| <?xml version="1.0"?> |
| <doc> |
| <assembly> |
| <name>BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers</name> |
| </assembly> |
| <members> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController"> |
| <summary> |
| The Asset Administration Shell Controller |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.#ctor(BaSyx.API.Components.IAssetAdministrationShellServiceProvider)"> |
| <summary> |
| The constructor for the Asset Administration Shell Controller |
| </summary> |
| <param name="assetAdministrationShellServiceProvider">The Asset Administration Shell Service Provider implementation provided by the dependency injection</param> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.GetAssetAdministrationShell"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the Asset Administration Shell Descriptor |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.GetSubmodelsFromShell"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodels from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodels</response> |
| <response code="404">No Submodel Service Providers found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.PutSubmodelToShell(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodel)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel to an existing Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="submodel">The serialized Submodel object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.GetSubmodelFromShellByIdShort(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the Submodel from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel retrieved successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">No Submodel Service Provider found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.DeleteSubmodelFromShellByIdShort(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_GetSubmodelValues(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the minimized version of a Submodel, i.e. only the values of SubmodelElements are serialized and returned |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_GetSubmodelElements(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodel-Elements from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodel-Elements</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_PutSubmodelElement(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodelElement)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel-Element at the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="submodelElement">The Submodel-Element object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel-Element created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_GetSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_GetSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the value of a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the value of a specific Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_PutSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.Object)"> |
| <summary> |
| Updates the Submodel-Element's value |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="value">The new value</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel-Element's value changed successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_DeleteSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel-Element deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_InvokeOperationByIdShort(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Communication.InvocationRequest,System.Boolean)"> |
| <summary> |
| Invokes a specific operation from the Submodel synchronously or asynchronously |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="invocationRequest">The parameterized request object for the invocation</param> |
| <param name="async">Determines whether the execution of the operation is asynchronous (true) or not (false)</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Operation invoked successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Method handler not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.Shell_GetInvocationResultByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the result of an asynchronously started operation |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="requestId">The request id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Result found</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Operation / Request not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellController.IsNullOrNotFound(System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult@,BaSyx.API.Components.ISubmodelServiceProvider@)"> |
| <summary> |
| Checks whether aasId is null or Asset Administration Shell Service Provider cannot be found |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="result">The IActionResult in case aasId is null or the provider cannot be found</param> |
| <param name="provider">The Asset Administration Shell Service Provider</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController"> |
| <summary> |
| The Asset Administration Shell Repository Controller |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.#ctor(BaSyx.API.Components.IAssetAdministrationShellRepositoryServiceProvider)"> |
| <summary> |
| The constructor for the Asset Administration Shell Repository Controller |
| </summary> |
| <param name="assetAdministrationShellRepositoryServiceProvider"></param> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.GetAllAssetAdministrationShells"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Asset Administration Shells from the Asset Administration Shell repository |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Asset Administration Shells</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.GetAssetAdministrationShellById(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Asset Administration Shell from the Asset Administration Shell repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Asset Administration Shell</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.PutAssetAdministrationShell(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.IAssetAdministrationShell)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Asset Administration Shell at the Asset Administration Shell repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="aas">The Asset Administration Shell</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Asset Administration Shell created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.DeleteAssetAdministrationShellById(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Asset Administration Shell at the Asset Administration Shell repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Asset Administration Shell deleted successfully</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelsFromShell(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodels from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodels</response> |
| <response code="404">No Submodel Service Providers found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_PutSubmodelToShell(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodel)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel to an existing Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="submodel">The serialized Submodel object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelFromShellByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the Submodel from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel retrieved successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">No Submodel Service Provider found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_DeleteSubmodelFromShellByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel from the Asset Administration Shell |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelValues(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the minimized version of a Submodel, i.e. only the values of SubmodelElements are serialized and returned |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelElements(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodel-Elements from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodel-Elements</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_PutSubmodelElement(System.String,System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodelElement)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel-Element at the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="submodelElement">The Submodel-Element object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel-Element created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the value of a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the value of a specific Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_PutSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Object)"> |
| <summary> |
