Removes obsolete files
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/contexts/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/contexts/
deleted file mode 100644
index b547ac1..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/contexts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package examples.contexts;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.RawCFGSubModelProviderServlet;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.SQLDirectoryServlet;





- * BaSyx context that contains an Industrie 4.0 Servlet infrastructure

- * - One in-memory only AAS Server that receives and hosts asset administration shells and sub models

- * - One SQL directory that manages AAS and sub model registrations

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory extends BaSyxContext {



-	/**

-	 * Version of serialized instance

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory() {

-		// Invoke base constructor to set up Tomcat server in basys.components context

-		super("/basys.examples", "");


-		// Define Servlet infrastucture

-		addServletMapping("/Components/Directory/SQL/*",       new SQLDirectoryServlet().withParameter("config", "/WebContent/WEB-INF/config/directory/sqldirectory/"));

-		addServletMapping("/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer/*", new RawCFGSubModelProviderServlet().withParameter("config", "/WebContent/WEB-INF/config/aasServer/"));

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index b883b41..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.api.resources.IAssetAdministrationShell;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.factory.MetaModelElementFactory;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.SubModel;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;
- * Implement a sub model that describes a device status
- * 
- * @author kuhn
- *
- */
-public class DeviceStatusSubmodel extends SubModel {
-	/**
-	 * Version of serialized instances
-	 */
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-	public DeviceStatusSubmodel() {
-		// Meta model element factory
-		MetaModelElementFactory factory = new MetaModelElementFactory();
-		// Initialize this sub model
-		((Map<String, Object>) this.get("identification")).put("id", "");
-		((Map<String, Object>) this.get("identification")).put("idType", IdentifierType.URI);
-		// This sub model only defines two property named "device status" and "mode"
-		Property deviceStatusProperty = factory.create(new Property(), "offline");
-		deviceStatusProperty.setId("deviceStatus");
-		Property deviceModeProperty = factory.create(new Property(), "idle");
-		deviceModeProperty.setId("mode");
-		// Add properties to sub model properties
-		((Map<String, Object>) get("properties")).put("deviceStatus", deviceStatusProperty);
-		((Map<String, Object>) get("properties")).put("mode", deviceModeProperty);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	public DeviceStatusSubmodel(IAssetAdministrationShell aas) {
-		// Invoke default constructor
-		this();
-		// Add sub model to AAS
-		aas.addSubModel(this);
-	}
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index abc85f4..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.backend.server.basyx.BaSyxTCPServer;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.hashmap.VABHashmapProvider;





- * BaSyx TCP server that communicates using the native BaSyx protocol

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class DeviceTCPServer {



-	/**

-	 * Create IModelProvider that provides a VAB element

-	 */

-	protected VABHashmapProvider modelProvider = new VABHashmapProvider(new DeviceStatusSubmodel());



-	/**

-	 * Create native BaSyx TCP server using default port

-	 */

-	protected BaSyxTCPServer<VABHashmapProvider> tcpServer = new BaSyxTCPServer<VABHashmapProvider>(modelProvider, 6998);





-	/**

-	 * Start TCP server

-	 */

-	public void startTCPServer() {

-		// Start TCP server

-		tcpServer.start();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Stop TCP server

-	 */

-	public void stopTCPServer() {

-		// Shutdown TCP server

-		tcpServer.shutdown();		

-	}	




-	/**

-	 * Main method

-	 */

-	public static void main(String[] args) {

-		// Create device TCP server

-		DeviceTCPServer deviceServer = new DeviceTCPServer();


-		// Start device TCP server

-		deviceServer.startTCPServer();


-		// Wait until TCP server completes (which will never happen) or do something else meaningful

-		try {deviceServer.tcpServer.join();} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}		

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be6180..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object;








- * Implement a directory for the example setting

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ExampleDirectory extends PreconfiguredDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Constructor - load all directory entries

-	 */

-	public ExampleDirectory() {

-		// VAB Element mapping

-		addMapping("", "basyx://localhost:6998");

-	}	


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d98b0..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/submodel/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.basyx.BaSyxConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;





- * Run example for controlling device (SubModel/BaSyx TCP)

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExample {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExampleDirectory(), new BaSyxConnectorProvider());



-	/**

-	 * Device TCP server for this example

-	 */

-	protected DeviceTCPServer deviceTCPServer = null; 



-	/**

-	 * Creates the manager to be used in the test cases

-	 */

-	@Before

-	public void before() {

-		// Create and start device TCP server

-		deviceTCPServer = new DeviceTCPServer();

-		// - Start server

-		deviceTCPServer.startTCPServer();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Creates the manager to be used in the test cases

-	 */

-	@After

-	public void after() {

-		// Stop TCP server

-		deviceTCPServer.stopTCPServer();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("");


-		// Device updates status to ready

-		Object devState = connSubModel.readElementValue("properties/deviceStatus/value");


-		// Compare and output device status

-		// - Automated result check

-		assertTrue(devState.equals("offline"));

-		// - Output result to console

-		System.out.println("Status:"+devState);

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index aec7b2b..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.RawCFGSubModelProviderServlet;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.SQLDirectoryServlet;


-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;





-<servlet-class> examples.controllingdevice.vab.object.SimpleVABElementServlet </servlet-class>












-<servlet-class> examples.controllingdevice.vab.object.SimpleSubmodelServlet </servlet-class>









- */



- * Tailored context for examples.controllingdevice.vab.object test cases

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext extends BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Version of serialized instance

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext() {

-		// Invoke base constructor to set up Tomcat server

-		super();


-		// Define test case specific Servlet infrastucture

-		addServletMapping("/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusVAB/*", new SimpleVABElementServlet());

-		addServletMapping("/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusSM/*",  new SimpleSubmodelServlet());

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bb423d..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;





- * A device status VAB object that does not conform to the sub model meta model. 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class DeviceStatusVABObject extends HashMap<String, Object> {



-	/**

-	 * Version of serialized instances

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = -1339664424451243526L;



-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public DeviceStatusVABObject() {


-		// Create contained property map

-		Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<>();

-		// - Create device status and mode property

-		propertyMap.put("deviceStatus", new String("offline"));

-		propertyMap.put("mode", new String("idle"));


-		// Put properties into 'elements' map of this provider

-		put("properties", propertyMap);

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bc70c5..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;








- * Implement a pre-configured directory service. This is most helpful for static topologies or test setups.

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ExampleDirectory extends PreconfiguredDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Constructor - load all directory entries

-	 */

-	public ExampleDirectory() {

-		// Define mappings

-		// - Device sub model (VAB)

-		addMapping("",  "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusVAB/");

-		// - Device sub model (SM)

-		addMapping("",  "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusSM/");

-	}	



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bcf3b..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;



-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.function.Supplier;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.lambda.VABLambdaProviderHelper;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;





- * Run example for controlling device (SubModel/BaSyx TCP)

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExample {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExampleDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext());





-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to device (VAB object)

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel1 = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("");


-/*		// Read status from device

-		Object devState1 = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/deviceStatus");

-		// - Output device status

-		System.out.println("Status1:"+devState1);



-/*		// Read mode from device

-		Object devMode1a = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/mode");

-		// - Output device mode

-		System.out.println("Mode1a:"+devMode1a);

-		// - Update device mode

-		connSubModel1.updateElementValue("properties/mode", "start");

-		// Read mode from device again

-		Object devMode1b = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/mode");

-		// - Output device mode again

-		System.out.println("Mode1b:"+devMode1b);



-		// Create accessors for simple value property property1.1

-		Map<String, Object> dynamicPropertyVal = VABLambdaProviderHelper.createSimple((Supplier<Object> & Serializable) () -> {

-			System.out.println("ABC:");

-			return "xyz";

-		}, null);

-		// - Update device mode

-		connSubModel1.updateElementValue("properties/mode", dynamicPropertyVal);


-		// Read mode from device again

-		Object devMode1c = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/mode");

-		// - Output device mode again

-		System.out.println("Mode1c:"+devMode1c);






-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to device (sub model)

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel2 = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("");


-		// Read status from device

-		Object devState2 = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/deviceStatus/value");

-		// - Output device status

-		System.out.println("Status2:"+devState2);


-		// Read mode from device

-		Object devMode2a = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/mode/value");

-		// - Output device mode

-		System.out.println("Mode2a:"+devMode2a);

-		// - Update device mode

-		connSubModel2.updateElementValue("properties/mode/value", "start");

-		// Read mode from device again

-		Object devMode2b = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/mode/value");

-		// - Output device mode again

-		System.out.println("Mode2b:"+devMode2b);


-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a9689a..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.backend.server.http.VABHTTPInterface;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.hashmap.VABHashmapProvider;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.lambda.VABLambdaProvider;
-import examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object.DeviceStatusSubmodel;
- * Servlet interface for VAB elements, e.g. AAS, sub model, or other VAB objects
- * 
- * @author kuhn
- *
- */
-public class SimpleSubmodelServlet extends VABHTTPInterface<VABHashmapProvider> {
-	/**
-	 * Version information to identify the version of serialized instances
-	 */
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	public SimpleSubmodelServlet() {
-		// Invoke base constructor, instantiate device status sub model
-		super(new VABLambdaProvider(new DeviceStatusSubmodel()));
-	}
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b542e..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.dynamic;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.backend.server.http.VABHTTPInterface;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.hashmap.VABHashmapProvider;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.lambda.VABLambdaProvider;
- * Servlet interface for VAB elements, e.g. AAS, sub model, or other VAB objects
- * 
- * @author kuhn
- *
- */
-public class SimpleVABElementServlet extends VABHTTPInterface<VABHashmapProvider> {
-	/**
-	 * Version information to identify the version of serialized instances
-	 */
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	public SimpleVABElementServlet() {
-		// Invoke base constructor, instantiate a device status VAB object
-		super(new VABLambdaProvider(new DeviceStatusVABObject()));
-	}
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b24a4c..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.RawCFGSubModelProviderServlet;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.servlets.SQLDirectoryServlet;


