(object Petal | |
version 47 | |
_written "Rose 8.0.0303.1400" | |
charSet 0) | |
(object Class_Category "Schema" | |
is_unit TRUE | |
is_loaded TRUE | |
attributes (list Attribute_Set | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "packageName" | |
value (value Text "schema")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "basePackage" | |
value (value Text "org.eclipse.datatools.modelbase.sql")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsPrefix" | |
value (value Text "SQLSchema")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "nsURI" | |
value (value Text "http:///org/eclipse/datatools/modelbase/sql/schema.ecore")) | |
(object Attribute | |
tool "Ecore" | |
name "prefix" | |
value (value Text "SQLSchema"))) | |
quid "3F27D66B01AB" | |
exportControl "Public" | |
logical_models (list unit_reference_list | |
(object Class "IdentitySpecifier" | |
quid "3EA3F30101D3" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.14.4 Identity columns" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "421D5DD20094" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "generationType" | |
quid "3ED23C620340" | |
type "GenerateType" | |
quidu "3EA40DBD02B7" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "startValue" | |
quid "3EA3F3D30042" | |
type "EBigInteger" | |
quidu "3FC625080137" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "increment" | |
quid "3EA40CF903DA" | |
type "EBigInteger" | |
quidu "3FC625080137" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "minimum" | |
quid "3EA40D14035C" | |
type "EBigInteger" | |
quidu "3FC625080137" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "maximum" | |
quid "3EA40D2A00AB" | |
type "EBigInteger" | |
quidu "3FC625080137" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "cycleOption" | |
quid "3EA40D2F01E3" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "GenerateType" | |
quid "3EA40DBD02B7" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.14.4 Identity columns | |
| | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "DEFAULT_GENERATED" | |
quid "3EA40DC700D2" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "ALWAYS_GENERATED" | |
quid "3EA40DD20381" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "TypedElement" | |
quid "3FA6A8930071" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 " | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FA6A8DF0200" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
operations (list Operations | |
(object Operation "setDataType" | |
quid "3FA6B9070347" | |
documentation "Set the type for this TypedElement" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "newType" | |
quid "3FA6B95B00FE" | |
type "DataType" | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF")) | |
result "void" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0) | |
(object Operation "getDataType" | |
quid "3FA6B90901A6" | |
documentation "Get the type for this TypedElement" | |
result "DataType" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0 | |
quidu "3E9B3F3400BF")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "Dependency" | |
quid "3F967CB70382" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3F967CC7023A" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "dependencyType" | |
quid "40241C5B0099" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Schema" | |
quid "3ED523C20089" | |
documentation | |
|Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.20 SQL-schemas | |
| | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3ED52ED402B8" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B"))) | |
(object Class "SQLObject" | |
quid "3E9B3EB5002B" | |
documentation | |
|The base object to be used for any Relation Database concept, representing the placeholder for the name and alias. This object will extend ENamedElement in the generated code. The string attribute name will be inherited | |
|from ENamedElement. | |
| | |
|Note: In the RDB sense, only table and view objects can be represented by aliases, but DB2 defines also database and network aliases, and even for nicknames that refer to data tables or views located on federated systems. | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FB0FE5501DD" | |
supplier "Logical View::ecore::ENamedElement" | |
quidu "3B65CCC600FE")) | |
operations (list Operations | |
(object Operation "addEAnnotation" | |
quid "4047AD600205" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "source" | |
quid "4047ADA6024B" | |
type "String")) | |
result "EAnnotation" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0 | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB") | |
(object Operation "addEAnnotationDetail" | |
quid "4047AE140145" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "eAnnotation" | |
quid "4047AEB5015B" | |
type "EAnnotation" | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB") | |
(object Parameter "key" | |
quid "4047AEC302A5" | |
type "String") | |
(object Parameter "value" | |
quid "4047B3380093" | |
type "String")) | |
result "void" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0) | |
(object Operation "getEAnnotationDetail" | |
quid "4047AE3702A4" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "eAnnotation" | |
quid "4047AF1A0250" | |
type "EAnnotation" | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB") | |
(object Parameter "key" | |
quid "4047B35D0295" | |
type "String")) | |
result "String" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0) | |
(object Operation "setAnnotationDetail" | |
quid "408026CB008E" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "eAnnotation" | |
quid "408026F0011E" | |
type "EAnnotation" | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB") | |
(object Parameter "key" | |
quid "408026F0013C" | |
type "String") | |
(object Parameter "value" | |
quid "408026F0015A" | |
type "String")) | |
result "void" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0) | |
(object Operation "removeEAnnotationDetail" | |
quid "4047B98B01F0" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "eAnnotation" | |
quid "4047B99C01B8" | |
type "EAnnotation" | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB") | |
(object Parameter "key" | |
quid "4047B9AB03A4" | |
type "String")) | |
