blob: 736972b10cb0d22b87574a1a2b22097a88a5effd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2009 Actuate Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.IConnectionProfile;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.IParameterMetaData;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.IResultSetMetaData;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.OdaException;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.filter.manifest.ExpressionDefinition;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.filter.manifest.FilterExpressionExplorer;
import org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.profile.OdaProfileExplorer;
* An utility class to help an ODA host designer or
* an ODA driver's customized designer to manipulate
* ODA Design API objects during an ODA design session.
public class DesignSessionUtil extends DesignSessionUtilBase
// logging variable
private static final String sm_className = DesignSessionUtil.class.getName();
// class has static methods only; no need to instantiate
private DesignSessionUtil()
* Creates an ODA design property collection for the data source public properties
* defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest. Their corresponding values
* are specified in the given Properties collection.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA extension data source element ID
* @param utilProps, such as those collected from a connection profile
* @return ODA design public property collection for inclusion
* in an OdaDesignSession's Data Source Design
* @throws OdaException
public static Properties createDataSourcePublicProperties(
String odaDataSourceId,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
throws OdaException
// first get the public property definition in the ODA driver's runtime plugin manifest
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns =
getDataSourcePublicPropertiesDefn( odaDataSourceId );
return createPublicProperties( publicPropDefns, utilProps );
* Creates an ODA design property collection for the data set public properties
* defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest. Their corresponding values
* are specified in the given Properties collection.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA extension data source element ID
* @param odaDataSetId an ODA extension data set element id;
* may be null if the associated data source extension
* supports only one type of data set
* @param utilProps collection of property name and value pairs
* @return ODA design public property collection for inclusion
* in an OdaDesignSession's Data Set Design
* @throws OdaException
public static Properties createDataSetPublicProperties(
String odaDataSourceId, String odaDataSetId,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
throws OdaException
// first get the public property definition in the ODA driver's runtime plugin manifest
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns =
getDataSetPublicPropertiesDefn( odaDataSourceId, odaDataSetId );
return createPublicProperties( publicPropDefns, utilProps );
* Convert specified public properties defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest,
* and corresponding values specified in the given Properties collection
* into an ODA design property collection.
* @param publicPropDefns public properties defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest
* @param utilProps collection of property name and value pairs
* @return converted collection of ODA design public properties
public static Properties createPublicProperties(
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
if( publicPropDefns == null || publicPropDefns.length == 0 )
return null; // nothing to convert
// create a new design Properties collection
Properties designProps =
// for each defined public property name, get its corresponding
// value in the specified utilProps, and create design property
// with the name and value in an oda design property collection
for( int i = 0; i < publicPropDefns.length; i++ )
String propName = publicPropDefns[i].getName();
String propValue = ( utilProps != null ) ?
utilProps.getProperty( propName ) : null;
designProps.setProperty( propName, propValue );
return designProps;
* Creates an ODA design property collection for those given data source properties
* that are not defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest.
* These are properties that are not publicly defined.
* Their corresponding values
* are collected from the given property collection.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA extension data source element ID
* @param utilProps a java.util.Properties collection,
* such as those collected from a connection profile
* @return ODA design non-public property collection for inclusion
* in an OdaDesignSession's Data Source Design
* @throws OdaException
public static Properties createDataSourceNonPublicProperties(
String odaDataSourceId,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
throws OdaException
// first get the public property definition in the ODA driver's runtime plugin manifest
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns =
getDataSourcePublicPropertiesDefn( odaDataSourceId );
return createNonPublicProperties( publicPropDefns, utilProps );
* Creates an ODA design property collection for those given data set properties
* that are not defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest.
* These are properties that are not publicly defined.
* Their corresponding values
* are collected from the given property collection.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA extension data source element ID
* @param odaDataSetId an ODA extension data set element id;
* may be null if the associated data source extension
* supports only one type of data set
* @param utilProps a java.util.Properties collection,
* such as those collected from a connection profile
* @return ODA design non-public property collection for inclusion
* in an OdaDesignSession's Data Source Design
* @throws OdaException
public static Properties createDataSetNonPublicProperties(
String odaDataSourceId, String odaDataSetId,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
throws OdaException
// first get the public property definition in the ODA driver's runtime plugin manifest
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns =
getDataSetPublicPropertiesDefn( odaDataSourceId, odaDataSetId );
return createNonPublicProperties( publicPropDefns, utilProps );
* Convert given Properties collection that are not defined as
* public properties in an ODA runtime extension manifest,
* into an ODA design property collection.
