blob: fe932551bbaf15a7e02017f8d423fd3a7289a356 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eclipse Foundation - initial API and implementation
class EventLog {
public $event_id = 0;
public $table_name = '';
public $key_name = '';
public $key_value = '';
public $action = '';
public $userid = 0;
public $created_on = '';
* Default constructor
* @param String $_table_name
* @param String $_key_name
* @param String $_key_value
* @param String $_action
* @return EventLog
function EventLog ($_table_name, $_key_name, $_key_value, $_action) {
$this->table_name = $_table_name;
$this->key_name = $_key_name;
$this->key_value = $_key_value;
$this->action = $_action;
* add event log entry to the table
* @return String Error message (if any)
function add() {
$rValue = "";
global $User, $dbh;
# remove anything after a space
$has_space = strpos($this->action, ' ');
if($has_space !== FALSE && $has_space > 0) {
$this->action = substr($this->action, 0, $has_space);
if($this->table_name != "" && $this->key_name != "" && $this->key_value != "" && $this->action != "") {
$sql = "INSERT INTO event_log SET
event_id = NULL,
table_name = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->table_name, $dbh)) . ",
key_name = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->key_name, $dbh)) . ",
key_value = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->key_value, $dbh)) . ",
action = " . returnQuotedString(sqlSanitize($this->action, $dbh)) . ",
userid = " . sqlSanitize($User->userid, $dbh) . ",
created_on = NOW()";
mysql_query($sql, $dbh);
if(mysql_error() != "") {
echo "An unknown database error has occurred while logging information. Please contact the System Administrator.";
echo mysql_error();
$rValue = "MYSQL: " . mysql_error();
else {
$rValue = "CRIT: Missing critical information for logging";
return $rValue;