result "void" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0) | |
(object Operation "getEAnnotation" | |
quid "4047C9D80114" | |
parameters (list Parameters | |
(object Parameter "source" | |
quid "4047C9F1008E" | |
type "String")) | |
result "EAnnotation" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0 | |
quidu "3D98A1C701AB")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "description" | |
quid "3F8DBFA903C9" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "label" | |
quid "3F8DBFB101D5" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public")) | |
abstract TRUE) | |
(object Class "Sequence" | |
quid "3FABF02B03CD" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 4.21 Sequence Generators" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FABF052024A" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071"))) | |
(object Class "Database" | |
quid "3FFDB2AD0234" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 " | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "3FFDB2FD0026" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
operations (list Operations | |
(object Operation "getUserDefinedTypes" | |
quid "402305AC031D" | |
result "List" | |
concurrency "Sequential" | |
opExportControl "Public" | |
uid 0 | |
quidu "40240BB003A0")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "vendor" | |
quid "3FFDB2BF01A3" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "version" | |
quid "3FFDB2C002EF" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Date" | |
quid "400DD1F40374" | |
stereotype "datatype" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "java.util.Date" | |
quid "400DD28F01C8" | |
stereotype "javaclass" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "List" | |
quid "40240BB003A0" | |
stereotype "datatype" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "java.util.List" | |
quid "40240BC90157" | |
stereotype "javaclass" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "ReferentialActionType" | |
quid "3ED6717C0130" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 " | |
stereotype "enumeration" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "NO_ACTION" | |
quid "3ED67249012B" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "RESTRICT" | |
quid "3ED6725D017A" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "CASCADE" | |
quid "3ED6726602C3" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "SET_NULL" | |
quid "3ED672700302" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "SET_DEFAULT" | |
quid "3ED672760091" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Event" | |
quid "4410A9D20025" | |
documentation "Reference: 5WD-02-Foundation-2002-12 " | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "4410AA020056" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B")) | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "for" | |
quid "4410AA0D00A2" | |
documentation "the type of object on which the event applies" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "condition" | |
quid "4410AA1102ED" | |
documentation "the condition to be satisfied inorder to activate the event" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "action" | |
quid "4410AA1601FA" | |
documentation "the action that the event performs after being activated" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public") | |
(object ClassAttribute "enabled" | |
quid "4410AA1E006B" | |
documentation "event state" | |
type "boolean" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Comment" | |
quid "44F8C4990146" | |
class_attributes (list class_attribute_list | |
(object ClassAttribute "description" | |
quid "44F8C4AD0380" | |
type "String" | |
exportControl "Public"))) | |
(object Class "Catalog" | |
quid "44F8C6C60057" | |
superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list | |
(object Inheritance_Relationship | |
quid "44F8C6E102B8" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B"))) | |
(object Class "ObjectExtension" | |
quid "4B74B5300380" | |
stereotype "Interface") | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0" | |
quid "3E9B3A2B030D" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "columns" | |
quid "3E9B3A2C0158" | |
label "columns" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Column" | |
quidu "3E9B2AFF0392" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n") | |
Constraints "ordered" | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "table" | |
quid "3E9B3A2C0167" | |
label "table" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$1" | |
quid "3EDF921303AD" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$2" | |
quid "3EDF92150245" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Column" | |
quidu "3E9B2AFF0392" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE) | |
(object Role "identitySpecifier" | |
quid "3EDF92150264" | |
label "identitySpecifier" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::IdentitySpecifier" | |
quidu "3EA3F30101D3" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$3" | |
quid "3EA57A170151" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "supertable" | |
quid "3EA57A1B02E7" | |
label "supertable" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "subtables" | |
quid "3EA57A1B02F7" | |
label "subtables" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$4" | |
quid "3F4BB65C00FC" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "tables" | |
quid "3F4BB65D0085" | |
label "tables" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "schema" | |
quid "3F4BB65D0099" | |
label "schema" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$5" | |
quid "3EA412A40286" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "generateExpression" | |
quid "3EA412A501FA" | |
label "generateExpression" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Expressions::ValueExpression" | |
quidu "3F4D273D00A9" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$6" | |
quid "3EA412A501FC" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Column" | |
quidu "3E9B2AFF0392" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$7" | |
quid "3FA286420050" | |
documentation | |
|PredefinedDataTypes are contained by value, ie the column owns an instance of the data type. A Column must have one of, but not both, a containedType or a referencedType. | |
