(object Petal | |
version 47 | |
_written "Rose 8.0.0303.1400" | |
charSet 0) | |
(object Class_Category "DataTypes" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded TRUE | |
attributes (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value (value Text "datatypes")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value (value Text "org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsPrefix" | |
value (value Text "SQLDataTypes")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value (value Text "http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/datatypes.ecore")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value (value Text "SQLDataTypes"))) | |
quid "3F27D65902FA" | |
exportControl "Public" | |
logical_models (list unit_reference_list | |
(object Class "UserDefinedType" | |
quid "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3EDF9E9C001D" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DataType" | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "DataType" | |
quid "3E9B3F3400BF" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F38F4C800D1" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
operations (list Operations | |
(object Operation "setContainer" | |
quid "3FA28B1301BC" | |
documentation "This method is used to set the type on the given Column. It is implemented on the child classes of DataType. The concrete children classses will know which type relationship to use on Column to set the data type." | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "newContainer" | |
quid "3FA28B1F0029" | |
type "TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071")) | |
result "void" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0)) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "PredefinedDataType" | |
quid "3EDF9E550371" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FB90F2302E1" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::SQLDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90EE3009E")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "primitiveType" | |
attributes (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isChangeable" | |
value TRUE)) | |
quid "3F54FBB001DD" | |
type "PrimitiveType" | |
quidu "3F54FBC4015A" | |
exportControl "Public")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "CollectionDataType" | |
quid "3F12D9CF01F9" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.10 Collection Types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F33B2630206" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ConstructedDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90F4001F0")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "NumericalDataType" | |
quid "3F2693990310" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.4 Numbers" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F2693F9022B" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "precision" | |
quid "411AADBE0122" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "CharacterStringDataType" | |
quid "3F2186CB02E1" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.2 Character strings" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F218707016A" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "length" | |
quid "3F4E3B32024D" | |
type "int" | |
initv "1" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "coercibility" | |
quid "3F25797E039E" | |
type "CoercibilityType" | |
quidu "3F25799E0108" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "fixedLength" | |
attributes (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "isChangeable" | |
value FALSE)) | |
quid "3F60C6F201C1" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "collationName" | |
quid "3F54F33D0241" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "RowDataType" | |
quid "3F12DAEF016C" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.8 Row Types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F12DAFB013D" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ConstructedDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90F4001F0"))) | |
(object Class "ArrayDataType" | |
quid "3F12D9F402F3" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.10.1 Arrays" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F12DA580014" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CollectionDataType" | |
quidu "3F12D9CF01F9")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "maxCardinality" | |
quid "3F60C3850001" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "MultisetDataType" | |
quid "3F12DA6600D0" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.10.2 Multisets" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F12DA7002F3" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CollectionDataType" | |
quidu "3F12D9CF01F9")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "BooleanDataType" | |
quid "3F216E800160" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.5 Boolean types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F3004830361" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371"))) | |
(object Class "IntervalDataType" | |
quid "3F216E7102DA" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.6.2 Intervals | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "402BB4EC0335" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "leadingQualifier" | |
quid "3F269189015C" | |
type "IntervalQualifierType" | |
quidu "3F37E78C029F" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "trailingQualifier" | |
quid "3F4E060F0232" | |
type "IntervalQualifierType" | |
quidu "3F37E78C029F" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "leadingFieldPrecision" | |
quid "3F4E064A00A5" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "trailingFieldPrecision" | |
quid "3F4E06570288" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "fractionalSecondsPrecision" | |
quid "3F4E06600277" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "BinaryStringDataType" | |
quid "3F216A9801A3" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.3 Binary strings | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F2FC6F3031D" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
operations (list Operations | |
(object Operation "equals" | |
quid "3F2171FA00C5" | |
result "boolean" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0)) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "length" | |
quid "3F2171480126" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "CharacterSet" | |
quid "3F25755001A0" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.2.6 Character sets, 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.2.7 Universal character sets | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F4E47750293" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "repertoire" | |
quid "4193D4AA00AE" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "defaultCollation" | |