-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;





-<servlet-class> examples.controllingdevice.vab.object.SimpleVABElementServlet </servlet-class>












-<servlet-class> examples.controllingdevice.vab.object.SimpleSubmodelServlet </servlet-class>









- */



- * Tailored context for examples.controllingdevice.vab.object test cases

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext extends BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Version of serialized instance

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext() {

-		// Invoke base constructor to set up Tomcat server

-		super();


-		// Define test case specific Servlet infrastucture

-		addServletMapping("/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusVAB/*", new SimpleVABElementServlet());

-		addServletMapping("/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusSM/*",  new SimpleSubmodelServlet());

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b6f82..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;





- * A device status VAB object that does not conform to the sub model meta model. 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class DeviceStatusVABObject extends HashMap<String, Object> {



-	/**

-	 * Version of serialized instances

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = -1339664424451243526L;



-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public DeviceStatusVABObject() {


-		// Create contained property map

-		Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<>();

-		// - Create device status and mode property

-		propertyMap.put("deviceStatus", new String("offline"));

-		propertyMap.put("mode", new String("idle"));


-		// Put properties into 'elements' map of this provider

-		put("properties", propertyMap);

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31363a9..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;








- * Implement a pre-configured directory service. This is most helpful for static topologies or test setups.

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ExampleDirectory extends PreconfiguredDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Constructor - load all directory entries

-	 */

-	public ExampleDirectory() {

-		// Define mappings

-		// - Device sub model (VAB)

-		addMapping("",  "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusVAB/");

-		// - Device sub model (SM)

-		addMapping("",  "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/devicestatusSM/");

-	}	



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index f446a04..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;





- * Run example for controlling device (SubModel/BaSyx TCP)

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExample {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExampleDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new ControllingDeviceVABObjectContext());





-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to device (VAB object)

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel1 = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("");


-		// Read status from device

-		Object devState1 = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/deviceStatus");

-		// - Output device status

-		System.out.println("Status1:"+devState1);


-		// Read mode from device

-		Object devMode1a = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/mode");

-		// - Output device mode

-		System.out.println("Mode1a:"+devMode1a);

-		// - Update device mode

-		connSubModel1.updateElementValue("properties/mode", "start");

-		// Read mode from device again

-		Object devMode1b = connSubModel1.readElementValue("properties/mode");

-		// - Output device mode again

-		System.out.println("Mode1b:"+devMode1b);




-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to device (sub model)

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel2 = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("");


-		// Read status from device

-		Object devState2 = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/deviceStatus/value");

-		// - Output device status

-		System.out.println("Status2:"+devState2);


-		// Read mode from device

-		Object devMode2a = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/mode/value");

-		// - Output device mode

-		System.out.println("Mode2a:"+devMode2a);

-		// - Update device mode

-		connSubModel2.updateElementValue("properties/mode/value", "start");

-		// Read mode from device again

-		Object devMode2b = connSubModel2.readElementValue("properties/mode/value");

-		// - Output device mode again

-		System.out.println("Mode2b:"+devMode2b);

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d1889..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.backend.server.http.VABHTTPInterface;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.hashmap.VABHashmapProvider;
-import examples.controllingdevice.submodel.object.DeviceStatusSubmodel;
- * Servlet interface for VAB elements, e.g. AAS, sub model, or other VAB objects
- * 
- * @author kuhn
- *
- */
-public class SimpleSubmodelServlet extends VABHTTPInterface<VABHashmapProvider> {
-	/**
-	 * Version information to identify the version of serialized instances
-	 */
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	public SimpleSubmodelServlet() {
-		// Invoke base constructor, instantiate device status sub model
-		super(new VABHashmapProvider(new DeviceStatusSubmodel()));
-	}
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b49c86..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/controllingdevice/vab/object/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package examples.controllingdevice.vab.object;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.backend.server.http.VABHTTPInterface;
-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.provider.hashmap.VABHashmapProvider;
- * Servlet interface for VAB elements, e.g. AAS, sub model, or other VAB objects
- * 
- * @author kuhn
- *
- */
-public class SimpleVABElementServlet extends VABHTTPInterface<VABHashmapProvider> {
-	/**
-	 * Version information to identify the version of serialized instances
-	 */
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	/**
-	 * Constructor
-	 */
-	public SimpleVABElementServlet() {
-		// Invoke base constructor, instantiate a device status VAB object
-		super(new VABHashmapProvider(new DeviceStatusVABObject()));
-	}
diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
deleted file mode 100644
index 660d653..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import basys.examples.deployment.BaSyxDeployment;

-import basys.examples.example.BaSyxExample;

-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;

-import examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager.DeviceMockup;

-import examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager.ManufacturingDeviceManager;

-import examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager.ReceiveDeviceStatusApplication;






- * Run example for device AAS

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExample extends BaSyxExample {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/**

-	 * Instantiate and start context elements for this example. BaSyxDeployment contexts instantiate all

-	 * components on the IP address of the host. Therefore, all components use the same IP address. 

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static BaSyxDeployment context = new BaSyxDeployment(

-				// Simulated servlets

-				// - BaSys topology with one AAS Server and one SQL directory

-				new BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory(),


-				// Simulated runnables

-				// - Manufacturing device manager, e.g. deployed to additonal device

-				new ManufacturingDeviceManager().setName("DeviceManager"),


-				// Simulated mockups

-				new DeviceMockup(9998).setName("Device"),

-				new ReceiveDeviceStatusApplication().setName("Application")

-			);




-	/**

-	 * Test sequence: 

-	 * - Device status update

-	 * - Read device status from AAS

-	 */

-	@Test 

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Device updates status to ready

-		((DeviceMockup) context.getRunnable("Device")).statusChange("ready");


-		// Application waits for status change

-		waitfor( () -> ((ReceiveDeviceStatusApplication) context.getRunnable("Application")).getDeviceStatus().equals("ready") );

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8400fc7..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas;


-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.SubModel;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.SubmodelDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.BaSysConnectionManager;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.ModelServerProxy;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.proxies.AASRegistryProxy;

-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;






- * Run example for device AAS

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExampleSimpleAPIManualRegistry {



-	/**

-	 * BaSys connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected BaSysConnectionManager connManager = new BaSysConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory());




-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		ModelServerProxy modelServer    = this.connManager.connectToModelServer("AASServer");



-		// Instantiate AAS registry proxy that connects to registry

-		AASRegistryProxy registry = new AASRegistryProxy("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL");



-		// Create device AAS

-		// - Product ID (urn:<legalEntity>:<subUnit>:<subModel>:<version>:<revision>:<elementID>#<elementInstance>)

-		ModelUrn deviceAASID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create device AAS

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell()

-				.putPath("idShort", "DeviceIDShort");

-		// - Push AAS to model repository

-		modelServer.pushToServer(deviceAASID, aas);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		ModelUrn deviceStatusSMID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "statusSM", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create generic sub model 

-		SubModel statusSM = new SubModel()

-				.putPath("properties/status", "offline");

-		// - Push static sub model to model repository

-		modelServer.pushToServer(deviceStatusSMID, statusSM);



-		// Delete AAS registration for a fresh start - ignore if URL was not found. In this case, there was no previous registration and the registry was clean

-		registry.delete(deviceAASID);



-		// Register AAS and sub models in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		// - Create an AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor deviceAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(deviceAASID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, modelServer.getURLToModel(deviceAASID));

-		// - Add a sub model descriptor for device

-		SubmodelDescriptor deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor = new SubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, modelServer.getURLToModel(deviceStatusSMID));

-		deviceAASDescriptor.addSubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor);

-		// - Push AAS descriptor to server

-		registry.register(deviceAASDescriptor);



-		// Device updates status to ready

-		//connSubModel.updateElementValue(statusSubmodelURLOnServer+"/properties/status", "ready");

-		modelServer.updateElementValue(deviceStatusSMID, "/properties/status", "ready");

-		// - Read updated status back

-		modelServer.readElementValue(deviceStatusSMID, "/properties/status");



-		// Lookup device AAS

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = registry.lookup(deviceAASID);

-		// - Get information about status sub model

-		SubmodelDescriptor smDescriptor = aasDescriptor.getSubModelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN());



-		// Connect to status sub model end point

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel = connManager.connectToVABElementByURL(smDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		Map<String, Object> deviceSM = (Map<String, Object>) connSubModel.readElementValue("/");

-		// - Output status information

-		System.out.println("ReadBack:"+((Map<String, Object>) deviceSM.get("properties")).get("status"));

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
deleted file mode 100644
index 428aff1..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas;


-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.VABModelMap;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.SubModel;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.SubmodelDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.BaSysConnectionManager;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.ModelServerProxy;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.proxies.AASRegistryProxy;

-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;






- * Run example for device AAS

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExampleSimpleAPIManualRegistryURL {



-	/**

-	 * BaSys connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected BaSysConnectionManager connManager = new BaSysConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory());




-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		//VABElementProxy connSubModel = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("AASServer");

