blob: 6901bc7cb2da3a32b2d728f3723179fc1b2872c3 [file] [log] [blame]
using System.Xml;
using System.Runtime;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.IO;
using System;
using System.IO.Packaging;
/* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Festo AG & Co. KG <>, author: Michael Hoffmeister
This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v 2.0 (EPL-2.0) (see
The browser functionality is under the cefSharp license (see
The JSON serialization is under the MIT license (see */
namespace AdminShellNS
#region Utils
// Utils
public class AdminShellUtil
public static string EvalToNonNullString(string fmt, object o, string elseString = "")
if (o == null)
return elseString;
return string.Format(fmt, o);
public static string EvalToNonEmptyString(string fmt, string o, string elseString = "")
if (o == "")
return elseString;
return string.Format(fmt, o);
public static string FilterFriendlyName(string src)
if (src == null)
return null;
return Regex.Replace(src, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9\-_]", "");
public static bool HasWhitespace(string src)
if (src == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("src");
for (var i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(src[i]))
return true;
return false;
public static string ShortLocation(Exception ex)
if (ex == null || ex.StackTrace == null)
return "";
string[] lines = ex.StackTrace.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (lines.Length < 1)
return "";
// search for " in "
var p = lines[0].IndexOf(" in ");
if (p < 0)
return "";
// search last "\" or "/", to get only filename portion and position
p = lines[0].LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '\\', '/' });
if (p < 0)
return "";
// return this
return lines[0].Substring(p);
/// <summary>
/// This empty class derives always from the current version of the Administration Shell class hierarchy.
/// </summary>
public class AdminShell : AdminShellV10 { }
#region AdminShell_V1_0
/// <summary>
/// Version of Details of Administration Shell Part 1 V1.0 published Nov/Dec/Jan 2018/19
/// </summary>
public class AdminShellV10
public class Identification
// members
public string idType = "";
public string id = "";
// constructors
public Identification() { }
public Identification(Identification src)
this.idType = src.idType; =;
public override string ToString()
return $"[{this.idType}] {}";
public class Administration
// members
public string version = "";
public string revision = "";
// constructors
public Administration() { }
public Administration(Administration src)
this.version = src.version;
this.revision = src.revision;
public override string ToString()
return $"R={this.version}, V={this.revision}";
public class Key
public string type = "";
public bool local = false;
public string idType = "";
public string value = "";
public Key()
public Key(Key src)
this.type = src.type;
this.local = src.local;
this.idType = src.idType;
this.value = src.value;
public Key(string type, bool local, string idType, string value)
this.type = type;
this.local = local;
this.idType = idType;
this.value = value;
public static Key CreateNew(string type, bool local, string idType, string value)
var k = new Key();
k.type = type;
k.local = local;
k.idType = idType;
k.value = value;
return (k);
public static Key GetFromRef(Reference r)
if (r == null || r.Count != 1)
return null;
return r[0];
public override string ToString()
var local = (this.local) ? "Local" : "not Local";
return $"[{this.type}, {local}, {this.idType}, {this.value}]";
public static string KeyListToString(List<Key> keys)
if (keys == null || keys.Count < 1)
return "";
// normally, exactly one key
if (keys.Count == 1)
return keys[0].ToString();
// multiple!
var s = "[ ";
foreach (var k in keys)
if (s.Length > 0)
s += ", ";
s += k.ToString();
return s + " ]";
public static string[] KeyElements = new string[] {
"SubmodelRef", // not completely right, but used by Package Explorer
"View" };
public static string[] ReferableElements = new string[] {
public static string[] SubmodelElements = new string[] {
public static string[] IdentifiableElements = new string[] {
"Submodel" };
// use this in list to designate all of the above elements
public static string AllElements = "All";
// use this in list to designate the GlobalReference
public static string GlobalReference = "GlobalReference";
public static string ConceptDescription = "ConceptDescription";
public static string[] IdentifierTypeNames = new string[] { "idShort", "Custom", "IRDI", "URI" };
public enum IdentifierType { IdShort = 0, Custom, IRDI, URI };
public static string GetIdentifierTypeName(IdentifierType t)
return IdentifierTypeNames[(int)t];
// the whole class shall not be serialized by having it private
public class KeyList
// members
[XmlIgnore] // anyway, as it is privat
private List<Key> key = new List<Key>();
// getters / setters
public List<Key> Keys { get { return key; } }
public bool IsEmpty { get { return key == null || key.Count < 1; } }
public int Count { get { if (key == null) return 0; return key.Count; } }
public Key this[int index] { get { return key[index]; } }
// constructors / creators
public void Add(Key k)
[XmlType(TypeName = "reference")]
public class Reference
// members
[XmlIgnore] // anyway, as it is privat
private KeyList keys = new KeyList();
// getters / setters
public List<Key> Keys { get { if (keys == null) return null; return keys.Keys; } }
public bool IsEmpty { get { return keys == null || keys.Count < 1; } }
public int Count { get { if (keys == null) return 0; return keys.Count; } }
public Key this[int index] { get { return keys[index]; } }
// constructors / creators
public Reference()
public Reference(Key k)
public Reference(Reference src)
foreach (var k in src.Keys)
keys.Add(new Key(k));
public static Reference CreateNew(Key k)
var r = new Reference();
return r;
public static Reference CreateNew(List<Key> k)
var r = new Reference();
return r;
public static Reference CreateIrdiReference(string irdi)
var r = new Reference();
r.keys.Keys.Add(new Key(Key.GlobalReference, false, "IRDI", irdi));
return r;
public bool IsExactlyOneKey(string type, bool local, string idType, string id)
if (keys == null || keys.Keys == null || keys.Count != 1)
return false;
var k = keys.Keys[0];
return k.type == type && k.local == local && k.idType == idType && k.value == id;
public override string ToString()
var res = "";
if (keys != null && keys.Keys != null)
foreach (var k in keys.Keys)
res += k.ToString() + ",";
return res.TrimEnd(',');
public virtual string GetElementName()
return "Reference";
[XmlType(TypeName = "derivedFrom")]
public class AssetAdministrationShellRef : Reference
// constructors
public AssetAdministrationShellRef() : base() { }
public AssetAdministrationShellRef(Key k) : base(k) { }
public AssetAdministrationShellRef(Reference src) : base(src) { }
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "AssetAdministrationShellRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "assetRef")]
public class AssetRef : Reference
// constructors
public AssetRef() : base() { }
public AssetRef(AssetRef src) : base(src) { }
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "AssetRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "submodelRef")]
public class SubmodelRef : Reference
// constructors
public SubmodelRef() : base() { }
public SubmodelRef(SubmodelRef src) : base(src) { }
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "SubmodelRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "conceptDescriptionRef")]
public class ConceptDescriptionRef : Reference
// constructors
public ConceptDescriptionRef() : base() { }
public ConceptDescriptionRef(ConceptDescriptionRef src) : base(src) { }
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "ConceptDescriptionRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "dataSpecificationRef")]
public class DataSpecificationRef : Reference
// constructors
public DataSpecificationRef() : base() { }
public DataSpecificationRef(DataSpecificationRef src) : base(src) { }
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "DataSpecificationRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "conceptDescriptions")]
public class ConceptDescriptionRefs
[XmlElement(ElementName = "conceptDescriptionRef")]
public List<ConceptDescriptionRef> conceptDescriptions = new List<ConceptDescriptionRef>();
[XmlType(TypeName = "containedElementRef")]
public class ContainedElementRef : Reference
public static ContainedElementRef FromReference(Reference otherref)
var r = ContainedElementRef.CreateNew(otherref.Keys);
return (ContainedElementRef)r;
// further methods
public override string GetElementName()
return "ContainedElementRef";
[XmlType(TypeName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public class HasDataSpecification
[XmlElement(ElementName = "reference")] // make "reference" go away by magic?!
