| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <setup:Project |
| xmi:version="2.0" |
| xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" |
| xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" |
| xmlns:com.github.maybeec.oomph.task="http://maybeec.github.io/oomph-task-unzip/1.0" |
| xmlns:git="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/git/1.0" |
| xmlns:pde="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/pde/1.0" |
| xmlns:predicates="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/predicates/1.0" |
| xmlns:projects="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/projects/1.0" |
| xmlns:setup="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/1.0" |
| xmlns:setup.p2="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/p2/1.0" |
| xmlns:setup.workingsets="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/workingsets/1.0" |
| xsi:schemaLocation="http://maybeec.github.io/oomph-task-unzip/1.0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maybeec/oomph-task-unzip/master/task-unzip-updatesite/model/Oomph-task-unzip.ecore http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/git/1.0 http://git.eclipse.org/c/oomph/org.eclipse.oomph.git/plain/setups/models/Git.ecore http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/pde/1.0 http://git.eclipse.org/c/oomph/org.eclipse.oomph.git/plain/setups/models/PDE.ecore http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/predicates/1.0 http://git.eclipse.org/c/oomph/org.eclipse.oomph.git/plain/setups/models/Predicates.ecore http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/projects/1.0 http://git.eclipse.org/c/oomph/org.eclipse.oomph.git/plain/setups/models/Projects.ecore http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/workingsets/1.0 http://git.eclipse.org/c/oomph/org.eclipse.oomph.git/plain/setups/models/SetupWorkingSets.ecore" |
| name="app4mc" |
| label="APP4MC Development"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="javafx.sdk.install" |
| type="BOOLEAN" |
| name="javafx.sdk.install" |
| label="Install JavaFX SDK"> |
| <description>Flag to configure if a JavaFX SDK 11+ should be installed or not.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="configure.graphviz" |
| type="BOOLEAN" |
| name="configure.graphviz" |
| label="Configure Graphviz"> |
| <description>Configure if Graphviz for PlantUML should be configured or not.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="graphviz.install" |
| filter="(osgi.os=win32)" |
| type="BOOLEAN" |
| name="graphviz.install" |
| label="Install Graphviz (Windows only)"> |
| <description>Flag to configure if Graphviz should be installed or not.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| id="jfx.installation" |
| filter="(javafx.sdk.install=true)" |
| name="JavaFX SDK Installation"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.version" |
| name="jfx.installation.version" |
| defaultValue="11.0.2" |
| label="JavaFX SDK Version"> |
| <description>The JavaFX SDK version to install. Only needed if JavaFX installation is enabled.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.win32" |
| name="OS-specific download"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCopyTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.win32.download" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| filter="(osgi.os=win32)" |
| sourceURL="https://download2.gluonhq.com/openjfx/${jfx.installation.version}/openjfx-${jfx.installation.version}_windows-x64_bin-sdk.zip" |
| targetURL="${installation.location|uri}/javafx-sdk-${jfx.installation.version}.zip"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCopyTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.linux.download" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| filter="(osgi.os=linux)" |
| sourceURL="https://download2.gluonhq.com/openjfx/${jfx.installation.version}/openjfx-${jfx.installation.version}_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip" |
| targetURL="${installation.location|uri}/javafx-sdk-${jfx.installation.version}.zip"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCopyTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.macos.download" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| filter="(osgi.os=macosx)" |
| sourceURL="https://download2.gluonhq.com/openjfx/${jfx.installation.version}/openjfx-${jfx.installation.version}_osx-x64_bin-sdk.zip" |
| targetURL="${installation.location|uri}/javafx-sdk-${jfx.installation.version}.zip"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="com.github.maybeec.oomph.task:unzipTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.unzip" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| zipFile="${installation.location}/javafx-sdk-${jfx.installation.version}.zip" |
| destinationDir="${installation.location}"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| id="jfx.installation.setting" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.fx.ide.ui/javafx-sdk" |
| value="${installation.location}/javafx-sdk-${jfx.installation.version}/lib/"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| |
| |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation" |
| filter="(graphviz.install=true)" |
| name="Graphviz Installation"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.baseurl" |
| name="graphviz.installation.baseurl" |
| defaultValue="https://graphviz.gitlab.io/_pages/Download/windows/" |
| label="Graphviz Download URL"> |
| <description>The Graphviz Download URL for the Windows ZIP archive folder.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.filename" |
| name="graphviz.installation.filename" |
| defaultValue="graphviz-2.38.zip" |
| label="Graphviz Filename"> |
| <description>The Graphviz Windows ZIP archive filename to download.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.win32" |
| name="OS-specific download"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCopyTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.win32.download" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| filter="(osgi.os=win32)" |
| sourceURL="${graphviz.installation.baseurl}/${graphviz.installation.filename}" |
| targetURL="${installation.location|uri}/${graphviz.installation.filename}"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="com.github.maybeec.oomph.task:unzipTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.unzip" |
| excludedTriggers="MANUAL" |
| zipFile="${installation.location}/${graphviz.installation.filename}" |
