| # package: com.sybase.suade.servers.sample.jdbc |
| NewConnectionProfileWizard.title = New JDBC Connection Profile |
| NewConnectionProfileWizard.error.title = Error Creating New JDBC Connection Profile |
| NewConnectionProfileWizard.error.msg = An exception occurred while creating a new JDBC connection profile. |
| |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.title = Specify a Driver and Connection Details |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.msg = Select a driver from the drop-down and provide login details for the connection. |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.driverCombo.label = Drivers: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.databaseName.label = Database: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.url.label = URL: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.PingButton=Test connection |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.userName.label = User name: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.password.label = Password: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.persistpassword.label = Save password |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.optionalProps.label = Optional properties: |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.summary.driverName.label = Driver name |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.summary.connProps.label = Connection properties |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.summary.userName.label = User name |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.summary.password.label = Password |
| GenericDBProfileDetailsWizardPage.summary.url.label = URL |
| |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.Milliseconds=\ milli(s) |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.StatusTitle=JDBCConnectionUtils |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.TimeoutInXMilliSecondsMsg=Login timeout in |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.AttemptToConnectMessage=Attempting to connect... |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.DBConnectAttemptJob=Database Connection Attempt |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.ClassNotFoundStatus=Could not load class: |
| JDBCConnectionUtils.ConnectionTimeoutMessage=Connection timed out. |
| |
| JDBCConnection.technologyName = JDBC |
| JDBCConnection.error.DriverNotExist = Driver does not exist. |
| JDBCConnection.error.EmptyJarList = Empty jar list in driver definition. |