blob: 55c552bdd0724697621a86e41818248a62957dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
; Comments must start with ; all other lines will be present in the corresponding file
; Indicate a source-code file by $FILE_ENDING$-tag and the corresponding file ending
; at the end of the file. i.e.: "$FILE_ENDING cpp". If $FILE_ENDING$ is not set, ".hpp" will be used.
; Other tags that can be used are:
; $ENUM_CLASS$ : Class name of enum, obtained from file name
; $FIRST_ENUM$ : The first enum in the list of enums
; $MIDDLE_ENUM$ : All enums that are in between first and last enum.
; $LAST_ENUM$ : The last enum in the list of enums
; $SIZE$ : The number of enums
; $CONSTANT$ : Define a costant, i.e.: $CONSTSANT$ NAME value, usage in document with $NAME$
#include <string>
namespace basyx {
namespace $NAMESPACE$ {
enum class $ENUM_CLASS$ {
class $ENUM_CLASS$_
static $ENUM_CLASS$ from_string(const std::string & name);
static const char * to_string($ENUM_CLASS$ value);
#include <BaSyx/$NAMESPACE$/enumerations/$ENUM_CLASS$.h>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
using namespace basyx::submodel;
using enum_pair_t = std::pair<const char*, $ENUM_CLASS$>;
static const std::array<enum_pair_t, $SIZE$> string_to_enum =
std::make_pair("$FIRST_ENUM$", $ENUM_CLASS$::$FIRST_ENUM$),
std::make_pair("$MIDDLE_ENUM$", $ENUM_CLASS$::$MIDDLE_ENUM$),
std::make_pair("$LAST_ENUM$", $ENUM_CLASS$::$LAST_ENUM$),
$ENUM_CLASS$ $ENUM_CLASS$_::from_string(const std::string & name)
auto pair = std::find_if(string_to_enum.begin(), string_to_enum.end(),
[&name](const auto & pair) {
return !;
return pair->second;
const char * $ENUM_CLASS$_::to_string($ENUM_CLASS$ value)
auto pair = std::find_if(string_to_enum.begin(), string_to_enum.end(),
[value](const auto & pair) {
return value == pair.second;
return pair->first;