| # ******************************************************************************* |
| # Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Robert Bosch GmbH and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # Generated using Eclipse EMF |
| # |
| # ******************************************************************************* |
| |
| pluginName = APP4MC Amalthea Model Edit Support |
| providerName = Eclipse APP4MC |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} | {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_ASILType_A_literal = A |
| _UI_ASILType_B_literal = B |
| _UI_ASILType_C_literal = C |
| _UI_ASILType_D_literal = D |
| _UI_ASILType_QM_literal = QM |
| _UI_ASILType__undefined__literal = <ASIL Level> |
| _UI_AbstractElementMappingConstraint_abstractElement_feature = Abstract Element |
| _UI_AbstractElementMappingConstraint_type = Abstract Element Mapping Constraint |
| _UI_AbstractEventChain_response_feature = Response |
| _UI_AbstractEventChain_segments_feature = Segments |
| _UI_AbstractEventChain_stimulus_feature = Stimulus |
| _UI_AbstractEventChain_strands_feature = Strands |
| _UI_AbstractEventChain_type = Abstract Event Chain |
| _UI_AbstractMemoryElement_mappings_feature = Mappings |
| _UI_AbstractMemoryElement_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_AbstractMemoryElement_type = Abstract Memory Element |
| _UI_AbstractProcess_type = Abstract Process |
| _UI_AccessMultiplicity__undefined__literal = <access multiplicity> |
| _UI_AccessMultiplicity_multipleAccesses_literal = multipleAccesses |
| _UI_AccessMultiplicity_singleAccess_literal = singleAccess |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceSpec_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceSpec_orderType_feature = Order Type |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceSpec_type = Access Precedence Spec |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceType__undefined__literal = <access> |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceType_defaultWR_literal = defaultWR |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceType_enforceRW_literal = enforceRW |
| _UI_AccessPrecedenceType_ignoreWR_literal = ignoreWR |
| _UI_Activation_type = Activation |
| _UI_AffinityConstraint_type = Affinity Constraint |
| _UI_Algorithm_type = Algorithm |
| _UI_Amalthea_commonElements_feature = Common Elements |
| _UI_Amalthea_componentsModel_feature = Components Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_configModel_feature = Config Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_constraintsModel_feature = Constraints Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_eventModel_feature = Event Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_hwModel_feature = HW Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_mappingModel_feature = Mapping Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_measurementModel_feature = Measurement Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_osModel_feature = OS Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_propertyConstraintsModel_feature = Property Constraints Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_stimuliModel_feature = Stimuli Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_swModel_feature = SW Model |
| _UI_Amalthea_type = Amalthea |
| _UI_Amalthea_version_feature = Version |
| _UI_ArchitectureRequirement_component_feature = Component |
| _UI_ArchitectureRequirement_type = Architecture Requirement |
| _UI_Array_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_Array_numberElements_feature = Number Elements |
| _UI_Array_type = Array |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveEntry_lowerTimeBorder_feature = Lower Time Border |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveEntry_numberOfOccurrences_feature = Number Of Occurrences |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveEntry_type = Arrival Curve Entry |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveEntry_upperTimeBorder_feature = Upper Time Border |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveStimulus_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ArrivalCurveStimulus_type = Arrival Curve Stimulus |
| _UI_AsynchronousServerCall_resultRunnable_feature = Result Runnable |
| _UI_AsynchronousServerCall_type = Server Call - Asynchronous |
| _UI_BaseObject_type = Base Object |
| _UI_BaseTypeDefinition_dataMapping_feature = Data Mapping |
| _UI_BaseTypeDefinition_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_BaseTypeDefinition_type = Base Type Definition |
| _UI_BetaDistribution_alpha_feature = Alpha |
| _UI_BetaDistribution_beta_feature = Beta |
| _UI_BetaDistribution_type = Beta Distribution |
| _UI_BigIntegerObject_type = Big Integer Object |
| _UI_BigIntegerObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_BlockingType__undefined__literal = <blocking> |
| _UI_BlockingType_active_wait_literal = active wait |
| _UI_BlockingType_non_blocking_literal = non blocking |
| _UI_BlockingType_passive_wait_literal = passive wait |
| _UI_BooleanObject_type = Boolean Object |
| _UI_BooleanObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_Boundaries_samplingType_feature = Sampling Type |
| _UI_Boundaries_type = Boundaries |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPUBuffering_literal = CPUBuffering |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPULoad_literal = CPULoad |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPUParking_literal = CPUParking |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPUPolling_literal = CPUPolling |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPUReady_literal = CPUReady |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPURunning_literal = CPURunning |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric_CPUWaiting_literal = CPUWaiting |
| _UI_CPUPercentageMetric__undefined__literal = <CPU % metric> |
| _UI_CPUPercentageRequirementLimit_hardwareContext_feature = Hardware Context |
| _UI_CPUPercentageRequirementLimit_limitValue_feature = Limit Value |
| _UI_CPUPercentageRequirementLimit_metric_feature = Metric |
| _UI_CPUPercentageRequirementLimit_type = CPU Percentage Requirement Limit |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_accessLatency_feature = Access Latency |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_cacheType_feature = Cache Type |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_coherency_feature = Coherency |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_exclusive_feature = Exclusive |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_hitRate_feature = Hit Rate |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_lineSize_feature = Line Size |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_nWays_feature = NWays |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_type = Cache Definition |
| _UI_CacheDefinition_writeStrategy_feature = Write Strategy |
| _UI_CacheType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_CacheType_data_literal = data |
| _UI_CacheType_instruction_literal = instruction |
| _UI_CacheType_unified_literal = unified |
| _UI_Cache_definition_feature = Definition |
| _UI_Cache_type = Cache |
| _UI_CallGraph_graphEntries_feature = Graph Entries |
| _UI_CallGraph_type = Call Graph |
| _UI_CallSequenceItem_counter_feature = Counter |
| _UI_CallSequenceItem_type = Call Sequence Item |
| _UI_CallSequence_calls_feature = Calls |
| _UI_CallSequence_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_CallSequence_type = Call Sequence |
| _UI_ChainedProcessPrototype_apply_feature = Apply |
| _UI_ChainedProcessPrototype_offset_feature = Offset |
| _UI_ChainedProcessPrototype_prototype_feature = Prototype |
| _UI_ChainedProcessPrototype_type = Chained Process Prototype |
| _UI_ChannelAccess_dataLinkInt_feature = Data Link Int |
| _UI_ChannelAccess_data_feature = Data |
| _UI_ChannelAccess_elements_feature = Elements |
| _UI_ChannelAccess_transmissionPolicy_feature = Transmission Policy |
| _UI_ChannelAccess_type = Channel Access |
| _UI_ChannelEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_ChannelEventType_receive_literal = receive |
| _UI_ChannelEventType_send_literal = send |
| _UI_ChannelEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_ChannelEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_ChannelEvent_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_ChannelEvent_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_ChannelEvent_type = Channel Event |
| _UI_ChannelReceive_dataMustBeNew_feature = Data Must Be New |
| _UI_ChannelReceive_elementIndex_feature = Element Index |
| _UI_ChannelReceive_lowerBound_feature = Lower Bound |
| _UI_ChannelReceive_receiveOperation_feature = Receive Operation |
| _UI_ChannelReceive_type = Channel Receive |
| _UI_ChannelSend_type = Channel Send |
| _UI_Channel_channelAccesses_feature = Channel Accesses |
| _UI_Channel_defaultElements_feature = Default Elements |
| _UI_Channel_elementType_feature = Element Type |
| _UI_Channel_maxElements_feature = Max Elements |
| _UI_Channel_type = Channel |
| _UI_Classification_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_Classification_grouping_feature = Grouping |
| _UI_Classification_type = Classification |
| _UI_Classifier_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_Classifier_type = Classifier |
| _UI_ClearEvent_eventMask_feature = Event Mask |
| _UI_ClearEvent_type = Clear Event |
| _UI_ClockMultiplierListEntry_multiplier_feature = Multiplier |
| _UI_ClockMultiplierListEntry_time_feature = Time |
| _UI_ClockMultiplierListEntry_type = Clock Multiplier List Entry |
| _UI_ClockMultiplierList_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ClockMultiplierList_type = Clock Multiplier List |
| _UI_ClockSinusFunction_amplitude_feature = Amplitude |
| _UI_ClockSinusFunction_period_feature = Period |
| _UI_ClockSinusFunction_shift_feature = Shift |
| _UI_ClockSinusFunction_type = Clock Sinus Function |
| _UI_ClockSinusFunction_yOffset_feature = YOffset |
| _UI_ClockTriangleFunction_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_ClockTriangleFunction_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_ClockTriangleFunction_period_feature = Period |
| _UI_ClockTriangleFunction_shift_feature = Shift |
| _UI_ClockTriangleFunction_type = Clock Triangle Function |
| _UI_Clock_type = Clock |
| _UI_CoherencyDirection__undefined__literal = <direction> |
