blob: 904260eaf6c8ef7056c2e684e8fc8f4f8ff115f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2009 Actuate Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
//import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.filter.Expression;
* The base query interface to
* prepare and execute a query text to retrieve data.
* This base interface covers most basic query capabilities,
* such as returning data rows in a single result set, and
* may support scalar input parameters.
* <p>
* Note: An IQuery object must <b>always</b> be prepared before
* it can be executed. For example:
* <p>
* <code>
* query.prepare( "SELECT * FROM TABLE" );<br>
* // prepare succeeded, no exception was thrown <br>
* query.executeQuery();</pre>
* </code>
* <p>
* An input parameter may be referenced by name or position.
* <br>
* The case-sensitivity of a name is implementation-dependent.
* All indices in this interface are 1-based.
public interface IQuery
* Performs necessary checks to determine whether the query text
* is of a valid format supported by this IQuery implementation.
* @param queryText a query text to prepare or pre-compile;
* it cannot be null.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void prepare( String queryText ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the query context passed through from an application.
* Its handling is specific to individual driver implementation.
* The context argument could be null. The method may be called
* by an ODA consumer application with a null argument,
* i.e. passing a null context object to this instance,
* only if a non-null context was previously passed through to
* the same instance.
* <br>
* <b>Note:</b> This method should be called before prepare().
* <br>An optional method.
* If any part of the context is not recognized by the driver,
* it should simply ignore, and not throw an exception.
* @param context Application context object of this instance.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.0
public void setAppContext( Object context ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the named property with the specified value.
* Multiple calls using the same property name may be allowed
* to assign multiple values to the same property.
* Its handling is specific to individual driver implementation.
* If a property name is not recognized by the driver,
* it should simply ignore, and not throw an exception.
* <br>Each ODA extension property defined for a data set
* triggers an ODA consumer to call this method
* with corresponding property value, which may be null.
* An ODA consumer does not distinguish whether a property value
* is not set or explicitly set to null.
* Its handling is specific to individual driver implementation.
* <br>
* <b>Note:</b> This method should be called after {@link #prepare(String)}, and
* before {@link #executeQuery()} or other extended execution method(s).
* <br>An optional method.
* @param name name of the property.
* @param value value to assign to the named property; may be null.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setProperty( String name, String value ) throws OdaException;
* Attempts to close this IQuery.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void close() throws OdaException;
* Specifies the maximum number of rows that can be fetched from
* the query's result set(s).
* <br>An optional method.
* @param max the maximum number of rows that can be fetched from each
* result set of this IQuery; zero means there is no limit.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setMaxRows( int max ) throws OdaException;
* Returns the maximum number of rows that can be fetched from
* the query's result set(s).
* <br>An optional method.
* @return the maximum number of rows that can be fetched from each
* result set of this IQuery; zero means there is no limit.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public int getMaxRows() throws OdaException;
* Returns the metadata of the current result set for this prepared IQuery.
* This can be called only after prepare(). If the method is called before
* the IQuery is executed, the returned metadata refers to its first result
* set.
* @return an IResultSetMetaData object.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public IResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws OdaException;
* Executes the query's prepared query text and returns
* a single IResultSet object.
* <b>Note:</b> This should only be called after prepare().
* @return an IResultSet object.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public IResultSet executeQuery() throws OdaException;
* An optional method to clear the current input parameter values immediately.
* <p>
* In general, input parameter values remain in force for repeated use of a
* query. Setting a parameter value automatically clears its previous value.
* However, to reset all the parameters to their default values without
* explicitly setting new values, use this method.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException
* if this operation is not supported
public void clearInParameters() throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given integer value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value integer value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setInt( String parameterName, int value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given integer value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value integer value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setInt( int parameterId, int value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given double value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value double value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setDouble( String parameterName, double value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given double value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value double value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setDouble( int parameterId, double value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given decimal value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value decimal value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setBigDecimal( String parameterName, BigDecimal value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given decimal value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value decimal value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setBigDecimal( int parameterId, BigDecimal value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given string value.