| Updates the Submodel-Element's value |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="value">The new value</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel-Element's value changed successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_DeleteSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">The Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel-Element deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_InvokeOperationByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Communication.InvocationRequest,System.Boolean)"> |
| <summary> |
| Invokes a specific operation from the Submodel synchronously or asynchronously |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="invocationRequest">The parameterized request object for the invocation</param> |
| <param name="async">Determines whether the execution of the operation is asynchronous (true) or not (false)</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Operation invoked successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Method handler not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.ShellRepo_GetInvocationResultByIdShort(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the result of an asynchronously started operation |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelIdShort">Submodel's short id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="requestId">The request id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Result found</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Operation / Request not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRepositoryController.IsNullOrNotFound(System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult@,BaSyx.API.Components.IAssetAdministrationShellServiceProvider@)"> |
| <summary> |
| Checks whether aasId is null or Asset Administration Shell Service Provider cannot be found |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="result">The IActionResult in case aasId is null or the provider cannot be found</param> |
| <param name="provider">The Asset Administration Shell Service Provider</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController"> |
| <summary> |
| The Submodel Controller |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.#ctor(BaSyx.API.Components.ISubmodelServiceProvider)"> |
| <summary> |
| The constructor for the Submodel Controller |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelServiceProvider">The Submodel Service Provider implementation provided by the dependency injection</param> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodel"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the entire Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodelValues"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the minimized version of a Submodel, i.e. only the values of SubmodelElements are serialized and returned |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodelAsTable(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a customizable table version of a Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="columns">A comma-separated list of field names to structure the payload beeing returned</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodelElements"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodel-Elements from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodel-Elements</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.PutSubmodelElement(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodelElement)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel-Element at the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="submodelElement">The Submodel-Element object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel-Element created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the value of a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the value of a specific Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.PutSubmodelElementValueByIdShort(System.String,System.Object)"> |
| <summary> |
| Updates the Submodel-Element's value |
| </summary> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="value">The new value</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel-Element's value changed successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.DeleteSubmodelElementByIdShort(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel-Element deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.InvokeOperationByIdShort(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Communication.InvocationRequest,System.Boolean)"> |
| <summary> |
| Invokes a specific operation from the Submodel synchronously or asynchronously |
| </summary> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="invocationRequest">The parameterized request object for the invocation</param> |
| <param name="async">Determines whether the execution of the operation is asynchronous (true) or not (false)</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Operation invoked successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Method handler not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelController.GetInvocationResultByIdShort(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the result of an asynchronously started operation |
| </summary> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="requestId">The request id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Result found</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Operation / Request not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController"> |
| <summary> |
| The Submodel Repository Controller |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.#ctor(BaSyx.API.Components.ISubmodelRepositoryServiceProvider)"> |
| <summary> |
| The constructor for the Submodel Repository Controller |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelRepositoryServiceProvider"></param> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.GetAllSubmodelsFromRepo"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodels from the Submodel repository |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodels</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.RetrieveSubmodelFromRepoById(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Submodel from the Submodel repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodel</response> |
| <response code="404">No Submodel found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.PutSubmodelToRepo(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodel)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel at the Submodel repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodel">The Submodel object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel created / updated successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.DeleteSubmodelFromRepoById(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel at the Submodel repository |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel deleted successfully</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_GetSubmodelValues(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the minimized version of a Submodel, i.e. only the values of SubmodelElements are serialized and returned |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Success</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_GetSubmodelElements(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodel-Elements from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodel-Elements</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_PutSubmodelElement(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Core.AssetAdministrationShell.Generics.ISubmodelElement)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates or updates a Submodel-Element at the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="submodelElement">The Submodel-Element object</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">Submodel-Element created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_GetSubmodelElementById(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_GetSubmodelElementValueById(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the value of a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the value of a specific Submodel-Element</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_PutSubmodelElementValueById(System.String,System.String,System.Object)"> |
| <summary> |
| Updates the Submodel-Element's value |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <param name="value">The new value</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Submodel-Element's value changed successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| <response code="405">Method not allowed</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_DeleteSubmodelElementById(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes a specific Submodel-Element from the Submodel |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="seIdShortPath">The Submodel-Element's IdShort-Path</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="204">Submodel-Element deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Submodel-Element not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_InvokeOperationById(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Communication.InvocationRequest,System.Boolean)"> |