| _UI_CoherencyDirection_input_literal = input |
| _UI_CoherencyDirection_output_literal = output |
| _UI_CommonElements_coreClassifiers_feature = Core Classifiers |
| _UI_CommonElements_memoryClassifiers_feature = Memory Classifiers |
| _UI_CommonElements_tags_feature = Tags |
| _UI_CommonElements_type = Common Elements |
| _UI_ComponentEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_ComponentEventType_end_literal = end |
| _UI_ComponentEventType_start_literal = start |
| _UI_ComponentEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_ComponentEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_ComponentEvent_type = Component Event |
| _UI_ComponentInstance_type = Component Instance |
| _UI_ComponentInstance_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_ComponentScope_component_feature = Component |
| _UI_ComponentScope_type = Component Scope |
| _UI_Component_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_Component_osEvents_feature = OS Events |
| _UI_Component_ports_feature = Ports |
| _UI_Component_runnables_feature = Runnables |
| _UI_Component_semaphores_feature = Semaphores |
| _UI_Component_tasks_feature = Tasks |
| _UI_Component_type = Component |
| _UI_ComponentsModel_components_feature = Components |
| _UI_ComponentsModel_systems_feature = Systems |
| _UI_ComponentsModel_type = Components |
| _UI_Composite_type = Composite |
| _UI_CompoundType_type = Compound Type |
| _UI_ComputationItem_type = Computation Item |
| _UI_ConcurrencyType_MultiCoreSafe_literal = MultiCoreSafe |
| _UI_ConcurrencyType_SingleCorePrioSafe_literal = SingleCorePrioSafe |
| _UI_ConcurrencyType_SingleCoreSafe_literal = SingleCoreSafe |
| _UI_ConcurrencyType__undefined__literal = <concurrency> |
| _UI_Condition__undefined__literal = <condition> |
| _UI_Condition_excludes_literal = excludes |
| _UI_Condition_requires_literal = requires |
| _UI_ConfigModel_eventsToTrace_feature = Events To Trace |
| _UI_ConfigModel_type = Configuration |
| _UI_ConnectionHandlerDefinition_dataRate_feature = Data Rate |
| _UI_ConnectionHandlerDefinition_policy_feature = Policy |
| _UI_ConnectionHandlerDefinition_readLatency_feature = Read Latency |
| _UI_ConnectionHandlerDefinition_type = Connection Handler Definition |
| _UI_ConnectionHandlerDefinition_writeLatency_feature = Write Latency |
| _UI_ConnectionHandler_definition_feature = Definition |
| _UI_ConnectionHandler_internalConnections_feature = Internal Connections |
| _UI_ConnectionHandler_type = Connection Handler |
| _UI_Connector_sourcePort_feature = Source Port |
| _UI_Connector_targetPort_feature = Target Port |
| _UI_Connector_type = Connector |
| _UI_ConstantBandwidthServerWithCASH_type = Constant Bandwidth Server With CASH |
| _UI_ConstantBandwidthServer_type = Constant Bandwidth Server |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_affinityConstraints_feature = Affinity Constraints |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_dataAgeConstraints_feature = Data Age Constraints |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_dataCoherencyGroups_feature = Data Coherency Groups |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_dataStabilityGroups_feature = Data Stability Groups |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_eventChains_feature = Event Chains |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_physicalSectionConstraints_feature = Physical Section Constraints |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_requirements_feature = Requirements |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_runnableSequencingConstraints_feature = Runnable Sequencing Constraints |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_timingConstraints_feature = Timing Constraints |
| _UI_ConstraintsModel_type = Constraints |
| _UI_CoreAllocationConstraint_coreClassification_feature = Core Classification |
| _UI_CoreAllocationConstraint_type = Core Allocation Constraint |
| _UI_CoreClassification_classifiers_feature = Classifiers |
| _UI_CoreClassification_type = Core Classification |
| _UI_CoreClassifier_type = Core Classifier |
| _UI_CountMetric_Activations_literal = Activations |
| _UI_CountMetric_BoundedMigrations_literal = BoundedMigrations |
| _UI_CountMetric_CacheHit_literal = CacheHit |
| _UI_CountMetric_CacheMiss_literal = CacheMiss |
| _UI_CountMetric_FullMigrations_literal = FullMigrations |
| _UI_CountMetric_MtaLimitExceeding_literal = MtaLimitExceeding |
| _UI_CountMetric_Preemptions_literal = Preemptions |
| _UI_CountMetric__undefined__literal = <count metric> |
| _UI_CountRequirementLimit_limitValue_feature = Limit Value |
| _UI_CountRequirementLimit_metric_feature = Metric |
| _UI_CountRequirementLimit_type = Count Requirement Limit |
| _UI_Counter_offset_feature = Offset |
| _UI_Counter_prescaler_feature = Prescaler |
| _UI_Counter_type = Counter |
| _UI_CustomActivation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_CustomActivation_type = Custom Activation |
| _UI_CustomEntity_type = Custom Entity |
| _UI_CustomEntity_typeName_feature = Type Name |
| _UI_CustomEventTrigger_eventLinkInt_feature = Event Link Int |
| _UI_CustomEventTrigger_event_feature = Event |
| _UI_CustomEventTrigger_type = Custom Event Trigger |
| _UI_CustomEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_CustomEvent_explicitTriggers_feature = Explicit Triggers |
| _UI_CustomEvent_type = Custom Event |
| _UI_CustomProperty_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_CustomProperty_type = Custom Property |
| _UI_CustomProperty_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_CustomStimulus_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_CustomStimulus_type = Custom Stimulus |
| _UI_DataAgeConstraint_dataAge_feature = Data Age |
| _UI_DataAgeConstraint_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_DataAgeConstraint_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_DataAgeConstraint_type = Data Age Constraint |
| _UI_DataAgeCycle_maximumCycle_feature = Maximum Cycle |
| _UI_DataAgeCycle_minimumCycle_feature = Minimum Cycle |
| _UI_DataAgeCycle_type = Data Age Cycle |
| _UI_DataAgeTime_maximumTime_feature = Maximum Time |
| _UI_DataAgeTime_minimumTime_feature = Minimum Time |
| _UI_DataAgeTime_type = Data Age Time |
| _UI_DataAge_type = Data Age |
| _UI_DataCoherencyGroup_direction_feature = Direction |
| _UI_DataCoherencyGroup_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_DataCoherencyGroup_scope_feature = Scope |
| _UI_DataCoherencyGroup_type = Data Coherency Group |
| _UI_DataConstraintTarget_type = Data Constraint Target |
| _UI_DataConstraint_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_DataConstraint_type = Data Constraint |
| _UI_DataGroupScope_type = Data Group Scope |
| _UI_DataPairingConstraint_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_DataPairingConstraint_type = Data Pairing Constraint |
| _UI_DataPlatformMapping_platformName_feature = Platform Name |
| _UI_DataPlatformMapping_platformType_feature = Platform Type |
| _UI_DataPlatformMapping_type = Data Platform Mapping |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_BPerSecond_literal = B/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_GBPerSecond_literal = GB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_GbitPerSecond_literal = Gbit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_GiBPerSecond_literal = GiB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_GibitPerSecond_literal = Gibit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_KiBPerSecond_literal = KiB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_KibitPerSecond_literal = Kibit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_MBPerSecond_literal = MB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_MbitPerSecond_literal = Mbit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_MiBPerSecond_literal = MiB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_MibitPerSecond_literal = Mibit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_TBPerSecond_literal = TB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_TbitPerSecond_literal = Tbit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_TiBPerSecond_literal = TiB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_TibitPerSecond_literal = Tibit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit__undefined__literal = <unit> |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_bitPerSecond_literal = bit/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_kBPerSecond_literal = kB/s |
| _UI_DataRateUnit_kbitPerSecond_literal = kbit/s |
| _UI_DataRate_type = Data Rate |
| _UI_DataRate_unit_feature = Unit |
| _UI_DataRate_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_DataSeparationConstraint_groups_feature = Groups |
| _UI_DataSeparationConstraint_type = Data Separation Constraint |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_B_literal = B |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_GB_literal = GB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Gbit_literal = Gbit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_GiB_literal = GiB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Gibit_literal = Gibit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_KiB_literal = KiB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Kibit_literal = Kibit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_MB_literal = MB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Mbit_literal = Mbit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_MiB_literal = MiB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Mibit_literal = Mibit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_TB_literal = TB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Tbit_literal = Tbit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_TiB_literal = TiB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_Tibit_literal = Tibit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit__undefined__literal = <unit> |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_bit_literal = bit |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_kB_literal = kB |
| _UI_DataSizeUnit_kbit_literal = kbit |
| _UI_DataSize_type = Data Size |
| _UI_DataSize_unit_feature = Unit |
| _UI_DataSize_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_DataStabilityGroup_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_DataStabilityGroup_scope_feature = Scope |