| | |
|Setting the containedType on a column will remove any referencedType, and vice versa. | |
| | |
|It is recommended to not set the containedType or referencedType explicitly. These relationships are managed by the column. To set the type for a column, simply call setType(DataType newType) on a Column. | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "containedType" | |
quid "3FA2864203A4" | |
label "containedType" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::SQLDataType" | |
quidu "3FB90EE3009E" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$8" | |
quid "3FA2864203AE" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$9" | |
quid "3FA288AA03BD" | |
documentation | |
|UserDefinedTypes are contained by reference, ie the column does not own the UserDefinedType instance. A Column must have one of, but not both, a containedType or a referencedType. | |
| | |
|Setting the containedType on a column will remove any referencedType, and vice versa. | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "referencedType" | |
quid "3FA288AB03B5" | |
label "referencedType" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$10" | |
quid "3FA288AB03BF" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::TypedElement" | |
quidu "3FA6A8930071" | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$11" | |
quid "3FABF06600AC" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "identity" | |
quid "3FABF067022A" | |
label "identity" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::IdentitySpecifier" | |
quidu "3EA3F30101D3" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$12" | |
quid "3FABF0670234" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Sequence" | |
quidu "3FABF02B03CD" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$13" | |
quid "3FABF07503B0" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "sequences" | |
quid "3FABF0770326" | |
label "sequences" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Sequence" | |
quidu "3FABF02B03CD" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "schema" | |
quid "3FABF0770328" | |
label "schema" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$14" | |
quid "3FFDB31400A1" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "schemas" | |
quid "3FFDB3150034" | |
label "schemas" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "database" | |
quid "3FFDB315007B" | |
label "database" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Database" | |
quidu "3FFDB2AD0234" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$15" | |
quid "400DF6DE032D" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "udt" | |
quid "400DF6DF0248" | |
label "udt" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::StructuredUserDefinedType" | |
quidu "3F4E44E8001C" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1") | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$16" | |
quid "400DF6DF025C" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" | |
quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$17" | |
quid "4410AB1D0306" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "events" | |
quid "4410AB1F0088" | |
label "events" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Event" | |
quidu "4410A9D20025" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
exportControl "Private" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$18" | |
quid "4410AB1F0092" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Database" | |
quidu "3FFDB2AD0234" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$19" | |
quid "44F8C4C10071" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "comments" | |
quid "44F8C4C2019F" | |
label "comments" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Comment" | |
quidu "44F8C4990146" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$20" | |
quid "44F8C4C201A9" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$21" | |
quid "44F8C6F70288" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "catalogs" | |
quid "44F8C6F803CA" | |
label "catalogs" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Catalog" | |
quidu "44F8C6C60057" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$22" | |
quid "44F8C6F803D4" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Database" | |
quidu "3FFDB2AD0234" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$23" | |
quid "44F8C82E037F" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "schemas" | |
quid "44F8C8300057" | |
label "schemas" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Reference" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$24" | |
quid "44F8C8300061" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Catalog" | |
quidu "44F8C6C60057" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE))) | |
(object Association "$UNNAMED$25" | |
quid "4B74B5570250" | |
roles (list role_list | |
(object Role "extensions" | |
quid "4B74B55A036D" | |
label "extensions" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::ObjectExtension" | |
quidu "4B74B5300380" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n") | |
Containment "By Value" | |
is_navigable TRUE) | |
(object Role "$UNNAMED$26" | |
quid "4B74B55A0377" | |
supplier "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::SQLObject" | |
quidu "3E9B3EB5002B" | |
client_cardinality (value cardinality "1") | |
is_navigable TRUE | |
is_aggregate TRUE)))) | |
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list | |
(object ClassDiagram "Main" | |
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Parent_View @1 | |
location (636, 296) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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max_width 683 | |
label "A few generic concepts like Collation and Translation were not modeled at this time due to limited need from the consumers of the model.") | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 16777088 | |
width 743 | |
height 238) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ecore::ENamedElement" @2 | |
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location (1989, 765) | |
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Parent_View @2 | |
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width 428 | |