public List<Reference> reference = new List<Reference>();
public HasDataSpecification() { }
public HasDataSpecification(HasDataSpecification src)
foreach (var r in src.reference)
reference.Add(new Reference(r));
[XmlType(TypeName = "ContainedElements")]
public class ContainedElements
// members
[XmlElement(ElementName = "containedElementRef")] // make "reference" go away by magic?!
public List<ContainedElementRef> reference = new List<ContainedElementRef>();
// getter / setter
public bool IsEmpty { get { return reference == null || reference.Count < 1; } }
public int Count { get { if (reference == null) return 0; return reference.Count; } }
public ContainedElementRef this[int index] { get { return reference[index]; } }
[XmlType(TypeName = "langString", Namespace = "")]
public class LangStr
// members
[XmlAttribute(Namespace = "")]
public string lang = "";
public string str = "";
// constructors
public LangStr() { }
public LangStr(LangStr src)
this.lang = src.lang;
this.str = src.str;
public static LangStr CreateNew(string lang, string str)
var l = new LangStr();
l.lang = lang;
l.str = str;
return (l);
public static List<LangStr> CreateManyFromStringArray(string[] s)
var r = new List<LangStr>();
var i = 0;
while ((i + 1) < s.Length)
r.Add(LangStr.CreateNew(s[i], s[i + 1]));
i += 2;
return r;
public class Description
// members
[XmlElement(ElementName = "langString")]
public List<LangStr> langString = new List<LangStr>();
// constructors
public Description() { }
public Description(Description src)
if (src != null)
foreach (var ls in src.langString)
langString.Add(new LangStr(ls));
public class Kind
public string kind = "Instance";
// getters / setters
public bool IsInstance { get { return kind.Trim().ToLower() == "instance"; } }
public bool IsType { get { return kind.Trim().ToLower() == "type"; } }
// constructors / creators
public Kind() { }
public Kind(Kind src)
kind = src.kind;
public static Kind CreateFrom(Kind k)
var res = new Kind();
res.kind = k.kind;
return res;
public class SemanticId
// members
[XmlIgnore] // will be ignored, anyway
private KeyList keys = new KeyList();
// getters / setters
public List<Key> Keys { get { return keys.Keys; } }
public bool IsEmpty { get { return keys == null || keys.IsEmpty; } }
public int Count { get { if (keys == null) return 0; return keys.Count; } }
public Key this[int index] { get { return keys[index]; } }
public override string ToString()
return Key.KeyListToString(keys.Keys);
// constructors / creators
public SemanticId()
public SemanticId(SemanticId src)
foreach (var k in src.Keys)
public static SemanticId CreateFromKey(Key key)
if (key == null)
return null;
var res = new SemanticId();
return res;
public static SemanticId CreateFromKeys(List<Key> keys)
if (keys == null)
return null;
var res = new SemanticId();
return res;
public class Referable
// members
public string idShort = null;
public string category = null;
[XmlElement(ElementName = "description")]
public Description description = null;
public Referable parent = null;
public static string[] ReferableCategoryNames = new string[] { "CONSTANT", "PARAMETER", "VARIABLE" };
// constructors
public Referable() { }
public Referable(Referable src)
this.idShort = src.idShort;
this.category = src.category;
if (src.description != null)
this.description = new Description(src.description);
public void AddDescription(string lang, string str)
if (description == null)
description = new Description();
description.langString.Add(LangStr.CreateNew(lang, str));
public virtual string GetElementName()
return "GlobalReference"; // not correct, but this method wasn't overridden correctly
public string GetFriendlyName()
return AdminShellUtil.FilterFriendlyName(this.idShort);
public void CollectReferencesByParent(List<Key> refs)
// check, if this is identifiable
if (this is Identifiable)
var idf = this as Identifiable;
var k = Key.CreateNew(idf.GetElementName(), true, idf.identification.idType,;
refs.Insert(0, k);
var k = Key.CreateNew(this.GetElementName(), true, "idShort", this.idShort);
refs.Insert(0, k);
// recurse upwards!