* @param publicPropDefns public properties defined in an ODA runtime extension manifest
* @param utilProps a java.util.Properties collection,
* such as those collected from a connection profile
* @return converted collection of ODA design non-public properties
public static Properties createNonPublicProperties(
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.oda.util.manifest.Property[] publicPropDefns,
java.util.Properties utilProps )
Properties designProps = null;
// for each given property name-value pair, whose name is not
// defined as a public property in the manifest,
// create corresponding design property with the name and value
Iterator iter = utilProps.keySet().iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() )
String utilPropName = (String);
boolean isPublicProp = false;
for( int i = 0; i < publicPropDefns.length; i++ )
if( utilPropName.equalsIgnoreCase(
publicPropDefns[i].getName() ))
isPublicProp = true;
if( isPublicProp )
continue; // skip public property
// create a new design Properties collection for the non-public property
if( designProps == null )
designProps = DesignFactory.eINSTANCE.createProperties();
String propValue = utilProps.getProperty( utilPropName );
designProps.setProperty( utilPropName, propValue );
return designProps;
* A convenience method to create a new DesignSessionRequest instance
* that contains a new data source design with the specified design attributes.
* @param odaDataSourceId the ODA data source extension id
* @param newDataSourceName an unique name to identify the data source design instance
* @param newDataSourceDisplayName display name of the data source design; may be null
* @param applResourceBaseURI the base URI of general purpose resources of an ODA consumer application; may be null
* @param designResourceBaseURI the base URI of design resources of an ODA consumer application; may be null
* @return a new DesignSessionRequest instance with the specified data source design attributes
* @throws OdaException if specified argument(s) are invalid
* @since 3.0.7
public static DesignSessionRequest createNewDataSourceRequest(
String odaDataSourceId,
String newDataSourceName,
String newDataSourceDisplayName,
URI applResourceBaseURI,
URI designResourceBaseURI )
throws OdaException
return DesignSessionUtilBase.createNewDataSourceRequest( odaDataSourceId,
newDataSourceName, newDataSourceDisplayName, applResourceBaseURI, designResourceBaseURI );
// TODO - Expose as API method for client to create a request for use
// with DataSourceDesignSession#startNewDesignFromProfile
// public static DesignSessionRequest createNewDataSourceProfileRequest(
// URI applResourceBaseURI,
// URI designResourceBaseURI )
// {
// return DesignSessionUtilBase.createNewDataSourceProfileRequest(
// applResourceBaseURI, designResourceBaseURI );
// }
* A convenience method to assign the specified resource base URI(s) to the specified data source design.
* @param dataSourceDesign a data source design instance
* @param applResourceBaseURI the base URI of general purpose resources of an ODA consumer application; may be null
* @param designResourceBaseURI the base URI of design resources of an ODA consumer application; may be null
* @throws NullPointerException if dataSourceDesign argument is null
* @since 3.0.7
public static void setDataSourceResourceIdentifiers(
DataSourceDesign dataSourceDesign, URI applResourceBaseURI, URI designResourceBaseURI )
DesignSessionUtilBase.setDataSourceResourceIdentifiers( dataSourceDesign, applResourceBaseURI, designResourceBaseURI );
* Creates a new OdaDesignSession instance with a session
* request that contains a new data set design of
* the specified name and odaDataSetId,
* associated with the specified data source design instance.
* @param newDataSetName a unique name that identifies a data set
* design instance
* @param odaDataSetId an ODA data set element id;
* may be null if the associated data source extension
* supports only one type of data set
* @param dataSourceDesign the associated data source design instance
* @return a new OdaDesignSession instance with a session
* request of the specified design attributes
* @throws OdaException if specified arguments are invalid
public static OdaDesignSession createNewDataSetRequestSession(
String newDataSetName,
String odaDataSetId,
DataSourceDesign dataSourceDesign )
throws OdaException
return DesignSessionUtilBase.createNewDataSetRequestSession(
newDataSetName, odaDataSetId, dataSourceDesign );
* Returns the connection profile instance externally referenced,
* i.e. linked, by the given data source design.