| <summary> |
| Invokes a specific operation from the Submodel synchronously or asynchronously |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="invocationRequest">The parameterized request object for the invocation</param> |
| <param name="async">Determines whether the execution of the operation is asynchronous (true) or not (false)</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Operation invoked successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Method handler not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.SubmodelRepo_GetInvocationResultById(System.String,System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the result of an asynchronously started operation |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="idShortPathToOperation">The IdShort path to the Operation</param> |
| <param name="requestId">The request id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Result found</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">Submodel / Operation / Request not found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.SubmodelRepositoryController.IsNullOrNotFound(System.String,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.IActionResult@,BaSyx.API.Components.ISubmodelServiceProvider@)"> |
| <summary> |
| Checks whether submodelId is null or Submodel Service Provider cannot be found |
| </summary> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="result">The IActionResult in case submodelId is null or the provider cannot be found</param> |
| <param name="provider">The Submodel Service Provider</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController"> |
| <summary> |
| The Asset Administration Shell Registry Controller |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.#ctor(BaSyx.API.Components.IAssetAdministrationShellRegistry)"> |
| <summary> |
| The constructor for the Asset Administration Shell Registry Controller |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasRegistry">The backend implementation for the IAssetAdministrationShellRegistry interface. Usually provided by the Depedency Injection mechanism.</param> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.GetAllAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all registered Asset Administration Shells within system (e.g. Station, Line, Plant, Area, etc.) defined by the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Asset Administration Shell Descriptors</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.GetAssetAdministrationShellDescriptor(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves a specific Asset Administration Shell registration |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Asset Administration Shell</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.RegisterAssetAdministrationShell(System.String,BaSyx.Models.Connectivity.Descriptors.IAssetAdministrationShellDescriptor)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates a new or updates an existing Asset Administration Shell registration at the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="aasDescriptor">The Asset Administration Shell Descriptor</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">The Asset Administration Shell's registration was successfully renewed</response> |
| <response code="400">The syntax of the passed Asset Administration Shell is not valid or malformed request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.UnregisterAssetAdministrationShell(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Deletes the Asset Administration Shell registration from the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">The Asset Administration Shell was deleted successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.RegisterSubmodelAtAssetAdministrationShell(System.String,System.String,BaSyx.Models.Connectivity.Descriptors.ISubmodelDescriptor)"> |
| <summary> |
| Creates a new or updates an existing Submodel registration at a specific Asset Administration Shell registered at the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelDescriptor">The Submodel Descriptor</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="201">The Submodel was created successfully</response> |
| <response code="400">The syntax of the passed Submodel is not valid or malformed request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.GetSubmodelDescriptorFromAssetAdministrationShell(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves the Submodel registration from a specific Asset Administration Shell registered at the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns the requested Submodels Descriptor</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell / Submodel with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.DeleteSubmodelDescriptorFromAssetAdministrationShell(System.String,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Unregisters the Submodel from a specific Asset Administration Shell registered at the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <param name="submodelId">The Submodel's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">The Submodel Descriptor was successfully unregistered</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell / Submodel with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.AssetAdministrationShellRegistryController.GetAllSubmodelDescriptorsFromAssetAdministrationShell(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieves all Submodel registrations from a specific Asset Administration Shell registered at the Registry |
| </summary> |
| <param name="aasId">The Asset Administration Shell's unique id</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| <response code="200">Returns a list of found Submodels Descriptors</response> |
| <response code="400">Bad Request</response> |
| <response code="404">No Asset Administration Shell with passed id found</response> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.ResultHandling"> |
| <summary> |
| Helper class for handling Action Results for HTTP-Requests |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.ResultHandling.NullResult(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Returns a Result-Object in an ObjectResult with status code 400 and a message which element is null or empty |
| </summary> |
| <param name="elementName">The name of the element which is null or empty</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.ResultHandling.BadRequestResult(System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Returns a Result-Object in an BadRequest(400)-ObjectResult and a message why it is a BadRequest |
| </summary> |
| <param name="message">The message why it is a BadRequest</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.ResultHandling.MethodNotAllowedResult"> |
| <summary> |
| Returns a Result-Object in an MethodNotAllowed(405)-ObjectResult |
| </summary> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="M:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.ResultHandling.CreateActionResult(BaSyx.Utils.ResultHandling.IResult,BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation,System.String)"> |
| <summary> |
| Returns a Result-Object wrapped in an ObjectResult according to the CRUD-operation |
| </summary> |
| <param name="result">The orignary Result object</param> |
| <param name="crud">The CRUD-operation taken</param> |
| <param name="route">Optional route for Create-Operations</param> |
| <returns></returns> |
| </member> |
| <member name="T:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation"> |
| <summary> |
| Enumeration of the different CRUD-Operations |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="F:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation.Create"> |
| <summary> |
| Create |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="F:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation.Retrieve"> |
| <summary> |
| Retrieve |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="F:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation.Update"> |
| <summary> |
| Update |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="F:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation.Delete"> |
| <summary> |
| Delete |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| <member name="F:BaSyx.API.Http.Controllers.CrudOperation.Invoke"> |
| <summary> |
| Invoke |
| </summary> |
| </member> |
| </members> |
| </doc> |