if (parent != null && parent is Referable)
public class Identifiable : Referable
// members
public Identification identification = new Identification();
public Administration administration = null;
// constructors
public Identifiable() : base() { }
public Identifiable(Identifiable src)
: base(src)
if (src.identification != null)
this.identification = new Identification(src.identification);
if (src.administration != null)
this.administration = new Administration(src.administration);
public void SetIdentification(string idType, string id, string idShort = null)
identification.idType = idType; = id;
if (idShort != null)
this.idShort = idShort;
public void SetAdminstration(string version, string revision)
if (administration == null)
administration = new Administration();
administration.version = version;
administration.revision = revision;
public new string GetFriendlyName()
if (identification != null && != "")
return AdminShellUtil.FilterFriendlyName(;
return AdminShellUtil.FilterFriendlyName(this.idShort);
public class AdministrationShell : Identifiable
// from hasDataSpecification:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public HasDataSpecification hasDataSpecification = null;
// from this very class
public AssetAdministrationShellRef derivedFrom = null;
public AssetRef assetRef = new AssetRef();
public List<SubmodelRef> submodelRefs = new List<SubmodelRef>();
public Views views = null;
public List<ConceptDictionary> conceptDictionaries = null;
public static AdministrationShell CreateNew(string idType, string id, string version = null, string revision = null)
var s = new AdministrationShell();
s.identification.idType = idType; = id;
if (version != null)
s.SetAdminstration(version, revision);
return (s);
public void AddView(View v)
if (views == null)
views = new Views();
public void AddConceptDictionary(ConceptDictionary d)
if (conceptDictionaries == null)
conceptDictionaries = new List<ConceptDictionary>();
public void AddDataSpecification(Key k)
if (hasDataSpecification == null)
hasDataSpecification = new HasDataSpecification();
var r = new Reference();
public override string GetElementName()
return "AssetAdministrationShell";
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonNullString("\"{0}\" ", idShort, "\"AAS\"");
var info = "";
if (identification != null)
info = $"[{identification.idType}, {}]";
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
public class Asset : Identifiable
// from hasDataSpecification:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public HasDataSpecification hasDataSpecification = null;
// from HasKind
[XmlElement(ElementName = "kind")]
public Kind kind = new Kind();
// from this very class
[XmlElement(ElementName = "assetIdentificationModelRef")]
public SubmodelRef assetIdentificationModelRef = null;
// Getter & setters
public AssetRef GetReference()
var r = new AssetRef();
r.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew(this.GetElementName(), true, this.identification.idType,;
return r;
public override string GetElementName()
return "Asset";
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonNullString("\"{0}\" ", idShort, "<no idShort!>");
var info = "";
if (identification != null)
info = $"[{identification.idType}, {}]";
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
public class View : Referable
// members
// from hasSemanticId:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "semanticId")]
public SemanticId semanticId = null;
// from hasDataSpecification
[XmlElement(ElementName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public HasDataSpecification hasDataSpecification = null;
// from this very class
public ContainedElements containedElements = null;
// getter / setter
public bool IsEmpty { get { return containedElements == null || containedElements.Count < 1; } }
public int Count { get { if (containedElements == null) return 0; return containedElements.Count; } }
public ContainedElementRef this[int index] { get { return containedElements[index]; } }
// constructors / creators
public static View CreateNew(string idShort)
var v = new View();
v.idShort = idShort;
return (v);
public void AddDataSpecification(Key k)
if (hasDataSpecification == null)
hasDataSpecification = new HasDataSpecification();
var r = new Reference();
public void AddContainedElement(Key k)
if (containedElements == null)
containedElements = new ContainedElements();
var r = new ContainedElementRef();
public void AddContainedElement(List<Key> keys)
if (containedElements == null)
containedElements = new ContainedElements();
var r = new ContainedElementRef();
foreach (var k in keys)
public void AddContainedElement(Reference r)
if (containedElements == null)
containedElements = new ContainedElements();
public void AddContainedElement(List<Reference> rlist)
if (containedElements == null)
containedElements = new ContainedElements();
foreach (var r in rlist)
public override string GetElementName()
return "View";
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonNullString("\"{0}\" ", idShort, "<no idShort!>");
var info = "";
if (this.semanticId != null)
info = Key.KeyListToString(this.semanticId.Keys);
if (this.containedElements != null && this.containedElements.reference != null)
info = (info + " ").Trim() + String.Format("({0} elements)", this.containedElements.reference.Count);
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
public class Views
[XmlElement(ElementName = "view")]
public List<View> views = new List<View>();
public class LangStringIEC61360
// members
[XmlElement(ElementName = "langString", Namespace = "")]
public List<LangStr> langString = new List<LangStr>();
// getters / setters
public bool IsEmpty { get { return langString == null || langString.Count < 1; } }
public int Count { get { if (langString == null) return 0; return langString.Count; } }
public LangStr this[int index] { get { return langString[index]; } }
// constructors
public LangStringIEC61360() { }
public LangStringIEC61360(LangStringIEC61360 src)
if (src.langString != null)
foreach (var ls in src.langString)
this.langString.Add(new LangStr(ls));
public class UnitId
// members
[XmlElement(ElementName = "keys")]
public KeyList keys = new KeyList();
// getter / setters
public List<Key> Keys { get { if (keys == null) return null; return keys.Keys; } }
public bool IsEmpty { get { return keys == null || keys.IsEmpty; } }