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annotation 8 | |
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(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ecore::EObject" @3 | |
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IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1989, 224) | |
font (object Font | |
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Parent_View @3 | |
location (1883, 175) | |
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quidu "3C4F1C860123" | |
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annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::ecore::EModelElement" @4 | |
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IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1991, 484) | |
font (object Font | |
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Parent_View @4 | |
location (1801, 435) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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label "EModelElement") | |
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quidu "3903D4E40050" | |
width 398 | |
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annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object InheritView "" @5 | |
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size 10 | |
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quidu "3C8D4364024F" | |
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origin_attachment (2000, 674) | |
terminal_attachment (2000, 544)) | |
(object InheritView "" @6 | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
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line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3C4F1CC50336" | |
client @4 | |
supplier @3 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2006, 423) | |
terminal_attachment (2006, 285)) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Date" @7 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1481, 3259) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
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label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @7 | |
location (1151, 3200) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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label "Date") | |
stereotype (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @7 | |
location (1151, 3150) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 10 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 660 | |
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label "<<datatype>>") | |
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quidu "400DD1F40374" | |
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Parent_View @7 | |
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anchor 2 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 568) | |
width 678 | |
height 242 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::List" @8 | |
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IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2299, 3253) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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color 0 | |
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Parent_View @8 | |
location (1980, 3194) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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label "List") | |
stereotype (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @8 | |
location (1980, 3144) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 10 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 638 | |
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label "<<datatype>>") | |
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quidu "40240BB003A0" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @8 | |
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color 0 | |
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fill_color 16777215 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 550) | |
width 656 | |
height 242 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Dependency" @9 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2515, 1490) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
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color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
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Parent_View @9 | |
location (2220, 1409) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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max_width 590 | |
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quidu "3F967CB70382" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @9 | |
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fill_color 16777215 | |
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nlines 2 | |
max_width 509) | |
width 608 | |
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annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @10 | |
location (2897, 774) | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
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stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA7F70F015C" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
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Parent_View @10 | |
location (1242, -394) | |
font (object Font | |
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bold FALSE | |
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strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
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anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 200 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+targetEnd" | |
pctDist 0.896175 | |
height 30 | |
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stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA7F7110046" | |
client @10 | |
supplier @3 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2897, 774) | |
(2897, 209) | |
(2104, 209)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2897, 774) | |
terminal_attachment (2104, 209) | |
label (object SegLabel @13 | |
Parent_View @11 | |
location (2164, 251) | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.956284 | |
