blob: 651f2febf2ff6486d91c7d62f652da4c830d213e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Kit Lo (IBM) - Initial API and implementation
* Kit Lo (IBM) - Bug 299402, Extract properties files from Eclipse project update sites for translation
* Extract properties files from update sites
# To-do: hard-coding the Eclipse, BIRT, & Webtools update sites for now; need to create an UI for project committers to enter their update sites
$eclipse = array("", "eclipse", "3.6");
$birt = array("", "birt", "2.6.0");
$webtools = array("", "webtools", "3.2");
# BIRT 2.6.0 & Webtools 3.2 are not defined yet, cannot test on staging server
#$update_sites = array($eclipse, $birt, $webtools);
$update_sites = array($eclipse);
$temp_dir = "/tmp/tmp-babel/";
$debug = TRUE;
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$headless = 0;
if (!isset($User)) {
echo "User not defined - running headless\n";
$User = getGenieUser();
$headless = 1;
require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../classes/file/file.class.php");
global $dbh;
$temp_unzips_dir = $temp_dir . "unzips/";
if (is_dir($temp_unzips_dir)) {
exec("rm -rf $temp_unzips_dir");
mkdir($temp_unzips_dir, 0777, TRUE) || die("***ERROR: Cannot create working directory: $temp_unzips_dir\n");
global $addon;
$context = $addon->callHook('context');
if ($context == "live") {
$rsync_host = "";
} else {
$rsync_host = "";
$files = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM files WHERE is_active = 1";
$rs_files = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
while ($myrow_files = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_files)) {
$file = new File();
$file->project_id = $myrow_files['project_id'];
$file->version = $myrow_files['version'];
$file->name = $myrow_files['name'];
$file->plugin_id = $myrow_files['plugin_id'];
$file->file_id = $myrow_files['file_id'];
$files[$file->file_id] = $file;
foreach ($update_sites as $update_site) {
$site_url = $update_site[0];
$project_id = $update_site[1];
$version = $update_site[2];
# Sample dirs:
# $site_url
# $site_dir eclipse/updates/3.6milestones/S-3.6M4-200912101301/
# $site_plugins_dir eclipse/updates/3.6milestones/S-3.6M4-200912101301/plugins/
# $temp_site_dir /tmp/tmp-babel/update_sites/eclipse/3.6/
# $temp_unzip_dir /tmp/tmp-babel/unzips/eclipse/3.6/
$site_dir = substr($site_url, strpos($site_url, "/", 7) + 1) . "/";
$site_plugins_dir = $site_dir . "/plugins/";
$temp_site_dir = $temp_dir . "update_sites/" . $project_id . "/" . $version . "/";
$temp_unzip_dir = $temp_dir . "unzips/" . $project_id . "/" . $version . "/";
# Rsync update site
exec("mkdir -p $temp_site_dir; rsync -av --delete $rsync_host$site_plugins_dir $temp_site_dir");
# Make unzip dir
mkdir($temp_unzip_dir, 0777, TRUE);
# Unzip properties files in each jar
foreach (glob("*.jar") as $jar_name) {
# Sample jar name: org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.6.0.I20100105-1530.jar
# Remove plugin version from jar name:
# org.eclipse.ui.workbench_3.6.0.I20100105-1530.jar => org.eclipse.ui.workbench
$temp_str = $jar_name;
$temp_str = substr($temp_str, 0, strrpos($temp_str, "."));
$temp_str = substr($temp_str, 0, strrpos($temp_str, "."));
$temp_str = substr($temp_str, 0, strrpos($temp_str, "_"));
$plugin_id = $temp_str;
mkdir($temp_unzip_dir . $plugin_id, 0777, TRUE);
chdir($temp_unzip_dir . $plugin_id);
exec("unzip -o -q $temp_site_dir$jar_name");
exec("rm -rf $temp_unzip_dir$plugin_id");
# Collect properties file names
$properties_file_names = array();
exec("find . -name *.properties", $properties_file_names);
# Parse each properties file
echo "Start processing properties files in project $project_id version $version...\n";
foreach ($properties_file_names as $properties_file_name) {
$properties_file_name = substr($properties_file_name, 2);
$plugin_id = substr($properties_file_name, 0, strpos($properties_file_name, "/"));
$file_id = File::getFileID($properties_file_name, $project_id, $version);
if ($files[$file_id] != null) {
$file = $files[$file_id];
$file->is_active = 1;
} else {
$file = new File();
$file->project_id = $project_id;
$file->version = $version;
$file->name = $properties_file_name;
$file->plugin_id = $plugin_id;
$file->is_active = 1;
if (!$file->save()) {
echo "***ERROR: Cannot save file $file->name\n";
} else {
$file_name = $temp_unzip_dir . $properties_file_name;
if ($debug) {
echo " " . $file->name . "\n";
echo "Done processing " . sizeof($properties_file_names) . " properties files in project $project_id version $version\n\n";
# Deactivate the rest of the files
foreach ($files as $file) {
$file->is_active = 0;
if (!$file->save()) {
echo "***ERROR: Cannot deactivate file $file->name\n";
if ($debug) {
echo " " . $file->name . "\n";
if ($headless) {
$User = null;
echo "Done\n";