* An ODA runtime driver may or may not support setString() on a non-String
* type parameter.
* The format of the string parameter is implementation-dependent.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value string value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setString( String parameterName, String value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given string value.
* An ODA runtime driver may or may not support setString() on a non-String
* type parameter.
* The format of the string parameter is implementation-dependent.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value string value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setString( int parameterId, String value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Date value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value the java.sql.Date value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setDate( String parameterName, Date value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Date value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value the java.sql.Date value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setDate( int parameterId, Date value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Time value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value the java.sql.Time value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setTime( String parameterName, Time value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Time value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value the java.sql.Time value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setTime( int parameterId, Time value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Timestamp value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value the java.sql.Timestamp value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setTimestamp( String parameterName, Timestamp value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given Timestamp value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value the java.sql.Timestamp value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setTimestamp( int parameterId, Timestamp value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @param value boolean value.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.1
public void setBoolean( String parameterName, boolean value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @param value boolean value
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.1
public void setBoolean(int parameterId, boolean value ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to a null value.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.1
public void setNull( String parameterName ) throws OdaException;
* Sets the designated parameter to a null value.
* @param parameterId id of the parameter (1-based).
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.1
public void setNull( int parameterId ) throws OdaException;
* Returns the 1-based index of the specified input parameter.
* @param parameterName name of the parameter.
* @return index of the parameter.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public int findInParameter( String parameterName ) throws OdaException;
* Returns the count, data types, and other metadata attributes
* of the parameters defined in this prepared IQuery object.
* Its implementation is required for ODA runtime drivers.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This should only be called after prepare() is called.
* @return an IParameterMetaData object that contains information about
* this prepared IQuery object's parameters.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public IParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws OdaException;
* Specifies the sort specification for this <code>IQuery</code>.
* This method must be called before this <code>IQuery</code> is executed
* or before {@link IAdvancedQuery#getMoreResults()} is called.
* More sort keys can be added to the SortSpec after
* it is associated with the query.
* The final sort specification is then applied
* to subsequent result set(s) at execution.
* <p>
* It is up to individual ODA runtme drivers to validate the type of sort specification
* that are acceptable to its data provider, based on its level
* of dynamic sorting support.
* An <code>OdaException</code> should be thrown if the specified sort
* specification is not valid or not supported by the driver.
* @param sortBy the sort specification assigned to this <code>IQuery</code>.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public void setSortSpec( SortSpec sortBy ) throws OdaException;
* Returns the sort specification associated with this <code>IQuery</code>.
* @return the <code>SortSpec</code> assigned to this <code>IQuery</code>;
* <code>null</code> if no <code>SortSpec</code> was explicitly set.
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
public SortSpec getSortSpec() throws OdaException;
* <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.
* Sets the filter specification to use in preparing this query.
* <b>Note:</b> This method must be called before {@link #prepare(String)}.
* @param filterExpr a filter {@link Expression} with associated variable
* and argument values, as appropriate
* @throws OdaException if data source error occurs
* @since 3.2 (DTP 1.7)
// public void setFilterSpec( Expression filterExpr ) throws OdaException;
* <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.
* Gets the current effective filter specification of this query.
* It may have been specified explicitly by {@link #setFilterSpec(Expression)}, or
* implicitly based on pre-defined filter described by the query text
* prepared in {@link #prepare(String)}.
* @return the currently effective filter specification
* @since 3.2 (DTP 1.7)
// public Expression getFilterSpec();
* <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.
* Gets the current effective query text prepared by {@link #prepare(String)}.
* The effective query text may have been adjusted to include
* this IQuery's specification, such as the filter and sort specifications.
* @return the current effective query text,
* or null if no query text is effective or available
* @since 3.2 (DTP 1.7)
// public String getEffectiveQueryText();