height 42 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "" @14 | |
Parent_View @10 | |
location (1242, -394) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA7F7110050" | |
client @10 | |
supplier @9 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2897, 774) | |
(2897, 1681) | |
(2544, 1681) | |
(2544, 1583)) | |
line_style 3 | |
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terminal_attachment (2544, 1583) | |
label (object SegLabel @15 | |
Parent_View @14 | |
location (2597, 1652) | |
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size 10 | |
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bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.888807 | |
height 29 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Comment" @16 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (968, 700) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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Parent_View @16 | |
location (736, 619) | |
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quidu "44F8C4990146" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @16 | |
location (736, 680) | |
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face "Arial" | |
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color 0 | |
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fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 2 | |
max_width 400) | |
width 482 | |
height 186 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Event" @17 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (399, 1065) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @17 | |
location (180, 909) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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quidu "4410A9D20025" | |
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Parent_View @17 | |
location (180, 970) | |
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color 0 | |
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fill_color 13434879 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 5 | |
max_width 378) | |
width 456 | |
height 336 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::UserDefinedType" @18 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2428, 2608) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @18 | |
location (2228, 2533) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 400 | |
justify 0 | |
label "UserDefinedType") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3EDF9E8100EB" | |
width 418 | |
height 174 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Constraints::Assertion" @19 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1270, 2734) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @19 | |
location (1101, 2656) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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justify 0 | |
label "Assertion") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3ED524BC0165" | |
width 356 | |
height 180 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::DataTypes::CharacterSet" @20 | |
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IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
location (2405, 2908) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @20 | |
location (2126, 2754) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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label "CharacterSet") | |
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quidu "3F25755001A0" | |
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Parent_View @20 | |
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color 0 | |
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fill_color 16777215 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 4 | |
max_width 481) | |
width 576 | |
height 332 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Routines::Routine" @21 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1281, 2970) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @21 | |
location (1151, 2895) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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max_width 260 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Routine") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "3F3D36420226" | |
width 278 | |
height 174 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Table" @22 | |
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location (2385, 2145) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @22 | |
location (2273, 2071) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
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max_width 224 | |
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label "Table") | |
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quidu "3E9B1FB60047" | |
width 242 | |
height 172 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Tables::Trigger" @23 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (2392, 2381) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @23 | |
location (2276, 2306) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 232 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Trigger") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3ED7B9780253" | |
width 250 | |
height 174 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Constraints::Index" @24 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
SuppressAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1257, 2495) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @24 | |
location (1059, 2417) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 396 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Index") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3FA7FB2B02AA" | |
width 414 | |
height 180 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::AccessControl::AuthorizationIdentifier" @25 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1239, 2261) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics TRUE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @25 | |
location (985, 2187) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 508 | |
justify 0 | |
label "AuthorizationIdentifier") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13828055 | |
quidu "407D7FA3017A" | |
