| plugin.name=Sybase ASA Schema Object Editor |
| providerName=Eclipse Data Tools Platform |
| #msgwizard |
| category.function.name=Real time data functions |
| category.sp.name=Real time stored procedures |
| category.function.queue.name=Queue related functions |
| category.function.topic.name=Topic related functions |
| category.function.property.name = Property related functions |
| msgwizard.action.label=&Messaging |
| msgsend.name=Send a message |
| msgsend.description=Create a SQL construct to send a message to a queue |
| msgsend.example=Sends a message whose body is a SQLX-formatted \ |
| representation of the SQL result set, returned by the SQL query to the \ |
| specified endpoint:\n\n\ |
| msgsend ((select * from pubs2..publishers FOR XML),\ |
| 'TIBCO_JMS:tcp://my_jms_host:7222?queue=queue.sample,'\ |
| +'user=jms_user1,password=jms_user1_password') |
| msgrecv.name=Receive a message |
| msgrecv.description=Create a SQL construct to receive a message from a queue |
| msgrecv.example=Receives a message from the specified end_point, using the \ |
| timeout option and specifying a message selector:\n\n\ |
| msgrecv('my_jms_provider?queue=queue.sample',\ |
| OPTION 'timeout=1000'\ |
| MESSAGE SELECTOR 'correlationID = ''MSG_001''') |
| msgregistersubscription.name=Register a subscription |
| msgregistersubscription.description=Create a SQL construct to register a subscription |
| msgregistersubscription.example=Defines a subscription on the server, before issuing any topic related functions:\n\n\ |
| exec sp_msgadmin 'register','subscription','subscription_1',\ |
| 'my_jms_provider?topic=topic.sample,user=user1,password=pwd',\ |
| 'Supplier=12345',null,'durable1','client1' |
| msgpublish.name=Publish a message |
| msgpublish.description=Create a SQL construct to publish a message to a topic |
| msgpublish.example=To publish messages, a subscription must be defined on the \ |
| server to which the client is connected. Then the client server can publish a message to a specified \ |
| subscription:\n\n\ |
| msgpublish\ |
| ('Sending order', 'subscription_1',\ |
| MESSAGE PROPERTY 'Supplier=12345') |
| msgsubscribe.name=Subscribe to a topic |
| msgsubscribe.description=Create a SQL construct to subscribe to a topic |
| msgsubscribe.example=Tells the JMS messaging provider to begin holding messages \ |
| published to the topic registered as "subscription_1":\n\n\ |
| msgsubscribe ('subscription_1') |
| msgconsume.name=Consume a message |
| msgconsume.description=Create a SQL construct to consume a message from a topic |
| msgconsume.example=Receives a message from the specified subscription:\n\n\ |
| msgconsume('subscription_1', OPTION 'timeout=0') |
| msgunsubscribe.name=Unsubscribe from a topic |
| msgunsubscribe.description=Create a SQL construct to unsubscribe from a topic |
| msgunsubscribe.example=Tells the JMS messaging provider to stop holding messages \ |
| published to the topic registered as "subscription_1":\n\n\ |
| msgunsubscribe('subscription_1') |
| msgpropertylist.name=Get property list |
| msgpropertylist.description=Returns a string in the format of an option_string with all of the \ |
| property attributes of msg_doc |
| msgpropertylist.example=To retrieve the list of properties belonging to a message, \ |
| use one of the following examples:\n\n\ |
| select msgproplist(@@msgproperties) |
| msgpropertycount.name=Get property count |
| msgpropertycount.description=Returns the number of properties, or attributes, in msg_doc |
| msgpropertycount.example=To retrieve the number of properties from \ |
| the last message retrieved:\n\n\ |
| select msgpropcount(@@msgproperties) |
| msgpropertyname.name=Get property name |
| msgpropertyname.description=Returns the name of msg_doc\'s Ith property, where I is the value of the \ |
| integer parameter |
| msgpropertyname.example=This query returns null, because the 9th property does not exist:\n\n\ |
| select msgpropname(9, @@msgproperties) |
| msgpropertyvalue.name=Get property value |
| msgpropertyvalue.description=Returns the value for the msg_doc property whose name equals prop_name |
| msgpropertyvalue.example=To retrieve the value of the 8th property:\n\n\ |
| select msgpropvalue (msgpropname(8, @@msgproperties)) |
| msgpropertytype.name=Get property type |
| msgpropertytype.description=Returns the message provider\'s property type for the msg_doc property \ |
| whose name equals prop_name. |
| msgpropertytype.example=To retrieve the type of the 8th property:\n\n\ |
| select msgpropvalue (msgpropname(8, @@msgproperties)) |
| |
| |
| |
| templates.sql.generic.contextType.name=SQL |
| templates.sql.asa.contextType.name=SQL-ASA |
| templates.sql.ase.contextType.name=SQL-ASE |
| templates.sql.ase15.contextType.name=SQL-ASE15 |
| templates.sql.asiq.contextType.name=SQL-ASIQ |
| |
| context.editingSQL.name= Editing SQL |
| context.editingSQL.description= Editing SQL Context |
| |
| ActionDefinition.showSQLInfo.name= Show SQL Information |
| ActionDefinition.showSQLInfo.description= Shows the SQL information for the element at the cursor |
| |
| sqlProblemName=SQL Syntax Validation Problem |
| sqlPortabilityName=SQL Portability Task |
| |
| NewSQLFileWizard.name=SQL File |
| NewSQLFileWizard.desc=Create a new SQL file |
| |
| OpenDeclarationAction.label=&Open Declaration |
| OpenDeclaration.tooltip=Open an Editor on the Selected Element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.name= Open Declaration |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.description= Open an editor on the selected element |