public int Count { get { if (keys == null) return 0; return keys.Count; } }
public Key this[int index] { get { return keys.Keys[index]; } }
// constructors / creators
public UnitId() { }
public UnitId(UnitId src)
if (src.keys != null)
foreach (var k in src.Keys)
this.keys.Add(new Key(k));
public static UnitId CreateNew(string type, bool local, string idType, string value)
var u = new UnitId();
u.keys.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew(type, local, idType, value));
return u;
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "")]
public class DataSpecificationIEC61360
// members
// public List<LangStr> preferredName = new List<LangStr>();
public LangStringIEC61360 preferredName = new LangStringIEC61360();
public string shortName = "";
public string unit = "";
public UnitId unitId = null;
public string valueFormat = null;
public List<LangStr> sourceOfDefinition = new List<LangStr>();
public string symbol = null;
public string dataType = "";
// public List<LangStr> definition = new List<LangStr>();
public LangStringIEC61360 definition = new LangStringIEC61360();
// getter / setters
// constructors
public DataSpecificationIEC61360() { }
public DataSpecificationIEC61360(DataSpecificationIEC61360 src)
if (src.preferredName != null)
this.preferredName = new LangStringIEC61360(src.preferredName);
this.shortName = src.shortName;
this.unit = src.unit;
if (src.unitId != null)
this.unitId = new UnitId(src.unitId);
this.valueFormat = src.valueFormat;
if (src.sourceOfDefinition != null)
foreach (var sod in src.sourceOfDefinition)
this.symbol = src.symbol;
this.dataType = src.dataType;
if (src.definition != null)
this.definition = new LangStringIEC61360(src.definition);
public static DataSpecificationIEC61360 CreateNew(
string[] preferredName = null,
string shortName = "",
string unit = "",
UnitId unitId = null,
string valueFormat = null,
string[] sourceOfDefinition = null,
string symbol = null,
string dataType = "",
string[] definition = null
var d = new DataSpecificationIEC61360();
if (preferredName != null)
d.preferredName.langString = LangStr.CreateManyFromStringArray(preferredName);
d.shortName = shortName;
d.unit = unit;
d.unitId = unitId;
d.valueFormat = valueFormat;
if (sourceOfDefinition != null)
d.sourceOfDefinition = LangStr.CreateManyFromStringArray(sourceOfDefinition);
d.symbol = symbol;
d.dataType = dataType;
if (definition != null)
d.definition.langString = LangStr.CreateManyFromStringArray(definition);
return (d);
public class DataSpecificationISO99999
public class DataSpecificationContent
// members
public DataSpecificationIEC61360 dataSpecificationIEC61360 = new DataSpecificationIEC61360();
public DataSpecificationISO99999 dataSpecificationISO99999 = null;
// constructors
public DataSpecificationContent() { }
public DataSpecificationContent(DataSpecificationContent src)
if (src.dataSpecificationIEC61360 != null)
this.dataSpecificationIEC61360 = new DataSpecificationIEC61360(src.dataSpecificationIEC61360);
public class EmbeddedDataSpecification
// members
public DataSpecificationRef hasDataSpecification = new DataSpecificationRef();
public DataSpecificationContent dataSpecificationContent = new DataSpecificationContent();
// constructors
public EmbeddedDataSpecification() { }
public EmbeddedDataSpecification(EmbeddedDataSpecification src)
if (src.hasDataSpecification != null)
this.hasDataSpecification = new DataSpecificationRef(src.hasDataSpecification);
if (src.dataSpecificationContent != null)
this.dataSpecificationContent = new DataSpecificationContent(src.dataSpecificationContent);
public class ConceptDescription : Identifiable, System.IDisposable
// members
// do this in order to be IDisposable, that is: suitable for (using)
void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { }
public void GetData() { }
// from HasDataSpecification
[XmlElement(ElementName = "embeddedDataSpecification")]
public EmbeddedDataSpecification embeddedDataSpecification = new EmbeddedDataSpecification();
// old
// [XmlElement(ElementName="conceptDefinitionRef")]
// public Reference conceptDefinitionRef = null ;
// this class
private List<Reference> isCaseOf = null;
// getter / setter
[XmlElement(ElementName = "isCaseOf")]
public List<Reference> IsCaseOf
get { return isCaseOf; }
set { isCaseOf = value; }
// constructors / creators
public ConceptDescription() : base() { }
public ConceptDescription(ConceptDescription src)
: base(src)
if (src.embeddedDataSpecification != null)
this.embeddedDataSpecification = new EmbeddedDataSpecification(src.embeddedDataSpecification);
if (src.isCaseOf != null)
foreach (var ico in src.isCaseOf)
if (this.isCaseOf == null)
this.isCaseOf = new List<Reference>();
this.isCaseOf.Add(new Reference(ico));
public static ConceptDescription CreateNew(string idType, string id, string version = null, string revision = null)
var cd = new ConceptDescription();
cd.identification.idType = idType; = id;
if (version != null)
if (cd.administration == null)
cd.administration = new Administration();
cd.administration.version = version;
cd.administration.revision = revision;
return (cd);
public ConceptDescriptionRef GetReference()
var r = new ConceptDescriptionRef();
r.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew(this.GetElementName(), true, this.identification.idType,;
return r;
public Key GetGlobalDataSpecRef()
if (embeddedDataSpecification.hasDataSpecification.Count != 1)
return null;
return (embeddedDataSpecification.hasDataSpecification[0]);
public void SetIEC61360Spec(
string[] preferredNames = null,
string shortName = "",
string unit = "",
UnitId unitId = null,
string valueFormat = null,
string[] sourceOfDefinition = null,
string symbol = null,
string dataType = "",
string[] definition = null
this.embeddedDataSpecification = new EmbeddedDataSpecification();
this.embeddedDataSpecification.hasDataSpecification.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew("GlobalReference", false, "URI", ""));
this.embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent.dataSpecificationIEC61360 = AdminShell.DataSpecificationIEC61360.CreateNew(
preferredNames, shortName, unit, unitId, valueFormat, sourceOfDefinition, symbol, dataType, definition
this.AddIsCaseOf(Reference.CreateNew(new Key("ConceptDescription", false, this.identification.idType,;
public string GetShortName()