-		ModelServerProxy modelServer    = this.connManager.connectToModelServerURL("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer/");


-		// - Invoke BaSyx service calls via web services

-		//WebServiceRawClient client = new WebServiceRawClient();

-		// - Directory web service URL

-		//String wsURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.components/Testsuite/Directory/SQL";

-		// - AAS repository server URL

-		//String aasSrvURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/aasserver";



-		// Instantiate AAS registry proxy that connects to registry

-		AASRegistryProxy registry = new AASRegistryProxy("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL");



-		// Create device AAS

-		// - Product ID (urn:<legalEntity>:<subUnit>:<subModel>:<version>:<revision>:<elementID>#<elementInstance>)

-		ModelUrn deviceAASID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create device AAS

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();

-		aas.put("idShort", "DeviceIDShort");

-		// - Push AAS to model repository

-		modelServer.pushToServer(deviceAASID, aas);

-		// - AAS URL on server

-		//String aasURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+deviceAASID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Transfer device AAS to server

-		//connSubModel.createElement(aasURLOnServer, aas);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		ModelUrn deviceStatusSMID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "statusSM", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create generic sub model 

-		SubModel statusSM = new SubModel();

-		statusSM.putPath("properties/status", "offline");

-		//((Map<String, Object>) statusSM.get("properties")).put("status", "offline");

-		// - Push static sub model to model repository

-		modelServer.pushToServer(deviceStatusSMID, statusSM);

-		// - Sub model URL on server

-		//String statusSubmodelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+deviceStatusSMID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Transfer device sub model to server

-		//connSubModel.createElement(statusSubmodelURLOnServer, statusSM);



-		// Delete AAS registration for a fresh start - ignore if URL was not found. In this case, there was no previous registration and the registry was clean

-		registry.delete(deviceAASID);



-		// Register AAS and sub models in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		// - Create an AAS descriptor

-		//AASDescriptor deviceAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(deviceAASID.getURN(), Identification.URI, aasSrvURL+aasURLOnServer);

-		AASDescriptor deviceAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(deviceAASID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, modelServer.getURLToModel(deviceAASID));

-		// - Add a sub model descriptor for device

-		SubmodelDescriptor deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor = new SubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, modelServer.getURLToModel(deviceStatusSMID));

-		deviceAASDescriptor.addSubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor);

-		// - Push AAS descriptor to server

-		//"/api/v1/registry", JSONTools.Instance.serialize(deviceAASDescriptor).toString());

-		registry.register(deviceAASDescriptor);



-		// Device updates status to ready

-		//connSubModel.updateElementValue(statusSubmodelURLOnServer+"/properties/status", "ready");

-		modelServer.updateElementValue(deviceStatusSMID, "/properties/status", "ready");

-		// - Read updated status back

-		modelServer.readElementValue(deviceStatusSMID, "/properties/status");



-		// Lookup device AAS

-		// - Lookup AAS from AAS directory, get AAS descriptor

-		//String jsonData = client.get(wsURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+deviceAASID.getEncodedURN());

-		// - Read AAS end point from AAS descriptor

-		//AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = new AASDescriptor((Map<String, Object>) JSONTools.Instance.deserialize(new JSONObject(jsonData)));

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = registry.lookup(deviceAASID);

-		// - Get information about status sub model

-		SubmodelDescriptor smDescriptor = aasDescriptor.getSubModelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN());



-		// Connect to status sub model end point

-		// - FIXME - we need the ability to connect to an absolute URL here

-		//Map<String, Object> deviceSM = (Map<String, Object>) connSubModel.readElementValue(statusSubmodelURLOnServer);

-		//Map<String, Object> deviceSM = (Map<String, Object>) connSubModel.readElementValue(smDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel = connManager.connectToVABElementByURL(smDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		Map<String, Object> deviceSM = (Map<String, Object>) connSubModel.readElementValue("/");

-		// - Output status information

-		System.out.println("ReadBack:"+((Map<String, Object>) deviceSM.get("properties")).get("status"));

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf94af..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager;






-import basys.examples.deployment.BaSyxContextRunnable;





- * This class implements a mockup of a manufacturing device

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class DeviceMockup implements BaSyxContextRunnable {



-	/**

-	 * Communication socket

-	 */

-	protected Socket communicationSocket = null;



-	/**

-	 * Communication stream to connected device manager

-	 */

-	protected DataOutputStream toDeviceManager = null;



-	/**

-	 * Store server port

-	 */

-	protected int serverPort;



-	/**

-	 * Store device name

-	 */

-	protected String deviceName = null;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public DeviceMockup(int port) {

-		// Store server port

-		serverPort = port;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Indicate device status change

-	 */

-	public void statusChange(String newStatus) {

-		// Signal status change

-		try {

-			// Write bytes to device manager

-			toDeviceManager.writeBytes(newStatus);


-			// Flush communication

-			toDeviceManager.flush();

-		} catch (IOException e) {

-			// Handle exceptions for now by printing them to the console

-			e.printStackTrace();

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Close device communication socket

-	 */

-	public void closeSocket() {

-		// Try to close socket

-		try {

-			// Close socket

-			communicationSocket.close();

-		} catch (IOException e) {

-			// Handle exceptions for now by printing them to the console

-			e.printStackTrace();

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Start the device

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void start() {

-		// Try to create connection

-		try {

-			// Create connection

-			communicationSocket = new Socket("localhost", serverPort);


-			// Create output stream

-			// - The output stream is simple but will do for our mockup

-			toDeviceManager = new DataOutputStream(communicationSocket.getOutputStream());

-		} catch (IOException e) {

-			// Handle exceptions for now by printing them to the console

-			e.printStackTrace();

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Stop the device

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void stop() {

-		// Close communication socket

-		closeSocket();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Change the runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public BaSyxContextRunnable setName(String newName) {

-		// Set name

-		deviceName = newName;


-		// Return 'this' reference to enable chaining

-		return this;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public String getName() {

-		return deviceName;

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index a19fd68..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager;








-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;



-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.SubModel;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.SubmodelDescriptor;


-import basys.examples.urntools.ModelUrn;






- * Example manufacturing device manager code

- * 

- * This example code illustrates a basic device manager component. It implements the interaction between a device and the BaSyx infrastructure.

- * This code is for example deployed on the device (in case of availability of a Java runtime environment) or to an explicit connector device.

- * The Asset Administration Shell is not kept on the device, but transferred to an AAS server during registration. This ensures its presence also

- * if the device itself is not available, e.g. due to a failure. Important asset data, such as manufacturer, and support contacts remain available

- * in this case.

- * 

- * This code implements the following:

- * - Registration of device the AAS and sub models with the BaSyx infrastructure

- * - Updating of sub model properties to reflect the device status

- * - TCP connection to legacy device

- * 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ManufacturingDeviceManager extends BaSyxManagerComponent {




-	/**

-	 * TCP server thread

-	 */

-	public class TCPServer extends Thread {



-		/**

-		 * Device manager reference

-		 */

-		protected ManufacturingDeviceManager deviceManagerInstance = null;




-		/**

-		 * Constructor

-		 */

-		public TCPServer(ManufacturingDeviceManager instance) {

-			// Store instance reference

-			deviceManagerInstance = instance;

-		}



-		/**

-		 * Run server

-		 */

-		@Override

-		public void run() {

-			// Communication socket

-			ServerSocket deviceCommunicationSocket = null;


-			// IOExceptions on this level are not expected. The server will not recover

-			try {

-				// Create a server socket

-				deviceCommunicationSocket = new ServerSocket(9998);


-				// Continuously listen for incoming connection requests from device, 

-				// but only support one connection at a time

-				while (!deviceManagerInstance.endExecution) {

-					// Accept one socket connection at a time

-					Socket deviceConnectionSocket = deviceCommunicationSocket.accept();


-					// Stream reader

-					BufferedReader fromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(deviceConnectionSocket.getInputStream()));


-					// Wait for data as long as socket is kept open

-					while (!deviceConnectionSocket.isClosed()) {

-						// An IOException here could indicate a closed socket

-						try {

-							// This server implements a very simple protocol that transmits status updates as strings

-							String newDeviceStatus = fromClient.readLine();


-							// Invoke callback

-							deviceManagerInstance.onDeviceStatusChange(newDeviceStatus);

-							// Handle IO exceptions

-						} catch (IOException e) {

-							e.printStackTrace();

-						}

-					}

-				}


-				// Close socket

-				deviceCommunicationSocket.close();


-			// Handle all non-recoverable exceptions

-			} catch (IOException e) {

-				e.printStackTrace();

-			}

-		}

-	}




-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/**

-	 * GSON serializer

-	 */

-	protected GSONTools serializer = new GSONTools(new DefaultTypeFactory());



-	/**

-	 * Server connection

-	 */

-	protected VABElementProxy connSubModel = null;



-	/**

-	 * Status sub model URN

-	 */

-	protected String statusSubmodelURLOnServer = null;



-	/**

-	 * Controller sub model URN

-	 */

-	protected String controllerSubmodelURLOnServer = null;







-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ManufacturingDeviceManager() {

-		// Do nothing here

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Initialize the device, and register it with the backend

-	 */

-	@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public void initialize() {

-		// Create TCP thread (or any other connection) to legacy device

-		new TCPServer(this).start();



-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		connSubModel = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("AASServer");

-		// - Invoke BaSyx service calls via web services

-		WebServiceRawClient client = new WebServiceRawClient();

-		// - Directory web service URL

-		String wsURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL";

-		// - AAS repository server URL

-		String aasSrvURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer";



