| @startuml |
| |
| skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC |
| title AMALTHEA model migration |
| autonumber |
| |
| actor User #green |
| |
| box "ModelLoaderJob" #LightBlue |
| participant XMLLoader |
| participant Referred_Models |
| end box |
| |
| User -> XMLLoader : AMALTHEA model files \n to be migrated |
| |
| XMLLoader --> Referred_Models : Identifying \nreferred AMALTHEA models |
| |
| Referred_Models -> User : list of explicit & implicit \nAMALTHEA model files which shall be migrated |
| |
| User -> Model_Migration : invocation of model migration by specifying output model version |
| |
| box "ModelMigrationJob" #LightGreen |
| participant PreProcessors |
| participant Migration_Step |
| participant CacheBuilders |
| participant Converters |
| participant PostProcessors |
| participant Model_Save |
| |
| end box |
| |
| Model_Migration --> PreProcessors : invocation of pre-processors \n configured for \n input model version |
| |
| Model_Migration --> Migration_Step: (1-*) based on input and output model versions, \n dynamically migration steps are created |
| |
| loop migration step execution (1-*) |
| |
| Migration_Step --> CacheBuilders : building of cache |
| Migration_Step --> Converters : invocation of converters\n configured \nfor the migration step |
| Migration_Step --> PostProcessors : invocation of post processors configured \nfor the migration step |
| |
| end |
| Migration_Step --> Model_Save : saving of migrated models \n (after all migration steps are completed) |
| Migration_Step -->Model_Migration : completion of all migration steps |
| |
| Model_Migration -> User : model migration completed |
| |
| @enduml |