blob: cecf5ec528ef63f9dae25be6bcaa041bd9c29149 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Antoine Toulme, Intalio Inc. bug 248845: Refactoring generate1.php into different files with a functional approach
* Documentation:
ini_set("memory_limit", "64M");
define("BABEL_BASE_DIR", "../../");
require(BABEL_BASE_DIR . "html/common_functions.php");
require(BABEL_BASE_DIR . "classes/system/dbconnection.class.php");
require(BABEL_BASE_DIR . "classes/system/feature.class.php");
$dbc = new DBConnection();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
$work_dir = "/tmp/babel-working/";
if (!($ini = @parse_ini_file(BABEL_BASE_DIR . "classes/base.conf"))) {
errorLog("Failed to find/read database conf file - aborting.");
exitTo("error.php?errNo=101300","error: 101300 - database conf can not be found");
$context = $ini['context'];
$work_context_dir = $work_dir . $context . "_feature/";
$tmp_dir = $work_context_dir . "tmp/";
$output_dir = $work_context_dir . "output/";
$features_dir = $work_context_dir . "features/";
exec("rm -rf $work_context_dir*");
exec("mkdir -p $output_dir");
exec("mkdir -p $features_dir");
foreach(ReleaseTrain::all() as $train) {
exec("mkdir -p $features_dir/$train->id");
$output_dir_for_train = "$output_dir/$train->id/";
foreach(Language::all() as $lang) {
$feature = new Feature($lang, $train, $tmp_dir, $output_dir_for_train);
$featureZip = $feature->zip("$features_dir/$train->id");
echo "Feature created here: $featureZip\n";