| _UI_DataStabilityGroup_type = Data Stability Group |
| _UI_DataStabilityLevel__undefined__literal = <data stability level> |
| _UI_DataStabilityLevel_period_literal = period |
| _UI_DataStabilityLevel_process_literal = process |
| _UI_DataStabilityLevel_runnable_literal = runnable |
| _UI_DataStabilityLevel_scheduleSection_literal = scheduleSection |
| _UI_DataStability_accessMultiplicity_feature = Access Multiplicity |
| _UI_DataStability_algorithm_feature = Algorithm |
| _UI_DataStability_enabled_feature = Enabled |
| _UI_DataStability_level_feature = Level |
| _UI_DataStability_type = Data Stability |
| _UI_DataTypeDefinition_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_DataTypeDefinition_type = Data Type Definition |
| _UI_DataType_type = Data Type |
| _UI_DeadlineMonotonic_type = Deadline Monotonic |
| _UI_DeferrableServer_type = Deferrable Server |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_lower_feature = Lower |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_mappingType_feature = Mapping Type |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_type = Delay Constraint |
| _UI_DelayConstraint_upper_feature = Upper |
| _UI_Deviation_distribution_feature = Distribution |
| _UI_Deviation_lowerBound_feature = Lower Bound |
| _UI_Deviation_type = Deviation |
| _UI_Deviation_upperBound_feature = Upper Bound |
| _UI_Distribution_type = Distribution |
| _UI_DoubleObject_type = Double Object |
| _UI_DoubleObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_DynamicPriority_type = Dynamic Priority |
| _UI_EAnnotation_contents_feature = Contents |
| _UI_EAnnotation_details_feature = Details |
| _UI_EAnnotation_eModelElement_feature = EModel Element |
| _UI_EAnnotation_references_description = Objects referenced by this annotation |
| _UI_EAnnotation_references_feature = References |
| _UI_EAnnotation_source_description = An identifier, typically an absolute URI, that uniquely identifies this kind of annotation |
| _UI_EAnnotation_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_EAnnotation_type = EAnnotation |
| _UI_EAttribute_eAttributeType_description = The data type of this attribute |
| _UI_EAttribute_eAttributeType_feature = EAttribute Type |
| _UI_EAttribute_iD_description = Whether the value of this attribute uniquely identifies an object within its containing resource |
| _UI_EAttribute_iD_feature = ID |
| _UI_EAttribute_type = EAttribute |
| _UI_EClass_abstract_description = Whether instances of this class can be created |
| _UI_EClass_abstract_feature = Abstract |
| _UI_EClass_eAllAttributes_feature = EAll Attributes |
| _UI_EClass_eAllContainments_feature = EAll Containments |
| _UI_EClass_eAllGenericSuperTypes_feature = EAll Generic Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eAllOperations_feature = EAll Operations |
| _UI_EClass_eAllReferences_feature = EAll References |
| _UI_EClass_eAllStructuralFeatures_feature = EAll Structural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eAllSuperTypes_feature = EAll Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eAttributes_feature = EAttributes |
| _UI_EClass_eGenericSuperTypes_feature = EGeneric Super Types |
| _UI_EClass_eIDAttribute_feature = EID Attribute |
| _UI_EClass_eOperations_description = The operations defined by this class |
| _UI_EClass_eOperations_feature = EOperations |
| _UI_EClass_eReferences_feature = EReferences |
| _UI_EClass_eStructuralFeatures_feature = EStructural Features |
| _UI_EClass_eSuperTypes_description = The immediate super types of this class |
| _UI_EClass_eSuperTypes_feature = ESuper Types |
| _UI_EClass_interface_description = Whether no corresponding implementation will be generated for this class |
| _UI_EClass_interface_feature = Interface |
| _UI_EClass_type = EClass |
| _UI_EClassifier_defaultValue_description = The default value for features of this type |
| _UI_EClassifier_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EClassifier_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EClassifier_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClassName_description = The erased instance class name denoted by this classifier |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClassName_feature = Instance Class Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceClass_feature = Instance Class |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceTypeName_description = The full instance type name denoted by this classifier |
| _UI_EClassifier_instanceTypeName_feature = Instance Type Name |
| _UI_EClassifier_type = EClassifier |
| _UI_EDataType_serializable_description = Whether a value of this data type can be serialized using the factory |
| _UI_EDataType_serializable_feature = Serializable |
| _UI_EDataType_type = EData Type |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_eEnum_feature = EEnum |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_instance_feature = Instance |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_literal_description = The literal value associated with this enumerator |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_literal_feature = Literal |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_type = EEnum Literal |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_value_description = The integer value associated with this enumerator |
| _UI_EEnumLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EEnum_eLiterals_feature = ELiterals |
| _UI_EEnum_type = EEnum |
| _UI_EFactory_ePackage_description = The package corresponding to this factory |
| _UI_EFactory_ePackage_feature = EPackage |
| _UI_EFactory_type = EFactory |
| _UI_EGenericType_eClassifier_description = The classifier denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eClassifier_feature = EClassifier |
| _UI_EGenericType_eLowerBound_feature = ELower Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_eRawType_description = The erased type denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eRawType_feature = ERaw Type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeArguments_feature = EType Arguments |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeParameter_description = The type parameter denoted by this generic type |
| _UI_EGenericType_eTypeParameter_feature = EType Parameter |
| _UI_EGenericType_eUpperBound_feature = EUpper Bound |
| _UI_EGenericType_type = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_EModelElement_eAnnotations_feature = EAnnotations |
| _UI_EModelElement_type = EModel Element |
| _UI_ENamedElement_name_description = The name of this model element |
| _UI_ENamedElement_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_ENamedElement_type = ENamed Element |
| _UI_EObject_type = EObject |
| _UI_EOperation_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_EOperation_eExceptions_description = The exceptions thrown by this operation |
| _UI_EOperation_eExceptions_feature = EExceptions |
| _UI_EOperation_eGenericExceptions_feature = EGeneric Exceptions |
| _UI_EOperation_eParameters_feature = EParameters |
| _UI_EOperation_eTypeParameters_feature = EType Parameters |
| _UI_EOperation_type = EOperation |
| _UI_EPackage_eClassifiers_feature = EClassifiers |
| _UI_EPackage_eFactoryInstance_description = The factory corresponding to this package |
| _UI_EPackage_eFactoryInstance_feature = EFactory Instance |
| _UI_EPackage_eSubpackages_feature = ESubpackages |
| _UI_EPackage_eSuperPackage_feature = ESuper Package |
| _UI_EPackage_nsPrefix_description = The namespace prefix used by default when serializing instances of the package's classes |
| _UI_EPackage_nsPrefix_feature = Ns Prefix |
| _UI_EPackage_nsURI_description = The universally unique namespace identifier, typically an absolute URI, for this package |
| _UI_EPackage_nsURI_feature = Ns URI |
| _UI_EPackage_type = EPackage |
| _UI_EParameter_eOperation_feature = EOperation |
| _UI_EParameter_type = EParameter |
| _UI_EReference_container_description = Whether this reference has as its opposite a containment reference |
| _UI_EReference_container_feature = Container |
| _UI_EReference_containment_description = Whether this reference represents a composite relationship |
| _UI_EReference_containment_feature = Containment |
| _UI_EReference_eKeys_description = The attributes of the referenced class that uniquely identify a referenced instance |
| _UI_EReference_eKeys_feature = EKeys |
| _UI_EReference_eOpposite_description = The reference that represents the bidirectional opposite of this reference |
| _UI_EReference_eOpposite_feature = EOpposite |
| _UI_EReference_eReferenceType_description = The target class of the reference |
| _UI_EReference_eReferenceType_feature = EReference Type |
| _UI_EReference_resolveProxies_description = Whether this reference resolves proxies automatically |
| _UI_EReference_resolveProxies_feature = Resolve Proxies |
| _UI_EReference_type = EReference |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_key_description = The key of this map entry |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_type = EString To String Map Entry |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_value_description = The value of this map entry |
| _UI_EStringToStringMapEntry_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_changeable_description = Whether the value of this feature can be changed |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_changeable_feature = Changeable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValueLiteral_description = The literal representation of the default value for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValueLiteral_feature = Default Value Literal |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValue_description = The default value for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_derived_description = Whether the value of this feature is derived from the values of other features |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_derived_feature = Derived |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_eContainingClass_description = The class that defines this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_eContainingClass_feature = EContaining Class |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_transient_description = Whether the value of this feature will be serialized |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_transient_feature = Transient |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_type = EStructural Feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_unsettable_description = Whether the value space for this feature includes the state of not being set |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_unsettable_feature = Unsettable |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_volatile_description = Whether no field will be generated for this feature |
