blob: 7296f2f922fdddfe8402f4b3084b07b5cfe549ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eclipse Foundation - Initial API and implementation
# TODO: this is really rough and needs to be cleaned up
# but it will import translation strings from .properties files into the target project/version you specify below
# It also doesn't overwrite translations that were corrected by users, so you can
# run the import over later with little impact
# sub-structure: ./XX/eclipse/plugins/ where XX is the iso code for the language
# See:
# For instructions on how to import the files, see here:
# To run this, copy the file to the 'root' of html/ (where translate.php resides)
# and set the project, version and indir, then call the script from a browser, or wget
# See if the incoming files have various encodings.
header("Content-type: text/plain");
$headless = 1;
require(BABEL_BASE_DIR . "classes/file/file.class.php");
$pageTitle = "Babel - Import Translation archive";
$pageKeywords = "import,properties,translation,language,nlpack,pack,eclipse,babel";
$USER = getGenieUser()->userid;
$PROJECT_ID = "eclipse";
$VERSION = "3.3.1";
$indir = "/tmp/tmp-babel/import";
# sub-structure: ./XX/eclipse/plugins/ where XX is the iso code for the language
exec('find . -type f', $lines);
# loop through files
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
echo $line . "<br />";
if(preg_match("/^\.\/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/(.+\.properties)$/", $line, $matches)) {
$language = $matches[1];
$file = $matches[2];
# Find a matching file
# File: eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jem.source/ Language: ar
$file = preg_replace("/eclipse\/plugins\//", "", $file);
$first_part_file = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "/"));
$second_part_file = substr($file, strpos($file, "/"));
$last_part_file = substr($file, strrpos($file, "/"));
echo "File: " . $file ." Language: $language\n";
echo " first part: " . $first_part_file ." second part: $second_part_file last part: $last_part_file\n";
$file_id = 0;
$language_id = 0;
$SQL = "SELECT F.file_id, L.language_id
FROM files AS F, languages AS L WHERE F.is_active = 1
AND F.project_id = '" . $PROJECT_ID . "' AND F.version = '" . $VERSION . "'
AND LIKE '%" . $first_part_file . "%' AND LIKE '%" . $second_part_file . "' AND L.iso_code = '" . $language . "'";
$rs = mysql_query($SQL, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$language_id = $myrow['language_id'];
echo " Found file: " . $file_id . "\n";
else {
$SQL = "SELECT F.file_id, L.language_id
FROM files AS F, languages AS L WHERE F.is_active = 1
AND F.project_id = '" . $PROJECT_ID . "' AND F.version = '" . $VERSION . "'
AND LIKE '%" . $first_part_file . "%' AND LIKE '%" . $last_part_file . "' AND L.iso_code = '" . $language . "'";
$rs = mysql_query($SQL, $dbh);
if($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
$file_id = $myrow['file_id'];
$language_id = $myrow['language_id'];
echo " Found file: " . $file_id . "\n";
if($file_id > 0 && $language_id > 0) {
# Get the list of translatable strings
# Get the file contents
$fh = fopen($line, 'r');
$size = filesize($line);
$content = fread($fh, $size);
# echo $content . "<br/>";
$previous_line = "";
$lines = explode("\n", $content);
# Loop through each string
foreach($lines as $line) {
# echo "Doing line: " . $line . "<br />";
if(strlen($line) > 0 && $line[0] != "#" && $line[0] != ";") {
$line = trim($line);
# Does line end with a \ ?
if(preg_match("/\\\\$/", $line)) {
# Line ends with \
# strip the backslash
$previous_line .= $line . "\n";
else {
if($previous_line != "") {
$line = $previous_line . $line;
$previous_line = "";
$tags = explode("=", trim($line), 2);
if(count($tags) > 1) {
$tags[0] = trim($tags[0]);
$tags[1] = trim($tags[1]);
# echo "Doing " . $tags[0] . " with value " . $tags[1] . " Unescaped: " . unescape($tags[1]);
# Get the matching string name
$SQL = "SELECT a.string_id, a.value, b.value as tr_string
FROM strings as a
left join translations as b on (b.string_id = a.string_id
and b.language_id = $language_id
and b.value = '" . addslashes(unescape($tags[1])) . "')
WHERE a.is_active = 1 AND a.file_id = " . $file_id . " AND name = '" . $tags[0] . "'";
$rs_string = mysql_query($SQL, $dbh);
$myrow_string = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_string);
if($myrow_string['string_id'] > 0 && $myrow_string['tr_string'] == "" && $tags[1] != "") {
echo " Found string never translated to this value: " . $myrow_string['string_id'] . " value: " . $myrow_string['value'] . "\n";
$SQL = "UPDATE translations set is_active = 0 where string_id = " . $myrow_string['string_id'] . " and language_id = '" . $language_id . "'";
mysql_query($SQL, $dbh);
$SQL = "INSERT INTO translations (translation_id, string_id, language_id, version, value, possibly_incorrect, is_active, userid, created_on)
NULL, " . $myrow_string['string_id'] . ",
" . $language_id . ", 0, '" . addslashes(unescape($tags[1])) . "', 0, 1, " . $USER . ", NOW()
mysql_query($SQL, $dbh);
# echo $SQL;
else {
echo " Cannot find a file for: " . $line . "\n";
echo "Done.\n\n";