* @param dataSourceDesign
* @return linked connection profile instance, or null
* if no external profile is referenced
* @throws OdaException if referenced connection profile is not found
public static IConnectionProfile getLinkedProfile( DataSourceDesign dataSourceDesign )
throws OdaException
if( ! dataSourceDesign.hasLinkToProfile() )
return null;
String linkedProfileName = dataSourceDesign.getLinkedProfileName();
IConnectionProfile profile = OdaProfileExplorer.getInstance()
.getProfileByName( linkedProfileName,
dataSourceDesign.getLinkedProfileStoreFile() );
if( profile == null ) // not found
throw new OdaException(
Messages.bind( Messages.designSession_invalidProfileNameOrFilePath,
linkedProfileName, dataSourceDesign.getLinkedProfileStoreFilePath() ));
return profile;
* @see )
public static java.util.Properties getEffectiveDataSourceProperties(
DataSourceDesign dataSourceDesign )
throws OdaException
return DesignSessionUtilBase.getEffectiveDataSourceProperties( dataSourceDesign );
* Indicates whether the given ODA data source type has
* implemented a valid
* <code></code>
* extension point.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA data source extension type's element id
* @return true if specified ODA data source has implemented a valid
* ODA designer extension; false otherwise
public static boolean hasValidOdaDesignUIExtension(
String odaDataSourceId )
Object manifest;
manifest =
.getExtensionManifest( odaDataSourceId );
catch( OdaException ex )
// has invalid manifest
manifest = null;
return ( manifest != null );
* Returns a collection of identifiers of all connection profile instances for
* the given ODA data source extension type.
* The profile instances are searched in the given profile storage file.
* It also caches the matching profiles for subsequent use.
* @param odaDataSourceId an ODA data source extension type's element id
* @param storageFile a file that stores profile instances;
* may be null, which means to use the
* default DTP profiles storage file
* @return a <code>Map</code> containing the instance Id
* and display name of all existing profiles of the given odaDataSourceId.
* The connection profiles' instance Id and display name
* are stored as the key and value strings in the returned <code>Map</code> instance.
* Returns an empty collection if there are
* no matching connection profiles found in given storageFile.
* @throws OdaException if error in reading from given storageFile,
* or in processing the found profiles
public static Map getProfileIdentifiers( String odaDataSourceId, File storageFile )
throws OdaException
return OdaProfileExplorer.getInstance().getProfileIdentifiersByOdaProviderId(
odaDataSourceId, storageFile );
* Returns a collection of identifiers of all connection profile instances under
* the specified profile category id.
* The profile instances are searched in the given profile storage file.
* It also caches the matching profiles for subsequent use.
* @param categoryId the unique id of a connection profile category
* @param storageFile a file that stores profile instances;
* may be null, which means to use the
* default DTP profiles storage file
* @return a <code>Map</code> containing the instance Id
* and display name of all existing profiles of the given odaDataSourceId.
* The connection profiles' instance Id and display name
* are stored as the key and value strings in the returned <code>Map</code> instance.
* Returns an empty collection if there are
* no matching connection profiles found in given storageFile.
* @throws OdaException if error in reading from given storageFile,
* or in processing the found profiles
* @since 3.0.6
public static Map getProfileIdentifiersByCategory( String categoryId, File storageFile )
throws OdaException
return OdaProfileExplorer.getInstance().getProfileIdentifiersByCategory(
categoryId, storageFile );
* Validates the specified design session request.
* If valid, returns the request's ODA data source element id.
* @param requestSession
* @return
* @throws OdaException if specified session request is invalid
static String validateRequestSession(
DesignSessionRequest requestSession )
throws OdaException
return validateRequestSessionImpl( requestSession );
* Validates the specified data source design instance.
* @param dataSourceDesign
* @throws OdaException if specified design is invalid
static void validateDataSourceDesign(
DataSourceDesign dataSourceDesign )
throws OdaException
validateDataSourceDesignImpl( dataSourceDesign );
* Converts the contents of an ODA runtime result set meta data
* to an ODA design-time ResultSetColumns instance.
