| ResourceAndContainerGroup_folder_empty=The folder is empty. |
| ResourceAndContainerGroup_project_noexist=The specified project does not exist. |
| ResourceAndContainerGroup_file_exists=A file already exists at that location: {0} |
| ResourceAndContainerGroup_name_exists=The same name already exists. |
| ResourceAndContainerGroup_name_empty=The ''{0}'' name is empty. |
| ResourceAndContainerGroup_invalid_name=''{0}'' is not a valid file name. |
| ContainerSelectionGroup_message=&Enter or select the parent folder: |
| ContainerSelectionGroup_folder_select=Select the folder: |
| SaveAsDialog_filetype_label=&File type: |
| SaveAsDialog_overwrite=The file ''{0}'' already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file? |
| SaveAsDialog_question=Question |
| SaveAsDialog_filename=&File name: |
| SaveAsDialog_export_error=Export Error |
| SaveAsDialog_title=Save As |
| SaveAsDialog_message=Save as a SQL file |
| SaveAsDialog_error=Error |
| SaveAsDialog_error_msg=Error occurs when trying to save the scripts as a file |