| destinationDir="${installation.location}/graphviz"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| id="graphviz.installation.setting" |
| key="/instance/net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse/graphvizPath" |
| value="${installation.location}/graphviz/release/bin/dot.exe"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| |
| |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| name="User Preferences"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/UserPreferences"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| filter="(&(configure.graphviz=true)(graphviz.install=false))" |
| name="net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| type="FILE" |
| name="graphvizPath" |
| label="Graphviz Path"> |
| <description>Path to the dot executable of Graphviz. Needed if the Graphviz software is not installed in the default directory.</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/net.sourceforge.plantuml.eclipse/graphvizPath" |
| value="${graphvizPath}"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| name="org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/classpath" |
| value="true"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/dsVersion" |
| value="V1_3"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/enabled" |
| value="true"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/generateBundleActivationPolicyLazy" |
| value="true"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/path" |
| value="OSGI-INF"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/validationErrorLevel" |
| value="error"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.pde.ds.annotations/validationErrorLevel.missingImplicitUnbindMethod" |
| value="error"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:CompoundTask" |
| name="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.control"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:PreferenceTask" |
| key="/instance/org.eclipse.tm.terminal.control/TerminalPrefInvertColors" |
| value="true"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| option="-Xmx" |
| value="4g" |
| vm="true"> |
| <description>Set the heap space needed to work with the projects of ${scope.project.label}</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:ResourceCreationTask" |
| excludedTriggers="STARTUP MANUAL" |
| content="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<section name="Workbench">
	<section name="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart">
		<item value="true" key="group_libraries"/>
		<item value="false" key="linkWithEditor"/>
		<item value="2" key="layout"/>
		<item value="2" key="rootMode"/>
		<item value="&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;packageExplorer configured=&quot;true&quot; group_libraries=&quot;1&quot; layout=&quot;2&quot; linkWithEditor=&quot;0&quot; rootMode=&quot;2&quot; sortWorkingSets=&quot;false&quot; workingSetName=&quot;&quot;&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;localWorkingSetManager&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;workingSet editPageId=&quot;org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.OthersWorkingSet&quot; factoryID=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkingSetFactory&quot; id=&quot;1382792884467_1&quot; label=&quot;Other Projects&quot; name=&quot;Other Projects&quot;/&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;/localWorkingSetManager&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;activeWorkingSet workingSetName=&quot;Other Projects&quot;/&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;allWorkingSets workingSetName=&quot;Other Projects&quot;/&gt;&#x0D;&#x0A;&lt;/packageExplorer&gt;" key="memento"/>
" |
| targetURL="${workspace.location|uri}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/dialog_settings.xml" |
| encoding="UTF-8"> |
| <description>Initialize JDT's package explorer to show working sets as its root objects</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="Target Platform Definition DSL and Generator"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.cbi.targetplatform-feature.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/tmf/xtext/updates/composite/releases/"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/cbi/tpd/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="Xcore"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.lib.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.lib.source.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.sdk.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.sdk.source.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.source.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.ui.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.ui.source.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/emf/builds/release/2.20/"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="PlantUML"> |
| <requirement |
| name="net.sourceforge.plantuml.ecore.feature.feature.group" |
| versionRange="[1.1.24,1.1.24]" |
| optional="true"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="net.sourceforge.plantuml.feature.feature.group" |
| versionRange="[1.1.24,1.1.24]"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="net.sourceforge.plantuml.lib.feature.feature.group" |
| versionRange="[1.2019.11,1.2019.11]"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://hallvard.github.io/plantuml"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="RCPTT"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.rcptt.platform.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.rcptt.launching.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.rcptt.core.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/rcptt/release/2.5.0/repository/"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="oomph"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.oomph.setup.git.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.oomph.setup.core.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/oomph/drops/release/1.15.0/"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="EASE"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.ease.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.ease.lang.javascript.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.ease.lang.jvm.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.ease.modules.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.ease.ui.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/ease/update/release"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="Eclipse Release Train"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.e4.core.tools.feature.source.feature.group"/> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.pde.source.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/releases/2019-12"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.p2:P2Task" |