quid "4193D4B901C8" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "encoding" | |
quid "4193D4C601D1" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "CoercibilityType" | |
quid "3F25799E0108" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.2.1 Comparison of character strings | |
| | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "IMPLICIT" | |
quid "3F2579B3026C" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "EXPLICIT" | |
quid "3F2579BA0058" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "COERCIBILE" | |
quid "3F2FFF9D0306" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NO_COLLATION" | |
quid "3F2FFFA80111" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "TimeDataType" | |
quid "3F216DF3039E" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.6.1 Datetimes | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "402BB4E7028D" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "fractionalSecondsPrecision" | |
quid "3F4E5F6501F5" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "timeZone" | |
quid "3F4E5F520178" | |
type "boolean" | |
initv "false" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "IntervalQualifierType" | |
quid "3F37E78C029F" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.6.2 Intervals | |
| | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "YEAR" | |
quid "3F37E79D029D" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "MONTH" | |
quid "3F37E7A502EA" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DAY" | |
quid "3F4E05F103DB" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "HOUR" | |
quid "3F4E05F50254" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "MINUTE" | |
quid "3F4E05FA02B1" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "SECOND" | |
quid "3F4E05FF0205" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "FRACTION" | |
quid "439636D800D2" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "DistinctUserDefinedType" | |
quid "3F4E44DD0126" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F4E451F02FC" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB"))) | |
(object Class "StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quid "3F4E44E8001C" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F4E452201D4" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "instantiable" | |
quid "402283E2026D" | |
type "boolean" | |
initv "True" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "final" | |
quid "40228405008D" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "OrderingType" | |
quid "3F4E4BBD02A6" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types | |
| | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "EQUALS" | |
quid "3F4E615100A9" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "FULL" | |
quid "3F4E61590145" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "OrderingCategoryType" | |
quid "3F4E61750367" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types | |
| | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "RELATIVE" | |
quid "3F4E618600E6" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "MAP" | |
quid "3F4E618C02D9" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "STATE" | |
quid "3F4E6193021E" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "AttributeDefinition" | |
quid "3F54EF2F0194" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.13 Columns, fields, and attributes | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FA6AA01002E" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "scopeCheck" | |
quid "3F54EFF703D7" | |
type "ReferentialActionType" | |
quidu "3ED6717C0130" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "scopeChecked" | |
quid "3F6078CE0220" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "defaultValue" | |
quid "407EC5A702EE" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "FixedPrecisionDataType" | |
quid "3F54F5E9003C" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.4 Numbers" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "411AAED70389" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ExactNumericDataType" | |
quidu "411AAB3A02CB"))) | |
(object Class "PrimitiveType" | |
quid "3F54FBC4015A" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data types" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "CHARACTER" | |
quid "3F54FE410200" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "CHARACTER_VARYING" | |
quid "3F54FF000359" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "CHARACTER_LARGE_OBJECT" | |
quid "3F54FE470122" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NATIONAL_CHARACTER" | |
quid "4021A16002B4" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NATIONAL_CHARACTER_VARYING" | |
quid "4021A18A001F" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NATIONAL_CHARACTER_LARGE_OBJECT" | |
quid "4021A1A1023F" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BINARY" | |
quid "417C86730259" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BINARY_VARYING" | |
quid "417C867B0016" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BINARY_LARGE_OBJECT" | |
quid "3F54FF2A0363" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NUMERIC" | |
quid "3F54FF3A0226" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DECIMAL" | |
quid "3F54FF45011D" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "SMALLINT" | |
quid "3F54FF4F0302" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "INTEGER" | |
quid "3F54FF5E03A4" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BIGINT" | |
quid "3F54FF6702A3" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "FLOAT" | |
quid "3F54FF7702B0" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "REAL" | |
quid "3F54FF800371" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DOUBLE_PRECISION" | |
quid "3F54FE55021D" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BOOLEAN" | |
quid "3F54FF97032C" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DATE" | |
quid "3F54FFE602BD" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "TIME" | |
quid "3F54FFED02BD" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "TIMESTAMP" | |
quid "3F54FFF602DD" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "INTERVAL" | |
quid "3F54FFFF0358" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DATALINK" | |
quid "400DF8BB0293" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "XML_TYPE" | |
quid "417C864C0299" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Domain" | |
quid "3EDF635C005F" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.12 Domains | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "411BB4E60134" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DistinctUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44DD0126")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "defaultValue" | |
quid "3F57A3330022" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Field" | |
