| # |
| #************************************************************************ |
| # Copyright (c) 2006, 2012 Actuate Corporation. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # |
| #************************************************************************ |
| # |
| wizard.title.selectColumns=Select Columns |
| wizard.defaultMessage.selectFile=Select the file and the columns for the data set. |
| wizard.WizardTitle.DEFAULT_MESSAGE=Select a folder that contains the flat files or enter an URI for the flat file. |
| |
| FolderSelectionPageHelper.SelectFolderDialog.Title=Select a folder that contains the flat files or enter an URI for the flat file. |
| |
| label.selectFolder=S&elect home folder: |
| label.fileURI=Enter file &URI: |
| lable.fileURI.tooltip=Enter a URI for the file or select a local file. |
| label.selectFile=Select f&ile: |
| label.fileFilter=File filte&r: |
| label.includeTypeLine=Use second line as &data type indicator. |
| label.includeColumnNameLine = Use first line &as column name indicator. |
| label.selectCharset=Select &charset: |
| label.selectFlatfileStyle=Select flatfile &style: |
| label.flatfileComma=CSV |
| label.flatfileSemicolon=SSV |
| label.flatfilePipe=PSV |
| label.flatfileTab=TSV |
| label.trailNull=Use trailing nu&ll columns. |
| |
| button.selectFolder.browse=B&rowse... |
| button.selectFileURI.browse=B&rowse... |
| button.selectFileURI.menuItem.relativePath=&Relative path |
| button.selectFileURI.menuItem.absolutePath=&Absolute path |
| button.selectFileURI.browse.tooltips=Select a local file URI. |
| button.moveUp=&Up |
| button.moveDown=Do&wn |
| button.delete=D&elete |
| |
| editor.title.name=Name |
| editor.title.originalName=Original Name |
| editor.title.type=Type |
| |
| |
| datatypes.dateTime=Date Time |
| datatypes.decimal=Decimal |
| datatypes.float=Float |
| datatypes.integer=Integer |
| datatypes.string=String |
| datatypes.date=Date |
| datatypes.time=Time |
| datatypes.boolean=Boolean |
| |
| tooltip.flatfilestyle=Move the mouse to each flat file style for more infomation. |
| tooltip.csv=Comma-{ , } Seperated Values |
| tooltip.ssv=Semicolon-{ ; } Seperated Values |
| tooltip.psv=Pipe-{ | } Seperated Values |
| tooltip.tsv=Tab-{ Tab } Seperated Values |
| tooltip.columnnameline=Please make sure the existence of column names\n in the first row of the selected file. |
| tooltip.typeline=Please make sure the existence of data type line\n in the second row of the selected file. |
| tooltip.button.add=Add all the selected columns from the left table to the flat file data set. |
| tooltip.button.AddAll=Add all the available columns from the left table to the flat file data set. |
| tooltip.button.remove=Remove the selected item(s). |
| tooltip.button.RemoveAll=Clear all the selected items. |
| tooltip.button.up=Move up the selected item. |
| tooltip.button.down=Move down the selected item. |
| tooltip.button.delete=Delete the selected item. |
| tooltip.trailNull=Use trailing null columns when reading lines of data. |
| error.selectFolder=Please select a valid folder. |
| error.selectColumns=Please select at least one column for this data set. |
| error.emptyPath=Please enter a path. |
| error.unexpectedError=An unexpected error happened. |
| error.invalidConnectionFilePath=The specified connection profile source path, "{0}", does not exist. |
| error.invalidFlatFilePath=Invalid flat file data source path. Please correct the connection profile. |
| error.emptyFolderPath=Please select a folder that contains the flat files. |
| error.emptyFileURIPath=Please enter the URI or select a source flat file. |
| error.errorExist=Error exists in the current page. Would you like to save it anyway? |
| error.noCSVFiles=The folder, "{0}", does not have any specified files in it. |
| error.invalidFilePath=The file path is invalid. Would you like to continue? |
| error.emptyFilePath=The file path is empty. Would you like to continue? |
| error.duplicatedNameValueOrEmpty=Duplicated Name Value or Empty |
| error.invalidSavedColumnsInfo = Invalid saved Columns Info |
| error.invalidColumnName=Invalid Column Name |
| error.invalidQureyText=Invalid Query-Text |
| error.invalidURIPath=The URI entered is invalid. |
| error.URIConnectionFailure=Cannot open connection to the URI resource. |
| |
| |
| title.warning=Warning |
| warning.fileExtensionInvalid=The selected file might not be a valid flat file. |
| confirm.reselectFileFilterTitle=Confirm to select a different file filter. |
| confirm.reselectFileFilterMessage=Selecting a different file filter will leave previous operations unsaved.\n\nAre you sure? |
| |
| confirm.reselectFileNameTitle=Confirm to select a different flat file. |
| confirm.reselectFileNameMessage=Do you want to preserve the columns selection the same as the current definition? |
| warning.columnNotExist=The selected column "{0}" does not exist! |
| |
| fileURIChanged.warning.reselectColumnsTitle=File URI in the data source is changed. |
| fileURIChanged.warning.reselectColumnsMessage=File URI in the data source is changed!\nPlease select columns again. |
| Connection.warning.untested=Please test connection before saving this data source profile. |
| Connection.error.invalidPath=No valid flat file locations found. |
| Connection.error.invalidHomeFolder=Invalid flat file home folder <{0}>. |
| Connection.error.invalidFileURI=Invalid flat file URI path <{0}>. |
| |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.label.columnName=&Column Name: |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.label.originalName=Original Name: |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.label.dataType=&Data Type: |
| |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.MenuItem.remove=Remove |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.MenuItem.removeAll=Remove All |
| |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.error.selectColumn.EmptyName=The column name cannot be empty! |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.error.selectColumn.duplicatedFileName=The specified column name is duplicated! |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.error.selectColumn.NoColumnSelected=At least one column should be selected. |
| FileSelectionWizardPage.error.selectColumn.numberName=Column Name can not be a number. |
| |
| RelativeFileSelectionDialog.Title.SelectFile=Select File |