| label="e(fx)clipse"> |
| <requirement |
| name="org.eclipse.fx.ide.feature.feature.group"/> |
| <repository |
| url="http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-released/3.6.0/site"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="pde:TargetPlatformTask" |
| name="APP4MC Target Platform"/> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:VariableTask" |
| name="eclipse.target.platform" |
| value="None" |
| label=""> |
| <description></description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <stream name="develop" |
| label="develop"> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup:EclipseIniTask" |
| disabled="true" |
| option="-Doomph.redirection.app4mc" |
| value="=https://git.eclipse.org/c/app4mc/org.eclipse.app4mc.git/plain/build/org.eclipse.app4mc.ide.setup/APP4MC-Development-IDE-new.setup->${git.clone.app4mc.location|uri}/build/org.eclipse.app4mc.ide.setup/APP4MC-Development-IDE-latest.setup" |
| vm="true"> |
| <description> |
| Set an Oomph redirection system property to redirect the logical location of this setup to its physical location in the Git clone. |
| Before enabling this task, replace '...' with the repository path of this setup's containing project. |
| </description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="git:GitCloneTask" |
| id="git.clone.app4mc" |
| remoteURI="app4mc/org.eclipse.app4mc" |
| checkoutBranch="develop"> |
| <annotation |
| source="http://www.eclipse.org/oomph/setup/InducedChoices"> |
| <detail |
| key="inherit"> |
| <value>eclipse.git.gerrit.remoteURIs</value> |
| </detail> |
| <detail |
| key="label"> |
| <value>APP4MC Git repository</value> |
| </detail> |
| <detail |
| key="target"> |
| <value>remoteURI</value> |
| </detail> |
| </annotation> |
| <description>${scope.project.label}</description> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="projects:ProjectsImportTask"> |
| <sourceLocator |
| rootFolder="${git.clone.app4mc.location}"/> |
| </setupTask> |
| <setupTask |
| xsi:type="setup.workingsets:WorkingSetTask"> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Docu"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.help"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="website"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Model"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.model"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.model\.test"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.model\.help"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.sphinx"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.nature"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Model Edit"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.edit\.help"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.model\.edit.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.sphinx\.ui.*"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Model Editors"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.editors.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.atdb.*"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Model Validation"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.validation.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.validation.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.powermock"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Model Visualization"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.visualization.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.visualization.*"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Import"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.import.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Export"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.export.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Workflow" |
| id=""> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.amalthea\.workflow\..*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Multicore"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.multicore.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.ojalgo.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.jgrapht.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.jenetics"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="com\.mxgraph"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Tracing"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.tracing.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.sqlite.*"/> |
| </operand> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Examples"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern=".*examples\.installer"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="app4mc\.example.*"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Features"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:AndPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NaturePredicate" |
| nature="org.eclipse.pde.FeatureNature"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Platform"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.platform\.product.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.platform\.ide.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.platform\.examplesbuilder.*"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="Releng"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.ide\.setup"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.build.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\..*p2repo.*"/> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.target.*"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| <workingSet |
| name="UI Tests"> |
| <predicate |
| xsi:type="predicates:OrPredicate"> |
| <operand |
| xsi:type="predicates:NamePredicate" |
| pattern="org\.eclipse\.app4mc\.rcptt.*"/> |
| </predicate> |
| </workingSet> |
| </setupTask> |
| <description></description> |
| </stream> |
| <logicalProjectContainer |
| xsi:type="setup:ProjectCatalog" |
| href="index:/org.eclipse.setup#//@projectCatalogs[name='org.eclipse']"/> |
| <description>Project setup for APP4MC development.</description> |
| </setup:Project> |