDataFromRow( List<String> aRow ) throws OdaException
String[] sArray = new String[rsmd.getColumnCount( )];
for ( int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++ )
int location = selectColumIndexes[i];
if ( location != -1 )
if ( location >= aRow.size( ) )
if ( conn.trailNullColumns( ) )
sArray[i] = null;
throw new OdaException( Messages.getString( "query_INVALID_FLAT_FILE" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
sArray[i] = aRow.get( location ).toString( );
return sArray;
* Return the 0-based position of a value in the given array
* @param value
* @param array
* @return
private int findIndex( String value, HashMap<String, Integer> originalColumnNameIndexMap)
Integer index = originalColumnNameIndexMap.get( value.trim( ).toUpperCase( ) );
if (index == null)
return -1;
return index.intValue( );