quid "3ED24C4E001D" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.13 Columns, fields, and attributes | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3ED2511800EF" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "scopeCheck" | |
quid "3F60796C00E5" | |
type "ReferentialActionType" | |
quidu "3ED6717C0130" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "scopeChecked" | |
quid "3F6079870305" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "ReferenceDataType" | |
quid "3F12DAE001E9" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.9 Reference Types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F12DAFD0257" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ConstructedDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90F4001F0")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "ConstructedDataType" | |
quid "3FB90F4001F0" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data Types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FB90F5601FA" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::SQLDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90EE3009E")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "SQLDataType" | |
quid "3FB90EE3009E" | |
documentation "SQLDataType represents any non user defined data type. It was introduced because a TypedElement needs to distinguish between UDTs and non UDTs." | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FB90F3400D1" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DataType" | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "DataLinkDataType" | |
quid "400DFA2202A3" | |
documentation "Represents a link to a file/location outside the system. " | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "400DFA6603D7" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "length" | |
quid "40119FBB0307" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "linkControl" | |
quid "40119FE102DA" | |
type "LinkControlOption" | |
quidu "4011A0CF00C9" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "integrityControl" | |
quid "40119FEC00C3" | |
type "IntegrityControlOption" | |
quidu "4011A0EC0157" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "readPermission" | |
quid "40119FF30253" | |
type "ReadPermissionOption" | |
quidu "4011A10C015D" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "writePermission" | |
quid "40119FFD0063" | |
type "WritePermissionOption" | |
quidu "4011A11C01C4" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "recovery" | |
quid "4011A0040334" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "unlink" | |
quid "4011A0380126" | |
type "UnlinkOption" | |
quidu "4011A133025E" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "LinkControlOption" | |
quid "4011A0CF00C9" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "FILE_LINK_CONTROL" | |
quid "4011A151031F" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NO_FILE_LINK_CONTROL" | |
quid "4011A15C0112" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "IntegrityControlOption" | |
quid "4011A0EC0157" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "ALL" | |
quid "4011A18202ED" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "SELECTIVE" | |
quid "4011A18800A7" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NONE" | |
quid "4011A18E0254" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "ReadPermissionOption" | |
quid "4011A10C015D" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "FS" | |
quid "4011AF0503E5" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DB" | |
quid "4011AF0C0273" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "WritePermissionOption" | |
quid "4011A11C01C4" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "FS" | |
quid "4011AF86016A" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "ADMIN" | |
quid "4011AF8A0238" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "BLOCKED" | |
quid "4011AF8D03AF" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "UnlinkOption" | |
quid "4011A133025E" | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "RESTORE" | |
quid "4011AF5F033A" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "DELETE" | |
quid "4011AF63003D" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "NONE" | |
quid "4011AF660178" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "UserDefinedTypeOrdering" | |
quid "4022861B0225" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.7 User-defined types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "40228CC1001A" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "orderingForm" | |
quid "402286D1034A" | |
type "OrderingType" | |
quidu "3F4E4BBD02A6" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "orderingCategory" | |
quid "402286F80382" | |
type "OrderingCategoryType" | |
quidu "3F4E61750367" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "DateDataType" | |
quid "402BB4A400B0" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.6.1 Datetimes" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "402BB4B30333" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371"))) | |
(object Class "ExactNumericDataType" | |
quid "411AAB3A02CB" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.4 Numbers" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "411AADFE0323" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::NumericalDataType" | |
quidu "3F2693990310")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "scale" | |
quid "411AADEC01F1" | |
type "int" | |
exportControl "Public")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "ApproximateNumericDataType" | |
quid "411AAB530227" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.4 Numbers" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "411AAEC70368" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::NumericalDataType" | |
quidu "3F2693990310"))) | |
(object Class "IntegerDataType" | |
quid "411AAB6E00C7" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.4 Numbers" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "411AAEDF018C" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ExactNumericDataType" | |
quidu "411AAB3A02CB"))) | |
(object Class "XMLDataType" | |
quid "417C85910345" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data Types" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "417C85E60365" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371"))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0" | |
quid "3F266CD80049" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "characterSet" | |
quid "3F266CD90069" | |
label "characterSet" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterSet" | |
quidu "3F25755001A0" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1" | |
quid "3F266CD90078" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterStringDataType" | |
quidu "3F2186CB02E1" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$2" | |
