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| h2(#meta-model-changes). AMALTHEA meta model changes |
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| Based on the changes in AMALTHEA meta model across various releases, below description contains the differences in detail which are considered for model migration: |
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| h3. Version APP4MC 0.7.0 to App4MC 0.7.1 |
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| Below are the changes in the meta model from APP4MC 0.7.0 to APP4MC 0.7.1 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.7.0)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.7.1)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.0 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.1 | |
| |
| *Root Tag in AMALTHEA model amxmi file*: It is recommended to have "Amalthea" as a root tag in amxmi file. |
| |
| Based on the above statement, if the AMALTHEA model file is having sub-model tag as root element (e.g. SWModel or HWModel etc.,), as a part of model migration -> root element is changed as "Amalthea" tag and the content of sub-model is copied inside it. |
| |
| Input model (containing SWModel as the root tag): |
| |
| bc. |
| "<am:SWModel xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:am="http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.0"> |
| <labels/> |
| </am:SWModel>" |
| |
| |
| Output model (after model migration): |
| |
| bc. <am:Amalthea xmlns:am="http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI"> |
| <swModel> |
| <labels /> |
| </swModel> |
| </am:Amalthea> |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the reference names:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.0)_* | *_Changed Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Class containing Variable_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| | graphEntries | items | ModeSwitchEntry | SW Model | xml tag "graphEntries" present inside "ModeSwitchEntry" object is changed to "items" in amxmi file| |
| | value | values | ModeSwitchEntry | SW Model | xml tag "value" present inside "ModeSwitchEntry" object is changed to "values" in amxmi file | |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the reference Types:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type (version APP4MC 0.7.0)_* | *_Variable Type (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| | size | Long | DataSize |MemoryType |HW Model, PropertyConstraintsModel |Attribute "size" is migrated as "DataSize" object. Long value of "size" is migrated to "value" of DataSize. As the DataSizeUnit info is not available, "unit" value is not set | |
| | size | DataUnit | DataSize | AbstractElementMemoryInformation | SW Model|"size" of type "DataUnit" is migrated as "DataSize" object. Int value of "numberBits" attribute is migrated to "value" of DataSize, "unit" attribute is set as "bit" of type DataSizeUnit| |
| | size | DataUnit | DataSize | BaseTypeDefinition | SW Model|"size" of type "DataUnit" is migrated as "DataSize" object. Int value of "numberBit" attribute is migrated to "value" of DataSize, "unit" attribute is set as "bit" of type DataSizeUnit| |
| | frequency | EInt | Frequency | Quartz |SW Model| Attribute "frequency" of type EInt is migrated as "Frequency" object. "frequency" EInt value is migrated to "value" EDouble of DataSize. As the FrequencyUnit info is not available, "unit" value is not set | |
| |
| |
| *Below references are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| | size | DataUnit | Section |SW Model |Content is removed from the model as size can't be specified for "Section" (considered as virtual memory section) | |
| | labels | [0-*] Label | Section |SW Model |Content is removed from the model. As per APP4MC 0.7.1 semantics, Label object has the association to the Section inside which it can be allocated| |
| | runEntities | [0-*] Runnable | Section |SW Model |Content is removed from the model. As per APP4MC 0.7.1 semantics, Runnable object has the association to the Section inside which it can be allocated| |
| | groupingType | RunnableGroupingType | ProcessRunnableGroup |Constraints Model |Content is removed from the model| |
| | entries | [0-*] ProcessRunnableGroupEntry | ProcessRunnableGroup |Constraints Model |Content is removed from the model. Runnable object belonging to the ProcessRunnableGroupEntry is associated to the runnables list contained at the ProcessRunnableGroup object| |
| | default | EBoolean | ModeSwitchEntry |SW Model |Content removed from the model. If several ModeSwitchEntry objects contain attribute "default" as "true", then first ModeSwitchEntry which has "default" as "true" is converted to "ModeSwitchDefault" object | |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |SchedulerPairingConstraint|Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model. There is no equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.7.1| |
| |SchedulerSeparationConstraint|Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model. There is no equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.7.1| |
| |ProcessRunnableGroupEntry|Constraints Model|This element is removed from the model, but the Runnables associated to it are associated to ProcessRunnableGroup object| |
| |OrderConstraint|Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model. There is no equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.7.1| |
| |AgeConstraint|Constraints model|Content is migrated as EventChainLatencyConstraint element with LatencyType as "Age" | |
| |ReactionConstraint|Constraints model|Content is migrated as EventChainLatencyConstraint element with LatencyType as "Reaction" | |
| |SynchronisationConstraint|Constraints model|Content is migrated as EventSynchronizationConstraint element| |
| |SectionMapping|Mapping Model|Content is removed from the model. As per 0.7.1, there is a possibility to specify PhysicalSectionMapping element i.e. defining mapping of various Section elements to Memory| |
| |SectionMappingConstraint|Property Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model.As per 0.7.1, there is a possibility to specify PhysicalSectionConstraint element i.e. defining possibility of Section allocation across various Memories | |
| |DataUnit|Sw model| Content is migrated as DataSize. Attribute "unit" is set as DataSizeUnit of type "bit"| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.7.1 to APP4MC 0.7.2 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.7.2)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.1 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.2 | |
| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the reference names:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Changed Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_Class containing Variable_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |runnables|group|RunnablePairingConstraint|Constraints Model |xml tag "runnables" present inside "RunnablePairingConstraint" object is changed to "group" in amxmi file| |