-		// Create device AAS

-		// - Product ID (urn:<legalEntity>:<subUnit>:<subModel>:<version>:<revision>:<elementID>#<elementInstance>)

-		ModelUrn deviceAASID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create device AAS

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();

-		aas.put("idShort", "DeviceIDShort");

-		// - AAS URL on server

-		String aasURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+deviceAASID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Transfer device AAS to server

-		connSubModel.createElement(aasURLOnServer, aas);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		ModelUrn deviceStatusSMID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "statusSM", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create generic sub model 

-		SubModel statusSM = new SubModel();

-		((Map<String, Object>) statusSM.get("properties")).put("status", "offline");

-		// - Sub model URL on server

-		statusSubmodelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+deviceStatusSMID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Transfer device sub model to server

-		connSubModel.createElement(statusSubmodelURLOnServer, statusSM);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		ModelUrn deviceControllerSMID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "controllerSM", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");

-		// - Create generic sub model 

-		SubModel controllerSM = new SubModel();

-		//   - Create sub model contents

-		Map<String, Object> listOfControllers = new HashMap<>();

-		((Map<String, Object>) controllerSM.get("properties")).put("controllers", listOfControllers);

-		// - Sub model URL on server

-		controllerSubmodelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+deviceControllerSMID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Transfer device sub model to server

-		connSubModel.createElement(controllerSubmodelURLOnServer, controllerSM);



-		// Delete AAS registration for a fresh start - ignore if URL was not found. In this case, there was no previous registration and the registry was clean

-		client.delete(wsURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+URLEncoder.encode(deviceAASID.getURN()));



-		// Register AAS and sub models in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		// - Create an AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor deviceAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(deviceAASID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, aasSrvURL+aasURLOnServer);

-		// - Add a sub model descriptor for device

-		SubmodelDescriptor deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor = new SubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, aasSrvURL+statusSubmodelURLOnServer);

-		deviceAASDescriptor.addSubmodelDescriptor(deviceStatusSubmodelDescriptor);

-		SubmodelDescriptor deviceControllerSubmodelDescriptor = new SubmodelDescriptor(deviceControllerSMID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, aasSrvURL+controllerSubmodelURLOnServer);

-		deviceAASDescriptor.addSubmodelDescriptor(deviceControllerSubmodelDescriptor);

-		// - Push AAS descriptor to server

-"/api/v1/registry", serializer.getJsonString(serializer.serialize(deviceAASDescriptor)));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Change the device status

-	 */

-	public void onDeviceStatusChange(String newStatus) {

-		System.out.println("Status change:"+newStatus);


-		// Device updates status to ready

-		connSubModel.updateElementValue(statusSubmodelURLOnServer+"/properties/status", "ready");

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Main method - instantiate and run this manager component

-	 */

-	public static void main(String[] args) {

-		// Run this manager

-		new ManufacturingDeviceManager().start();

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 801eb89..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager;




- * Example manufacturing device Asset Administration Shell (AAS) code

- * 

- * This example servlet code illustrates the interaction between a device and an AAS of the BaSys infrastructure.

- * The servlet connects to a legacy device using a TCP connection (this connection is mocked in this example). 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ManufacturingDeviceManagerServlet {




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ManufacturingDeviceManagerServlet() {

-		// Do nothing here

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Initialize the device, and register it with the backend

-	 */

-	public void register() {


-	}



-	/**

-	 * 

-	 */



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1838dec..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/deviceaas/devices/devicemanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-package examples.deviceaas.devices.devicemanager;


-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;




-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.SubmodelDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.deployment.BaSyxContextRunnable;

-import basys.examples.urntools.ModelUrn;







- * Example BaSys 4.0 application that receives a status change

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ReceiveDeviceStatusApplication implements BaSyxContextRunnable {



-	/**

-	 * The WebServiceRawClient invokes BaSyx service calls via web services

-	 */

-	protected WebServiceRawClient client = new WebServiceRawClient();



-	/**

-	 * Directory web service URL

-	 */

-	protected String wsURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL";



-	/**

-	 * URN of device - used to identify device

-	 */

-	protected ModelUrn deviceAASID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");



-	/**

-	 * URN of device sub model - used too identify device status sub model

-	 */

-	protected ModelUrn deviceStatusSMID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "statusSM", "1.0", "3", "x-509", "001");



-	/**

-	 * GSON serializer

-	 */

-	protected GSONTools serializer = new GSONTools(new DefaultTypeFactory());



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/**

-	 * Application name

-	 */

-	protected String applicationName = null;






-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ReceiveDeviceStatusApplication() {

-		// Create WebServiceRawClient that invokes BaSyx service calls via web services

-		client = new WebServiceRawClient();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Receive status

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public String getDeviceStatus() {

-		// Lookup device AAS

-		// - Lookup AAS from AAS directory, get AAS descriptor

-		String jsonData = client.get(wsURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+deviceAASID.getEncodedURN());

-		// - Read AAS end point from AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = new AASDescriptor((Map<String, Object>) serializer.deserialize(serializer.getMap(serializer.getObjFromJsonStr(jsonData))));



-		// - Get information about status sub model

-		SubmodelDescriptor smDescriptor = aasDescriptor.getSubModelDescriptor(deviceStatusSMID.getURN());



-		// Connect to status sub model end point

-		VABElementProxy connSM = connManager.connectToVABElementByURL(smDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		// - Read elements

-		Map<String, Object> deviceSM = (Map<String, Object>) connSM.readElementValue("/");

-		// - Output status information

-		System.out.println("ReadBack:"+((Map<String, Object>) deviceSM.get("properties")).get("status"));



-		// Return status

-		return ((Map<String, Object>) deviceSM.get("properties")).get("status").toString();

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Start the application

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void start() {

-		// Do nothing

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Stop the application

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void stop() {

-		// Do nothing

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Change the runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public BaSyxContextRunnable setName(String newName) {

-		// Set name

-		applicationName = newName;


-		// Return 'this' reference to enable chaining

-		return this;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public String getName() {

-		return applicationName;

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/
deleted file mode 100644
index cdcea1e..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-package examples.productaas;



-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;



-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;



-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;

-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;






- * Run example for product AAS

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExample {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected VABConnectionManager connManager = new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory());




-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	@Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {

-		// Create GSON serializer

-		GSONTools serializer = new GSONTools(new DefaultTypeFactory());



-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel = this.connManager.connectToVABElement("AASServer");

-		// - Invoke BaSyx service calls via web services

-		WebServiceRawClient client = new WebServiceRawClient();

-		// - Directory web service URL

-		String wsURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL";

-		// - AAS repository server URL

-		String aasSrvURL = "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer";



-		// Create product AAS

-		// - Product ID (urn:<legalEntity>:<subUnit>:<subModel>:<version>:<revision>:<elementID>#<elementInstance>)

-		ModelUrn productID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "product1", null);

-		// - Create map with complex type

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();

-		aas.put("idShort", "ProductIDShort");

-		// - AAS URL on server

-		//String aasURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/rawSampleCFG/"+productID.getEncodedURN();

-		String aasURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+productID.getEncodedURN();

-		// - Create AAS structure on server

-		connSubModel.createElement(aasURLOnServer, aas);



-		// Delete AAS registration for a fresh start - ignore if URL was not found. In this case, there was no previous registration and the registry was clean

-		client.delete(wsURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+URLEncoder.encode(productID.getURN()));



-		// Register AAS in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		// - Create an AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor productAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(productID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, aasSrvURL+aasURLOnServer);

-		// - Push AAS descriptor to server

-"/api/v1/registry", serializer.getJsonString(serializer.serialize(productAASDescriptor)));



-		// Lookup AAS

-		// - Lookup AAS from AAS directory, get AAS descriptor

-		String jsonData = client.get(wsURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+productID.getEncodedURN());

-		// - Read AAS end point from AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = new AASDescriptor((Map<String, Object>) serializer.deserialize(serializer.getMap(serializer.getObjFromJsonStr(jsonData))));

-		System.out.println("Endpoint1:"+jsonData);

-		System.out.println("Endpoint2:"+serializer.getObjFromJsonStr(jsonData));

-		System.out.println("Endpoint3:"+serializer.getMap(serializer.getObjFromJsonStr(jsonData)));

-		System.out.println("Endpoint:"+aasDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());



-		// Connect to AAS end point

-		VABElementProxy connSM = connManager.connectToVABElementByURL(aasDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		System.out.println("XXX");

-		Map<String, Object> productAAS = (Map<String, Object>) connSM.readElementValue("");

-		// - Read product AAS from server

-		System.out.println("ReadBack1:"+connSM);

-		System.out.println("ReadBack2:"+productAAS);


-		System.out.println("ReadBack:"+productAAS.get("idShort"));

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/
deleted file mode 100644
index e286517..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/examples/productaas/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-package examples.productaas;



-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;



-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.VABModelMap;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.identifier.IdentifierType;



-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import org.junit.ClassRule;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.BaSysConnectionManager;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager.ModelServerProxy;

-import basys.examples.frontend.client.proxies.AASRegistryProxy;

-import examples.contexts.BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory;






- * Run example for product AAS

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class RunExampleSimpleAPI {



-	/**

-	 * VAB connection manager backend

-	 */

-	protected BaSysConnectionManager connManager = new BaSysConnectionManager(new ExamplesDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider());



-	/** 

-	 * Makes sure Tomcat Server with basic BaSys topology is started

-	 */

-	@ClassRule

-	public static AASHTTPServerResource res = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource(new BaSyxExamplesContext_1MemoryAASServer_1SQLDirectory());