| _UI_EStructuralFeature_volatile_feature = Volatile |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_eBounds_feature = EBounds |
| _UI_ETypeParameter_type = EType Parameter |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eGenericType_feature = EGeneric Type |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eType_description = The type of this element |
| _UI_ETypedElement_eType_feature = EType |
| _UI_ETypedElement_lowerBound_description = The minimum number of values that must occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_lowerBound_feature = Lower Bound |
| _UI_ETypedElement_many_description = Whether more than one value may occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_many_feature = Many |
| _UI_ETypedElement_ordered_description = Whether the order in which values occur is meaningful |
| _UI_ETypedElement_ordered_feature = Ordered |
| _UI_ETypedElement_required_description = Whether at least one value must occur |
| _UI_ETypedElement_required_feature = Required |
| _UI_ETypedElement_type = ETyped Element |
| _UI_ETypedElement_unique_description = Whether the same value may occur more than once |
| _UI_ETypedElement_unique_feature = Unique |
| _UI_ETypedElement_upperBound_description = The maximum number of values that may occur; -1 represents unbounded and -2 represents unspecified |
| _UI_ETypedElement_upperBound_feature = Upper Bound |
| _UI_EarliestDeadlineFirst_type = Earliest Deadline First |
| _UI_EarlyReleaseFairPD2_type = Early Release Fair PD2 |
| _UI_EnforcedMigration_resourceOwner_feature = Resource Owner |
| _UI_EnforcedMigration_type = Enforced Migration |
| _UI_EntityEvent_type = Entity Event |
| _UI_EventActivation_counter_feature = Counter |
| _UI_EventActivation_triggeringEvents_feature = Triggering Events |
| _UI_EventActivation_type = Event Activation |
| _UI_EventChainContainer_eventChain_feature = Event Chain |
| _UI_EventChainContainer_type = Event Chain Container |
| _UI_EventChainItem_type = Event Chain Item |
| _UI_EventChainLatencyConstraint_maximum_feature = Maximum |
| _UI_EventChainLatencyConstraint_minimum_feature = Minimum |
| _UI_EventChainLatencyConstraint_scope_feature = Scope |
| _UI_EventChainLatencyConstraint_type = Event Chain Latency Constraint |
| _UI_EventChainLatencyConstraint_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_EventChainMeasurement_eventChain_feature = Event Chain |
| _UI_EventChainMeasurement_type = Event Chain Measurement |
| _UI_EventChainReference_eventChain_feature = Event Chain |
| _UI_EventChainReference_type = Event Chain Reference |
| _UI_EventChainSynchronizationConstraint_scope_feature = Scope |
| _UI_EventChainSynchronizationConstraint_type = Event Chain Synchronization Constraint |
| _UI_EventChainSynchronizationConstraint_type_feature = Type |
| _UI_EventChain_type = Event Chain |
| _UI_EventConfig_event_feature = Event |
| _UI_EventConfig_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_EventConfig_type = Event Config |
| _UI_EventMask_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_EventMask_type = Event Mask |
| _UI_EventModel_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_EventModel_type = Events |
| _UI_EventSet_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_EventSet_type = Event Set |
| _UI_EventStimulus_counter_feature = Counter |
| _UI_EventStimulus_triggeringEvents_feature = Triggering Events |
| _UI_EventStimulus_type = Event Stimulus |
| _UI_EventSynchronizationConstraint_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_EventSynchronizationConstraint_type = Event Synchronization Constraint |
| _UI_Event_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_Event_type = Event |
| _UI_ExecutionNeedExtended_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_ExecutionNeedExtended_type = Execution Need Extended |
| _UI_ExecutionNeedExtended_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ExecutionNeed_default_feature = Default |
| _UI_ExecutionNeed_extended_feature = Extended |
| _UI_ExecutionNeed_type = Execution Need |
| _UI_FixedPeriodic_offset_feature = Offset |
| _UI_FixedPeriodic_recurrence_feature = Recurrence |
| _UI_FixedPeriodic_type = Fixed Periodic |
| _UI_FixedPriorityPreemptiveWithBudgetEnforcement_type = Fixed Priority Preemptive With Budget Enforcement |
| _UI_FixedPriorityPreemptive_type = Fixed Priority Preemptive |
| _UI_FixedPriority_type = Fixed Priority |
| _UI_FloatObject_type = Float Object |
| _UI_FloatObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_FrequencyDomain_clockGating_feature = Clock Gating |
| _UI_FrequencyDomain_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_FrequencyDomain_type = Frequency Domain |
| _UI_FrequencyMetric_CacheHitFrequency_literal = CacheHitFrequency |
| _UI_FrequencyMetric_CacheMissFrequency_literal = CacheMissFrequency |
| _UI_FrequencyMetric__undefined__literal = <frequency metric> |
| _UI_FrequencyRequirementLimit_limitValue_feature = Limit Value |
| _UI_FrequencyRequirementLimit_metric_feature = Metric |
| _UI_FrequencyRequirementLimit_type = Frequency Requirement Limit |
| _UI_FrequencyUnit_GHz_literal = GHz |
| _UI_FrequencyUnit_Hz_literal = Hz |
| _UI_FrequencyUnit_MHz_literal = MHz |
| _UI_FrequencyUnit__undefined__literal = <unit> |
| _UI_FrequencyUnit_kHz_literal = kHz |
| _UI_Frequency_type = Frequency |
| _UI_Frequency_unit_feature = Unit |
| _UI_Frequency_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_GaussDistribution_mean_feature = Mean |
| _UI_GaussDistribution_sd_feature = Sd |
| _UI_GaussDistribution_type = Gauss Distribution |
| _UI_GeneralPrecedence_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_GeneralPrecedence_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_GeneralPrecedence_type = General Precedence |
| _UI_GetResultServerCall_blockingType_feature = Blocking Type |
| _UI_GetResultServerCall_type = Server Call - Get Result |
| _UI_GraphEntryBase_type = Graph Entry Base |
| _UI_Group_items_feature = Items |
| _UI_Group_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_Group_ordered_feature = Ordered |
| _UI_Group_type = Group |
| _UI_GroupingType__undefined__literal = <grouping> |
| _UI_GroupingType_allOfThem_literal = all of them |
| _UI_GroupingType_atLeastOneOfThem_literal = at least one of them |
| _UI_Grouping_type = Grouping |
| _UI_HWModel_definitions_feature = Definitions |
| _UI_HWModel_domains_feature = Domains |
| _UI_HWModel_features_feature = Features |
| _UI_HWModel_structures_feature = Structures |
| _UI_HWModel_type = Hardware |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_accessPath_feature = Access Path |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_dataRate_feature = Data Rate |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_destination_feature = Destination |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_readLatency_feature = Read Latency |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_type = Hw Access Element |
| _UI_HwAccessElement_writeLatency_feature = Write Latency |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_containingAccessElement_feature = Containing Access Element |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_endAddress_feature = End Address |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_memOffset_feature = Mem Offset |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_pathElements_feature = Path Elements |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_startAddress_feature = Start Address |
| _UI_HwAccessPath_type = HW Access Path |
| _UI_HwConnection_dataRate_feature = Data Rate |
| _UI_HwConnection_port1_feature = Port1 |
| _UI_HwConnection_port2_feature = Port2 |
| _UI_HwConnection_readLatency_feature = Read Latency |
| _UI_HwConnection_type = Hw Connection |
| _UI_HwConnection_writeLatency_feature = Write Latency |
| _UI_HwDefinition_type = Hw Definition |
| _UI_HwDestination_type = Hw Destination |
| _UI_HwDomain_type = Hw Domain |
| _UI_HwFeatureCategory_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_HwFeatureCategory_featureType_feature = Feature Type |
| _UI_HwFeatureCategory_features_feature = Features |
| _UI_HwFeatureCategory_type = Hw Feature Category |
| _UI_HwFeatureType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_HwFeatureType_performance_and_power_literal = performance_and_power |
| _UI_HwFeatureType_performance_literal = performance |
| _UI_HwFeatureType_power_literal = power |
| _UI_HwFeature_containingCategory_feature = Containing Category |
| _UI_HwFeature_type = Hw Feature |
| _UI_HwFeature_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_HwLatency_type = Hw Latency |
| _UI_HwModule_frequencyDomain_feature = Frequency Domain |
| _UI_HwModule_ports_feature = Ports |
| _UI_HwModule_powerDomain_feature = Power Domain |
| _UI_HwModule_type = Hw Module |
| _UI_HwPathElement_type = Hw Path Element |
| _UI_HwPath_destination_feature = Destination |
| _UI_HwPath_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_HwPath_type = Hw Path |
| _UI_HwPort_bitWidth_feature = Bit Width |
| _UI_HwPort_delegated_feature = Delegated |
| _UI_HwPort_portInterface_feature = Port Interface |
| _UI_HwPort_portType_feature = Port Type |
| _UI_HwPort_priority_feature = Priority |
| _UI_HwPort_type = HW Port |
| _UI_HwStructure_connections_feature = Connections |
| _UI_HwStructure_modules_feature = Modules |
| _UI_HwStructure_ports_feature = Ports |
| _UI_HwStructure_structureType_feature = Structure Type |
| _UI_HwStructure_structures_feature = Structures |
| _UI_HwStructure_type = Hw Structure |
| _UI_IAnnotatable_customProperties_feature = Custom Properties |
| _UI_IAnnotatable_type = IAnnotatable |
| _UI_IDisplayName_displayName_feature = Display Name |
| _UI_IDisplayName_type = IDisplay Name |
| _UI_INamed_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_INamed_type = INamed |
| _UI_IReferable_type = IReferable |