| |processes|group|ProcessPairingConstraint|Constraints Model |xml tag "processes" present inside "ProcessPairingConstraint" object is changed to "group" in amxmi file| |
| |labels|group|DataPairingConstraint|Constraints Model |xml tag "labels" present inside "DataPairingConstraint" object is changed to "group" in amxmi file| |
| |initalValue|initialValue|Semaphore|OS Model |xml attribute "initalValue" present inside "Semaphore" object is changed to "initialValue" in amxmi file| |
| |arrivalCurveEntries|entries|ArrivalCurve|Stimuli Model |xml tag "arrivalCurveEntries" present inside "ArrivalCurve" object is changed to "entries" in amxmi file| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the reference Types:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Variable Type (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |instructions|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|SchedulingSWUnit|OS Model |type of the instructions tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiSendMessage|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiSendMessage tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiTerminateTask|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiTerminateTask tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiSchedule|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiSchedule tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiRequestResource|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiRequestResource tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiReleaseResource|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiReleaseResource tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiSetEvent|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiSetEvent tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiWaitEvent|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiWaitEvent tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiClearEvent|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiClearEvent tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiActivateTask|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiActivateTask tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |apiEnforcedMigration|OsExecutionInstructions|Instructions|OsAPIInstructions|OS Model |type of the apiEnforcedMigration tag in amxmi is updated either to InstructionsConstant or InstructionsDeviation based on if the type in input is : OsExecutionInstructionsConstant or OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation| |
| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the relation of elements:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Variable Relation (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Variable Relation (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |memory|Memory|containment|association|HwMemoryProperty|PropertyConstraints model|memory objects containment is changed as association relation. As a result definition of Memory object should not be present inside HwMemoryProperty, rather only reference of memory should be present inside HwMemoryProperty. Model migration is performed in the following way for this change : Memory elements definition from HwMemoryProperty tag are moved to HW Model (Note: addition of Memory (from PropertyConstraints model) to HW model happens only if Memory with this name is not existing in the model scope)| |
| |core|Core|containment|association|HwCoreProperty|PropertyConstraints model|core objects containment is changed as association relation. As a result definition of Core object should not be present inside HWCoreProperty, rather only reference of core should be present inside HWCoreProperty. Model migration is performed in the following way for this change : Core elements definition from HwCoreProperty tag are moved to HW Model (Note: addition of Memory (from PropertyConstraints model) to HW model happens only if Memory with this name is not existing in the model scope)| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in Enum elements:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Enum Name_* | *_Enum Literal (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Enum Literal (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |Preemption|unknown|-|SW Model|unknown literal is removed from Preemption. Model Migration will replace "unknown" literal with the default literal| |
| |
| |
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| *Below references are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |samplingType|SamplingType|Deviation|Hardware Model Stimuli MOdel OS Model Software Model|In 0.7.2, samplingType attribute is shifted from Deviation to Boundaries element.As a part of Model migration -> samplingType content is removed from Deviation and associated to the corresponding Distribution of type Boundaries. If Boundaries element is not present inside Deviation as a distribution, corresponding samplingType data is skipped during model migration| |
| |coreTypeDefinitions|CoreType|PropertyConstraintsModel|Property Constraints Model|coreTypeDefinitions objects are removed from the PropertyConstraintsModel tag and are associated to HW Model (Note: addition of CoreType to HW model happens only if CoreType with this name is not existing in the model scope. If there exists CoreType element with the same name in "PropertyConstraintsModel" and in "HW Model" --> the one from PropertyConstraintsModel will be removed and the one from HW Model will be referred accordingly inside Core element etc.,)| |
| |memoryTypeDefinitions|MemoryType|PropertyConstraintsModel|Property Constraints Model|memoryTypeDefinitions objects are removed from the PropertyConstraintsModel tag and are associated to HW Model (Note: addition of MemoryType to HW model happens only if MemoryType with this name is not existing in the model scope . If there exists MemoryType element with the same name in "PropertyConstraintsModel" and in "HW Model" --> the one from PropertyConstraintsModel will be removed and the one from HW Model will be referred accordingly inside MemoryElement element etc.,)| |
| |tags|Tag|ComponentsModel, HWModel, SWModel|Components Model, Hardware Model, Software Model|Tag objects are removed from the ComponentsModel,HWModel,SWModel tags and their content is shifted to CommonElements Model (Note: CommonElements model is contained inside Amalthea root node)| |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.7.1)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |TargetProcess|Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model. There is no equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.7.2| |
| |TargetCallSequence|Constraints Model|Content is removed from the model. There is no equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.7.2| |
| |OsExecutionInstructions, OsExecutionInstructionsDeviation, OsExecutionInstructionsConstant |OS Model|Replacement elements are : Instructions,InstructionsDeviation,InstructionsConstant. As there is no change in the content of these elements(when compared to previous elements) -> during model migration corresponding old type names are replaced with the new model elements | |