if (embeddedDataSpecification != null && embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent != null && embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent.dataSpecificationIEC61360 != null)
return embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent.dataSpecificationIEC61360.shortName;
return "";
public override string GetElementName()
return "ConceptDescription";
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = "";
if (this.idShort != null && this.idShort.Trim() != "")
caption = $"\"{this.idShort.Trim()}\"";
if (this.identification != null)
caption = (caption + " " + this.identification).Trim();
var info = "";
if (embeddedDataSpecification != null && embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent != null && embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent.dataSpecificationIEC61360 != null)
info += embeddedDataSpecification.dataSpecificationContent.dataSpecificationIEC61360.shortName;
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
public void AddIsCaseOf(Reference ico)
if (isCaseOf == null)
isCaseOf = new List<Reference>();
public class ConceptDictionary : Referable
[XmlElement(ElementName = "conceptDescriptions")]
public ConceptDescriptionRefs conceptDescriptionsRefs = null;
public static ConceptDictionary CreateNew(string idShort = null)
var d = new ConceptDictionary();
if (idShort != null)
d.idShort = idShort;
return (d);
public void AddReference(Reference r)
var cdr = (ConceptDescriptionRef)(ConceptDescriptionRef.CreateNew(r.Keys));
if (conceptDescriptionsRefs == null)
conceptDescriptionsRefs = new ConceptDescriptionRefs();
public override string GetElementName()
return "ConceptDictionary";
[XmlRoot(ElementName = "aasenv", Namespace = "")]
public class AdministrationShellEnv
// [XmlElement(ElementName="assetAdministrationShells")]
[XmlIgnore] // will be ignored, anyway
private List<AdministrationShell> administrationShells = new List<AdministrationShell>();
[XmlIgnore] // will be ignored, anyway
private List<Asset> assets = new List<Asset>();
[XmlIgnore] // will be ignored, anyway
private List<Submodel> submodels = new List<Submodel>();
[XmlIgnore] // will be ignored, anyway
private List<ConceptDescription> conceptDescriptions = new List<ConceptDescription>();
// getter / setters
public List<AdministrationShell> AdministrationShells
get { return administrationShells; }
set { administrationShells = value; }
public List<Asset> Assets
get { return assets; }
set { assets = value; }
public List<Submodel> Submodels
get { return submodels; }
set { submodels = value; }
public List<ConceptDescription> ConceptDescriptions
get { return conceptDescriptions; }
set { conceptDescriptions = value; }
// constructor / creators
public Asset FindAsset(AssetRef aref)
// trivial
if (aref == null)
return null;
// can only refs with 1 key
if (aref.Count != 1)
return null;
// and we're picky
var key = aref[0];
if (!key.local || key.type.ToLower().Trim() != "asset")
return null;
// brute force
foreach (var a in assets)
if (a.identification.idType.ToLower().Trim() == key.idType.ToLower().Trim()
&& == key.value.ToLower().Trim())
return a;
// uups
return null;
public Submodel FindSubmodel(SubmodelRef smref)
// trivial
if (smref == null)
return null;
// can only refs with 1 key
if (smref.Count != 1)
return null;
// and we're picky
var key = smref.Keys[0];
if (!key.local || key.type.ToLower().Trim() != "submodel")
return null;
// brute force
foreach (var sm in submodels)
if (sm.identification.idType.ToLower().Trim() == key.idType.ToLower().Trim()
&& == key.value.ToLower().Trim())
return sm;
// uups
return null;
public ConceptDescription FindConceptDescription(List<Key> keys)
// trivial
if (keys == null)
return null;
// can only refs with 1 key
if (keys.Count != 1)
return null;
// and we're picky
var key = keys[0];
if (!key.local || key.type.ToLower().Trim() != "conceptdescription")
return null;
// brute force
foreach (var cd in conceptDescriptions)
if (cd.identification.idType.ToLower().Trim() == key.idType.ToLower().Trim()
&& == key.value.ToLower().Trim())
return cd;
// uups
return null;
public ConceptDescription FindConceptDescription(Key key)
if (key == null)
return null;
var l = new List<Key>();
return (FindConceptDescription(l));
private void CopyConceptDescriptionsFrom(AdministrationShellEnv srcEnv, SubmodelElement src, bool shallowCopy = false)
// access
if (srcEnv == null || src == null || src.semanticId == null)
// check for this SubmodelElement in Surce
var cdSrc = srcEnv.FindConceptDescription(src.semanticId.Keys);
if (cdSrc == null)
// check for this SubmodelElement in Destnation (this!)
var cdDest = this.FindConceptDescription(src.semanticId.Keys);
if (cdDest != null)
// copy new
this.ConceptDescriptions.Add(new ConceptDescription(cdSrc));
// recurse?
if (!shallowCopy && src is SubmodelElementCollection)
foreach (var m in (src as SubmodelElementCollection).value)
CopyConceptDescriptionsFrom(srcEnv, m.submodelElement, shallowCopy);
public SubmodelElementWrapper CopySubmodelElementAndCD(AdministrationShellEnv srcEnv, SubmodelElement srcElem, bool copyCD = false, bool shallowCopy = false)
// access
if (srcEnv == null || srcElem == null)
return null;
// 1st result pretty easy (calling function will add this to the appropriate Submodel)
var res = new SubmodelElementWrapper(srcElem);
// copy the CDs..
if (copyCD)
CopyConceptDescriptionsFrom(srcEnv, srcElem, shallowCopy);
// give back
return res;
public SubmodelRef CopySubmodelRefAndCD(AdministrationShellEnv srcEnv, SubmodelRef srcSubRef, bool copySubmodel = false, bool copyCD = false, bool shallowCopy = false)
// access
if (srcEnv == null || srcSubRef == null)
return null;
// need to have the source Submodel
var srcSub = srcEnv.FindSubmodel(srcSubRef);
if (srcSub == null)
return null;
// 1st result pretty easy (calling function will add this to the appropriate AAS)
var dstSubRef = new SubmodelRef(srcSubRef);
// maybe we need the Submodel in our environment, as well
var dstSub = this.FindSubmodel(dstSubRef);
if (dstSub == null && copySubmodel)
dstSub = new Submodel(srcSub, shallowCopy);
// there is already an submodel, just add members
if (!shallowCopy && srcSub.submodelElements != null)
if (dstSub.submodelElements == null)
dstSub.submodelElements = new List<SubmodelElementWrapper>();
foreach (var smw in srcSub.submodelElements)
dstSub.submodelElements.Add(new SubmodelElementWrapper(smw.submodelElement, shallowCopy));
// copy the CDs..