-	/**

-	 * Test basic queries

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {


-		// Server connections

-		// - Connect to AAS server

-		ModelServerProxy modelServer = this.connManager.connectToModelServer("AASServer");


-		// Instantiate AAS registry proxy

-		AASRegistryProxy registry = new AASRegistryProxy("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL");


-		// Create product AAS

-		// - Product ID (urn:<legalEntity>:<subUnit>:<subModel>:<version>:<revision>:<elementID>#<elementInstance>)

-		ModelUrn productID = new ModelUrn("de.FHG", "", "aas", "1.0", "3", "product1", null);

-		// - Create map with complex type

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();

-		aas.put("idShort", "ProductIDShort");

-		// - Push AAS to model repository

-		modelServer.pushToServer(productID, aas);



-		// Delete AAS registration for a fresh start - ignore if URL was not found. In this case, there was no previous registration and the registry was clean

-		registry.delete(productID);



-		// Register AAS in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		// - Create an AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor productAASDescriptor = new AASDescriptor(productID.getURN(), IdentifierType.URI, modelServer.getURLToModel(productID));

-		// - Push AAS descriptor to server

-		registry.register(productAASDescriptor);



-		// Lookup AAS

-		// - Read AAS end point from AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = registry.lookup(productID);

-		// Connect to AAS end point

-		VABElementProxy connSubModel2 = connManager.connectToVABElementByURL(aasDescriptor.getFirstEndpoint());

-		// - Get AAS

-		Map<String, Object> productAAS = (Map<String, Object>) connSubModel2.readElementValue("/");

-		// - Read product AAS from server

-		System.out.println("ReadBack:"+productAAS.get("idShort"));

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/examples/org/eclipse/basyx/examples/mockup/devicemanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/examples/org/eclipse/basyx/examples/mockup/devicemanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1fc932..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/examples/org/eclipse/basyx/examples/mockup/devicemanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.basyx.examples.mockup.devicemanager;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.backend.connector.http.HTTPConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.AssetAdministrationShell;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.aas.metamodel.hashmap.aas.SubModel;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.devicemanager.TCPDeviceManagerComponent;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.components.proxy.registry.AASHTTPRegistryProxy;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;





- * Example manufacturing device manager code

- * 

- * This example code illustrates a basic device manager component. It implements the interaction between a device and the BaSyx infrastructure.

- * This code is for example deployed on the device (in case of availability of a Java runtime environment) or to an explicit connector device.

- * The Asset Administration Shell is not kept on the device, but transferred to an AAS server during registration. This ensures its presence also

- * if the device itself is not available, e.g. due to a failure. Important asset data, such as manufacturer, and support contacts remain available

- * in this case.

- * 

- * This code implements the following:

- * - Registration of device the AAS and sub models with the BaSyx infrastructure

- * - Updating of sub model properties to reflect the device status

- * - TCP connection to legacy device

- * 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class BaSyxTCPManufacturingDeviceManager extends TCPDeviceManagerComponent {



-	/**

-	 * AAS server connection

-	 */

-	protected VABElementProxy aasServerConnection = null;







-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public BaSyxTCPManufacturingDeviceManager(int port) {

-		// Invoke base constructor

-		super(port);



-		// Set registry that will be used by this service

-		setRegistry(new AASHTTPRegistryProxy("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/Directory/SQL"));



-		// Set service connection manager and create AAS server connection

-		setConnectionManager(new VABConnectionManager(new ExamplesPreconfiguredDirectory(), new HTTPConnectorProvider()));

-		// - Create AAS server connection

-		aasServerConnection = getConnectionManager().connectToHTTPVABElement("AASServer", "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/");



-		// Set AAS server VAB object ID, AAS server URL, and AAS server path prefix

-		setAASServerObjectID("AASServer");

-		setAASServerURL("http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer");

-		setAASServerPathPrefix("/aas/submodels/aasRepository/");

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Initialize the device, and register it with the backend

-	 */

-	@Override 

-	public void start() {

-		// Base implementation

-		super.start();


-		// Create the device AAS and sub model structure

-		createDeviceAASAndSubModels();



-		// Create AAS and sub model descriptors

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = createAASDescriptorURI(lookupURN("AAS"));

-		addSubModelDescriptorURI(aasDescriptor, lookupURN("Status"));

-		addSubModelDescriptorURI(aasDescriptor, lookupURN("Controller"));



-		// Register AAS and sub model descriptors in directory (push AAS descriptor to server)

-		getRegistry().delete(lookupURN("AAS"));

-		getRegistry().register(aasDescriptor);

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Create the device AAS and sub model structure

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	protected void createDeviceAASAndSubModels() {


-		// Register URNs of managed VAB objects

-		addShortcut("AAS",        new ModelUrn(""));

-		addShortcut("Status",     new ModelUrn(""));

-		addShortcut("Controller", new ModelUrn(""));



-		// Create device AAS

-		AssetAdministrationShell aas = new AssetAdministrationShell();

-		// - Populate AAS

-		aas.setId("DeviceIDShort");

-		// - Transfer device AAS to server

-		aasServerConnection.createElement(lookupURN("AAS").toString(), aas);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		// - Create generic sub model and add properties

-		SubModel statusSM = new SubModel()

-		//   - Property status: indicate device status

-				.putPath("properties/status", "offline")

-		//   - Property statistics: export invocation statistics for every service

-		//     - invocations: indicate total service invocations. Properties are not persisted in this example,

-		//                    therefore we start counting always at 0.

-				.putPath("properties/statistics/default/invocations", 0);

-		// - Transfer device sub model to server

-		aasServerConnection.createElement(lookupURN("Status").toString(), statusSM);



-		// The device also brings a sub model structure with an own ID that is being pushed on the server

-		// - Create generic sub model 

-		SubModel controllerSM = new SubModel();

-		//   - Create sub model contents manually

-		Map<String, Object> listOfControllers = new HashMap<>();

-		((Map<String, Object>) controllerSM.get("properties")).put("controllers", listOfControllers);

-		// - Transfer device sub model to server

-		aasServerConnection.createElement(lookupURN("Controller").toString(), controllerSM);

-	}







-	/**

-	 * Received a string from network

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void onReceive(byte[] rxData) {

-		System.out.println("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++RCV");


-		// Do not process null values

-		if (rxData == null) return;


-		// Convert received data to string

-		String rxStr = new String(rxData); 

-		// - Trim string to remove possibly trailing and leading white spaces

-		rxStr = rxStr.trim();


-		// Check what was being received. This check is performed based on a prefix that he device has to provide);

-		// - Update of device status

-		if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "status:")) aasServerConnection.updateElementValue(lookupURN("Status").getEncodedURN()+"/properties/status", removePrefix(rxStr, "status"));

-		// - Indicate service invocation

-		if (hasPrefix(rxStr, "invocation:")) {

-			// Read and increment invocation counter

-			int invocations = (int) aasServerConnection.readElementValue(lookupURN("Status").getEncodedURN()+"/properties/statistics/default/invocations");

-			aasServerConnection.updateElementValue(lookupURN("Status").getEncodedURN()+"/properties/statistics/default/invocations", ++invocations);

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe52f1f..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment;





- * Runnable in a BaSyx context

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public interface BaSyxContextRunnable {



-	/**

-	 * Start the runnable

-	 */

-	public void start();



-	/**

-	 * Stop the runnable

-	 */

-	public void stop();



-	/**

-	 * Change the runnable name

-	 */

-	public BaSyxContextRunnable setName(String newName);



-	/**

-	 * Get runnable name

-	 */

-	public String getName();


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
deleted file mode 100644
index 898fb46..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;




-import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;






- * This class represents a BaSyx deployment with servers / servlets and assets for running BaSyx examples

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class BaSyxDeployment extends ExternalResource {



-	/**

-	 * Store context objects

-	 */

-	protected Object[] contextComponents = null;



-	/**

-	 * Map runnable names to runnables

-	 */

-	protected Map<String, BaSyxContextRunnable> contectRunnablesByName = new HashMap<>();





-	/**

-	 * Constructor - accept parameter of type BaSyxContext or Runnable

-	 */

-	public BaSyxDeployment(Object... components) {

-		// Store context objects

-		contextComponents = components;


-		// Store runnable objects by name

-		for (Object obj: contextComponents) {

-			// Check component type

-			if (!(obj instanceof BaSyxContextRunnable)) continue;


-			// Add BaSyxContextRunnable to context

-			// - Cast object

-			BaSyxContextRunnable contextRunnable = (BaSyxContextRunnable) obj;

-			// - Add context runnable to map if it is named

-			if (contextRunnable.getName() == null) continue;

-			// - Add context runnable to map

-			contectRunnablesByName.put(contextRunnable.getName(), contextRunnable);

-		}

-	}




-    /**

-     * Execute before a test case starts

-     */

-    protected void before() {

-    	// Iterate context components

-    	for (Object contextComponent: contextComponents) {

-    		// Process BaSyx context objects that run in a tomcat server

-    		if (contextComponent instanceof BaSyxContext) {

-    			// Get HTTP server resource

-    			AASHTTPServerResource resource = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource((BaSyxContext) contextComponent);

-    			// - Invoke 'before' operation that starts the server

-    			resource.before();

-    			// - Continue loop

-    			continue;

-    		}


-    		// Process runnables

-    		if (contextComponent instanceof BaSyxContextRunnable) {

-    			// Execute runnable

-    			((BaSyxContextRunnable) contextComponent).start();