| |ProbabilityGroup|SW Model|ProbabilityGroup is replaced with RunnableProbabilitySwitch| |
| |ProbabilityRunnableItem|SW Model|ProbabilityRunnableItem is replaced wtih ProbabilitySwitchEntry| |
| |DeviationRunnableItem|SW Model|Content of DeviationRunnableItem i.e RunnableItem is moved directly inside the Group as a part of "items" list| |
| |EventConfigElement, EventConfigLink|Config Model|Both EventConfigElement and EventConfigLink objects are converted as EventConfig objects (As EventConfigElement & EventConfigLink classes are removed from the MetaModel - as per the semantics equivalent class for both of them is EventConfig). In case of migrating EventConfigElement - If definition of EntityEvent element is present as a sub-element -> it is moved to Events Model and the corresponding reference to EntityEvent is established inside EventConfig using attribute "event"| |
| |OsBuffering|OS Model|OsBuffering elements are migrated as OsDataConsistency elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data : !(gray_scale)../pictures/OSBuffering_migration_071_072.png!| |
| |LabelBufferring|SW Model|LabelBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br/> - If LabelBuffering value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "CustomProtection"<br/> - If LabelBuffering value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br/>- If LabelBuffering value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default) |
| |LabelAccessBufferring|SW Model|LabelAccessBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "inherited" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "inherited"<br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "customProtection" <br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br/>- If LabelAccessBufferring value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default) |
| | |
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| h3. Version APP4MC 0.7.2 to APP4MC 0.8.0 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.0)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.7.2 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.0 | |
| |
| *Below references are removed from storage format (amxmi):* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |mode|Mode|ModeValueProvider|SW Model|mode is made as a derived variable and transient property is set to it, as a result it will not be serialized into the model file. Based on the selection of ModeLiteral (in ModeValueProvider element) mode element will be considered accordingly.| |
| |osDataConsistency|OsDataConsistency|OSModel|OS Model|OsDataConsistency element is shifted from OSModel to OperatingSystem element. As a part of migration, osDataConsistency element content is copied inside each OperatingSystem element| |
| |
| *Below references names are changed :* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* || *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.8.0)_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| | mapping | memoryMapping | Mapping (in 0.7.2) -> MemoryMapping (in 0.8.0)| MappingModel| Mapping model |As there is a change in the reference name (from mapping to memoryMapping) in metamodel --> corresponding XML tag names in amxmi are changed from mapping to memoryMapping, type attribute is removed from memoryMapping XML tag as MemoryMapping is a concrete class| |
| |
| *Below Classes/Interfaces are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |ModeValueProvider (Interface)|SW Model|Content present inside ModeValueProvider class is moved to ModeLabel. Reference to Mode element is made as derived variable, and it automatically populated based on the selection of ModeLiteral.| |
| |SignedTimeObject|SW Model|Equivalent of this element is TimeObject in APP4MC 0.8.0. There is no change in the storage format.| |
| |SignedTime|SW Model|Equivalent of this element is Time in APP4MC 0.8.0. There is no change in the storage format.| |
| |Mapping|Mapping Model|This interface is removed from the model. MemoryMapping is equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.8.0. As a part of model migration type attribute is removed from the tag which is defining MemoryMapping.| |
| |AbstractElementMapping|Mapping Model|MemoryMapping is equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.8.0. As a part of model migration type attribute is removed from the tag which is defining MemoryMapping.| |
| |AbstractElementMemoryInformation|HW Model|AbstractMemoryElement is the equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.8.0. There is no change in the storage format.| |
| |ProbabiltitySwitch|HW Model|ProbabiltitySwitch class is changed to ProbabilitySwitch (typo corrected in the class name). ProbabilitySwitch is the equivalent of this model element in APP4MC 0.8.0| |
| |AllocationConstraint|PropertyConstraints Model|AllocationConstraint class is changed to CoreAllocationConstraint. In CoreAllocationConstraint -> reference to HwCoreConstraint element is removed, based on this change -> during model migration CustomProperty is created with key as "hwConstraint (element removed during Migration of Model to 0.8.0 version)" and value as the XML content of "hwConstraint" element.| |
| |MappingConstraint|PropertyConstraints Model|MappingConstraint class is changed to MemoryMappingConstraint. In MemoryMappingConstraint -> reference to HwMemmoryConstraint element is removed, based on this change -> during model migration CustomProperty is created with key as "hwConstraint (element removed during Migration of Model to 0.8.0 version)" and value as the XML content of "hwConstraint" element.| |
| |HwCoreConstraint, HwCoreConjunction, HwCoreProperty|PropertyConstraints Model|These elements are removed from the model. As a reference XML content is stored as a CustomProperty inside CoreAllocationConstraint| |
| |HwMemoryConstraint, HwMemoryConjunction, HwMemoryProperty|PropertyConstraints Model|These elements are removed from the model. As a reference XML content is stored as a CustomProperty inside MemoryMappingConstraint| |
| |
| *Below are the changes in the datatype of elements:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable datatype (version APP4MC 0.7.2)_* | *_Variable datatype (version APP4MC 0.8.0)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |instructionsPerCycle|int|float|CoreType|HW model|int is converted to float| |
| |
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| h3. Version APP4MC 0.8.0 to APP4MC 0.8.1 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.0)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.1)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.0 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.1 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below Classes/Interfaces behaviour is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.0)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Changes in behavior (as per 0.8.1)_* |*_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |SubEventChain|Constraints Model|SubEventChain class (in 0.8.0) is replaced by EventChainContainer class (in 0.8.1). EventChainContainer class is modelled to contain SubEventChain elements (in 0.8.1) which are non referable child EventChain elements.| <ul><li>In amxmi file, xsi:type with "am:SubEventChain" is replaced with "am:EventChainContainer".</li><li>If sub EventChain elements are referred inside EventChainReference or inside TimingConstraints __(e.g: EventChainLatencyConstraint or EventChainSynchronizationConstraint)__:<ul><li> Then corresponding reference is removed and the reference String is stored in a CustomProperty of the corresponding element</li></ul></li></ul>| |