| _UI_IReferable_uniqueName_feature = Unique Name |
| _UI_ISRAllocation_controller_feature = Controller |
| _UI_ISRAllocation_isr_feature = Isr |
| _UI_ISRAllocation_priority_feature = Priority |
| _UI_ISRAllocation_type = ISR Allocation |
| _UI_ISRCategory_CATEGORY_1_literal = CATEGORY_1 |
| _UI_ISRCategory_CATEGORY_2_literal = CATEGORY_2 |
| _UI_ISRCategory__undefined__literal = <isr category> |
| _UI_ISR_category_feature = Category |
| _UI_ISR_type = ISR |
| _UI_ISystem_componentInstances_feature = Component Instances |
| _UI_ISystem_connectors_feature = Connectors |
| _UI_ISystem_groundedPorts_feature = Grounded Ports |
| _UI_ISystem_innerPorts_feature = Inner Ports |
| _UI_ISystem_type = ISystem |
| _UI_ITaggable_tags_feature = Tags |
| _UI_ITaggable_type = ITaggable |
| _UI_InstructionFetch_count_feature = Count |
| _UI_InstructionFetch_cyclesPerFetch_feature = Cycles Per Fetch |
| _UI_InstructionFetch_misses_feature = Misses |
| _UI_InstructionFetch_type = Instruction Fetch |
| _UI_InstructionsConstant_type = Instructions Constant |
| _UI_InstructionsConstant_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_InstructionsDeviation_deviation_feature = Deviation |
| _UI_InstructionsDeviation_type = Instructions Deviation |
| _UI_Instructions_fetchStatistic_feature = Fetch Statistic |
| _UI_Instructions_type = Instructions |
| _UI_IntegerObject_type = Integer Object |
| _UI_IntegerObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_InterProcessStimulus_counter_feature = Counter |
| _UI_InterProcessStimulus_explicitTriggers_feature = Explicit Triggers |
| _UI_InterProcessStimulus_type = Inter Process Stimulus |
| _UI_InterProcessTrigger_stimulusLinkInt_feature = Stimulus Link Int |
| _UI_InterProcessTrigger_stimulus_feature = Stimulus |
| _UI_InterProcessTrigger_type = Inter Process Trigger |
| _UI_InterfaceKind__undefined__literal = <kind> |
| _UI_InterfaceKind_provides_literal = PROVIDES |
| _UI_InterfaceKind_provides_requires_literal = PROVIDES+REQUIRES |
| _UI_InterfaceKind_requires_literal = REQUIRES |
| _UI_InterfacePort_interfaceName_feature = Interface Name |
| _UI_InterfacePort_kind_feature = Kind |
| _UI_InterfacePort_type = Interface Port |
| _UI_InterruptController_schedulingAlgorithm_feature = Scheduling Algorithm |
| _UI_InterruptController_type = Interrupt Controller |
| _UI_InterruptSchedulingAlgorithm_type = Interrupt Scheduling Algorithm |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability__undefined__literal = <data stability> |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability_automaticProtection_literal = automaticProtection |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability_customProtection_literal = customProtection |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability_handledByModelElements_literal = handledByModelElements |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability_inherited_literal = inherited |
| _UI_LabelAccessDataStability_noProtection_literal = noProtection |
| _UI_LabelAccessEnum__undefined__literal = <access> |
| _UI_LabelAccessEnum_read_literal = read |
| _UI_LabelAccessEnum_write_literal = write |
| _UI_LabelAccessImplementation__undefined__literal = <implementation> |
| _UI_LabelAccessImplementation_explicit_literal = explicit |
| _UI_LabelAccessImplementation_implicit_literal = implicit |
| _UI_LabelAccessImplementation_timed_literal = timed |
| _UI_LabelAccessStatistic_cacheMisses_feature = Cache Misses |
| _UI_LabelAccessStatistic_type = Label Access Statistic |
| _UI_LabelAccessStatistic_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_LabelAccess_access_feature = Access |
| _UI_LabelAccess_dataLinkInt_feature = Data Link Int |
| _UI_LabelAccess_dataStability_feature = Data Stability |
| _UI_LabelAccess_data_feature = Data |
| _UI_LabelAccess_implementation_feature = Implementation |
| _UI_LabelAccess_statistic_feature = Statistic |
| _UI_LabelAccess_transmissionPolicy_feature = Transmission Policy |
| _UI_LabelAccess_type = Label Access |
| _UI_LabelDataStability__undefined__literal = <data stability> |
| _UI_LabelDataStability_automaticProtection_literal = automaticProtection |
| _UI_LabelDataStability_customProtection_literal = customProtection |
| _UI_LabelDataStability_handledByModelElements_literal = handledByModelElements |
| _UI_LabelDataStability_noProtection_literal = noProtection |
| _UI_LabelEntityGroup_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_LabelEntityGroup_type = Label Entity Group |
| _UI_LabelEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_LabelEventType_read_literal = read |
| _UI_LabelEventType_write_literal = write |
| _UI_LabelEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_LabelEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_LabelEvent_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_LabelEvent_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_LabelEvent_type = Label Event |
| _UI_LabelGroup_type = Label Group |
| _UI_Label_bVolatile_feature = BVolatile |
| _UI_Label_constant_feature = Constant |
| _UI_Label_dataStability_feature = Data Stability |
| _UI_Label_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_Label_labelAccesses_feature = Label Accesses |
| _UI_Label_sectionLinkInt_feature = Section Link Int |
| _UI_Label_section_feature = Section |
| _UI_Label_stabilityLevel_feature = Stability Level |
| _UI_Label_type = Label |
| _UI_LatencyConstant_cycles_feature = Cycles |
| _UI_LatencyConstant_type = Latency Constant |
| _UI_LatencyDeviation_cycles_feature = Cycles |
| _UI_LatencyDeviation_type = Latency Deviation |
| _UI_LatencyType_Age_literal = Age |
| _UI_LatencyType_Reaction_literal = Reaction |
| _UI_LatencyType__undefined__literal = <latency> |
| _UI_LeastLocalRemainingExecutionTimeFirst_type = Least Local Remaining Execution Time First |
| _UI_LimitType_LowerLimit_literal = LowerLimit |
| _UI_LimitType_UpperLimit_literal = UpperLimit |
| _UI_LimitType__undefined__literal = <limit> |
| _UI_ListObject_type = List Object |
| _UI_ListObject_values_feature = Values |
| _UI_LongObject_type = Long Object |
| _UI_LongObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_MainPropertyCategory = Main |
| _UI_MappingModel_addressMappingType_feature = Address Mapping Type |
| _UI_MappingModel_isrAllocation_feature = Isr Allocation |
| _UI_MappingModel_memoryMapping_feature = Memory Mapping |
| _UI_MappingModel_physicalSectionMapping_feature = Physical Section Mapping |
| _UI_MappingModel_runnableAllocation_feature = Runnable Allocation |
| _UI_MappingModel_schedulerAllocation_feature = Scheduler Allocation |
| _UI_MappingModel_taskAllocation_feature = Task Allocation |
| _UI_MappingModel_type = Mapping |
| _UI_MappingType_OneToOne_literal = OneToOne |
| _UI_MappingType_Reaction_literal = Reaction |
| _UI_MappingType_UniqueReaction_literal = UniqueReaction |
| _UI_MappingType__undefined__literal = <mapping> |
| _UI_MeasurementModel_measurements_feature = Measurements |
| _UI_MeasurementModel_type = Measurements |
| _UI_Measurement_runtimeDeviation_feature = Runtime Deviation |
| _UI_Measurement_runtimes_feature = Runtimes |
| _UI_Measurement_type = Measurement |
| _UI_MemoryAddressMappingType__undefined__literal = <address type> |
| _UI_MemoryAddressMappingType_address_literal = address |
| _UI_MemoryAddressMappingType_none_literal = none |
| _UI_MemoryAddressMappingType_offset_literal = offset |
| _UI_MemoryClassification_classifiers_feature = Classifiers |
| _UI_MemoryClassification_type = Memory Classification |
| _UI_MemoryClassifier_type = Memory Classifier |
| _UI_MemoryDefinition_accessLatency_feature = Access Latency |
| _UI_MemoryDefinition_classifiers_feature = Classifiers |
| _UI_MemoryDefinition_dataRate_feature = Data Rate |
| _UI_MemoryDefinition_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_MemoryDefinition_type = Memory Definition |
| _UI_MemoryMappingConstraint_memoryClassification_feature = Memory Classification |
| _UI_MemoryMappingConstraint_type = Memory Mapping Constraint |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_abstractElementLinkInt_feature = Abstract Element Link Int |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_abstractElement_feature = Abstract Element |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_memoryLinkInt_feature = Memory Link Int |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_memoryPositionAddress_feature = Memory Position Address |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_memory_feature = Memory |
| _UI_MemoryMapping_type = Memory Mapping |
| _UI_MemoryPropertyCategory = Memory |
| _UI_Memory_definition_feature = Definition |
| _UI_Memory_mappings_feature = Mappings |
| _UI_Memory_type = Memory |
| _UI_MinAvgMaxStatistic_avg_feature = Avg |
| _UI_MinAvgMaxStatistic_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_MinAvgMaxStatistic_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_MinAvgMaxStatistic_type = Min Avg Max Statistic |
| _UI_ModeLabelAccess_access_feature = Access |
| _UI_ModeLabelAccess_data_feature = Data |
| _UI_ModeLabelAccess_modeValue_feature = Mode Value |
| _UI_ModeLabelAccess_type = Mode Label Access |
| _UI_ModeLabel_initialValue_feature = Initial Value |
| _UI_ModeLabel_mode_feature = Mode |
| _UI_ModeLabel_type = Mode Label |
| _UI_ModeLiteral_containingMode_feature = Containing Mode |
| _UI_ModeLiteral_type = Mode Literal |
| _UI_ModeSwitchDefault_items_feature = Items |
| _UI_ModeSwitchDefault_type = Mode Switch Default |
| _UI_ModeSwitchEntry_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_ModeSwitchEntry_items_feature = Items |
| _UI_ModeSwitchEntry_type = Mode Switch Entry |
| _UI_ModeSwitch_defaultEntry_feature = Default Entry |
| _UI_ModeSwitch_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ModeSwitch_type = Mode Switch |
| _UI_ModeValueConjunction_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ModeValueConjunction_type = Mode Value Conjunction |
| _UI_ModeValueDisjunctionEntry_type = Mode Value Disjunction Entry |
| _UI_ModeValueDisjunction_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ModeValueDisjunction_type = Mode Value Disjunction |
| _UI_ModeValueList_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ModeValueList_type = Mode Value List |
| _UI_ModeValueMapEntry_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_ModeValueMapEntry_type = Mode Value Map Entry |