* This may be used by an ODA custom page to
* populate a data set design instance with its
* result set meta data definition.
* @param md ODA runtime result set meta data instance
* @return the converted ResultSetColumns instance
* @throws OdaException
public static ResultSetColumns toResultSetColumnsDesign(
IResultSetMetaData md )
throws OdaException
final String methodName = "toResultSetColumnsDesign( IResultSetMetaData )"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if( md == null || md.getColumnCount() == 0 )
return null; // nothing to convert
ResultSetColumns rsColumns =
int columnCount = md.getColumnCount();
for( int i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++ )
ColumnDefinition columnDef =
DataElementAttributes columnAttrs =
columnAttrs.setPosition( i );
columnAttrs.setNativeDataTypeCode( md.getColumnType(i) );
ValueFormatHints formatHints =
OutputElementAttributes outAttrs =
columnAttrs.setName( md.getColumnName(i) );
convertResultColumnNullability( md.isNullable(i) ));
columnAttrs.setPrecision( md.getPrecision(i) );
columnAttrs.setScale( md.getScale(i) );
String columnLabel = md.getColumnLabel(i);
outAttrs.setLabel( columnLabel );
formatHints.setDisplaySize( md.getColumnDisplayLength(i) );
if( columnLabel != null )
columnAttrs.setUiDisplayName( columnLabel );
catch( UnsupportedOperationException ex )
// ignore; optional attributes
// log info
DesignerLogger logger = DesignerLogger.getInstance(); sm_className, methodName,
"Some optional metadata of column " + i + " are not available.", ex ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
catch( OdaException odaEx )
// ignore; optional attributes
// log warning about exception
DesignerLogger logger = DesignerLogger.getInstance();
logger.warning( sm_className, methodName,
"Some optional metadata of column " + i + " are not available.", odaEx ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
columnDef.setAttributes( columnAttrs );
outAttrs.setFormattingHints( formatHints );
columnDef.setUsageHints( outAttrs );
rsColumns.getResultColumnDefinitions().add( columnDef );
return rsColumns;
* Converts the contents of an ODA runtime parameters meta data
* to an ODA design-time DataSetParameters instance.
* This may be used by an ODA custom page to
* populate a data set design instance with its
* parameter meta data definitions.
* @param pmd ODA runtime parameters meta data instance
* @return the converted DataSetParameters instance
* @throws OdaException
public static DataSetParameters toDataSetParametersDesign(
IParameterMetaData pmd )
throws OdaException
return toDataSetParametersDesign( pmd, null );
* Converts the contents of an ODA runtime parameters meta data
* to an ODA design-time DataSetParameters instance.
* This may be used by an ODA custom page to
* populate a data set design instance with its
* parameter meta data definitions.
* @param pmd ODA runtime parameters meta data instance
* @param defaultMode default design-time parameter mode to apply
* if a parameter's mode is not recognized;
* may be null for no default value
* @return the converted DataSetParameters instance
* @throws OdaException
public static DataSetParameters toDataSetParametersDesign(
IParameterMetaData pmd, ParameterMode defaultMode )
throws OdaException
if( pmd == null || pmd.getParameterCount() == 0 )
return null; // nothing to convert
DataSetParameters dataSetParams =
// iterate thru each runtime parameter's metadata,
// and convert to corresponding design object
int paramCount = pmd.getParameterCount();
for( int i = 1; i <= paramCount; i++ )
ParameterDefinition paramDefn =
ParameterMode designMode = toParameterModeDesign(
pmd.getParameterMode(i), defaultMode );
if( designMode != null )
paramDefn.setInOutMode( designMode );
DataElementAttributes paramAttrs =
paramAttrs.setPosition( i );
paramAttrs.setNativeDataTypeCode( pmd.getParameterType(i) );
toElementOptionalAttributes( paramAttrs, pmd, i );
paramDefn.setAttributes( paramAttrs );
adjustParameterDefaultAttributes( paramDefn );
dataSetParams.getParameterDefinitions().add( paramDefn );
return dataSetParams;
* Converts the specified ODA runtime parameter mode value
* to corresponding ODA design-time parameter mode value.