| |Quartz|Hardware Model| Quartz is not extending ComplexNode class. In addition below are the other changes w.r.t. Quartz: <ul><li>It is no longer possible to have nested Quartz elements</li><li>All Quartz elements should be present in single list, which is part of HwSystem class</li></ul>| <ul><li>Per each amxmi file, from HWModel all Quartz elements are collected (__both root and sub Quartz elements__) and are added in a central list which is part of HwSystem.</li><ul><li> Quartz element definitions are removed from the other HW elements __(which are sub-classes of ComplexNode)__ </li></ul></ul>| |
| |ModeValueListEntry|Stimuli model|ModeValueListEntry class is having two sub-classes ModeValue and ModeValueConjunction|ModeValue type is associated to all the ModeValueListEntry elements| |
| |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.0)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |CoreAllocation|Mapping Model|CoreAllocation is replaced by SchedulerAllocation. As a part of model migration, In Mapping model references of CoreAllocation are changed as SchedulerAllocation. Also the "core" attribute/tag of it is renamed to "responsibility" | |
| |SchedulingHWUnit|OS model|SchedulingHWUnit reference is removed from Scheduler| |
| |SchedulingSWUnit|OS model|SchedulingSWUnit reference is removed from Scheduler and content of Instructions is copied to the corresponding ComputationItem elements of type RunnableInstructions| |
| |ArrivalCurve|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to ArrivalCurveStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |InterProcess|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to InterProcessStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |Periodic|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to PeriodicStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |PeriodicEvent|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to VariableRateStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |Single|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to SingleStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |Sporadic|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to SporadicStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |Synthetic|Stimuli model|This class is renamed to SyntheticStimulus. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |InterProcessActivation|SW model|This class is renamed to InterProcessTrigger. Element type is updated at both definition and references in amxmi file| |
| |
| *Below references are removed/changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |coreAllocation|CoreAllocation|MappingModel|Mapping Model|coreAllocation tag name is renamed to schedulerAllocation. Equivalent of CoreAllocation is SchedulerAllocation element | |
| |priority|integer|TaskAllocation|Mapping Model|priority attribute is removed from TaskAllocation and its corresponding value is copied to priority attribute of the SchedulingParameters | |
| | xAccessPattern | String | MemoryType| HW model |xAccessPattern attribute and its value present in MemoryType element are removed from the amxmi file | |
| |parameter|AlgorithmParameter|Scheduler| OS model| parameter tag name is changed to parameterExtensions (_Also changed variable Type here is : ParameterExtensions_)| |
| |scheduleUnitPriority|integer |Scheduler| OS model| scheduleUnitPriority attribute is removed| |
| |delay|Time |SchedulingHWUnit| OS model| delay tag is removed| |
| |instructions|Instructions |SchedulingSWUnit| OS model| "instructions" tag is removed from the SchedulingSWUnit and each "instructions" tag content is copied as a "default" tag of computationItems (of type RunnableInstructions) | |
| |schedulingUnit|SchedulingUnit|Scheduler|OS model|schedulingUnit tag is removed. And the contents of SchedulingSWUnit are migrated to ComputationItem's| |
| |trigger|TriggerEvent|EventStimulus|Event model|renamed to triggeringEvents| |
| |activation|Activation|Runnable|SW model|renamed to activations| |
| |deadline|Time|PeriodicActivation|SW model|deadline attribute is removed| |
| |trigger|TriggerEvent|EventActivation|SW model|renamed to triggeringEvents| |
| |priority|integer|Process|SW model|priority attribute is removed| |
| |osekTaskGroup|integer|Task|SW model|osekTaskGroup attribute is removed| |
| |quartzes|List of Quartz| Core<br/>ECU<br/>HwComponent<br/>Memory<br/>Microcontroller<br/>Network|Hardware Model|All Quartz elements from these model elements are moved to HwSystem element. <br/><b>Note:</b>If there are nested Quartz elements, they are flattened and stored inside a single list| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.8.1 to APP4MC 0.8.2 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.1)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.2)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.1 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.2 | |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.8.2 to APP4MC 0.8.3 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.3)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.2 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.3 | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below Classes/Interfaces behaviour is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Changes in behavior (as per 0.8.3)_* |*_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |ModeSwitch, RunnableModelSwitch|SW Model| valueProvider (_of ModeLabel reference_) is removed and is associated to ModeValue element. |valueProvider (_of ModeLabel reference_) is removed and is associated to ModeValue element, which is created inside ModeValueDisjunction element contained in ModeSwitch, RunnableModeSwitch| |
| |ModeSwitchEntry|SW Model| values (_of type list of ModeLiteral_) is removed and is as ModeValue element inside ModeValueDisjunction class.|values (_of type list of ModeLiteral_) is removed and each element in the list is associated as ModeValue element, which is created inside ModeValueDisjunction element contained in ModeSwitch, RunnableModeSwitch| |