quid "3F33AD6002DA" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "userDefinedTypes" | |
quid "3F33AD62005A" | |
label "userDefinedTypes" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "schema" | |
quid "3F33AD62006A" | |
label "schema" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$3" | |
quid "3F33AE7E01DB" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "charSets" | |
quid "3F33AE7F0073" | |
label "charSets" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterSet" | |
quidu "3F25755001A0" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "schema" | |
quid "3F33AE7F0083" | |
label "schema" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$4" | |
quid "3F33CC9A01AF" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "scopeTable" | |
quid "3F33CC9B00D4" | |
label "scopeTable" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$5" | |
quid "3F33CC9B00E4" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ReferenceDataType" | |
quidu "3F12DAE001E9" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$6" | |
quid "3F33D3CA01B5" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "referencedType" | |
quid "3F33D3CB0000" | |
label "referencedType" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$7" | |
quid "3F33D3CB0002" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ReferenceDataType" | |
quidu "3F12DAE001E9" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$8" | |
quid "3F33D68B03CE" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "fields" | |
quid "3F33D68C039F" | |
label "fields" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::Field" | |
quidu "3ED24C4E001D" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") | |
Constraints "ordered" | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$9" | |
quid "3F33D68C03AE" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::RowDataType" | |
quidu "3F12DAEF016C" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$10" | |
quid "3F37E9610117" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "element" | |
quid "3F37E96201F1" | |
label "element" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DataType" | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$11" | |
quid "3F37E9620201" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CollectionDataType" | |
quidu "3F12D9CF01F9" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$12" | |
quid "3F4E624701AC" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "predefinedRepresentation" | |
quid "3F4E6248015B" | |
label "predefinedRepresentation" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$13" | |
quid "3F4E6248016B" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DistinctUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44DD0126" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$14" | |
quid "3F4E654C00B4" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "super" | |
quid "3F4E654E038F" | |
label "super" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "sub" | |
quid "3F4E654E039F" | |
label "sub" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$15" | |
quid "3F54EF4800DC" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "attributes" | |
quid "3F54EF480349" | |
label "attributes" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::AttributeDefinition" | |
quidu "3F54EF2F0194" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Constraints "ordered" | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$16" | |
quid "3F54EF48034B" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$17" | |
quid "3FB91213025D" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "methods" | |
quid "3FB9121403DB" | |
label "methods" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Routines::Method" | |
quidu "411A8B5200D1" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$18" | |
quid "3FB9121403DD" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$19" | |
quid "40228D07033C" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "ordering" | |
quid "40228D080301" | |
label "ordering" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedTypeOrdering" | |
quidu "4022861B0225" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$20" | |
quid "40228D08030B" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$21" | |
quid "4022944002FF" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "orderingRoutine" | |
quid "4022944101D4" | |
label "orderingRoutine" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Routines::Routine" | |
quidu "3F3D36420226" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$22" | |
quid "4022944101F2" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedTypeOrdering" | |
quidu "4022861B0225")))) | |
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list | |
(object ClassDiagram "DataTypes" | |
quid "3F12D70F00A1" | |
title "DataTypes" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.1 Data types | |
| | |
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items (list diagram_item_list | |
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font (object Font | |
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::MultisetDataType" @2 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
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font (object Font | |
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Parent_View @2 | |
location (1624, 1982) | |
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quidu "3F12DA6600D0" | |
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Parent_View @3 | |
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" @4 | |
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Parent_View @4 | |
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::ReferenceType" @5 | |
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Parent_View @5 | |
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max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1..n" | |
pctDist 0.880633 | |
height 106 | |
orientation 0) | |
label (object SegLabel @14 | |
Parent_View @11 | |
location (315, 1048) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 3 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 170 | |
justify 0 | |
label "{ordered}" | |
pctDist 0.954933 | |
height 111 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::DataType" @15 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
ShowOperationSignature TRUE | |
location (1545, 617) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @15 | |
location (1424, 565) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 242 | |
justify 0 | |
label "DataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF" | |
width 260 | |
height 128 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CollectionDataType" @16 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1576, 1672) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @16 | |
location (1346, 1620) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 460 | |