width 526 | |
height 172 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Database" @26 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
location (673, 1548) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @26 | |
location (484, 1442) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 378 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Database") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3FFDB2AD0234" | |
compartment (object Compartment | |
Parent_View @26 | |
location (484, 1503) | |
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size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
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underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
fill_color 16777215 | |
anchor 2 | |
nlines 3 | |
max_width 328) | |
width 396 | |
height 236 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @27 | |
location (523, 2162) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D841002EC" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "" @28 | |
Parent_View @27 | |
location (8, 1121) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @29 | |
Parent_View @28 | |
location (565, 1765) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
hidden TRUE | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 450 | |
justify 0 | |
label "" | |
pctDist 0.800000 | |
height 42 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D84150068" | |
client @27 | |
supplier @26 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (523, 2162) | |
terminal_attachment (523, 1666) | |
label (object SegLabel @30 | |
Parent_View @28 | |
location (457, 3495) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist -2.688172 | |
height 67 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "authorizationIds" @31 | |
Parent_View @27 | |
location (8, 1121) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @32 | |
Parent_View @31 | |
location (760, 2269) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 313 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+authorizationIds" | |
pctDist 0.579853 | |
height 47 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D8415005E" | |
client @27 | |
supplier @25 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(523, 2162) | |
(523, 2222) | |
(976, 2222)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (523, 2162) | |
terminal_attachment (976, 2222) | |
label (object SegLabel @33 | |
Parent_View @31 | |
location (822, 2170) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.702128 | |
height 53 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$17" @34 | |
location (279, 1492) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "4410AB1D0306" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "events" @35 | |
Parent_View @34 | |
location (-793, -58) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @36 | |
Parent_View @35 | |
location (361, 1268) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 144 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-events" | |
pctDist 0.862963 | |
height 82 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "4410AB1F0088" | |
client @34 | |
supplier @17 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (279, 1492) | |
terminal_attachment (279, 1232) | |
label (object SegLabel @37 | |
Parent_View @35 | |
location (233, 1271) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.851852 | |
height 47 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "$UNNAMED$18" @38 | |
Parent_View @34 | |
location (-793, -58) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "4410AB1F0092" | |
client @34 | |
supplier @26 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(279, 1492) | |
(279, 1555) | |
(475, 1555)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (279, 1492) | |
terminal_attachment (475, 1555) | |
label (object SegLabel @39 | |
Parent_View @38 | |
location (449, 1609) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.900000 | |
height 54 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Schema" @40 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1826, 1578) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @40 | |
location (1713, 1406) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 226 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Schema") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "3ED523C20089" | |
width 244 | |
height 369 | |
annotation 8 | |
autoResize TRUE) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @41 | |
location (1879, 2341) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3F33AD6002DA" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "schema" @42 | |
Parent_View @41 | |
location (1423, 835) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AD62006A" | |
client @41 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1879, 2341) | |
terminal_attachment (1879, 1762) | |
label (object SegLabel @43 | |
Parent_View @42 | |
location (1896, 1835) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.873805 | |
height 17 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "userDefinedTypes" @44 | |
Parent_View @41 | |
location (1423, 835) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @45 | |
Parent_View @44 | |
location (2045, 2612) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 334 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-userDefinedTypes" | |
pctDist 0.700000 | |
height 31 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AD62005A" | |
client @41 | |
supplier @18 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1879, 2341) | |
(1879, 2581) | |
(2219, 2581)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1879, 2341) | |
terminal_attachment (2219, 2581) | |
label (object SegLabel @46 | |
Parent_View @44 | |
location (2172, 2543) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.919694 | |
height 39 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @47 | |
location (1764, 2390) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3F26B1ED0231" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "schema" @48 | |
Parent_View @47 | |
location (-458, 690) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F26B1EF0330" | |
client @47 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1764, 2390) | |