| |PeriodicStimulus|Stimuli Model|stimulusDevaiation, offset, clock elements are removed|For migration, below points are to be considered:<ul><li>If *clock value is set* for PeriodicStimuls, then this PeriodicStimulus will be migrated as VariableRateStimulus. <ul><li>clock, recurrence elements are moved from PeriodicStimulus to Scenario element, contained inside VariableRateStimulus.</li> <li>offset element value is moved as a customProperty for Scenario element</li> </ul> </li><li>If *clock value is not set* for PeriodicStimuls, then type of the element will not be changed. <ul><li>stimulsDeviation element is renamed as jitter.</li></ul> </li></ul>| |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |FInterfacePort|Components Model|FinterfacePort is replaced by InterfacePort class. As a part of model migration, in Components model -> type attribute for the definition of FInterfacePort is changed from "am:FInterfacePort" to "am:InterfacePort", and new type (InterfacePort) is also updated for references of FInterfacePort | |
| |SyntheticStimulus|Stimuli Model|SyntheticStimulus is replaced by PeriodicSyntheticStimulus class. As a part of model migration, in Stimuli model -> type attribute for the definition of FInterfacePort is changed from "am:SyntheticStimulus" to "am:PeriodicSyntheticStimulus", and new type (PeriodicSyntheticStimulus) is also updated for references of SyntheticStimulus | |
| |SporadicStimulus|Stimuli Model|SporadicStimulus is replaced by RelativePeriodicStimulus class. As a part of model migration, in Stimuli model -> type attribute for the definition of SporadicStimulus is changed from "am:SporadicStimulus" to "am:RelativePeriodicStimulus", and new type (RelativePeriodicStimulus) is also updated for references of SporadicStimulus | |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below references are removed/changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |activationDeviation|Deviation|VariableRateActivation|SW Model|activationDeviation element is removed from the VariableRateActivation element | |
| |valueProvider|ModeLabel|ModeSwitch, RunnableModeSwitch|SW Model|valueProvider (_ModeLabel reference_) is removed directly from _*ModeSwitch, RunnableModelSwitch*_ elements and associated to each ModeValue element ->> which is created inside condition element (_of type ModeValueDisJunction_) | |
| |values|ModeLiteral|ModeSwitch, RunnableModeSwitch|SW Model|values list is removed directly from _*ModeSwitch, RunnableModelSwitch*_ and associated inside condition element (_of type ModeValueDisJunction_) as different ModeValue elements (_Note: Each element in values List is created a separate ModeValue element inside condition element_)| |
| |period|Time|SyntheticStimulus|Stimuli Model|period element is changed to recurrence| |
| |triggerTimes|TimeStampList|SyntheticStimulus|Stimuli Model|triggerTimes element is removed from SyntheticStimulus. Content of TriggerTimes element -> *timeStamps list* is migrated as occurrenceTimes element inside SyntheticStimulus | |
| |stimulusDeviation|Deviation|SporadicStimulus|Stimuli Model|stimulusDeviation element is changed as nextOccurrence| |
| |numberOfEvents|Integer|ArrivalCurveEntry|Stimuli Model|numberOfEvents element is changed as numberOfOccurrences| |
| |stimulusDeviation|Deviation|ArrivalCurveStimulus, SingleStimulus, CustomStimulus, InterProcessStimulus, EventStimulus, SyntheticStimulus |Stimuli Model|stimulusDeviation element is removed from SingleStimulus| |
| |activation|Time|SingleStimulus|Stimuli Model|activation element is changed as occurrence| |
| |stimulusDeviation|Deviation|PeriodicStimulus|Stimuli Model|If clock value is *not set* for PeriodicStimulus, in this case stimulusDeviation element is changed as jitter.| |
| |recurrence, clock |Time|PeriodicStimulus|Stimuli Model|If clock value is *set* for PeriodicStimulus, in this case both recurrence and clock are removed directly from PeriodicStimulus and their values are added inside Scenario element -> contained inside PeriodicStimulus(_which will be migrated to VariableRateStimulus as a part of migration_)| |
| |offset |Time|PeriodicStimulus|Stimuli Model|If clock value is *set* for PeriodicStimulus, in this case offset element is removed directly from PeriodicStimulus and its value is added inside Scenario element -> contained inside PeriodicStimulus(_which will be migrated to VariableRateStimulus as a part of migration_) as a CustomProperty with name "offset"| |
| |stimulusDeviation|Deviation|PeriodicStimulus |Stimuli Model|If clock value is *set* then stimulusDeviation element is removed from PeriodicStimulus| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.8.3 to APP4MC 0.9.0 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.8.3)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.0)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.8.3 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.0 | |
| |
| |
| *Below Classes/Interfaces behaviour is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.3)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Changes in behavior (as per 0.9.0)_* |*_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |Memory|HWModel|Memory and Cache are two different elements. Memory can be defined only inside a HwStructure where as Cache can be defined inside HwStructure and ProcessingUnit|Memory element of 0.8.3 is converted either as a Memory element or Cache element based on the type specified for MemoryType element. If the type is specified as *CACHE*, then Memory object _(from 0.8.3)_ is converted as *Cache* element and in other cases it is converted as *Memory*. <br></br>*Note:* _In 0.8.3, Memory element could be contained inside a ComplexNode, as a part of migration : If there is not a possibility to define either a Cache or Memory inside a specific element then it is added as a part of the corresponding parent HwStructure element_ | |
| |HwPort|HWModel|HwPort and ComplexPort elements from 0.8.3 are represented as HwPort in 0.9.0.|For both HwPort and ComplexPort elements, HwPort object is created. Based on the value of attribute master on HwPort or ComplexPort : portType is set either as initiator _(if master=true)_ or responder _(if master=false)_| |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.8.3)_* | *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |RunnableInstructions|SWModel, OSModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is ExecutionNeed.*default* InstructionsConstant,InstructionsDeviation are converted as NeedEntry and the key refers to HwFeatureCategory "Instructions" | |
| |RunnableInstructionsEntry|SWModel, OSModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is ExecutionNeedExtended. Key attribute of ExecutionNeedExtended refer to *ProcessingUnitDefintion* | |
| |ECUType|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |MicroControllerType|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |SystemType|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |HWAccessPath|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0. Only LatencyAccessPath is migrated| |
| |HWComponent|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |NestedComponent|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |PreScaler|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0. Based on to which HW element PreScaler is added ,Quartz of the corresponding element is fetched : value of *clockRatio* is multiplied with the Frequency value of the Quartz and a new FrequencyDomain object is created which contains the obtained Frequency value. Created FrequencyDomain will contain clockratio value in suffix of the name | |