| _UI_ModeValueMapEntry_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ModeValue_type = Mode Value |
| _UI_ModeValue_valueProvider_feature = Value Provider |
| _UI_ModeValue_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_Mode_literals_feature = Literals |
| _UI_Mode_type = Mode |
| _UI_NeedConstant_type = Need Constant |
| _UI_NeedConstant_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_NeedDeviation_deviation_feature = Deviation |
| _UI_NeedDeviation_type = Need Deviation |
| _UI_NeedEntry_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_NeedEntry_type = Need Entry |
| _UI_NeedEntry_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_Need_type = Need |
| _UI_NonAtomicDataCoherency_accessMultiplicity_feature = Access Multiplicity |
| _UI_NonAtomicDataCoherency_algorithm_feature = Algorithm |
| _UI_NonAtomicDataCoherency_enabled_feature = Enabled |
| _UI_NonAtomicDataCoherency_type = Non Atomic Data Coherency |
| _UI_NumericStatistic_type = Numeric Statistic |
| _UI_OSEK_type = OSEK |
| _UI_OSModel_operatingSystems_feature = Operating Systems |
| _UI_OSModel_osOverheads_feature = OS Overheads |
| _UI_OSModel_semaphores_feature = Semaphores |
| _UI_OSModel_type = Operating Systems |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_interruptControllers_feature = Interrupt Controllers |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_osDataConsistency_feature = OS Data Consistency |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_overhead_feature = Overhead |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_taskSchedulers_feature = Task Schedulers |
| _UI_OperatingSystem_type = Operating System |
| _UI_OrderPrecedenceSpec_orderType_feature = Order Type |
| _UI_OrderPrecedenceSpec_type = Order Precedence Spec |
| _UI_OrderType__undefined__literal = <order> |
| _UI_OrderType_directOrder_literal = directOrder |
| _UI_OrderType_endSequence_literal = endSequence |
| _UI_OrderType_order_literal = order |
| _UI_OrderType_startSequence_literal = startSequence |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiActivateTask_feature = Api Activate Task |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiClearEvent_feature = Api Clear Event |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiEnforcedMigration_feature = Api Enforced Migration |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiIocRead_feature = Api IOC Read |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiIocWrite_feature = Api IOC Write |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiReleaseResource_feature = Api Release Resource |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiReleaseSpinlock_feature = Api Release Spinlock |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiRequestResource_feature = Api Request Resource |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiRequestSpinlock_feature = Api Request Spinlock |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiResumeOsInterrupts_feature = Api Resume OS Interrupts |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSchedule_feature = Api Schedule |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSendMessage_feature = Api Send Message |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSenderReceiverRead_feature = Api Sender Receiver Read |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSenderReceiverWrite_feature = Api Sender Receiver Write |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSetEvent_feature = Api Set Event |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSuspendOsInterrupts_feature = Api Suspend OS Interrupts |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiSynchronousServerCallPoint_feature = Api Synchronous Server Call Point |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiTerminateTask_feature = Api Terminate Task |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_apiWaitEvent_feature = Api Wait Event |
| _UI_OsAPIInstructions_type = API Instructions |
| _UI_OsDataConsistencyMode__undefined__literal = <data consistency mode> |
| _UI_OsDataConsistencyMode_automaticProtection_literal = automaticProtection |
| _UI_OsDataConsistencyMode_customProtection_literal = customProtection |
| _UI_OsDataConsistencyMode_handledByModelElements_literal = handledByModelElements |
| _UI_OsDataConsistencyMode_noProtection_literal = noProtection |
| _UI_OsDataConsistency_dataStability_feature = Data Stability |
| _UI_OsDataConsistency_mode_feature = Mode |
| _UI_OsDataConsistency_nonAtomicDataCoherency_feature = Non Atomic Data Coherency |
| _UI_OsDataConsistency_type = OS Data Consistency |
| _UI_OsEvent_communicationOverheadInBit_feature = Communication Overhead In Bit |
| _UI_OsEvent_type = OS Event |
| _UI_OsISRInstructions_postExecutionOverhead_feature = Post Execution Overhead |
| _UI_OsISRInstructions_preExecutionOverhead_feature = Pre Execution Overhead |
| _UI_OsISRInstructions_type = ISR Instructions |
| _UI_OsInstructions_apiOverhead_feature = Api Overhead |
| _UI_OsInstructions_isrCategory1Overhead_feature = Isr Category1 Overhead |
| _UI_OsInstructions_isrCategory2Overhead_feature = Isr Category2 Overhead |
| _UI_OsInstructions_type = OS Instructions |
| _UI_PairingConstraint_type = Pairing Constraint |
| _UI_ParameterExtension_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_ParameterExtension_type = Parameter Extension |
| _UI_ParameterExtension_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_PartlyEarlyReleaseFairPD2_type = Partly Early Release Fair PD2 |
| _UI_PartlyPFairPD2_type = Partly PFair PD2 |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_CacheHitRatio_literal = CacheHitRatio |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_CacheMissRatio_literal = CacheMissRatio |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_CoreExecutionTimeRelative_literal = CoreExecutionTimeRelative |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_MemoryAccessTimeRelative_literal = MemoryAccessTimeRelative |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_NormalizedLateness_literal = NormalizedLateness |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_NormalizedResponseTime_literal = NormalizedResponseTime |
| _UI_PercentageMetric_OsOverheadRelative_literal = OsOverheadRelative |
| _UI_PercentageMetric__undefined__literal = <% metric> |
| _UI_PercentageRequirementLimit_limitValue_feature = Limit Value |
| _UI_PercentageRequirementLimit_metric_feature = Metric |
| _UI_PercentageRequirementLimit_type = Percentage Requirement Limit |
| _UI_PeriodicActivation_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_PeriodicActivation_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_PeriodicActivation_offset_feature = Offset |
| _UI_PeriodicActivation_recurrence_feature = Recurrence |
| _UI_PeriodicActivation_type = Periodic Activation |
| _UI_PeriodicBurstStimulus_burstLength_feature = Burst Length |
| _UI_PeriodicBurstStimulus_occurrenceCount_feature = Occurrence Count |
| _UI_PeriodicBurstStimulus_occurrenceMinDistance_feature = Occurrence Min Distance |
| _UI_PeriodicBurstStimulus_type = Periodic Burst Stimulus |
| _UI_PeriodicStimulus_jitter_feature = Jitter |
| _UI_PeriodicStimulus_minDistance_feature = Min Distance |
| _UI_PeriodicStimulus_type = Periodic Stimulus |
| _UI_PeriodicSyntheticStimulus_occurrenceTimes_feature = Occurrence Times |
| _UI_PeriodicSyntheticStimulus_type = Periodic Synthetic Stimulus |
| _UI_PfairPD2_type = Pfair PD2 |
| _UI_Pfair_quantSizeNs_feature = Quant Size Ns |
| _UI_Pfair_type = Pfair |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionConstraint_memories_feature = Memories |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionConstraint_section_feature = Section |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionConstraint_type = Physical Section Constraint |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_endAddress_feature = End Address |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_memory_feature = Memory |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_origin_feature = Origin (Sections) |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_runEntities_feature = Run Entities |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_startAddress_feature = Start Address |
| _UI_PhysicalSectionMapping_type = Physical Section Mapping |
| _UI_Pointer_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_Pointer_type = Pointer |
| _UI_PollingPeriodicServer_type = Polling Periodic Server |
| _UI_PortInterface_ABH_literal = ABH |
| _UI_PortInterface_APB_literal = APB |
| _UI_PortInterface_AXI_literal = AXI |
| _UI_PortInterface_CAN_literal = CAN |
| _UI_PortInterface_Ethernet_literal = Ethernet |
| _UI_PortInterface_Flexray_literal = Flexray |
| _UI_PortInterface_I2C_literal = I2C |
| _UI_PortInterface_LIN_literal = LIN |
| _UI_PortInterface_MOST_literal = MOST |
| _UI_PortInterface_SPI_literal = SPI |
| _UI_PortInterface_SWR_literal = SWR |
| _UI_PortInterface__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_PortInterface_custom_literal = custom |
| _UI_PortType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_PortType_initiator_literal = initiator |
| _UI_PortType_responder_literal = responder |
| _UI_Port_containingComponent_feature = Containing Component |
| _UI_Port_type = Port |
| _UI_PowerDomain_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_PowerDomain_powerGating_feature = Power Gating |
| _UI_PowerDomain_type = Power Domain |
| _UI_Preemption__undefined__literal = <preemption> |
| _UI_Preemption_cooperative_literal = cooperative |
| _UI_Preemption_non_preemptive_literal = non_preemptive |
| _UI_Preemption_preemptive_literal = preemptive |
| _UI_PriorityBasedRoundRobin_type = Priority Based Round Robin |
| _UI_PriorityBased_type = Priority Based |
| _UI_ProbabilitySwitchEntry_items_feature = Items |
| _UI_ProbabilitySwitchEntry_probability_feature = Probability |
| _UI_ProbabilitySwitchEntry_type = Probability Switch Entry |
| _UI_ProbabilitySwitch_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_ProbabilitySwitch_type = Probability Switch |
| _UI_ProcessAllocationConstraint_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_ProcessAllocationConstraint_type = Process Allocation Constraint |
| _UI_ProcessChainEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_ProcessChainEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_ProcessChainEvent_processingUnit_feature = Processing Unit |
| _UI_ProcessChainEvent_type = Process Chain Event |
