blob: 4a2a2c276a7b109472ca8b68f4a040ca8fc78a97 [file] [log] [blame]
## *******************************************************************************
## Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
## All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
## are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
## which is available at
## Contributors:
## IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
## *******************************************************************************/
## Resources for the standard editor actions
ContentAssistProposal.label =Co&ntent Assist@Ctrl+SPACE
ContentAssistProposal.tooltip =Content Assist
ContentAssistProposal.image =
ContentAssistProposal.description =Content Assist
ContentAssistTip.label =Content Tip@Ctrl+SHIFT+SPACE
ContentAssistTip.tooltip =Content Tip
ContentAssistTip.image =
ContentAssistTip.description =Content Tip
ContentFormat.label =F&ormat SQL@Ctrl+SHIFT+F
ContentFormat.tooltip =Format SQL
ContentFormat.image =
ContentFormat.description =Format SQL source
## Resources for SQL Editor-specific actions
# Note: the image entry is the relative path from the xxxAction.class file to the yyy.gif file
SQLEditor.connectAction.label =Connect to Data&base
SQLEditor.connectAction.tooltip =Select or create a database connection
SQLEditor.connectAction.image =
SQLEditor.connectAction.description =Select or create the database connection for this editor
SQLEditor.disconnectAction.label =Disconnect fro&m Database
SQLEditor.disconnectAction.tooltip =Disconnect the editor from the database
SQLEditor.disconnectAction.image =
SQLEditor.disconnectAction.description =Disconnect the editor from connected the database
SQLEditor.runAction.label =Run S&QL
SQLEditor.runAction.tooltip =Run the SQL statements
SQLEditor.runAction.image =
SQLEditor.runAction.description =Run the SQL statements in the editor on the connected database
SQLEditor.setStatementTerminatorAction.label =Set Statement T&erminator
SQLEditor.setStatementTerminatorAction.tooltip =Set the statement terminator
SQLEditor.setStatementTerminatorAction.image =
SQLEditor.setStatementTerminatorAction.description =Set the string that the editor should use to separate SQL statements