| |Quartz|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is FrequencyDomain.| |
| |Pin|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |MemoryType|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is MemoryDefinition. If type is specified as *Cache*, then corresponding element is migrated as *CacheDefinition*, in other cases it will be MemoryDefinition| |
| |CoreType|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is ProcessingUnitDefinition.| |
| |NetworkType, Bus, Bridge, CrossbarSwitch |HWModel|Equivalent element of these classes in 0.9.0 is ConnectionHandlerDefinition.| |
| |LatencyAccessPath|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is HwAccessElement. If the source element of the LatencyAccessPath is Core, in the corresponding ProcessingUnit : HwAccessElement is created and the destination of it is set based on the destination of LatencyAccessPath _(Note: Destination of HwAccessElement can only be Memory or ProcessingUnit)_ | |
| |System|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is HwStructure. StructureType is set as System| |
| |ECU|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is HwStructure. StructureType is set as ECU| |
| |MicroController|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is HwStructure. StructureType is set as Microcontroller| |
| |Core|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is ProcessingUnit| |
| |Network|HWModel|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.0 is ConnectionHandler| |
| |ComplexPort|HWModel|There is no equivalent element in 0.9.0| |
| |
| *Below references are removed/changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name(version APP4MC 0.8.3)_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |memories|Memory|TargetMemory|ConstraintsModel|If the Memory object as per 0.8.3 is still Memory in 0.9.0, then reference is unchanged. If Memory in 0.8.3 is migrated as Cache based on the type of MemoryType _(as CACHE in 0.8.3)_ , corresponding reference is removed| |
| |memories|Memory|PhysicalSectionConstraint|ConstraintsModel|If the Memory object as per 0.8.3 is still Memory in 0.9.0, then reference is unchanged. If Memory in 0.8.3 is migrated as Cache based on the type of MemoryType _(as CACHE in 0.8.3)_ , corresponding reference is removed| |
| |memory|Memory|PhysicalSectionMapping|MappingModel|If the Memory object as per 0.8.3 is still Memory in 0.9.0, then reference is unchanged. If Memory in 0.8.3 is migrated as Cache based on the type of MemoryType _(as CACHE in 0.8.3)_ , corresponding reference is removed| |
| |memory|Memory|MemoryMapping|MappingModel|If the Memory object as per 0.8.3 is still Memory in 0.9.0, then reference is unchanged. If Memory in 0.8.3 is migrated as Cache based on the type of MemoryType _(as CACHE in 0.8.3)_ , corresponding reference is removed| |
| |cores|Core|TargetCore|ConstraintsModel|instead of Core object, variable Type is updated to corresponding ProcessingUnit element| |
| |hardwareContext|ComplexNode|CPUPercentageRequirementLimit|ConstraintModel|variable Type is changed to ProcessingUnit. In 0.8.3 models if an element was referring to any other ComplexNode other than Core, corresponding reference will be removed| |
| |core|Core|ProcessEvent|EventModel|variable name is changed from core to processingUnit.Type of the reference is changed to ProcessingUnit| |
| |core|Core|ProcessChainEvent|EventModel|variable name is changed from core to processingUnit.Type of the reference is changed to ProcessingUnit| |
| |core|Core|RunnableEvent|EventModel|variable name is changed from core to processingUnit.Type of the reference is changed to ProcessingUnit| |
| |core|Core|SemaphoreEvent|EventModel|variable name is changed from core to processingUnit.Type of the reference is changed to ProcessingUnit| |
| |cores|Core|MicroController|HWModel|variable name is changed from cores to modules.Type of the reference is changed to ProcessingUnit. MicroController class is changed to HwStructure| |
| |responsibility|Core|SchdulerAllocation|MappingModel|Type is changed from Core to ProcessingUnit| |
| |executingCore|Core|SchdulerAllocation|MappingModel|variable name is changed from executingCore to executingPU. Type is changed from Core to ProcessingUnit| |
| |coreAffinity|Core|TaskAllocation|MappingModel|variable name is changed from coreAffinity to affinity. Type is changed from Core to ProcessingUnit| |
| |items, runnableItems, computationItems|RunnableInstructions|Group, Runnable, Scheduler|SWModel, OSModel|Type is changed from RunnableInstructions to ExecutionNeed| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.9.0 to APP4MC 0.9.1 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.0)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.1)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.0 |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.1 | |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.9.0)_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |TimeObject|Equivalent element of this class in 0.9.1 is Time | |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.9.1 to APP4MC 0.9.2 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.1)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.2)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.1|http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.2 | |
| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.9.2 to APP4MC 0.9.3 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.2)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.3)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.2|http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.3 | |
| |
| *Below Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Class Name (version APP4MC 0.9.2)_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |Deviation|Depending on the type of generic used for Deviation element, contents are migrated as IContinuousValueDeviation or IDiscreteValueDeviation or ITimeDeviation | |
| |
| *Following Class names are changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name in 0.9.2*|*Changed Class name in 0.9.3*|*Amalthea sub-model*| |
| |OsInstructions|OsOverhead|os| |
| |OsAPIInstructions|OsAPIOverhead|os| |
| |OsISRInstructions|OsISROverhead|os| |
| |LatencyConstant|DiscreteValueConstant|hw| |
| |LatencyDeivation|DiscreteValueBetaDistribution DiscreteValueBoundaries DiscreteValueGaussDistribution DiscreteValueStatistics DiscreteValueUniformDistribution DiscreteValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution |os| |
| |
| *Following Classes behavior is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name*|*Amalthea sub-model*|*Changed behavior in 0.9.3*| |
| |ExecutionNeed|sw|Till 0.9.2 ExecutionNeed element was used to specify the runtime information and also additional behaviour e.g: Performance etc., <br></br>Based on the latest change in 0.9.3, runtime information should be represented with Ticks element and additional information w.r.t. Performance etc., can be represented using ExecutionNeed element | |