if (copyCD && srcSub.submodelElements != null)
foreach (var smw in srcSub.submodelElements)
CopyConceptDescriptionsFrom(srcEnv, smw.submodelElement, shallowCopy);
// give back
return dstSubRef;
// Submodel + Submodel elements
public interface IGetReference
Reference GetReference();
public class Qualifier
// member
// from hasSemantics:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "semanticId")]
public SemanticId semanticId = null;
// this class
public string qualifierType = null;
public string qualifierValue = null;
// constructors
public Qualifier() { }
public Qualifier(Qualifier src)
if (src.semanticId != null)
this.semanticId = new SemanticId(src.semanticId);
this.qualifierType = src.qualifierType;
this.qualifierValue = src.qualifierValue;
public class SubmodelElement : Referable, System.IDisposable, IGetReference
// members
// do this in order to be IDisposable, that is: suitable for (using)
void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { }
public void GetData() { }
// from hasDataSpecification:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public HasDataSpecification hasDataSpecification = null;
// from hasSemantics:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "semanticId")]
public SemanticId semanticId = null;
// from hasKind:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "kind")]
public Kind kind = null;
// from Qualifiable:
public List<Qualifier> qualifier = null;
// getter / setter
// constructors / creators
public SubmodelElement()
: base() { }
public SubmodelElement(SubmodelElement src)
: base(src)
if (src.hasDataSpecification != null)
hasDataSpecification = new HasDataSpecification(src.hasDataSpecification);
if (src.semanticId != null)
semanticId = new SemanticId(src.semanticId);
if (src.kind != null)
kind = new Kind(src.kind);
if (src.qualifier != null)
foreach (var q in src.qualifier)
qualifier.Add(new Qualifier(q));
public void CreateNewLogic(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
if (idShort != null)
this.idShort = idShort;
if (category != null)
this.category = category;
if (semanticIdKey != null)
if (this.semanticId == null)
this.semanticId = new SemanticId();
public void AddQualifier(string qualifierType = null, string qualifierValue = null, KeyList semanticKeys = null)
if (this.qualifier == null)
this.qualifier = new List<Qualifier>();
var q = new Qualifier();
q.qualifierType = qualifierType;
q.qualifierValue = qualifierValue;
q.semanticId = SemanticId.CreateFromKeys(semanticKeys.Keys);
public override string GetElementName()
return "SubmodelElement";
public Reference GetReference()
Reference r = new Reference();
// this is the tail of our referencing chain ..
r.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew(GetElementName(), true, "idShort", this.idShort));
// try to climb up ..
var current = this.parent;
while (current != null)
if (current is Identifiable)
// add big information set
r.Keys.Insert(0, Key.CreateNew(
(current as Identifiable).identification.idType,
(current as Identifiable);
// reference via idShort
r.Keys.Insert(0, Key.CreateNew(
"idShort", this.idShort));
current = current.parent;
return r;
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonNullString("\"{0}\" ", idShort, "<no idShort!>");
var info = "";
if (semanticId != null)
AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonEmptyString("\u21e8 {0}", semanticId.ToString(), "");
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
[XmlType(TypeName = "submodelElement")]
public class SubmodelElementWrapper
// members
[XmlElement(ElementName = "property", Type = typeof(Property))]
[XmlElement(ElementName = "file", Type = typeof(File))]
[XmlElement(ElementName = "blob", Type = typeof(Blob))]
[XmlElement(ElementName = "referenceElement", Type = typeof(ReferenceElement))]
[XmlElement(ElementName = "relationshipElement", Type = typeof(RelationshipElement))]
[XmlElement(ElementName = "submodelElementCollection", Type = typeof(SubmodelElementCollection))]
public SubmodelElement submodelElement;
// constructors
public SubmodelElementWrapper() { }
public SubmodelElementWrapper(SubmodelElementWrapper src, bool shallowCopy = false)
if (src.submodelElement is Property)
this.submodelElement = new Property(src.submodelElement as Property);
if (src.submodelElement is File)
this.submodelElement = new File(src.submodelElement as File);
if (src.submodelElement is Blob)
this.submodelElement = new Blob(src.submodelElement as Blob);
if (src.submodelElement is ReferenceElement)
this.submodelElement = new ReferenceElement(src.submodelElement as ReferenceElement);
if (src.submodelElement is RelationshipElement)
this.submodelElement = new RelationshipElement(src.submodelElement as RelationshipElement);
if (src.submodelElement is SubmodelElementCollection)
this.submodelElement = new SubmodelElementCollection(src.submodelElement as SubmodelElementCollection, shallowCopy: shallowCopy);
public SubmodelElementWrapper(SubmodelElement src, bool shallowCopy = false)
if (src is Property)
this.submodelElement = new Property(src as Property);
if (src is File)
this.submodelElement = new File(src as File);
if (src is Blob)
this.submodelElement = new Blob(src as Blob);
if (src is ReferenceElement)
this.submodelElement = new ReferenceElement(src as ReferenceElement);
if (src is RelationshipElement)
this.submodelElement = new RelationshipElement(src as RelationshipElement);
if (src is SubmodelElementCollection)
this.submodelElement = new SubmodelElementCollection(src as SubmodelElementCollection, shallowCopy: shallowCopy);
public class Submodel : Identifiable, System.IDisposable, IGetReference
// members
// do this in order to be IDisposable, that is: suitable for (using)
void System.IDisposable.Dispose() { }
public void GetData() { }
// from hasDataSpecification:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "hasDataSpecification")]
public HasDataSpecification hasDataSpecification = null;
// from hasSemanticId:
[XmlElement(ElementName = "semanticId")]
public SemanticId semanticId = new SemanticId();
[XmlElement(ElementName = "kind")]
public Kind kind = new Kind();
// from this very class
public List<SubmodelElementWrapper> submodelElements = null;
// getter / setter
// constructors / creators
public Submodel() : base() { }
public Submodel(Submodel src, bool shallowCopy = false)
: base(src)
if (src.hasDataSpecification != null)
this.hasDataSpecification = new HasDataSpecification(src.hasDataSpecification);
if (src.semanticId != null)
this.semanticId = new SemanticId(src.semanticId);
if (src.kind != null)
this.kind = new Kind(src.kind);
if (!shallowCopy && src.submodelElements != null)
if (this.submodelElements == null)
this.submodelElements = new List<SubmodelElementWrapper>();
foreach (var smw in src.submodelElements)
this.submodelElements.Add(new SubmodelElementWrapper(smw.submodelElement, shallowCopy));
public static Submodel CreateNew(string idType, string id, string version = null, string revision = null)
var s = new Submodel();
s.identification.idType = idType; = id;
if (version != null)
if (s.administration == null)
s.administration = new Administration();
s.administration.version = version;
s.administration.revision = revision;
return (s);
public override string GetElementName()
return "Submodel";
public Reference GetReference()
SubmodelRef l = new SubmodelRef();
l.Keys.Add(Key.CreateNew(this.GetElementName(), true, this.identification.idType,;
return l;
public void Add(SubmodelElement se)
if (submodelElements == null)
submodelElements = new List<SubmodelElementWrapper>();
var sew = new SubmodelElementWrapper();
se.parent = this; // track parent here!