terminal_attachment (1764, 1761) | |
label (object SegLabel @49 | |
Parent_View @48 | |
location (1821, 1834) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.884826 | |
height 57 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "assertions" @50 | |
Parent_View @47 | |
location (-458, 690) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @51 | |
Parent_View @50 | |
location (1574, 2737) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 212 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-assertions" | |
pctDist 0.800731 | |
height 35 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F26B1EF032E" | |
client @47 | |
supplier @19 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1764, 2390) | |
(1764, 2702) | |
(1448, 2702)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1764, 2390) | |
terminal_attachment (1448, 2702) | |
label (object SegLabel @52 | |
Parent_View @50 | |
location (1501, 2667) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.915905 | |
height 36 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @53 | |
location (1841, 2446) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3F33AE7E01DB" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "schema" @54 | |
Parent_View @53 | |
location (1400, 171) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AE7F0083" | |
client @53 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1841, 2446) | |
terminal_attachment (1841, 1761) | |
label (object SegLabel @55 | |
Parent_View @54 | |
location (1850, 1829) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.902077 | |
height 9 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "charSets" @56 | |
Parent_View @53 | |
location (1400, 171) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @57 | |
Parent_View @56 | |
location (2022, 2890) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 279 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-charSets" | |
pctDist 0.861813 | |
height 36 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F33AE7F0073" | |
client @53 | |
supplier @20 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1841, 2446) | |
(1841, 2854) | |
(2117, 2854)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1841, 2446) | |
terminal_attachment (2117, 2854) | |
label (object SegLabel @58 | |
Parent_View @56 | |
location (2048, 2819) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.898960 | |
height 36 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @59 | |
location (1801, 2550) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3F4E92E4031A" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "schema" @60 | |
Parent_View @59 | |
location (1310, 325) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4E92E502FE" | |
client @59 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1801, 2550) | |
terminal_attachment (1801, 1762) | |
label (object SegLabel @61 | |
Parent_View @60 | |
location (1785, 1835) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.908430 | |
height 17 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "routines" @62 | |
Parent_View @59 | |
location (1310, 325) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @63 | |
Parent_View @62 | |
location (1522, 2994) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 168 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-routines" | |
pctDist 0.870640 | |
height 37 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4E92E502F3" | |
client @59 | |
supplier @21 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1801, 2550) | |
(1801, 2957) | |
(1420, 2957)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1801, 2550) | |
terminal_attachment (1420, 2957) | |
label (object SegLabel @64 | |
Parent_View @62 | |
location (1476, 2934) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.930233 | |
height 24 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$4" @65 | |
location (2108, 1849) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3F4BB65C00FC" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "tables" @66 | |
Parent_View @65 | |
location (1660, 1049) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @67 | |
Parent_View @66 | |
location (2193, 2151) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 134 | |
justify 0 | |
label "-tables" | |
pctDist 0.831382 | |
height 36 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4BB65D0085" | |
client @65 | |
supplier @22 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2108, 1849) | |
(2108, 2115) | |
(2264, 2115)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2108, 1849) | |
terminal_attachment (2264, 2115) | |
label (object SegLabel @68 | |
Parent_View @66 | |
location (2194, 2087) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 80 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.836493 | |
height 29 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "schema" @69 | |
Parent_View @65 | |
location (1660, 1049) | |
font (object Font | |
size 12 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3F4BB65D0099" | |
client @65 | |
supplier @40 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(2108, 1849) | |
(2108, 1588) | |
(1948, 1588)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (2108, 1849) | |
terminal_attachment (1948, 1588) | |
label (object SegLabel @70 | |
Parent_View @69 | |
location (2023, 1621) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.820717 | |
height 33 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @71 | |
location (1914, 2231) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3FA723C6004D" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "triggers" @72 | |
Parent_View @71 | |
location (936, 963) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @73 | |
Parent_View @72 | |
location (2181, 2379) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 174 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+triggers" | |
pctDist 0.817844 | |
height 32 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA723C70243" | |
client @71 | |
supplier @23 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1914, 2231) | |
(1914, 2347) | |
(2267, 2347)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1914, 2231) | |
terminal_attachment (2267, 2347) | |
label (object SegLabel @74 | |