| |
| *Below references are changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name(version APP4MC 0.9.2)_* | *_Variable Name(version APP4MC 0.9.3)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.2)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.3)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |occurencesPerStep|occurencesPerStep|Deviation<DoubleObject>|IContinuousValueDeviation|VariableRateActivation|sw|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<DoubleObject> to IContinousValueDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elemenets are supported as Type: BoundedContinuousValueDistribution ContinuousValueBetaDistribution ContinuousValueBoundaries ContinuousValueConstant ContinuousValueGaussDistribution ContinuousValueHistogram ContinuousValueStatistics ContinuousValueUniformDistribution ContinuousValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution TruncatedContinuousValueDistribution| |
| |activationDeviation|activation|Deviation<Time>|ITimeDeviation|SporadicActivation|sw|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<Time> to ITimeDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elements are supported as Type : TimeBetaDistribution TimeBoundaries TimeConstant TimeGaussDistribution TimeHistogram TimeStatistics TimeUniformDistribution TimeWeibullEstimatorsDistribution| |
| |chunkProcessingInstructions|chunkProcessingTicks|EInt|EInt|ChannelReceive ChannelSend LabelAccess|sw|reference name changed from chunkProcessingInstructions to chunkProcessingTicks| |
| |computationItems|computationItems|ExecutionNeed|Ticks|TaskScheduler InterruptController|os|ExecutionNeed elements with HwFeatureCategory Instructions, are converted as Ticks with default or extended (based on the way ExecutionNeed was defined earlier)| |
| |items|items|ExecutionNeed|ExecutionNeed|Group|sw|ExecutionNeed elements with HwFeatureCategory Instructions are converted as Ticks. If HwFeatureCategory is other than Instructions, then content of the specific entry is retained as ExecutionNeed <br></br>(In 0.9.3 ExecutionNeed does not support Extended entries )| |
| |runnableitems|runnableitems|ExecutionNeed|ExecutionNeed|Runnable|sw|ExecutionNeed elements with HwFeatureCategory Instructions are converted as Ticks. If HwFeatureCategory is other than Instructions, then content of the specific entry is retained as ExecutionNeed <br></br>(In 0.9.3 ExecutionNeed does not support Extended entries )| |
| |jitter|jitter|Deviation<Time>|ITimeDeviation|PeriodicStimulus|stimuli|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<Time> to ITimeDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elemenets are supported as Type : TimeBetaDistribution TimeBoundaries TimeConstant TimeGaussDistribution TimeHistogram TimeStatistics TimeUniformDistribution TimeWeibullEstimatorsDistribution| |
| |nextOccurrence|nextOccurrence|Deviation<Time>|ITimeDeviation|RelativePeriodicStimulus|stimuli|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<Time> to ITimeDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elemenets are supported as Type : TimeBetaDistribution TimeBoundaries TimeConstant TimeGaussDistribution TimeHistogram TimeStatistics TimeUniformDistribution TimeWeibullEstimatorsDistribution| |
| |occurencesPerStep|occurencesPerStep|Deviation<DoubleObject>|IContinuousValueDeviation|VariableRateStimulus|stimuli|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<DoubleObject> to IContinousValueDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elements are supported as Type: BoundedContinuousValueDistribution ContinuousValueBetaDistribution ContinuousValueBoundaries ContinuousValueConstant ContinuousValueGaussDistribution ContinuousValueHistogram ContinuousValueStatistics ContinuousValueUniformDistribution ContinuousValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution TruncatedContinuousValueDistribution| |
| |maxIncreasePerStep|maxIncreasePerStep|DoubleObject|Double|VariableRateStimulus|stimuli|Double value is migrated as a attribute| |
| |maxDecreasePerStep|maxDecreasePerStep|DoubleObject|Double|VariableRateStimulus|stimuli|Double value is migrated as a attribute| |
| |osOverheads|osOverheads|OsInstructions|OsOverhead|OSModel|os|References are updated accordingly| |
| |apiSendMessage apiTerminateTask apiSchedule apiRequestResource apiReleaseResource apiSetEvent apiWaitEvent apiClearEvent apiActivateTask apiEnforcedMigration apiSuspendOsInterrupts apiResumeOsInterrupts apiRequestSpinlock apiReleaseSpinlock apiSenderReceiverRead apiSenderReceiverWrite apiSynchronousServerCallPoint apiIocRead apiIocWrite |apiSendMessage apiTerminateTask apiSchedule apiRequestResource apiReleaseResource apiSetEvent apiWaitEvent apiClearEvent apiActivateTask apiEnforcedMigration apiSuspendOsInterrupts apiResumeOsInterrupts apiRequestSpinlock apiReleaseSpinlock apiSenderReceiverRead apiSenderReceiverWrite apiSynchronousServerCallPoint apiIocRead apiIocWrite|Instructions|Ticks|OsAPIInstructions|os|Instructions elements are converted to Ticks. <br></br>InstructionsConstant is converted to DiscreteValueConstant. <br></br>InstructionsDeviation is converted to one of the following type _(based on conversion criteria)_: <br></br> DiscreteValueBetaDistribution DiscreteValueBoundaries DiscreteValueGaussDistribution DiscreteValueStatistics DiscreteValueUniformDistribution DiscreteValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution | |
| |preExecutionOverhead postExecutionOverhead| preExecutionOverhead postExecutionOverhead|Instructions|Ticks|OsISRInstructions|os|Instructions elements are converted to Ticks. <br></br>InstructionsConstant is converted to DiscreteValueConstant. <br></br>InstructionsDeviation is converted to one of the following type _(based on conversion criteria)_: <br></br> DiscreteValueBetaDistribution DiscreteValueBoundaries DiscreteValueGaussDistribution DiscreteValueStatistics DiscreteValueUniformDistribution DiscreteValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution | |
| |runtimeDeviation|runtimeDeviation|Deviation<Time>|ITimeDeviation|Measurement|MeasurementModel|As there is a change in the Type of this reference from Deviation<Time> to ITimeDeviation. Content is migrated to the new elements.<br></br> Following elemenets are supported as Type : TimeBetaDistribution TimeBoundaries TimeConstant TimeGaussDistribution TimeHistogram TimeStatistics TimeUniformDistribution TimeWeibullEstimatorsDistribution| |
| |cycles|value|Long|Long|LatencyConstant|hw|LatencyConstant is changed to DiscreteValueConstant, reference name changed from cycles to value| |
| |cycles|value|Deviation|Deviation<DoubleObject>|LatencyDeviation|hw|LatencyDeviation is changed to DiscreteValueBetaDistribution DiscreteValueBoundaries DiscreteValueGaussDistribution DiscreteValueStatistics DiscreteValueUniformDistribution DiscreteValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution. In 0.9.3, intermediate cycles element is removed. Content of it is merged as a part of the Distribution | |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.9.3 to APP4MC 0.9.4 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.3)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.4)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.3|http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.4 | |
| |
| *Below Enum Literals are changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Enum Name_* | *_Literal name (version APP4MC 0.9.3)_* | *_Literal name (version APP4MC 0.9.4)_* | |
| |PortInterface|ABH | AHB| |
| |
| *Below references are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |deadine|Time|Runnable|sw|deadline attribute has been removed and an equivalent RunnableRequirement object is created in the ConstraintsModel.| |
| |disablingModeValueList|ModeValueDisjunction|Stimulus|stimuli|disablingModeValueList reference has been completely removed.| |
| |
| *Following Classes are renamed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name in 0.9.3*|*Changed Class name in 0.9.4*|*Amalthea sub-model*| |
| |ModeValueDisjunction|ModeConditionDisjunction|sw, stimuli| |
| |ModeValueDisjunctionEntry|ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry|sw, stimuli| |
| |ModeValueConjunction|ModeConditionConjunction|sw, stimuli| |
| |DataPlatformMapping|Alias|sw| |
| |
| |
| *Following Classes behavior is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name*|*Amalthea sub-model*|*Changed behavior in 0.9.4*| |
| |Mode|sw|Mode is changed as abstract class. Mode has two subclasses NumericMode and EnumMode. All the Mode objects from Amalthea 0.9.3 are converted as EnumMode objects in 0.9.4| |
| |ModeValue|sw, stimuli| ModeValue is an abstract class derived into ModeAssignment and ModeCondition | |
| |ModeValueDisjunctionEntry|sw, stimuli| It is now changed as an interface ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry. This interface is realized as ModeCondition & ModeConditionConjunction. | |
| |Runnable|sw| Runnable class has a new attribute executionCondition.| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| *Below references are changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.9.3)_* | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.9.4)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.3)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.4)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |enablingModeValueList|executionCondition|ModeValueDisjunction|ModeConditionDisjunction|Stimulus|stimuli|enablingModeValueList reference is now changed to executionCondition.| |
| |entries|entries|ModeValue|ModeCondition|ModeValueDisjunction(in 0.9.3), ModeConditionDisjunction(in 0.9.4) |sw, stimuli|ModeValue is now changed to ModeCondition.| |
| |value|value|ModeLiteral|String|ModeValueMapEntry, ModeValue|sw, stimuli| value is changed from ModeLiteral reference to a String (containing only modeLiteral name)| |
| |valueProvider|label|ModeLabel|ModeLabel|ModeValue (can be ModeCondition or ModeAssignment)|sw, stimuli| valueProvider reference is changed to a label| |
| |condition|condition|ModeValueDisjunction|ModeConditionDisjunction|ModeSwitchEntry|sw, stimuli| condition type is changed to new reference class type ModeConditionDisjunction| |
| |initialValue|initialValue|ModeLiteral|String|ModeLabel|sw|initialValue is changed from ModeLiteral reference to a String (containing only modeLiteral name) additional attribute mode is created and it is referring to the Mode which was containing ModeLiteral| |
| |access|access|LabelAccessEnum|ModeLabelAccessEnum|ModeLabelAccess|sw|access is now a reference to enum type ModeLabelAccessEnum enhanced to support Enum mode.If literal "write" was used now it is changed to "set".| |
| |modeValue|value|ModeLiteral|String|ModeLabelAccess|sw|value is changed from ModeLIteral reference to a String (containing only modeLiteral name)| |
| |dataMapping|aliases|DataPlatformMapping|Alias|BaseTypeDefinition|sw|dataMapping is renamed to avoid mixup with mapping to memory| |
| |platformName|target|String|String|DataPlatformMapping (in 0.9.3), Alias (in 0.9.4)|sw|platformName attribute is renamed to target| |
| |platformType|alias|String|String|DataPlatformMapping (in 0.9.3), Alias (in 0.9.4)|sw|platformType attribute is renamed to alias| |
| |
| |
| h3. Version APP4MC 0.9.4 to APP4MC 0.9.5 |
| |
| *Change in the namespace:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.4)_* | *_AMALTHEA Namespace (version App4MC 0.9.5)_* | |
| |http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.4|http://app4mc.eclipse.org/amalthea/0.9.5 | |
| |
| |
| *Below references are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name_* | *_Variable Type_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| |runnableItems|RunnableItem|Runnable|sw|runnableItems reference has been removed and replaced with new attribute CallGraph to provide all child elements same as Task.| |
| |
| *Following Classes are removed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name in 0.9.4*|*_Model Migration behavior_*| |
| |CallSequence| Equivalent element is Group in 0.9.5| |
| |RunnableModeSwitch| Equivalent element is ModeSwitch in 0.9.5| |
| |RunnableProbabilitySwitch| Equivalent element is ProbabilitySwitch in 0.9.5| |
| |GraphEntryBase| Equivalent element is CallGraphItem in 0.9.5| |
| |RunnableItem| Equivalent element is CallGraphItem in 0.9.5| |
| |ClockSinusFunction| Equivalent is ClockFunction in 0.9.5 with a new attribute type curvetype=triangle| |
| |ClockTraingleFunction| Equivalent is ClockFunction in 0.9.5 with a new attribute type curvetype=sine| |
| |
| *Following Classes are renamed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name in 0.9.4*|*Changed Class name in 0.9.5*|*Amalthea sub-model*| |
| |ClockMultiplierList|ClockStepList|stimuli| |
| |ClockMultiplierListEntry|ClockStep|stimuli| |
| |
| |
| *Following Classes behavior is changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| |*Class name*|*Amalthea sub-model*|*Changed behavior in 0.9.5*| |
| |Runnable|sw| Runnable class has a new attribute callGraph. It is now possible to have all the child elements same as Task or Process| |
| |Scenario|stimuli| Reference _recurrence_ (Time) is replaced by _samplingRecurrence_ (non negative double)| |
| |
| |
| *Below references are changed:* |
| |
| table(classic){margin-left:40px}. |
| | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.9.4)_* | *_Variable Name (version APP4MC 0.9.5)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.4)_* | *_Variable Type (in 0.9.5)_* | *_Class containing Variable_*| *_AMALTHEA sub model_* | *_Model Migration behavior_* | |
| | runnableItems|callGraph|RunnableItem|CallGraph|Runnable|sw|runnableItems reference has been removed and replaced with new attribute CallGraph to provide all child elements same as Task.| |
| |graphEntries|items|GraphEntryBase|CallGraphItem|CallGraph|sw|graphEntries reference has been changed to items of type CallGraphItem.| |
| |items|items|RunnableItem|CallGraphItem|Group|sw| items reference has been changed to elements of type CallGraphItem| |
| |entries|entries|ClockMultiplierListEntry|ClockStep|ClockStepList|stimuli|entries reference has been changed to type ClockStep| |
| |
| |