justify 0 | |
label "CollectionDataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3F12D9CF01F9" | |
width 478 | |
height 128 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritView "" @17 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F12DA7002F3" | |
client @2 | |
supplier @16 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1813, 1970) | |
(1813, 1891) | |
(1568, 1891) | |
(1568, 1736)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1813, 1970) | |
terminal_attachment (1568, 1736)) | |
(object InheritView "" @18 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F12DA580014" | |
client @1 | |
supplier @16 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1272, 1966) | |
(1272, 1891) | |
(1568, 1891) | |
(1568, 1736)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1272, 1966) | |
terminal_attachment (1568, 1736)) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$10" @19 | |
location (1978, 1067) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F37E9610117" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "element" @20 | |
Parent_View @19 | |
location (650, -357) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @21 | |
Parent_View @20 | |
location (1647, 803) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 168 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-element" | |
pctDist 0.850575 | |
height 97 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F37E96201F1" | |
client @19 | |
supplier @15 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1978, 1067) | |
(1978, 1007) | |
(1550, 1007) | |
(1550, 681)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1978, 1067) | |
terminal_attachment (1550, 681) | |
label (object SegLabel @22 | |
Parent_View @20 | |
location (1503, 772) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1..n" | |
pctDist 0.889744 | |
height 48 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$11" @23 | |
Parent_View @19 | |
location (650, -357) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F37E9620201" | |
client @19 | |
supplier @16 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1978, 1067) | |
(1978, 1650) | |
(1815, 1650)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1978, 1067) | |
terminal_attachment (1815, 1650)))) | |
(object InheritView "" @24 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F38F4C800D1" | |
client @15 | |
supplier @4 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1543, 553) | |
terminal_attachment (1543, 365)) | |
(object NoteView @25 | |
location (1081, 2322) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @25 | |
location (943, 2262) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 240 | |
label "ordered collection") | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 300 | |
height 132) | |
(object NoteView @26 | |
location (1628, 2309) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @26 | |
location (1490, 2249) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 240 | |
label | |
|unordered | |
|collection | |
) | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 300 | |
height 132) | |
(object AttachView "" @27 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
client @25 | |
supplier @1 | |
line_style 0) | |
(object AttachView "" @28 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
client @26 | |
supplier @2 | |
line_style 0) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::PredefinedDataType" @29 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
location (998, 1239) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @29 | |
location (662, 1158) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 672 | |
justify 0 | |
label "PredefinedDataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3EDF9E550371" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @29 | |
location (662, 1219) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
fill_color 16777215 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 569) | |
width 690 | |
height 186 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::SQLDataType" @30 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1334, 952) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @30 | |
location (1168, 900) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 332 | |
justify 0 | |
label "SQLDataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3FB90EE3009E" | |
width 350 | |
height 128 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" @31 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
location (425, 356) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @31 | |
location (250, 281) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 350 | |
justify 0 | |
label "TypedElement") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071" | |
width 368 | |
height 174 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritView "" @32 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3ED2511800EF" | |
client @7 | |
supplier @31 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (441, 788) | |
terminal_attachment (441, 443)) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ConstructedDataType" @33 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1646, 1234) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @33 | |
location (1397, 1183) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 498 | |
justify 0 | |
label "ConstructedDataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3FB90F4001F0" | |
width 516 | |
height 126 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritTreeView "" @34 | |
location (1646, 1459) | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
supplier @33 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1646, 1459) | |
(1646, 1297))) | |
(object InheritView "" @35 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F12DAFB013D" | |
client @6 | |
supplier @33 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1028, 1575) | |
terminal_attachment (1028, 1459) | |
drawSupplier @34) | |
(object InheritView "" @36 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FB90F3400D1" | |
client @30 | |
supplier @15 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1423, 887) | |
terminal_attachment (1423, 680)) | |
(object InheritView "" @37 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33B2630206" | |
client @16 | |
supplier @33 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1559, 1608) | |
terminal_attachment (1559, 1459) | |
drawSupplier @34) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" @38 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2362, 912) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @38 | |
location (2162, 860) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 400 | |
justify 0 | |
label "UserDefinedType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
width 418 | |
