blob: 6820666cc111c05b5fdbca72d5b84e6f6b7c9735 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Actuate Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
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<h2>Package Specification</h2>
The Query-Text utilities serves as parsers that extract infomation from
the saved query-text
<br>The standard format of the query text supported is specified below:
<b>SELECT "</b>originalColumn1<b>"</b> [<b>AS</b> alias1] [<b>,"</b>originalColumn2<b>"</b> [<b>AS</b> alias2]]... [<b>,"</b>originalColumnN<b>"</b> [<b>AS</b> aliasN]] <b>FROM</b> tableName</li>
[ <b>: { "</b>columnName1<b>", "</b>originalColumn1<b>"</b><b> ,</b>DataType [<b>;"</b>columnName2<b>","</b>originalColumn2<b>",</b>DataType]... [<b>;"</b>columnNameN<b>", "</b>originalColumnN<b>",</b>DataType]<b>}</b>]
<br>An example of the specification above is shown below:
<b>SELECT</b> "A", "B" <b>FROM</b> table : {"a","A",STRING; "b","B",DATE}
<li><i>A</i> and <i>B</i> are the original column names specified in the flatfile or
<br>generated by the flatfile driver if there is no column name line in flatfile </li>
<li><i>:</i> in the query-text is the delimiter that seperates the query and the
<br>columns information, and this <i>:</i> should never be double quoted or escaped by <i>\</i></li>
<li>The string between <i>{</i> and <i>}</i> is the saved columns information.
<br>The information of all saved columns is separated by a <i>semicolon</i>,
<br>and the information of each column is separated by a <i>comma</i>
<br><i>i.e.</i><i> a</i> is the defined column name of the original column name <i>A</i>,
<br>and they all should be double quoted, <i>STRING</i> is the data type of this column</li>
<li><b>NOTE:</b> All the delimiters of the query-text: <i><b>:</b></i> , <i><b>;</b></i> , <i><b>{</b></i> , <i><b>}</b></i>
should never be double quoted, unless they are part of the columns information or the query</li>