-    			// - Continue loop

-    			continue;

-    		}


-    		// Unknown deployment context

-    		throw new UnknownContextComponentTypeException();

-    	}

-    }



-    /**

-     * Execute after test case ends

-     */

-    protected void after() {

-    	// Iterate context components

-    	for (Object contextComponent: contextComponents) {

-    		// Process BaSyx context objects that run in a tomcat server

-    		if (contextComponent instanceof BaSyxContext) {

-    			// Get HTTP server resource

-    			AASHTTPServerResource resource = AASHTTPServerResource.getTestResource((BaSyxContext) contextComponent);

-    			// - Invoke 'before' operation that starts the server

-    			resource.after();

-    			// - Continue loop

-    			continue;

-    		}


-    		// Process runnables

-    		if (contextComponent instanceof BaSyxContextRunnable) {

-    			// Execute runnable

-    			((BaSyxContextRunnable) contextComponent).stop();

-    			// - Continue loop

-    			continue;

-    		}


-    		// Unknown deployment context

-    		throw new UnknownContextComponentTypeException();

-    	}

-    }



-    /**

-     * Get context runnable by name

-     */

-    public BaSyxContextRunnable getRunnable(String name) {

-    	return contectRunnablesByName.get(name);

-    }



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ba441..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment;




- * This exception indicates the presence of an unknown component type in a BaSyx context

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class UnknownContextComponentTypeException extends RuntimeException {



-	/**

-	 * Version information for serialized instances

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf415d..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,717 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment.controlComponent;



-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.LinkedList;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.function.Function;





- * BaSys 4.0 control component interface. This is a VAB object that cannot be serialized.

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public abstract class ControlComponent extends HashMap<String, Object> {



-	/**

-	 * The status map implements the service/ substructure of the control component structure. It also 

-	 * indicates variable changes via callbacks of the outer class.

-	 * 

-	 * @author kuhn

-	 *

-	 */

-	class StatusMap extends HashMap<String, Object> {



-		/**

-		 * Version number of serialized instances

-		 */

-		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;




-		/**

-		 * Constructor

-		 */

-		public StatusMap() {

-			// Populate control component "status" sub structure 

-			put("occupationState ", 0);               // Occupation state: FREE

-			put("occupier", "");                      // Occupier: none

-			put("lastOccupier", "");                  // Last occupier: none

-			put("exMode", 1);                         // Execution mode: AUTO

-			put("exState", "IDLE");                   // Execution state: IDLE

-			put("opMode", "");                        // Component specific operation mode (e.g. active service)

-			put("workState", "");                     // Component specific work state

-			put("errorState", "");                    // Component error state

-			put("prevError", "");                     // Component previous error

-		}



-		/**

-		 * Update an value

-		 * 

-		 * @return Added value

-		 */

-		@Override

-		public Object put(String key, Object value) {

-			// Invoke base implementation

-			Object result = super.put(key, value);


-			// Indicate value change

-			onVariableChange(key, value);


-			// Indicate specific changes to callback operations of control component

-			switch(key) {

-				case "occupationState": onNewOccupationState(OccupationState.byValue((int) value)); break;

-				case "occupier":        onNewOccupier(value.toString()); break;

-				case "lastOccupier":    onLastOccupier(value.toString()); break;

-				case "exMode":          onChangedExecutionMode(ExecutionMode.byValue((int) value)); break;

-				case "exState":         onChangedExecutionState(ExecutionState.byValue(value.toString())); break;

-				case "opMode":          onChangedOperationMode(value.toString()); break;

-				case "workState":       onChangedWorkState(value.toString()); break;

-				case "errorState":      onChangedErrorState(value.toString()); break;

-				case "prevError":       onChangedPrevError(value.toString()); break;

-			}


-			// Return result

-			return result;

-		}

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Version number of serialized instances

-	 */

-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;



-	/**

-	 * Operations map

-	 */

-	protected Map<String, Function<?, ?>> operations = new HashMap<String, Function<?, ?>>();



-	/**

-	 * Saved occupier ID in case of local occupier overwrite

-	 */

-	protected String savedOccupierID = null;



-	/**

-	 * Status map

-	 */

-	protected Map<String, Object> status = null;





-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public ControlComponent() {

-		// Add control component output signals to map

-		// - Order list

-		put("orderList", new LinkedList<String>());

-		// - "status" sub structure

-		status = new StatusMap();

-		put("status", status);


-		// Input signals

-		// - Command / stores last command

-		put("cmd", "");                           // No command

-		put("localOverwrite", "");                // Local override signal

-		put("localOverwriteFree", "");            // Local override release signal


-		// Operations

-		// - Add "operations" sub structure

-		put("operations", operations);

-		// - Service operations

-		Map<String, Function<?, ?>> serviceOperations = new HashMap<>();

-		// - Populate service operations

-		serviceOperations.put("free",       (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {freeControlComponent(v); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("occupy",     (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {occupyControlComponent(v); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("priority",   (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {priorityOccupation(v); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("auto",       (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode.AUTO); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("semiauto",   (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode.SEMIAUTO); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("manual",     (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode.MANUAL); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("simulation", (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode.SIMULATION); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("start",      (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("START"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("reset",      (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("RESET"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("hold",       (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("HOLD"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("unhold",     (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("UNHOLD"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("suspend",    (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("SUSPEND"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("unsuspend",  (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("UNSUSPEND"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("abort",      (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("ABORT"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("stop",       (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("STOP"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("clear",      (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("CLEAR"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("reset",      (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.changeExecutionState("RESET"); return null;});

-		serviceOperations.put("bstate",     (Function<String, Void> & Serializable) (v) -> {this.setOperationMode("BSTATE"); return null;});

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Indicate change of a variable

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onVariableChange(String varName, Object newValue);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate new occupier

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onNewOccupier(String occupierId);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate new occupation state

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onNewOccupationState(OccupationState state);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate a change of last occupier. This is probably not relevant for many sub classes, therefore this class

-	 * provides a default implementation. 

-	 */

-	protected void onLastOccupier(String lastOccupierId) { /* Do nothing */ }



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an execution mode change

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedExecutionMode(ExecutionMode newExecutionMode);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an execution state change

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedExecutionState(ExecutionState newExecutionState);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an operation mode change

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedOperationMode(String newOperationMode);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an work state change

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedWorkState(String newWorkState);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an error state change

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedErrorState(String newWorkState);



-	/**

-	 * Indicate an previous error state change. This is probably not relevant for many sub classes, therefore this class

-	 * provides a default implementation. 

-	 */

-	protected abstract void onChangedPrevError(String newWorkState);





-	/**

-	 * Get "operations" map

-	 */

-	protected Map<String, Function<?, ?>> getOperationsMap() {

-		return operations;

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Update an value

-	 * 

-	 * @return Added value

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public Object put(String key, Object value) {

-		// Invoke base implementation

-		Object result = super.put(key, value);


-		// Indicate value change

-		onVariableChange(key, value);


-		// Process variable changes

-		switch(key) {

-			case "cmd": 			   changeExecutionState(value.toString()); break;

-			case "localOverwrite": 	   invokeLocalOverwrite(); break;

-			case "localOverwriteFree": clearLocalOverwrite(); break;

-		}


-		// Return result

-		return result;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Helper method - free this control component

-	 */

-	private void freeControlComponent(String senderId) {

-		// Update occupier if sender is occupier

-		if (senderId.equals(this.getOccupierID())) {

-			// Get occupier from last occupier and reset last occupier

-			this.setOccupierID(this.getLastOccupierID());

-			this.setLastOccupierID("");

-			// Component is free if last occupier is empty, occupied otherwise

-			if (this.getOccupierID().isEmpty()) this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.FREE); else this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.OCCUPIED);

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Helper method - occupy this control component if it is free

-	 */

-	private void occupyControlComponent(String occupier) {

-		// Update occupier if component is FREE

-		if (this.getOccupationState().equals(OccupationState.FREE)) {this.setOccupierID(occupier); this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.OCCUPIED);}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Helper method - priority occupation of this component

-	 */

-	private void priorityOccupation(String occupier) {

-		// Occupy component if component is FREE or OCCUPIED

-		if ((this.getOccupationState().equals(OccupationState.FREE)) || (this.getOccupationState().equals(OccupationState.OCCUPIED))) {

-			this.setLastOccupierID(this.getOccupierID());

-			this.setOccupierID(occupier); 

-			this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.PRIORITY);

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Helper method - local overwrite of OCCUPIED or PRIORITY occupation

-	 */

-	private void invokeLocalOverwrite() {

-		// Store current occupier because we need to restore it later

-		savedOccupierID = this.getOccupierID();


-		// Enter local overwrite state

-		this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.LOCAL);

-		this.setOccupierID("LOCAL");

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Helper method - clear local occupier overwrite status

-	 */

-	private void clearLocalOverwrite() {

-		// Restore current occupier ID

-		this.setOccupierID(savedOccupierID);


-		// Restore occupier state based on variables

-		if (this.getOccupierID().isEmpty()) this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.FREE); else

-			if (this.getLastOccupierID().isEmpty()) this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.OCCUPIED); else 

-				this.setOccupationState(OccupationState.PRIORITY);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Change execution state based on execution order

-	 */

-	private void changeExecutionState(String orderString) {

-		// Do not react on empty values

-		if (orderString.isEmpty()) return;


-		// Get execution order based on order string

-		ExecutionOrder order = ExecutionOrder.byValue(orderString);		