Parent_View @72 | |
location (2202, 2319) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.862069 | |
height 29 | |
orientation 0)) | |
(object RoleView "schema" @75 | |
Parent_View @71 | |
location (936, 963) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA723C70257" | |
client @71 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1914, 2231) | |
terminal_attachment (1914, 1762) | |
label (object SegLabel @76 | |
Parent_View @75 | |
location (1937, 1848) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.818653 | |
height 23 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @77 | |
location (1719, 2248) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 255 | |
quidu "3FA7FEAE0028" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "" @78 | |
Parent_View @77 | |
location (1260, -87) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA7FEAF0336" | |
client @77 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1719, 2248) | |
terminal_attachment (1719, 1761) | |
label (object SegLabel @79 | |
Parent_View @78 | |
location (1745, 1829) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.863039 | |
height 26 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "indices" @80 | |
Parent_View @77 | |
location (1260, -87) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @81 | |
Parent_View @80 | |
location (1569, 2515) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 154 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+indices" | |
pctDist 0.783715 | |
height 36 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FA7FEAF0340" | |
client @77 | |
supplier @24 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1719, 2248) | |
(1719, 2479) | |
(1464, 2479)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1719, 2248) | |
terminal_attachment (1464, 2479) | |
label (object SegLabel @82 | |
Parent_View @80 | |
location (1517, 2456) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.890585 | |
height 24 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "" @83 | |
location (1607, 1991) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D83950281" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "ownedSchema" @84 | |
Parent_View @83 | |
location (1092, 950) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @85 | |
Parent_View @84 | |
location (1742, 1790) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 297 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+ownedSchema" | |
pctDist 1.109375 | |
height 55 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D839802B8" | |
client @83 | |
supplier @40 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1607, 1991) | |
(1607, 1735) | |
(1704, 1735)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1607, 1991) | |
terminal_attachment (1704, 1735) | |
label (object SegLabel @86 | |
Parent_View @84 | |
location (1661, 1767) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.880682 | |
height 32 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "owner" @87 | |
Parent_View @83 | |
location (1092, 950) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @88 | |
Parent_View @87 | |
location (1579, 2273) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 140 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+owner" | |
pctDist 0.781250 | |
height 33 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "407D839802AE" | |
client @83 | |
supplier @25 | |
vertices (list Points | |
(1607, 1991) | |
(1607, 2240) | |
(1502, 2240)) | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1607, 1991) | |
terminal_attachment (1502, 2240) | |
label (object SegLabel @89 | |
Parent_View @87 | |
location (1551, 2218) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.861905 | |
height 23 | |
orientation 1)))) | |
(object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$14" @90 | |
location (1287, 1597) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FFDB31400A1" | |
roleview_list (list RoleViews | |
(object RoleView "schemas" @91 | |
Parent_View @90 | |
location (1002, 206) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @92 | |
Parent_View @91 | |
location (1599, 1569) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 207 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+schemas" | |
pctDist 0.750600 | |
height 29 | |
orientation 0) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FFDB3150034" | |
client @90 | |
supplier @40 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1287, 1597) | |
terminal_attachment (1704, 1597) | |
label (object SegLabel @93 | |
Parent_View @91 | |
location (1655, 1632) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "0..n" | |
pctDist 0.882494 | |
height 35 | |
orientation 1)) | |
(object RoleView "database" @94 | |
Parent_View @90 | |
location (1002, 206) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object SegLabel @95 | |
Parent_View @94 | |
location (1006, 1551) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 1 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 192 | |
justify 0 | |
label "+database" | |
pctDist 0.674286 | |
height 47 | |
orientation 1) | |
stereotype TRUE | |
line_color 3342489 | |
quidu "3FFDB315007B" | |
client @90 | |
supplier @26 | |
line_style 3 | |
origin_attachment (1287, 1597) | |
terminal_attachment (871, 1597) | |
label (object SegLabel @96 | |
Parent_View @94 | |
location (914, 1651) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
anchor 2 | |
anchor_loc 1 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 15 | |
justify 0 | |
label "1" | |
pctDist 0.900000 | |
height 54 | |
orientation 0)))) | |
(object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::SQLModel::Schema::Catalog" @97 | |
ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE | |
IncludeAttribute TRUE | |
IncludeOperation TRUE | |
location (1295, 1449) | |
font (object Font | |
size 10 | |
face "Arial" | |
bold FALSE | |
italics FALSE | |
underline FALSE | |
strike FALSE | |
color 0 | |
default_color TRUE) | |
label (object ItemLabel | |
Parent_View @97 | |
location (1194, 1398) | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
nlines 1 | |
max_width 202 | |
justify 0 | |
label "Catalog") | |
icon_style "Icon" | |
line_color 3342489 | |
fill_color 13434879 | |
quidu "44F8C6C60057" | |