blob: 32a63bf82de81d590d3084bd3b94647461660dff [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2012 Actuate Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Exception messages for the Oda Flat File Driver
connection_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES_MISSING=Connection properties are missing.
connection_CANNOT_OPEN_FLAT_FILE_DB_DIR=Cannot open flat file home folder:
connection_CANNOT_OPEN_FLAT_FILE_URI=Cannot open flat file from URI <{0}>, because: <{1}>.
connection_MISSING_FILELOCATION=Missing required connection properties: a valid home folder or the URI for local/remote flat file.
connection_MISSING_HOMEFOLDER=Missing required connection properties: Home folder for local flat files
connection_MISSING_FILEURI=Missing required connection properties: File URI for remote flat file.
query_COMMAND_IS_EMPTY=Query command is empty.
query_DO_NOT_SUPPORT_CROSS_TABLE_QUERY=Cross-table query is not supported.
query_COMMAND_NOT_VALID=Query command is not valid.
query_ARGUMENT_ERROR=The argument should be either 'NAME' or 'TYPE'.
query_IO_EXCEPTION=An I/O Exception occurred when reading the file.
query_SOURCE_DATA_ERROR=Duplicate column names found in source data.
query_COLUMN_NAME_ERROR=Column name error
query_INVALID_FLAT_FILE=The flatfile data source is not valid. Please use trailing null columns to disable column number validation.
query_text_error=Query-text format error
resultSet_COLUMN_NOT_FOUND=Column not found:
resultSet_CURSOR_HAS_NOT_BEEN_INITIALIZED=Cursor has not been initialized yet.
resultSetMetaData_INVALID_COLUMN_INDEX=Invalid column index:
savedSelectedColumnsInfoString_INVALID=Invalid Saved Columns Information
dataTypes_TYPE_NAME_INVALID=Invalid type name:
dataSetMetaData_PRODUCT_NAME=DTP ODA Flat File Data Source Provider
common_ARGUMENT_CANNOT_BE_NULL=Arguments cannot be null.
common_CONNECTION_HAS_NOT_OPEN=Connection is not open.
common_CANNOT_FIND_COLUMN=Cannot find any columns.
common_NULL_QUERY_TEXT = Query text is null
data_read_error=Cannot read data correctly, data source settings probably changed
Invalid_column_name = Invaid column name
invalid_flatfile_format = Invalid flat file format
query_streamClosed=Stream closed
query_invalidTableName=Invalid table name:
dateUtil.ConvertFails=Convert to date fails. Source:
dateFormatISO_cannotConvert=Cannot convert the value of {0}.