| |
| DatabaseManagement=Database Development |
| DatabaseManagement.Miscpage = Miscellaneous |
| DatabaseManagement.EditorTemplates=Templates |
| DatabaseManagement.Logging=Logging |
| DatabaseManagement.Perspective=Perspective |
| |
| DatabaseManagement.Execute=Sybase Database Development |
| DatabaseManagement.ExecuteSQLFile=Execute SQL File |
| DatabaseManagement.BrowseExecute=Execute SQL File... |
| DatabaseManagement.BrowseExecute.tooltip=Choose a .sql File to Execute |
| DatabaseManagement.ASEFeatures=Enable ASE Features... |
| DatabaseManagement.ASEFeatures.tooltip=Enable ASE Features... |
| |
| DatabaseManagement.ToggleComment=Togg&le Comment |
| |
| DatabaseManagement.CodeAssist=Code Assist |
| |
| DatabaseManagement.SQLEditor=SQL Editor |
| |
| DatabaseManagement.SQLDebugger=SQL Debugger |
| |
| PlanView.name=SQL Execution Plan |
| TablesView.name =Referenced Tables |
| Runas.sp = Stored procedure |
| |
| |
| com.sybase.stf.dmp.database.development=Database Development |
| |
| NewSQLFileWizard.desc=Create a new SQL file |
| |
| view.catagory.database.development=Sybase Database Development |
| |
| view.catagory.database.debug=Sybase Database Debug |
| |
| com.sybase.stf.dmp.debugger.preferences.sqlfile.name=SQL Files |
| com.sybase.stf.dmp.debugger.preferences.ExportFormatPreferencePage.ExportFormat=Export Format |
| |
| category.datatools.name=Database Tools |
| category.datatools.description=Database Development tools |
| DatabaseManagement.command.explain=Get Execution Plan |
| DatabaseManagement.command.execute=Execute All |
| DatabaseManagement.command.execute.select=Execute Selected Text |
| DatabaseManagement.command.run=Run |
| DatabaseManagement.command.debug=Debug |
| DatabaseManagement.command.createtemptable=Create Temp Table |
| DatabaseManagement.command.newevent=Insert Event |
| DatabaseManagement.command.newfunc=Insert Function |
| DatabaseManagement.command.newproc=Insert Procedure |
| DatabaseManagement.command.newtrigger=Insert Trigger |
| DatabaseManagement.command.pasteselect=Insert SELECT Statement |
| DatabaseManagement.command.pasteinsert=Insert INSERT Statement |
| DatabaseManagement.command.pastedelete=Insert DELETE Statement |
| DatabaseManagement.command.pasteupdate=Insert UPDATE Statement |
| DatabaseManagement.command.asemessage=Real-time Messaging Wizard |
| DatabaseManagement.command.savetodb=Save to Database |
| DatabaseManagement.command.refresh=Refresh from Database |
| DatabaseManagement.command.attach=Attach Connection Profile |
| DatabaseManagement.command.saveAsTemplate=Save as Template |
| DatabaseManagement.ConnectionOptions=Connection Level Options |
| DatabaseManagement.SQLResultsView=SQL Results View |
| DatabaseManagement.QueryPlan=Query Plan |
| |
| SQLEditor.action.messaging=Real-time &Messaging Wizard... |
| SQLEditor.action.create.temp.table.label=&Create Temporary Table... |
| |
| asa_rows_view=ASA Trigger Rows |
| |
| #procedural object form editors |
| Introduction=Introduction |
| |
| sp.editor.heading=Stored Procedure Editor |
| sp.editor.desc=This editor allows you to edit the stored procedure's definition and control the privileges assigned to this object. |
| |
| func.editor.heading=User Defined Function Editor |
| func.editor.desc=This editor allows you to edit the user-defined function's definition and control the privileges assigned to this object. |
| |
| trigger.editor.heading=Trigger Editor |
| trigger.editor.desc=This editor allows you to edit the trigger's definition. |
| |
| event.editor.heading=Event Editor |
| event.editor.desc=This editor allows you to edit the event's definition. |
| |
| view.editor.heading=View Editor |
| view.editor.desc=This editor allows you to view the columns and definition of a view and control the privileges assigned to this object. |
| |
| index.editor.heading=Index Editor |
| index.editor.desc=This editor is used to edit or view the index. The following informations are included for editing: General, Columns, DDL. |
| |
| table.editor.heading=Table Schema Editor |
| table.editor.desc=This editor allows user to edit the definition of a table, including columns, constraints, privileges and storage option; Also, the user can view the DDL of the table while editing it. After editing a table, the user can either save it to the database, or save the delta DDL scripts into a SQL file. |
| |
| temptable.editor.heading=Global Temporary Table Schema Editor |
| temptable.editor.desc=This editor allows user to edit the definition of a global temporary table, including columns, constraints, privileges and storage option; Also, the user can view the DDL of the table when editing it. After editing a table, the user can either save it to the database, or save the delta DDL scripts into a SQL file. |
| |
| udd.editor.heading=User Defined Type Editor |
| udd.editor.desc=This editor is used to view user defined type object. The following informations are included for editing: General and DDL. |
| |
| #commands |
| asatablecreation.command.name=Create an SQL Anywhere table |
| General.page.name=General |
| Columns.page.name=Columns |
| Source.page.name=Source |
| Debug.page.name=Debug |
| Permissions.page.name=Permissions |
| Miscellaneous.page.name=Miscellaneous |
| Triggers.page.name=Triggers |
| Indexes.page.name=Indexes |
| Storage.page.name=Storage |
| Constraints.page.name=Constraints |