blob: d8daf67694ea620e72b78fa97b6f8a22958bd295 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eclipse Foundation - Initial API and implementation
* Kit Lo (IBM) - patch, bug 261739, Inconsistent use of language names
global $User;
global $dbh;
$pageTitle = "Babel - Recent Translations";
$pageKeywords = "";
$incfile = "content/en_recent_html_list.php";
$PROJECT_VERSION = getHTTPParameter("project_version");
$VERSION = "";
if($PROJECT_VERSION != "") {
$items = explode("|", $PROJECT_VERSION);
$PROJECT_ID = $items[0];
$VERSION = $items[1];
$LANGUAGE_ID= getHTTPParameter("language_id");
if($LANGUAGE_ID == "") {
$LANGUAGE_ID = $_SESSION["language"];
$FUZZY = getHTTPParameter("fuzzy");
if($FUZZY == "" || $FUZZY != 1) {
$FUZZY = 0;
if($LANGUAGE_ID == "All") {
$LIMIT = getHTTPParameter("limit");
if($LIMIT == "" || $LIMIT <= 0 || $LIMIT > 20000) {
$LIMIT = 200;
$LAYOUT = getHTTPParameter("layout");
if($LAYOUT == "list" || $LAYOUT == "table") {
$incfile = "content/en_recent_html_" . $LAYOUT . ".php";
$FORMAT = getHTTPParameter("format");
if($FORMAT == "rss") {
$incfile = "content/en_recent_rss.php";
$USERID = getHTTPParameter("userid");
$SUBMIT = getHTTPParameter("submit");
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT pv.project_id, pv.version FROM project_versions AS pv INNER JOIN map_files as m ON pv.project_id = m.project_id AND pv.version = m.version WHERE pv.is_active ORDER BY pv.project_id ASC, pv.version DESC";
$rs_p_list = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
$sql = "SELECT language_id, IF(locale <> '', CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(name, ' ('), locale), ')'), name) as name FROM languages WHERE is_active AND iso_code != 'en' ORDER BY name";
$rs_l_list = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
$where = " t.is_active ";
if($PROJECT_ID != "") {
$where = addAndIfNotNull($where) . " f.project_id = ";
$where .= returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($PROJECT_ID, $dbh));
if($LANGUAGE_ID != "") {
$where = addAndIfNotNull($where) . " t.language_id = ";
$where .= returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($LANGUAGE_ID, $dbh));
if($VERSION != "") {
$where = addAndIfNotNull($where) . "f.version = ";
$where .= returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($VERSION, $dbh));
if($USERID != "") {
$where = addAndIfNotNull($where) . "u.userid = ";
$where .= sqlSanitize($USERID, $dbh);
if($FUZZY == 1) {
$where = addAndIfNotNull($where) . "t.possibly_incorrect = 1 ";
if($where != "") {
$where = " WHERE " . $where;
$sql = "SELECT AS string_key, s.value as string_value,
t.value as translation,
t.possibly_incorrect as fuzzy,
IF(u.last_name <> '' AND u.first_name <> '',
CONCAT(CONCAT(first_name, ' '), u.last_name),
IF(u.first_name <> '', u.first_name, u.last_name)) AS who,
t.created_on, l.iso_code as language,
f.project_id, f.version,
translations as t
LEFT JOIN strings as s on s.string_id = t.string_id
LEFT JOIN files as f on s.file_id = f.file_id
LEFT JOIN users as u on u.userid = t.userid
LEFT JOIN languages as l on l.language_id = t.language_id
ORDER BY t.created_on desc
$rs_p_stat = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
global $addon;