sew.submodelElement = se;
public void AddDataSpecification(Key k)
if (hasDataSpecification == null)
hasDataSpecification = new HasDataSpecification();
var r = new Reference();
public Tuple<string, string> ToCaptionInfo()
var caption = AdminShellUtil.EvalToNonNullString("\"{0}\" ", idShort, "<no idShort!>");
var info = "";
if (identification != null)
info = $"[{identification.idType}, {}]";
return Tuple.Create(caption, info);
public override string ToString()
var ci = ToCaptionInfo();
return string.Format("{0}{1}", ci.Item1, (ci.Item2 != "") ? " / " + ci.Item2 : "");
private static void SetParentsForSME(Referable parent, SubmodelElement se)
se.parent = parent;
var smc = se as SubmodelElementCollection;
if (smc != null)
foreach (var sme in smc.value)
SetParentsForSME(se, sme.submodelElement);
public void SetAllParents()
foreach (var sme in this.submodelElements)
SetParentsForSME(this, sme.submodelElement);
// Derived from SubmodelElements
public class DataElement : SubmodelElement
public DataElement() { }
public DataElement(DataElement src)
: base(src)
{ }
public override string GetElementName()
return "DataElement";
public class Property : DataElement
// members
public string valueType = "";
public string value = "";
public Reference valueId = null;
// constructors
public Property() { }
public Property(Property src)
: base(src)
this.valueType = src.value;
this.value = src.value;
if (src.valueId != null)
src.valueId = new Reference(src.valueId);
public static Property CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new Property();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(string valueType = "", string value = "")
this.valueType = valueType;
this.value = value;
public void Set(string type, bool local, string idType, string value)
this.valueId = Reference.CreateNew(Key.CreateNew(type, local, idType, value));
public override string GetElementName()
return "Property";
public class Blob : DataElement
// members
public string mimeType = "";
public string value = "";
// constructors
public Blob() { }
public Blob(Blob src)
: base(src)
this.mimeType = src.mimeType;
this.value = src.value;
public static Blob CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new Blob();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(string mimeType = "", string value = "")
this.mimeType = mimeType;
this.value = value;
public override string GetElementName()
return "Blob";
public class File : DataElement
// members
public string mimeType = "";
public string value = "";
// constructors
public File() { }
public File(File src)
: base(src)
this.mimeType = src.mimeType;
this.value = src.value;
public static File CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new File();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(string mimeType = "", string value = "")
this.mimeType = mimeType;
this.value = value;
public override string GetElementName()
return "File";
public static string[] GetPopularMimeTypes()
new string[] {
public class ReferenceElement : DataElement
// members
public Reference value = new Reference();
// constructors
public ReferenceElement() { }
public ReferenceElement(ReferenceElement src)
: base(src)
if (src.value != null)
this.value = new Reference(src.value);
public static ReferenceElement CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new ReferenceElement();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(Reference value = null)
this.value = value;
public override string GetElementName()
return "ReferenceElement";
public class RelationshipElement : DataElement
// members
public Reference first = new Reference();
public Reference second = new Reference();
// constructors
public RelationshipElement() { }
public RelationshipElement(RelationshipElement src)
: base(src)
if (src.first != null)
this.first = new Reference(src.first);
if (src.second != null)
this.second = new Reference(src.second);
public static RelationshipElement CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new RelationshipElement();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(Reference first = null, Reference second = null)
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
public override string GetElementName()
return "RelationshipElement";
public class SubmodelElementCollection : SubmodelElement
// members
public List<SubmodelElementWrapper> value = new List<SubmodelElementWrapper>();
public bool ordered = false;
public bool allowDuplicates = false;
// constructors
public SubmodelElementCollection() { }
public SubmodelElementCollection(SubmodelElementCollection src, bool shallowCopy = false)
: base(src)
this.ordered = src.ordered;
this.allowDuplicates = src.allowDuplicates;
if (!shallowCopy)
foreach (var smw in src.value)
value.Add(new SubmodelElementWrapper(smw.submodelElement));
public static SubmodelElementCollection CreateNew(string idShort = null, string category = null, Key semanticIdKey = null)
var x = new SubmodelElementCollection();
x.CreateNewLogic(idShort, category, semanticIdKey);
return (x);
public void Set(bool allowDuplicates = false, bool ordered = false)
this.allowDuplicates = allowDuplicates;
this.ordered = ordered;
public void Add(SubmodelElement se)
if (value == null)
value = new List<SubmodelElementWrapper>();
var sew = new SubmodelElementWrapper();
se.parent = this; // track parent here!