-		// Check if execution order leads to valid state in current state

-		switch(getExecutionState().toLowerCase()) {

-			case "idle":

-				// Process expected orders

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.START)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STARTING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))  {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "starting":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))  {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "execute":

-				// Process expected orders

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.COMPLETE)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.COMPLETING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.HOLD))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.HOLDING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.SUSPEND))  {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.SUSPENDING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "completing":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "complete":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.RESET)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.RESETTING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))  {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "resetting":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "holding":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "held":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.UNHOLD)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.UNHOLDING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))   {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))  {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "unholding":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "suspending":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "suspended":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.UNSUSPEND)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.UNSUSPENDING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))      {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "unsuspending":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.STOP))     {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "stopping":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "stopped":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.RESET)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.RESETTING.getValue()); break;}

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "aborted":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.CLEAR)) {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.CLEARING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			case "clearing":

-				if (order.equals(ExecutionOrder.ABORT))    {this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTING.getValue()); break;}

-				// Unexpected order in this state

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected command "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());


-			// Received order in unexpected state

-			default:

-				// Indicate error

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected order "+orderString+" in state "+getExecutionState());

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Finish current execution state (execute 'SC' order). This only works in transition states

-	 */

-	public void finishState() {

-		// Check if state complete message leads to valid state in current state

-		switch(getExecutionState().toLowerCase()) {

-			// Process state changes

-			case "starting":     this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.EXECUTE.getValue()); break;

-			case "execute":      this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.COMPLETING.getValue()); break;

-			case "completing":   this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.COMPLETE.getValue()); break;

-			case "resetting":    this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.IDLE.getValue()); break;

-			case "holding":      this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.HELD.getValue()); break;

-			case "unholding":    this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.EXECUTE.getValue()); break;

-			case "suspending":   this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.SUSPENDED.getValue()); break;

-			case "unsuspending": this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.EXECUTE.getValue()); break;

-			case "stopping":     this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPED.getValue()); break;

-			case "stopped":      this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.IDLE.getValue()); break;

-			case "aborting":     this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.ABORTED.getValue()); break;

-			case "clearing":     this.setExecutionState(ExecutionState.STOPPED.getValue()); break;


-			// Received order in unexpected state

-			default:

-				// Indicate error

-				throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected state complete order in state "+getExecutionState());

-		}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get order list

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public List<String> getOrderList() {

-		// Get map entry

-		return (List<String>) get("orderList");

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Add order to order list

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public void addOrder(String newOrder) {

-		// Get map entry

-		((List<String>) get("orderList")).add(newOrder);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Clear order list

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public void clearOrder() {

-		// Get map entry

-		((List<String>) get("orderList")).clear();		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get occupation state

-	 */

-	public OccupationState getOccupationState() {

-		// Return occupation state

-		return OccupationState.byValue((Integer) status.get("occupationState"));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set occupation state

-	 */

-	public void setOccupationState(OccupationState occSt) {

-		// Update occupation state

-		status.put("occupationState ", occSt.getValue());

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get occupier ID

-	 */

-	public String getOccupierID() {

-		// If occupier is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("occupier").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set occupier ID

-	 */

-	public void setOccupierID(String occId) {

-		status.put("occupier", occId);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get last occupier ID

-	 */

-	public String getLastOccupierID() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("lastOccupier").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set last occupier ID

-	 */

-	public void setLastOccupierID(String occId) {

-		status.put("lastOccupier", occId);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get execution mode

-	 */

-	public ExecutionMode getExecutionMode() {

-		// Return execution mode

-		return ExecutionMode.byValue((Integer) status.get("exMode"));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set execution mode

-	 */

-	public void setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode exMode) {

-		// Return execution mode

-		status.put("exMode", exMode.getValue());

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get execution state

-	 */

-	public String getExecutionState() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("exState").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set execution state

-	 */

-	public void setExecutionState(String newSt) {

-		// Change execution state

-		status.put("exState", newSt);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get operation mode

-	 */

-	public String getOperationMode() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("opMode").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set operation mode

-	 */

-	public void setOperationMode(String opMode) {

-		// Change operation mode

-		status.put("opMode", opMode);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get work state

-	 */

-	public String getWorkState() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("workState").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set work state

-	 */

-	public void setWorkState(String workState) {

-		// Change work state

-		status.put("workState", workState);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get error state

-	 */

-	public String getErrorState() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("errorState").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set error state

-	 */

-	public void setErrorState(String errorState) {

-		// Change error state

-		status.put("errorState", errorState);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get last error state

-	 */

-	public String getLastErrorState() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return status.get("prevError").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set last error state

-	 */

-	public void setLastErrorState(String lastErrorState) {

-		// Change last error state

-		status.put("prevError", lastErrorState);		

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Get last command

-	 */

-	public String getCommand() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return get("cmd").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set command

-	 */

-	public void setCommand(String cmd) {

-		// Change last command

-		put("cmd", cmd);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get local overwrite variable

-	 */

-	public String getLocalOverwrite() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return get("localOverwrite").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set local overwrite variable

-	 */

-	public void setLocalOverwrite(String cmd) {

-		// Change local overwrite command

-		put("localOverwrite", cmd);		

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get local overwrite free variable

-	 */

-	public String getLocalOverwriteFree() {

-		// If member is not set, a null pointer Exception will be thrown when invoking toString(). Return an empty string in this case (=no occupier)

-		try {return get("localOverwriteFree").toString();} catch (NullPointerException e) {return "";}

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Set local overwrite free variable

-	 */

-	public void setLocalOverwriteFree(String cmd) {

-		// Change local overwrite free command

-		put("localOverwriteFree", cmd);		

-	}




diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d82a67..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment.controlComponent;




- * Execution mode enum

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public enum ExecutionMode {

-	// Enumeration constants





-	/**

-	 * Get OccupationState by its value

-	 */

-	public static ExecutionMode byValue(int value) {

-		// Switch by requested value

-		switch (value) {

-			case 1: return AUTO;

-			case 2: return SEMIAUTO;

-			case 3: return MANUAL;

-			case 4: return RESERVED;

-			case 5: return SIMULATION;

-		}


-		// Indicate error

-		throw new RuntimeException("Unknown value requested");

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Enumeration item value

-	 */

-	protected int value = -1;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	private ExecutionMode(int val) {

-		this.value = val;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get enumeration value

-	 */

-	public int getValue() {

-		return value;

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
deleted file mode 100644
index de9a8aa..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment.controlComponent;




- * Execution order enum

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public enum ExecutionOrder {

-	// Enumeration constants





-	/**

-	 * Get execution order by its value

-	 */

-	public static ExecutionOrder byValue(String value) {

-		// Switch by requested value

-		switch (value.toLowerCase()) {

-			case "start":     return START;

-			case "complete":  return COMPLETE;

-			case "reset":     return RESET;

-			case "hold":      return HOLD;

-			case "unhold":    return UNHOLD;

-			case "suspend":   return SUSPEND;

-			case "unsuspend": return UNSUSPEND;

-			case "clear":     return CLEAR;

-			case "stop":      return STOP;

-			case "abort":     return ABORT;

-		}


-		// Indicate error

-		throw new RuntimeException("Unknown value requested:"+value.toLowerCase());

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Enumeration item value

-	 */

-	protected String value = null;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	private ExecutionOrder(String val) {

-		this.value = val;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get enumeration value

-	 */

-	public String getValue() {

-		return value;

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc0810d..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment.controlComponent;




- * Execution state enum

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public enum ExecutionState {

-	// Enumeration constants






-	/**

-	 * Get execution order by its value

-	 */

-	public static ExecutionState byValue(String value) {

-		// Switch by requested value

-		switch (value.toLowerCase()) {

-			case "idle":         return IDLE;

-			case "starting":     return STARTING;

-			case "execute":      return EXECUTE;

-			case "completing":   return COMPLETING;

-			case "complete":     return COMPLETE;

-			case "resetting":    return RESETTING;

-			case "holding":      return HOLDING;

-			case "held":         return HELD;

-			case "unholding":    return UNHOLDING;

-			case "suspending":   return SUSPENDING;

-			case "suspended":    return SUSPENDED;

-			case "unsuspending": return UNSUSPENDING;

-			case "stopping":     return STOPPING;

-			case "stopped":      return STOPPED;

-			case "aborting":     return ABORTING;

-			case "aborted":      return ABORTED;

-			case "clearing":     return CLEARING;

-		}


-		// Indicate error

-		throw new RuntimeException("Unknown value requested");

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Enumeration item value

-	 */

-	protected String value = null;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	private ExecutionState(String val) {

-		this.value = val;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get enumeration value

-	 */

-	public String getValue() {

-		return value;

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
deleted file mode 100644
index 09f5c7a..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/deployment/controlComponent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.deployment.controlComponent;




- * Occupation state enum

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public enum OccupationState {

-	// Enumeration constants





-	/**

-	 * Get OccupationState by its value

-	 */

-	public static OccupationState byValue(int value) {

-		// Switch by requested value

-		switch (value) {

-			case 0: return FREE;

-			case 1: return OCCUPIED;

-			case 2: return PRIORITY;

-			case 3: return LOCAL;

-		}


-		// Indicate error

-		throw new RuntimeException("Unknown value requested");

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Enumeration item value

-	 */

-	protected int value = -1;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	private OccupationState(int val) {

-		this.value = val;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get enumeration value

-	 */

-	public int getValue() {

-		return value;

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/example/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index addc042..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.example;


-import java.util.function.Supplier;





- * Base class for all BaSyx examples

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- */

-public class BaSyxExample {




-	/**

-	 * Wait for a condition

-	 */

-	protected void waitfor(Supplier<Boolean> function) {

-		while (!function.get()) Thread.yield();

-	}


diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7c60a1..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.IConnectorProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.IDirectoryService;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.VABConnectionManager;








- * Connection manager that creates BaSys specific connections on request

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class BaSysConnectionManager extends VABConnectionManager {



-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 * 

-	 * @param networkDirectoryService Directory service provider

-	 * @param providerProvider        Connection provider

-	 */

-	public BaSysConnectionManager(IDirectoryService networkDirectoryService, IConnectorProvider providerProvider) {

-		// Invoke base constructor

-		super(networkDirectoryService, providerProvider);

-	}




-	/**

-	 * Connect to an model provider server

-	 * 

-	 * Model provider servers are network repositories that store models and enable access to them.

