blob: 87d1b2670e14d1a778d1eb0da88803801acd6638 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2013 Actuate Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
adaptableDataSourceProfile_unableAccessProfile=Unable to access the linked profile in ({0}); using the local properties in the data source design instead.\n Caused by exception: {1}
common_notInDesignSession=Not currently in a design session.
common_nullArgument=Argument must not be null.
common_missingDataSourceDesign=Missing data source design in OdaDesignSession argument.
common_createClassFailed=Unable to find or create class ({0}).
extension_mustInheritFromODAPage=Invalid wizard page ({0}) implementation. An ODA custom wizard page must extend from {1}.
extension_mustInheritFromODAWizard=Invalid wizard ({0}) implementation. An ODA custom wizard must use or extend from {1}.
extension_missingManifestElement=Missing implementation of the ODA design ui extension point ({0})
extension_missingPropertyPage=Missing property page implementation in the ODA design ui extension.
wizard_dataSource_defaultTitle=New Data Source
wizard_missingDataSourceId=Missing ODA Data Source ID in the Connection Profile attribute.
wizard_invalidManifest=Invalid plug-in manifest content in the extension.
page_defaultDataSourceTitle=Custom Data Source Properties
designSession_alreadyHasLinkedProfile=The data source ({0}) has already externalized its properties in a connection profile. It cannot be re-exported.
designSession_flushFailed=Unable to flush the current data set design session.
designSession_invalidArgument=Invalid argument specified in design session method.
designSession_invalidEditApiCall=Invalid design session API call for editing a design.
designSession_invalidNewDesignApiCall=Invalid design session API call for creating a new design.
designSession_invalidProfileName=Unable to locate the linked profile ({0}) in the specified Connection Profile Store.
designSession_invalidProfileNameOrFilePath=Unable to locate the linked profile ({0}) or the connection profile store file ({1}) specified in the data source design.
designSession_missingDataSetUIElement=No dataSetUI element is defined for OdaDataSourceId ({0}) and OdaDataSetId ({1}).
manifest_missingAttributeValue=Missing value in required attribute ({0}).
manifest_missingDataSetElementId=The dataSetElementID argument requires a value.
manifest_invalidDataSetElementId=Invalid dataSet element id ({0}).
manifest_dataSetUi_missingPageId=A pageId value is required.
manifest_dataSetUi_invalidPageId=Invalid pageId value ({0}).
manifest_dataSetUi_missingElement=A {0} element is required in extension.
ui_defaultDataSourceTitle=Data Source Connection Properties
ui_replaceFilePrompt={0} already exists. Do you want to replace it?
ui_requiredFieldsMissingValue=One or more required fields (marked with '*') are missing a value.
ui_errorCreatingCustomCtrls=Error encountered in creating and initializing custom controls.
ui_saveAsTitle=Save As
profilePage_pageTitle=Select a Connection Profile
profilePage_pageLabel=Connection Profile
profilePage_selectProfileDefaultMessage=Select the connection profile from which to create a data source
profilePage_label_profileStore=Connection Profile &Store:
profilePage_button_relativepath=&Relative Path
profilePage_button_absolutepath=&Absolute Path
profilePage_button_browse_filter=File &extension(s) to display:
profilePage_button_browse_filter_tooltiptext=Specify one or more comma-separated file extensions to filter the files displayed below.\nFor example: .txt, .profiles
profilePage_button_browse_tooltip=Browse for a connection profile store file.\nRelative path: the relative path based on the host resources.\nAbsolute path: the absolute path of the file system.
profilePage_resourcebaseuri_failure=Failed to get the application resource base URI!
profilePage_browse_noselection_error=Please specify a connection profile store file name
profilePage_odaTreeName=ODA Data Sources
profilePage_checkboxLabel_useDefaultName=&Use the default data source name
profilePage_label_dataSourceName=&Data Source Name:
profilePage_error_emptyName=Data source name must not be blank.
profilePage_checkboxTooltip_maintainLink=Always use the Connection Profile Store's externalized property values in the data source.
profilePage_checkboxLabel_maintainLink=Use &externalized properties in Connection Profile Store
profilePage_error_invalidName=Data source name is invalid.
profilePage_error_invalidProfileStorePath=Invalid path for a connection profile store
profilePage_deprecatedProfileDisplayName={0} (replaced by {1})
profileStoreCreationDialog_title=Create a Connection Profile Store
profileStoreCreationDialog_grouptext=Select the connection &profiles to be included in the store:
profileStoreCreationDialog_newbutton_tooltiptext=Create a new connection profile
profileStoreCreationDialog_fileext_error=A connection profile store file must have a file extension.\nPress OK to add the default file extension ".{0}" to the file name.
dbProfilePage_defaultPageMessage=Verify the JDBC Driver and Connection Details
dbProfilePage_editPageMessage=Edit the JDBC Driver and Connection Details
dbProfilePage_invalidDataSource=Invalid data source. Update the connection profile reference, or create a new data source instead.
dbProfilePage_notInDesignSession=Unable to open a property page outside of an ODA design session.
dbProfilePage_noCustomPage=Unable to find and open the database driver specific property page.
preferencesPage_openDataAccessDescription=Set the preferences for individual Open Data Access data sources \nby using the pages under this node.