* @param runtimeParamMode an ODA runtime parameter mode value
* @return the corresponding ODA design-time parameter mode value
public static ParameterMode toParameterModeDesign(
int runtimeParamMode )
return toParameterModeDesign( runtimeParamMode, null );
* Converts the specified ODA runtime parameter mode value
* to corresponding ODA design-time parameter mode value.
* @param runtimeParamMode an ODA runtime parameter mode value
* @param defaultMode default design-time parameter mode to apply
* if specified runtimeParamMode is not recognized;
* may be null for no default value
* @return the corresponding ODA design-time parameter mode value
public static ParameterMode toParameterModeDesign(
int runtimeParamMode, ParameterMode defaultMode )
ParameterMode designMode = null;
switch( runtimeParamMode )
case IParameterMetaData.parameterModeIn:
designMode = ParameterMode.IN_LITERAL; break;
case IParameterMetaData.parameterModeInOut:
designMode = ParameterMode.IN_OUT_LITERAL; break;
case IParameterMetaData.parameterModeOut:
designMode = ParameterMode.OUT_LITERAL; break;
designMode = defaultMode; break;
return designMode;
* Converts the value of an ODA runtime (result set column) nullability
* to corresponding value used in an ODA design-time definition.
* @param odaNullability an ODA runtime nullability constant
* @return corresponding constant for use in an ODA design-time definition
* @deprecated As of 3.0.5, replaced by {@link #convertResultColumnNullability( int )}.
public static ElementNullability toElementNullability( int odaNullability )
// for backward compatibility (Bugzilla 202407)
return convertResultColumnNullability( odaNullability );
* Converts the value of an ODA runtime result set column nullability
* to corresponding value used in an ODA design-time element definition.
* @param columnNullability an ODA IResultSetMetaData nullability constant
* @return corresponding constant for use in an ODA design-time definition
public static ElementNullability convertResultColumnNullability( int columnNullability )
return DesignSessionUtilBase.convertResultColumnNullability( columnNullability );
* Converts the value of an ODA runtime parameter nullability
* to corresponding value used in an ODA design-time element definition.
* @param parameterNullability an ODA IParameterMetaData nullability constant
* @return corresponding constant for use in an ODA design-time definition
public static ElementNullability convertParameterNullability( int parameterNullability )
return DesignSessionUtilBase.convertParameterNullability( parameterNullability );
* Adjusts the parameter's design-time attributes to ensure
* that their default values are consistent with those converted from
* the runtime metadata.
private static void adjustParameterDefaultAttributes( ParameterDefinition paramDefn )
assert( paramDefn != null );
DataElementAttributes basicAttrs = paramDefn.getAttributes();
if( basicAttrs == null )
return; // no attributes to adjust from
// a required input parameter (default setting) normally does not allow null value;
// adjusts to optional if it is explicitly defined to allow null value
if( paramDefn.isInput() && basicAttrs.allowsNull() )
InputElementAttributes inputAttributes = paramDefn.getEditableInputElementAttributes();
inputAttributes.setOptional( true );
* <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.
* An utility method to look up the definition of the specified custom filter expression.
* @param customExpr a custom filter expression specified in a data set design's filter specification
* @return an instance of {@link ExpressionDefinition}, or null if no matching definition is found
* @since DTP 1.7
public static ExpressionDefinition getExtensionCustomDefinition( CustomExpression customExpr )
if( customExpr == null )
return null;
return getExtensionCustomDefinition( customExpr.getDeclaringExtensionId(), customExpr.getId() );
* <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.
* An utility method to look up the definition of the specified custom filter expression
* declared by the specified extension.
* @param extensionId id of an extension that implements the filterExpressions extension point
* @param exprId id of a custom filter expression
* @return an instance of {@link ExpressionDefinition}, or null if no matching definition is found
* @since DTP 1.7
public static ExpressionDefinition getExtensionCustomDefinition( String extensionId, String exprId )
return FilterExpressionExplorer.getInstance().getExtensionDefinition( extensionId, exprId );
catch( IllegalArgumentException ex )
// ignore exception
catch( OdaException ex )
// ignore exception
return null;