-	 * 

-	 * @param urn the URN that describes the model provider server 

-	 */

-	public ModelServerProxy connectToModelServer(String urn) {

-		// Get AAS from directory

-		String addr = null;


-		// Lookup address in directory server

-		addr = directoryService.lookup(urn);


-		// Return a new ModelServerProxy

-		return new ModelServerProxy(VABPathTools.removeAddressEntry(addr), addr, providerProvider.getConnector(addr));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Connect to an model provider server through a provided URL

-	 * 

-	 * @param url to model provider server 

-	 */

-	public ModelServerProxy connectToModelServerURL(String url) {

-		// Return a new ModelServerProxy

-		return new ModelServerProxy(VABPathTools.removeAddressEntry(url), url, providerProvider.getConnector(url));

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1cf9cd..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/connmanager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.frontend.client.connmanager;


-import java.util.HashMap;


-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.IModelProvider;

-import org.eclipse.basyx.vab.core.proxy.VABElementProxy;


-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;





- * Proxy class for connecting to a model server.

- * 

- * Model servers provide static data models to the VAB. this class hides the nasty details to communicate via VAB primitives with model servers. 

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ModelServerProxy extends VABElementProxy {



-	/**

-	 * Full address with qualifier.

-	 */

-	protected String fullQualifiedAddr = null;




-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 * 

-	 * @param addr Address

-	 * @param provider Provider reference

-	 */

-	public ModelServerProxy(String addr, String fullAddr, IModelProvider provider) {

-		// Invoke base constructor

-		super(addr, provider);


-		// Store qualified address

-		fullQualifiedAddr = fullAddr;

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Push model to model repository

-	 */

-	public void pushToServer(ModelUrn modelID, HashMap<String, Object> model) {

-		// Model URL on server

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Transfer model to server

-		this.createElement(modelURLOnServer, model);	

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Push model to model repository

-	 */

-	public void pushToServer(String modelIDRaw, HashMap<String, Object> model) {

-		// Push to server

-		pushToServer(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), model);

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Get URL to model on server

-	 */

-	public String getURLToModel(ModelUrn modelID) {

-		// Return address on server

-		return this.fullQualifiedAddr+"/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get URL to model on server

-	 */

-	public String getURLToModel(String modelIDRaw) {

-		// Return address on server

-		return getURLToModel(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw));

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Update model element value on server

-	 */

-	public void updateElementValue(ModelUrn modelID, String elementPath, Object newValue) {

-		// Build URL

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Invoke base function 

-		updateElementValue(modelURLOnServer+elementPath, newValue);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Update model element value on server

-	 */

-	public void updateElementValue(String modelIDRaw, String elementPath, Object newValue) {

-		updateElementValue(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), elementPath, newValue); 

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Read model element value

-	 */

-	public Object readElementValue(ModelUrn modelID, String elementPath) {

-		// Build URL

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Invoke base function 

-		return readElementValue(modelURLOnServer+elementPath);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Read model element value

-	 */

-	public Object readElementValue(String modelIDRaw, String elementPath) {

-		return readElementValue(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), elementPath); 

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Create model element 

-	 */

-	public void createElement(ModelUrn modelID, String elementPath, Object newValue) {

-		// Build URL

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Invoke base function 

-		createElement(modelURLOnServer+elementPath, newValue);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Create model element 

-	 */

-	public void createElement(String modelIDRaw, String elementPath, Object newValue) {

-		createElement(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), elementPath, newValue); 

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Delete model element based on path

-	 */

-	public void deleteElement(ModelUrn modelID, String elementPath) {

-		// Build URL

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Invoke base function 

-		deleteElement(modelURLOnServer+elementPath);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Delete model element based on path

-	 */

-	public void deleteElement(String modelIDRaw, String elementPath) {

-		deleteElement(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), elementPath);

-	}





-	/**

-	 * Delete model element based on path and value

-	 */

-	public void deleteElement(ModelUrn modelID, String elementPath, Object value) {

-		// Build URL

-		String modelURLOnServer = "/aas/submodels/aasRepository/"+modelID.getEncodedURN();


-		// Invoke base function 

-		deleteElement(modelURLOnServer+elementPath, value);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Delete model element based on path and value

-	 */

-	public void deleteElement(String modelIDRaw, String elementPath, Object value) {

-		deleteElement(new ModelUrn(modelIDRaw), elementPath, value);

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/proxies/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/proxies/
deleted file mode 100644
index af54bcd..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/frontend/client/proxies/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-package basys.examples.frontend.client.proxies;



-import java.util.Map;





-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.AASDescriptor;

-import basys.examples.aasdescriptor.ModelUrn;






- * Local proxy class that hides HTTP calls to BaSys registry

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class AASRegistryProxy {



-	/**

-	 * Store AAS registry URL

-	 */

-	protected String aasRegistryURL = null;



-	/**

-	 * Invoke BaSyx service calls via web services

-	 */

-	protected WebServiceRawClient client = null;



-	/**

-	 * JSON serializer

-	 */

-	protected GSONTools serializer = null;






-	/**

-	 * Constructor

-	 */

-	public AASRegistryProxy(String aasRegURL) {

-		// Store URL

-		aasRegistryURL = aasRegURL;


-		// Create web service client

-		client = new WebServiceRawClient();


-		// Create serializer

-		serializer = new GSONTools(new DefaultTypeFactory());

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Register AAS descriptor in registry

-	 */

-	public void register(AASDescriptor deviceAASDescriptor) {

-		// Perform web service call to registry

-"/api/v1/registry", serializer.getJsonString(serializer.serialize(deviceAASDescriptor)));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Delete AAS descriptor from registry

-	 */

-	public void delete(ModelUrn aasID) {

-		// - Instantiate web service client

-		//WebServiceRawClient client = new WebServiceRawClient();

-		// - Invoke delete operation of AAS registry

-		client.delete(aasRegistryURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+URLEncoder.encode(aasID.getURN()));

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Lookup device AAS

-	 */

-	@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public AASDescriptor lookup(ModelUrn aasID) {

-		// Lookup AAS from AAS directory, get AAS descriptor

-		String jsonData = client.get(aasRegistryURL+"/api/v1/registry/"+aasID.getEncodedURN());


-		// Deserialize AAS descriptor

-		AASDescriptor aasDescriptor = new AASDescriptor((Map<String, Object>) serializer.deserialize(serializer.getMap(serializer.getObjFromJsonStr(jsonData))));


-		// Return AAS descriptor

-		return aasDescriptor;

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/tools/ b/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/tools/
deleted file mode 100644
index c23a9f8..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/src/basys/examples/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@


-import basys.examples.deployment.BaSyxContextRunnable;



- * Base class for stand alone device managers that connect legacy devices with BaSyx. This component runs

- * for example in interface devices.

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public abstract class BaSyxManagerComponent implements BaSyxContextRunnable {



-	/**

-	 * Flag that indicates the request for ending the execution

-	 */

-	protected boolean endExecution = false;



-	/**

-	 * Store device name

-	 */

-	protected String deviceName = null;







-	/**

-	 * Indicate change of end execution flag

-	 */

-	protected void onEndExecutionChanged(boolean endExecutionFlag) {

-		// Default implementation does nothing

-	}



-	/**

-	 * End the execution of this BaSyx manager

-	 */

-	public void endExecution() {

-		// Change flag

-		endExecution = true;


-		// Signal flag change

-		onEndExecutionChanged(endExecution);

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Run this manager

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void start() {

-		// Do nothing

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Stop this manager

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public void stop() {

-		// End execution of this BaSyx manager

-		endExecution();

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Change the runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public BaSyxContextRunnable setName(String newName) {

-		// Set name

-		deviceName = newName;


-		// Return 'this' reference to enable chaining

-		return this;

-	}



-	/**

-	 * Get runnable name

-	 */

-	@Override

-	public String getName() {

-		return deviceName;

-	}



diff --git a/examples/basys.examples/support/examples/directory/ b/examples/basys.examples/support/examples/directory/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9462c87..0000000
--- a/examples/basys.examples/support/examples/directory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@








- * Implement the test suite directory service with pre-configured directory entries

- * 

- * @author kuhn

- *

- */

-public class ExamplesDirectory extends TestsuiteDirectory {



-	/**

-	 * Constructor - load all directory entries

-	 */

-	public ExamplesDirectory() {

-		// Populate with entries from base implementation

-		super();


-		// Define mappings

-		// - AAS server mapping

-		//addMapping("AASServer", "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Testsuite/components/BaSys/1.0/aasserver/");

-		addMapping("AASServer", "http://localhost:8080/basys.examples/Components/BaSys/1.0/aasServer/");

-	}	
