blob: 3ccfccb086f7fc69821989b0c14356a8d381bd86 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Eclipse Foundation, IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eclipse Foundation - initial API and implementation
* Kit Lo (IBM) - 272661 - Pseudo translations change " to ', breaking link texts
* Kit Lo (IBM) - [402215] Extract Orion JavaScript files for translation
* Kit Lo (IBM) - [413459] Received "Cannot deactivate string" messages during process_project_source_locations.php
class String {
public $errStrs;
public $string_id = 0;
public $file_id = 0;
public $name = '';
public $value = '';
public $userid = 0;
public $created_on = '';
public $is_active = 0;
function save() {
$rValue = false;
if($this->file_id != 0 && $this->name != "" && $this->userid > 0) {
global $dbh;
$String = $this->getStringFromName($this->file_id, $this->name);
if($String->value != $this->value || $String->is_active != $this->is_active) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO";
$created_on = "NOW()";
$where = "";
if($String->string_id > 0) {
$this->string_id = $String->string_id;
$this->is_active = 1;
$sql = "UPDATE";
$created_on = "created_on";
$where = " WHERE string_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->string_id, $dbh);
$Event = new EventLog("strings", "string_id:old_value", $this->string_id . ":" . $String->value, "UPDATE");
# Bug 272661 - Pseudo translations change " to ', breaking link texts
# Use new returnSmartQuotedString function for value string which does not replace " with '.
$sql .= " strings
SET string_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->string_id, $dbh) . ",
file_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->file_id, $dbh) . ",
name = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->name, $dbh)) . ",
value = " . returnSmartQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->value, $dbh)) . ",
userid = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->userid, $dbh)) . ",
created_on = " . $created_on . ",
is_active = " . sqlSanitize($this->is_active, $dbh) . $where;
if(mysql_query($sql, $dbh)) {
if($this->string_id == 0) {
$this->string_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh);
$rValue = true;
else {
$GLOBALS['g_ERRSTRS'][1] = mysql_error();
else {
# Imported string is identical.
$this->string_id = $String->string_id;
$rValue = true;
return $rValue;
function saveJs() {
$rValue = false;
if($this->file_id != 0 && $this->name != "" && $this->userid > 0) {
global $dbh;
$String = $this->getStringFromNameJs($this->file_id, returnEscapedQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->name, $dbh)));
if($String->value != $this->value || $String->is_active != $this->is_active) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO";
$created_on = "NOW()";
$where = "";
if($String->string_id > 0) {
$this->string_id = $String->string_id;
$sql = "UPDATE";
$created_on = "created_on";
$where = " WHERE string_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->string_id, $dbh);
$Event = new EventLog("strings", "string_id:old_value", $this->string_id . ":" . $String->value, "UPDATE");
$sql .= " strings
SET string_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->string_id, $dbh) . ",
file_id = " . sqlSanitize($this->file_id, $dbh) . ",
name = " . returnEscapedQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->name, $dbh)) . ",
value = " . returnEscapedQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->value, $dbh)) . ",
userid = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->userid, $dbh)) . ",
created_on = " . $created_on . ",
is_active = " . sqlSanitize($this->is_active, $dbh) . $where;
if(mysql_query($sql, $dbh)) {
if($this->string_id == 0) {
$this->string_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh);
$rValue = true;
else {
$GLOBALS['g_ERRSTRS'][1] = mysql_error();
else {
# Imported string is identical.
$this->string_id = $String->string_id;
$rValue = true;
return $rValue;
* Get string object from name of a value
* @param Integer $_file_id
* @param String $_name
* @return String String object
function getStringFromName($_file_id, $_name) {
$rValue = new String();
if($_file_id > 0 && $_name != "") {
global $dbh;
# Bug 236454 - string token needs to be case sensitive
$sql = "SELECT *
WHERE file_id = " . sqlSanitize($_file_id, $dbh) . "
AND name = BINARY " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($_name, $dbh));
$result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$String = new String();
$String->string_id = $myrow['string_id'];
$String->file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$String->name = $myrow['name'];
$String->value = $myrow['value'];
$String->userid = $myrow['userid'];
$String->created_on = $myrow['created_on'];
$String->is_active = $myrow['is_active'];
$rValue = $String;
return $rValue;
function getStringFromNameJs($_file_id, $_name) {
$rValue = new String();
if($_file_id > 0 && $_name != "") {
global $dbh;
# Bug 236454 - string token needs to be case sensitive
$sql = "SELECT *
WHERE file_id = " . sqlSanitize($_file_id, $dbh) . "
AND name = BINARY " . str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $_name);
$result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if($result && mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$String = new String();
$String->string_id = $myrow['string_id'];
$String->file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$String->name = $myrow['name'];
$String->value = $myrow['value'];
$String->userid = $myrow['userid'];
$String->created_on = $myrow['created_on'];
$String->is_active = $myrow['is_active'];
$rValue = $String;
return $rValue;
* Returns Array of active strings
* @author droy
* @param Integer file_id
* @return Array Array of String objects
function getActiveStrings($_file_id) {
$rValue = Array();
if($_file_id > 0) {
global $dbh;
$sql = "SELECT *
WHERE file_id = " . sqlSanitize($_file_id, $dbh) . "
AND is_active = 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$String = new String();
$String->string_id = $myrow['string_id'];
$String->file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$String->name = $myrow['name'];
$String->value = $myrow['value'];
$String->userid = $myrow['userid'];
$String->created_on = $myrow['created_on'];
$String->is_active = $myrow['is_active'];
$rValue[count($rValue)] = $String;
return $rValue;
* Sets a string as inactive
* @author droy
* @param Integer string_id
* @return bool success status
function deactivate($_string_id) {
$rValue = 0;
if($_string_id > 0) {
global $dbh;
$sql = "UPDATE strings
SET is_active = 0 WHERE string_id = " . sqlSanitize($_string_id, $dbh);
$rValue = mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
$Event = new EventLog("strings", "string_id", $_string_id, "DEACTIVATE");
return $rValue;