height 128 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AttachView "" @39 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
client @38 | |
supplier @3 | |
line_style 0) | |
(object InheritView "" @40 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3EDF9E9C001D" | |
client @38 | |
supplier @15 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2153, 913) | |
(1660, 913) | |
(1660, 681)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2153, 913) | |
terminal_attachment (1660, 681)) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" @41 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
ShowOperationSignature TRUE | |
location (2346, 2110) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @41 | |
location (2233, 2035) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 226 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Table") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
width 244 | |
height 174 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" @42 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2428, 1260) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @42 | |
location (2096, 1154) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 664 | |
justify 0 | |
label "StructuredUserDefinedType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @42 | |
location (2096, 1215) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
fill_color 16777215 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 3 | |
max_width 563) | |
width 682 | |
height 236 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::ReferenceDataType" @43 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
ShowOperationSignature TRUE | |
location (2292, 1673) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @43 | |
location (2061, 1621) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 462 | |
justify 0 | |
label "ReferenceDataType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3F12DAE001E9" | |
width 480 | |
height 128 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritView "" @44 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F12DAFD0257" | |
client @43 | |
supplier @33 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2103, 1609) | |
terminal_attachment (2103, 1459) | |
drawSupplier @34) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$4" @45 | |
location (2321, 1879) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33CC9A01AF" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$5" @46 | |
Parent_View @45 | |
location (-19, -247) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @47 | |
Parent_View @46 | |
location (2280, 1765) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
hidden TRUE | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 450 | |
justify 0 | |
label "" | |
pctDist 0.800000 | |
height 42 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33CC9B00E4" | |
client @45 | |
supplier @43 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2321, 1879) | |
terminal_attachment (2321, 1737)) | |
(object RoleView "scopeTable" @48 | |
Parent_View @45 | |
location (-19, -247) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @49 | |
Parent_View @48 | |
location (2462, 1994) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 232 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-scopeTable" | |
pctDist 0.804196 | |
height 141 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33CC9B00D4" | |
client @45 | |
supplier @41 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2321, 1879) | |
terminal_attachment (2321, 2022) | |
label (object SegLabel @50 | |
Parent_View @48 | |
location (2268, 1991) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.791412 | |
height 54 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$6" @51 | |
location (2378, 1493) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33D3CA01B5" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "referencedType" @52 | |
Parent_View @51 | |
location (298, 341) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @53 | |
Parent_View @52 | |
location (2538, 1415) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 298 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-referencedType" | |
pctDist 0.672414 | |
height 160 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33D3CB0000" | |
client @51 | |
supplier @42 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2378, 1493) | |
terminal_attachment (2378, 1377) | |
label (object SegLabel @54 | |
Parent_View @52 | |
location (2341, 1420) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 34 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.629310 | |
height 37 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$7" @55 | |
Parent_View @51 | |
location (298, 341) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33D3CB0002" | |
client @51 | |
supplier @43 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2378, 1493) | |
terminal_attachment (2378, 1609)))) | |
(object InheritView "" @56 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4E452201D4" | |
client @42 | |
supplier @38 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2363, 1141) | |
terminal_attachment (2363, 976)) | |
(object InheritTreeView "" @57 | |
location (1334, 1106) | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
supplier @30 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1334, 1106) | |
(1334, 1016))) | |
(object InheritView "" @58 | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FB90F5601FA" | |
client @33 | |
supplier @30 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1478, 1171) | |
terminal_attachment (1478, 1106) | |
drawSupplier @57) | |
(object InheritView "" @59 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FB90F2302E1" | |
client @29 | |
supplier @30 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (997, 1146) | |
terminal_attachment (997, 1106) | |
drawSupplier @57))) | |
(object ClassDiagram "CharacterStringTypes" | |
quid "3F257126001F" | |
title "CharacterStringTypes" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.2 Character strings | |
| | |
zoom 100 | |
max_height 28350 | |
max_width 21600 | |
origin_x 0 | |
origin_y 1377 | |
items (list diagram_item_list | |
(object NoteView @60 | |
location (350, 1790) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @60 | |
location (90, 1543) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 9 | |
max_width 484 | |
label | |
|fixedLength = True for | |
| | |
|fixedLength = False for | |
|CLOB, | |
) | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 544 | |
height 506) | |
(object NoteView @61 | |
location (1221, 1355) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @61 | |
location (918, 1230) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 5 | |
max_width 571 | |
label "CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB have definable CharacterSet. National character types have implementation defined CharacterSet.") | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 631 | |