| _UI_ProcessChainRequirement_processChain_feature = Process Chain |
| _UI_ProcessChainRequirement_type = Process Chain Requirement |
| _UI_ProcessChain_processes_feature = Processes |
| _UI_ProcessChain_type = Process Chain |
| _UI_ProcessConstraintTarget_type = Process Constraint Target |
| _UI_ProcessConstraint_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_ProcessConstraint_type = Process Constraint |
| _UI_ProcessEntityGroup_processes_feature = Processes |
| _UI_ProcessEntityGroup_type = Process Entity Group |
| _UI_ProcessEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_activate_literal = activate |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_deadline_literal = deadline |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_park_literal = park |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_poll_literal = poll |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_poll_parking_literal = poll_parking |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_preempt_literal = preempt |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_release_literal = release |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_release_parking_literal = release_parking |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_resume_literal = resume |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_run_literal = run |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_start_literal = start |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_terminate_literal = terminate |
| _UI_ProcessEventType_wait_literal = wait |
| _UI_ProcessEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_ProcessEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_ProcessEvent_processingUnit_feature = Processing Unit |
| _UI_ProcessEvent_type = Process Event |
| _UI_ProcessGroup_type = Process Group |
| _UI_ProcessPairingConstraint_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_ProcessPairingConstraint_type = Process Pairing Constraint |
| _UI_ProcessPrototypeAllocationConstraint_processPrototype_feature = Process Prototype |
| _UI_ProcessPrototypeAllocationConstraint_type = Process Prototype Allocation Constraint |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_accessPrecedenceSpec_feature = Access Precedence Spec |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_activation_feature = Activation |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_chainedPrototypes_feature = Chained Prototypes |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_firstRunnable_feature = First Runnable |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_lastRunnable_feature = Last Runnable |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_orderPrecedenceSpec_feature = Order Precedence Spec |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_preemption_feature = Preemption |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_runnableCalls_feature = Runnable Calls |
| _UI_ProcessPrototype_type = Process Prototype |
| _UI_ProcessRequirement_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_ProcessRequirement_type = Process Requirement |
| _UI_ProcessScope_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_ProcessScope_type = Process Scope |
| _UI_ProcessSeparationConstraint_groups_feature = Groups |
| _UI_ProcessSeparationConstraint_type = Process Separation Constraint |
| _UI_Process_callGraph_feature = Call Graph |
| _UI_Process_stimuli_feature = Stimuli |
| _UI_Process_type = Process |
| _UI_ProcessingUnitDefinition_classifiers_feature = Classifiers |
| _UI_ProcessingUnitDefinition_features_feature = Features |
| _UI_ProcessingUnitDefinition_puType_feature = Pu Type |
| _UI_ProcessingUnitDefinition_type = Processing Unit Definition |
| _UI_ProcessingUnit_accessElements_feature = Access Elements |
| _UI_ProcessingUnit_caches_feature = Caches |
| _UI_ProcessingUnit_definition_feature = Definition |
| _UI_ProcessingUnit_type = Processing Unit |
| _UI_PropertyConstraintsModel_allocationConstraints_feature = Allocation Constraints |
| _UI_PropertyConstraintsModel_mappingConstraints_feature = Mapping Constraints |
| _UI_PropertyConstraintsModel_type = Property Constraints |
| _UI_PuType_Accelerator_literal = Accelerator |
| _UI_PuType_CPU_literal = CPU |
| _UI_PuType_GPU_literal = GPU |
| _UI_PuType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_QualifiedPort_instance_feature = Instance |
| _UI_QualifiedPort_port_feature = Port |
| _UI_QualifiedPort_type = Qualified Port |
| _UI_Quantity_type = Quantity |
| _UI_RateMonotonic_type = Rate Monotonic |
| _UI_ReadonlyPropertyCategory = Read only |
| _UI_ReceiveOperation_FIFO_Read_literal = FIFO_Read |
| _UI_ReceiveOperation_FIFO_Take_literal = FIFO_Take |
| _UI_ReceiveOperation_LIFO_Read_literal = LIFO_Read |
| _UI_ReceiveOperation_LIFO_Take_literal = LIFO_Take |
| _UI_ReceiveOperation__undefined__literal = <receive operation> |
| _UI_ReferableBaseObject_type = Referable Base Object |
| _UI_ReferableObject_type = Referable Object |
| _UI_ReferenceObject_type = Reference Object |
| _UI_ReferenceObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_RelativePeriodicStimulus_nextOccurrence_feature = Next Occurrence |
| _UI_RelativePeriodicStimulus_offset_feature = Offset |
| _UI_RelativePeriodicStimulus_type = Relative Periodic Stimulus |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_event_feature = Event |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_jitter_feature = Jitter |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_lower_feature = Lower |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_period_feature = Period |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_span_feature = Span |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_type = Repetition Constraint |
| _UI_RepetitionConstraint_upper_feature = Upper |
| _UI_RequirementLimit_limitType_feature = Limit Type |
| _UI_RequirementLimit_type = Requirement Limit |
| _UI_Requirement_limit_feature = Limit |
| _UI_Requirement_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_Requirement_severity_feature = Severity |
| _UI_Requirement_type = Requirement |
| _UI_ReservationBasedServer_type = Reservation Based Server |
| _UI_RunEntityCallStatistic_statistic_feature = Statistic |
| _UI_RunEntityCallStatistic_type = Run Entity Call Statistic |
| _UI_RunnableAllocationConstraint_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableAllocationConstraint_type = Runnable Allocation Constraint |
| _UI_RunnableAllocation_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_RunnableAllocation_scheduler_feature = Scheduler |
| _UI_RunnableAllocation_type = Runnable Allocation |
| _UI_RunnableCall_runnableLinkInt_feature = Runnable Link Int |
| _UI_RunnableCall_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableCall_statistic_feature = Statistic |
| _UI_RunnableCall_type = Runnable Call |
| _UI_RunnableConstraintTarget_type = Runnable Constraint Target |
| _UI_RunnableConstraint_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_RunnableConstraint_type = Runnable Constraint |
| _UI_RunnableEntityGroup_runnables_feature = Runnables |
| _UI_RunnableEntityGroup_type = Runnable Entity Group |
| _UI_RunnableEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_RunnableEventType_resume_literal = resume |
| _UI_RunnableEventType_start_literal = start |
| _UI_RunnableEventType_suspend_literal = suspend |
| _UI_RunnableEventType_terminate_literal = terminate |
| _UI_RunnableEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_RunnableEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_RunnableEvent_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_RunnableEvent_processingUnit_feature = Processing Unit |
| _UI_RunnableEvent_type = Runnable Event |
| _UI_RunnableGroup_type = Runnable Group |
| _UI_RunnableItem_type = Runnable Item |
| _UI_RunnableMeasurement_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableMeasurement_type = Runnable Measurement |
| _UI_RunnableModeSwitch_defaultEntry_feature = Default Entry |
| _UI_RunnableModeSwitch_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_RunnableModeSwitch_type = Runnable Mode Switch |
| _UI_RunnableOrderType__undefined__literal = <order> |
| _UI_RunnableOrderType_immediateSuccessorAnySequence_literal = immediateSuccessorAnySequence |
| _UI_RunnableOrderType_immediateSuccessorEndSequence_literal = immediateSuccessorEndSequence |
| _UI_RunnableOrderType_immediateSuccessorStartSequence_literal = immediateSuccessorStartSequence |
| _UI_RunnableOrderType_successor_literal = successor |
| _UI_RunnablePairingConstraint_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_RunnablePairingConstraint_type = Runnable Pairing Constraint |
| _UI_RunnableProbabilitySwitch_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_RunnableProbabilitySwitch_type = Runnable Probability Switch |
| _UI_RunnableRequirement_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableRequirement_type = Runnable Requirement |
| _UI_RunnableScope_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableScope_type = Runnable Scope |
| _UI_RunnableSeparationConstraint_groups_feature = Groups |
| _UI_RunnableSeparationConstraint_type = Runnable Separation Constraint |
| _UI_RunnableSequencingConstraint_orderType_feature = Order Type |
| _UI_RunnableSequencingConstraint_processScope_feature = Process Scope |
| _UI_RunnableSequencingConstraint_runnableGroups_feature = Runnable Groups |
| _UI_RunnableSequencingConstraint_type = Runnable Sequencing Constraint |
| _UI_Runnable_activations_feature = Activations |
| _UI_Runnable_asilLevel_feature = ASIL Level |
| _UI_Runnable_callback_feature = Callback |
| _UI_Runnable_deadline_feature = Deadline |
| _UI_Runnable_runnableCalls_feature = Runnable Calls |
| _UI_Runnable_runnableItems_feature = Runnable Items |
| _UI_Runnable_sectionLinkInt_feature = Section Link Int |
| _UI_Runnable_section_feature = Section |
| _UI_Runnable_service_feature = Service |
| _UI_Runnable_taskRunnableCalls_feature = Task Runnable Calls |
| _UI_Runnable_type = Runnable |
| _UI_SWModel_activations_feature = Activations |
| _UI_SWModel_channels_feature = Channels |
| _UI_SWModel_customEntities_feature = Custom Entities |
| _UI_SWModel_events_feature = Events |
| _UI_SWModel_isrs_feature = Isrs |
| _UI_SWModel_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_SWModel_modeLabels_feature = Mode Labels |