sew.submodelElement = se;
public override string GetElementName()
return "SubmodelElementCollection";
// Handling of packages
public class PackageSupplementaryFile : Referable
public enum LocationType { InPackage, AddPending, DeletePending }
public enum SpecialHandlingType { None, EmbedAsThumbnail }
public Uri uri = null;
public string sourcePath = null;
public LocationType location = LocationType.InPackage;
public SpecialHandlingType specialHandling = SpecialHandlingType.None;
public PackageSupplementaryFile(Uri uri, string sourcePath = null, LocationType location = LocationType.InPackage, SpecialHandlingType specialHandling = SpecialHandlingType.None)
this.uri = uri;
this.sourcePath = sourcePath;
this.location = location;
this.specialHandling = specialHandling;
// class derives from Referable in order to provide GetElementName
public override string GetElementName()
return "File";
public class PackageEnv
private string fn = "New Package";
private AdministrationShellEnv aasenv = new AdministrationShellEnv();
private Package openPackage = null;
private List<PackageSupplementaryFile> pendingFilesToAdd = new List<PackageSupplementaryFile>();
private List<PackageSupplementaryFile> pendingFilesToDelete = new List<PackageSupplementaryFile>();
public PackageEnv()
public PackageEnv(AdministrationShellEnv env)
if (env != null)
this.aasenv = env;
public PackageEnv(string fn)
public bool IsOpen
return openPackage != null;
public string Filename
return fn;
public AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv AasEnv
return aasenv;
public bool Load(string fn)
this.fn = fn;
if (this.openPackage != null)
this.openPackage = null;
if (fn.ToLower().EndsWith(".xml"))
// load only XML
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv), "");
TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fn);
this.aasenv = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv;
if (this.aasenv == null)
throw (new Exception("Type error for XML file!"));
catch (Exception ex)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("While reading AAS {0} at {1} gave: {2}", fn, AdminShellUtil.ShortLocation(ex), ex.Message)));
return true;
if (fn.ToLower().EndsWith(".aasx"))
// load package AASX
var package = Package.Open(fn, FileMode.Open);
// get the origin from the package
PackagePart originPart = null;
var xs = package.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
if (x.SourceUri.ToString() == "/")
originPart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (originPart == null)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("Unable to find AASX origin. Aborting!")));
// get the specs from the package
PackagePart specPart = null;
xs = originPart.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
specPart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (specPart == null)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("Unable to find AASX spec(s). Aborting!")));
// open spec part to read
using (var s = specPart.GetStream(FileMode.Open))
// own catch loop to be more specific
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv), "");
this.aasenv = serializer.Deserialize(s) as AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv;
this.openPackage = package;
if (this.aasenv == null)
throw (new Exception("Type error for XML file!"));
catch (Exception ex)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("While reading AAS {0} spec at {1} gave: {2}", fn, AdminShellUtil.ShortLocation(ex), ex.Message)));
catch (Exception ex)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("While reading AASX {0} at {1} gave: {2}", fn, AdminShellUtil.ShortLocation(ex), ex.Message)));
return true;
// Don't know to handle
throw (new Exception(string.Format($"Not able to handle {fn}.")));
public bool SaveAs(string fn, bool writeFreshly = false)
if (this.fn.ToLower().EndsWith(".xml"))
// save only XML
this.fn = fn;
using (var s = new StreamWriter(this.fn))
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv));
var nss = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
nss.Add("aas", "");
nss.Add("IEC61360", "");
serializer.Serialize(s, this.aasenv, nss);
catch (Exception ex)
throw (new Exception(string.Format("While writing AAS {0} at {1} gave: {2}", fn, AdminShellUtil.ShortLocation(ex), ex.Message)));
return true;
if (fn.ToLower().EndsWith(".aasx"))
// save package AASX
// we want existing contents to be preserved, but no possiblity to change file name
// therefore: copy file to new name, re-open!
// fn could be changed, therefore close "old" package first
if (this.openPackage != null)
if (!writeFreshly)
System.IO.File.Copy(this.fn, fn);
catch { }
this.openPackage = null;
// approach is to utilize the existing package, if possible. If not, create from scratch
var package = Package.Open(fn, (writeFreshly) ? FileMode.Create : FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
this.fn = fn;
// get the origin from the package
PackagePart originPart = null;
var xs = package.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
if (x.SourceUri.ToString() == "/")
originPart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (originPart == null)
// create, as not existing
originPart = package.CreatePart(new Uri("/aasx/aasx-origin", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain, CompressionOption.Maximum);
using (var s = originPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create))
var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Intentionally empty.");
s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
package.CreateRelationship(originPart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
// get the specs from the package
PackagePart specPart = null;
xs = originPart.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
specPart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (specPart == null)
// create, as not existing
var frn = "aasenv-with-no-id";
if (this.aasenv.AdministrationShells.Count > 0)
frn = this.aasenv.AdministrationShells[0].GetFriendlyName() ?? frn;
var aas_spec_fn = "/aasx/#/#.aas.xml".Replace("#", "" + frn);
specPart = package.CreatePart(new Uri(aas_spec_fn, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Xml, CompressionOption.Maximum);
originPart.CreateRelationship(specPart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
// now, shall be != null!
using (var s = specPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create))
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AdminShell.AdministrationShellEnv));
var nss = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
nss.Add("aas", "");
nss.Add("IEC61360", "");
serializer.Serialize(s, this.aasenv, nss);
// there might be pending files to be deleted (first delete, then add, in case of identical files in both categories)
foreach (var psfDel in pendingFilesToDelete)
// try find an existing part for that file ..
var found = false;
xs = specPart.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
if (x.TargetUri == psfDel.uri)
// try to delete
found = true;
if (!found)
throw (new Exception($"Not able to delete pending file {psfDel.uri} in saving package {fn}"));
// after this, there are no more pending for delete files
// write pending supplementary files
foreach (var psfAdd in pendingFilesToAdd)
// make sure ..
if (psfAdd.sourcePath == null || psfAdd.location != PackageSupplementaryFile.LocationType.AddPending)
// normal file?
if (psfAdd.specialHandling == PackageSupplementaryFile.SpecialHandlingType.None)
// try find an existing part for that file ..
PackagePart filePart = null;
xs = specPart.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
if (x.TargetUri == psfAdd.uri)
filePart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (filePart == null)
// create new part and link
filePart = package.CreatePart(psfAdd.uri, AdminShell.PackageEnv.GuessMimeType(psfAdd.sourcePath), CompressionOption.Maximum);
specPart.CreateRelationship(filePart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
// now should be able to write
using (var s = filePart.GetStream(FileMode.Create))
var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(psfAdd.sourcePath);
s.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
// thumbnail file?
if (psfAdd.specialHandling == PackageSupplementaryFile.SpecialHandlingType.EmbedAsThumbnail)
// try find an existing part for that file ..
PackagePart filePart = null;
xs = package.GetRelationshipsByType("");
foreach (var x in xs)
if (x.SourceUri.ToString() == "/" && x.TargetUri == psfAdd.uri)
filePart = package.GetPart(x.TargetUri);
if (filePart == null)
// create new part and link
filePart = package.CreatePart(psfAdd.uri, AdminShell.PackageEnv.GuessMimeType(psfAdd.sourcePath), CompressionOption.Maximum);
package.CreateRelationship(filePart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
// now should be able to write
using (var s = filePart.GetStream(FileMode.Create))
var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(psfAdd.sourcePath);