height 263) | |
(object NoteView @62 | |
location (340, 1396) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @62 | |
location (65, 1331) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 515 | |
label "length = fixed length or max length (for variable length)") | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 575 | |
height 143) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CoercibilityType" @63 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1129, 1801) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @63 | |
location (919, 1667) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 420 | |
justify 0 | |
label "CoercibilityType") | |
stereotype (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @63 | |
location (919, 1617) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 10 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 420 | |
justify 0 | |
label "<<enumeration>>") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 15329769 | |
quidu "3F25799E0108" | |
width 438 | |
height 392 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object NoteView @64 | |
location (1826, 1789) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @64 | |
location (1582, 1708) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 3 | |
max_width 452 | |
label "NO_COLLATION means the string doesn't have a current default Collation") | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 512 | |
height 174) | |
(object AttachView "" @65 | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
client @64 | |
supplier @63 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1569, 1789) | |
terminal_attachment (1348, 1789)) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterStringDataType" @66 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (406, 1045) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @66 | |
location (70, 889) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 672 | |
justify 0 | |
label "CharacterStringDataType") | |
icon_style "Label" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3F2186CB02E1" | |
width 690 | |
height 336 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterSet" @67 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
ShowOperationSignature TRUE | |
location (1814, 1048) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @67 | |
location (1536, 917) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 556 | |
justify 0 | |
label "CharacterSet") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3F25755001A0" | |
width 574 | |
height 286 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @68 | |
location (1139, 1056) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F266CD80049" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "characterSet" @69 | |
Parent_View @68 | |
location (227, 720) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @70 | |
Parent_View @69 | |
location (1390, 1018) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 256 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-characterSet" | |
pctDist 0.649616 | |
height 39 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F266CD90069" | |
client @68 | |
supplier @67 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1139, 1056) | |
terminal_attachment (1527, 1056) | |
label (object SegLabel @71 | |
Parent_View @69 | |
location (1474, 1094) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 34 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.864450 | |
height 38 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @72 | |
Parent_View @68 | |
location (227, 720) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @73 | |
Parent_View @72 | |
location (992, 1112) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
hidden TRUE | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 297 | |
justify 0 | |
label "" | |
pctDist 0.379182 | |
height 56 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F266CD90078" | |
client @68 | |
supplier @66 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1139, 1056) | |
terminal_attachment (751, 1056)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" @74 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1619, 579) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @74 | |
location (1482, 501) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 274 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Schema") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
width 292 | |
height 180 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$3" @75 | |
location (1629, 787) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
quidu "3F33AE7E01DB" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "charSets" @76 | |
Parent_View @75 | |
location (205, 595) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @77 | |
Parent_View @76 | |
location (1530, 874) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 186 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-charSets" | |
pctDist 0.745763 | |
height 100 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AE7F0073" | |
client @75 | |
supplier @67 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1629, 787) | |
terminal_attachment (1629, 905) | |
label (object SegLabel @78 | |
Parent_View @76 | |
location (1684, 868) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.694915 | |
height 55 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "schema" @79 | |
Parent_View @75 | |
location (205, 595) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @80 | |
Parent_View @79 | |
location (1530, 702) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 168 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-schema" | |
pctDist 0.720339 | |
height 100 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AE7F0083" | |
client @75 | |
supplier @74 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1629, 787) | |
terminal_attachment (1629, 669) | |
label (object SegLabel @81 | |
Parent_View @79 | |
location (1677, 715) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 34 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.618644 | |
height 48 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" @82 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
location (1882, 171) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @82 | |
location (1650, 42) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 464 | |
justify 0 | |
label "SQLObject") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B" | |
width 482 | |
height 282 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritView "" @83 | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4E47750293" | |
client @67 | |
supplier @82 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2012, 904) | |
terminal_attachment (2012, 311)) | |
(object InheritView "" @84 | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |