blob: e65b3c6e932e99e158796193a877653a0bfc97b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
pluginName=Eclipse Data Tools Platform Server UI Plug-in
providerName=Eclipse Data Tools Platform
serverExplorerLayout=Server-Explorer Layout-Extension
serverExplorerInitialization=Server – Initialization Provider
## Providers for the Server Explorer
org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.server.ui.serverExplorer = Datenbank-Explorer - "Existing Connections" Core
rdb.server.ui.views.serverExplorer = Datenbank-Explorer
rdb.server.ui.category = Daten
## Menus for the Server Explorer
rdb.server.ui.actions.connect=&Neue Verbindung...
rdb.server.ui.actions.disconnect=V&erbindung trennen
rdb.server.ui.actions.edit.table = Tabelle
rdb.server.ui.actions.edit = Datenbank hinzufügen
rdb.server.ui.actions.delete = &Löschen...
rdb.server.ui.actions.reconnect = Verbindung wiederherstellen
rdb.server.ui.actions.navigate = Zum Ziel navigieren
## Menus for the Data
rdb.server.ui.actions.fe = DDL &erstellen
rdb.server.ui.actions.refresh = &Aktualisieren
## Actions
rdb.server.ui.explorer.connect_server = Neue Verbindung...
rdb.server.ui.explorer.reconnect_server = &Neuverbinden
rdb.server.ui.explorer.disconnect_server = V&erbindung trennen
rdb.server.ui.explorer.collapse_all = Alle ausblenden
rdb.server.ui.actions.editfilter = &Filter...
## Decorations
rdb.server.ui.serverDecoration = Datentools – Server-Explorer-Verbindungstyp – Decoration
rdb.server.ui.filterDecoration = Datentools – Server-Explorer-Filterknoten – Indicator