| _UI_SWModel_modes_feature = Modes |
| _UI_SWModel_processChains_feature = Process Chains |
| _UI_SWModel_processPrototypes_feature = Process Prototypes |
| _UI_SWModel_runnables_feature = Runnables |
| _UI_SWModel_sections_feature = Sections |
| _UI_SWModel_tasks_feature = Tasks |
| _UI_SWModel_type = Software |
| _UI_SWModel_typeDefinitions_feature = Type Definitions |
| _UI_SamplingType_AverageCase_literal = AverageCase |
| _UI_SamplingType_BestCase_literal = BestCase |
| _UI_SamplingType_CornerCase_literal = CornerCase |
| _UI_SamplingType_Uniform_literal = Uniform |
| _UI_SamplingType_WorstCase_literal = WorstCase |
| _UI_SamplingType_default_literal = default |
| _UI_Scenario_clock_feature = Clock |
| _UI_Scenario_recurrence_feature = Recurrence |
| _UI_Scenario_type = Scenario |
| _UI_SchedPolicy_FCFS_literal = FCFS |
| _UI_SchedPolicy_PriorityBased_literal = PriorityBased |
| _UI_SchedPolicy_RoundRobin_literal = RoundRobin |
| _UI_SchedPolicy__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_SchedulePoint_type = Schedule Point |
| _UI_SchedulerAllocation_executingPU_feature = Executing PU |
| _UI_SchedulerAllocation_responsibility_feature = Responsibility |
| _UI_SchedulerAllocation_scheduler_feature = Scheduler |
| _UI_SchedulerAllocation_type = Scheduler Allocation |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_child_feature = Child |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_parameterExtensions_feature = Parameter Extensions |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_parentLinkInt_feature = Parent Link Int |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_schedulingParameters_feature = Scheduling Parameters |
| _UI_SchedulerAssociation_type = Scheduler Association |
| _UI_Scheduler_computationItems_feature = Computation Items |
| _UI_Scheduler_type = Scheduler |
| _UI_SchedulingParameters_maxBudget_feature = Max Budget |
| _UI_SchedulingParameters_minBudget_feature = Min Budget |
| _UI_SchedulingParameters_priority_feature = Priority |
| _UI_SchedulingParameters_replenishment_feature = Replenishment |
| _UI_SchedulingParameters_type = Scheduling Parameters |
| _UI_Section_asilLevel_feature = ASIL Level |
| _UI_Section_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_Section_runnables_feature = Runnables |
| _UI_Section_type = Section |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccessEnum__undefined__literal = <access> |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccessEnum_exclusive_literal = exclusive |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccessEnum_release_literal = release |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccessEnum_request_literal = request |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccess_access_feature = Access |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccess_semaphoreLinkInt_feature = Semaphore Link Int |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccess_semaphore_feature = Semaphore |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccess_type = Semaphore Access |
| _UI_SemaphoreAccess_waitingBehaviour_feature = Waiting Behaviour |
| _UI_SemaphoreEventType__all__literal = _all_ |
| _UI_SemaphoreEventType_lock_literal = lock |
| _UI_SemaphoreEventType_unlock_literal = unlock |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_eventType_feature = Event Type |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_processingUnit_feature = Processing Unit |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_SemaphoreEvent_type = Semaphore Event |
| _UI_SemaphoreType_CountingSemaphore_literal = CountingSemaphore |
| _UI_SemaphoreType_Resource_literal = Resource |
| _UI_SemaphoreType_Spinlock_literal = Spinlock |
| _UI_SemaphoreType__undefined__literal = <semaphore type> |
| _UI_Semaphore_initialValue_feature = Initial Value |
| _UI_Semaphore_maxValue_feature = Max Value |
| _UI_Semaphore_priorityCeilingProtocol_feature = Priority Ceiling Protocol |
| _UI_Semaphore_semaphoreAccesses_feature = Semaphore Accesses |
| _UI_Semaphore_semaphoreType_feature = Semaphore Type |
| _UI_Semaphore_type = Semaphore |
| _UI_SenderReceiverCommunication_buffered_feature = Buffered |
| _UI_SenderReceiverCommunication_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_SenderReceiverCommunication_port_feature = Port |
| _UI_SenderReceiverCommunication_type = Sender Receiver Communication |
| _UI_SenderReceiverRead_type = Sender Receiver - Read |
| _UI_SenderReceiverWrite_notifiedRunnables_feature = Notified Runnables |
| _UI_SenderReceiverWrite_type = Sender Receiver - Write |
| _UI_SeparationConstraint_type = Separation Constraint |
| _UI_ServerCall_port_feature = Port |
| _UI_ServerCall_serverRunnable_feature = Server Runnable |
| _UI_ServerCall_type = Server Call |
| _UI_SetEvent_eventMask_feature = Event Mask |
| _UI_SetEvent_process_feature = Process |
| _UI_SetEvent_type = Set Event |
| _UI_Severity_Cosmetic_literal = Cosmetic |
| _UI_Severity_Critical_literal = Critical |
| _UI_Severity_Major_literal = Major |
| _UI_Severity_Minor_literal = Minor |
| _UI_Severity__undefined__literal = <severity> |
| _UI_SingleActivation_max_feature = Max |
| _UI_SingleActivation_min_feature = Min |
| _UI_SingleActivation_type = Single Activation |
| _UI_SingleStimulus_occurrence_feature = Occurrence |
| _UI_SingleStimulus_type = Single Stimulus |
| _UI_SingleValueStatistic_type = Single Value Statistic |
| _UI_SingleValueStatistic_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_SporadicActivation_activationDeviation_feature = Activation Deviation |
| _UI_SporadicActivation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_SporadicActivation_type = Sporadic Activation |
| _UI_SporadicServer_type = Sporadic Server |
| _UI_StimuliModel_clocks_feature = Clocks |
| _UI_StimuliModel_stimuli_feature = Stimuli |
| _UI_StimuliModel_type = Stimuli |
| _UI_StimulusEvent_entity_feature = Entity |
| _UI_StimulusEvent_type = Stimulus Event |
| _UI_Stimulus_disablingModeValueList_feature = Disabling Mode Value List |
| _UI_Stimulus_enablingModeValueList_feature = Enabling Mode Value List |
| _UI_Stimulus_setModeValueList_feature = Set Mode Value List |
| _UI_Stimulus_type = Stimulus |
| _UI_StringObject_type = String Object |
| _UI_StringObject_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_StructEntry_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_StructEntry_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_StructEntry_type = Struct Entry |
| _UI_Struct_entries_feature = Entries |
| _UI_Struct_type = Struct |
| _UI_StructureType_Area_literal = Area |
| _UI_StructureType_Array_literal = Array |
| _UI_StructureType_Cluster_literal = Cluster |
| _UI_StructureType_ECU_literal = ECU |
| _UI_StructureType_Group_literal = Group |
| _UI_StructureType_Microcontroller_literal = Microcontroller |
| _UI_StructureType_Region_literal = Region |
| _UI_StructureType_SoC_literal = SoC |
| _UI_StructureType_System_literal = System |
| _UI_StructureType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_SubEventChain_type = Sub Event Chain |
| _UI_SynchronizationConstraint_multipleOccurrencesAllowed_feature = Multiple Occurrences Allowed |
| _UI_SynchronizationConstraint_tolerance_feature = Tolerance |
| _UI_SynchronizationConstraint_type = Synchronization Constraint |
| _UI_SynchronizationType_Response_literal = Response |
| _UI_SynchronizationType_Stimulus_literal = Stimulus |
| _UI_SynchronizationType__undefined__literal = <synchronization> |
| _UI_SynchronousServerCall_type = Server Call - Synchronous |
| _UI_SynchronousServerCall_waitingBehaviour_feature = Waiting Behaviour |
| _UI_System_type = System |
| _UI_TagGroup_tag_feature = Tag |
| _UI_TagGroup_type = Tag Group |
| _UI_Tag_tagType_feature = Tag Type |
| _UI_Tag_type = Tag |
| _UI_TargetCore_cores_feature = Cores |
| _UI_TargetCore_type = Target Core |
| _UI_TargetMemory_memories_feature = Memories |
| _UI_TargetMemory_type = Target Memory |
| _UI_TargetScheduler_schedulers_feature = Schedulers |
| _UI_TargetScheduler_type = Target Scheduler |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_affinity_feature = Affinity |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_parameterExtensions_feature = Parameter Extensions |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_scheduler_feature = Scheduler |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_schedulingParameters_feature = Scheduling Parameters |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_task_feature = Task |
| _UI_TaskAllocation_type = Task Allocation |
| _UI_TaskMeasurement_task_feature = Task |
| _UI_TaskMeasurement_type = Task Measurement |
| _UI_TaskRunnableCall_runnableLinkInt_feature = Runnable Link Int |
| _UI_TaskRunnableCall_runnable_feature = Runnable |
| _UI_TaskRunnableCall_statistic_feature = Statistic |
| _UI_TaskRunnableCall_type = Task Runnable Call |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_childAssociations_feature = Child Associations |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_childSchedulers_feature = Child Schedulers |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_parentAssociation_feature = Parent Association |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_parentScheduler_feature = Parent Scheduler |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_schedulingAlgorithm_feature = Scheduling Algorithm |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_type = Task Scheduler |
| _UI_TaskSchedulingAlgorithm_type = Task Scheduling Algorithm |
| _UI_Task_multipleTaskActivationLimit_feature = Multiple Task Activation Limit |
| _UI_Task_preemption_feature = Preemption |
| _UI_Task_type = Task |
| _UI_TerminateProcess_type = Terminate Process |
| _UI_TimeComparable_type = Time Comparable |
| _UI_TimeMetric_ActivateToActivate_literal = ActivateToActivate |
| _UI_TimeMetric_CoreExecutionTime_literal = CoreExecutionTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_EndToEnd_literal = EndToEnd |
| _UI_TimeMetric_EndToStart_literal = EndToStart |
| _UI_TimeMetric_GrossExecutionTime_literal = GrossExecutionTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_Lateness_literal = Lateness |
| _UI_TimeMetric_MemoryAccessTime_literal = MemoryAccessTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_NetExecutionTime_literal = NetExecutionTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_OsOverhead_literal = OsOverhead |
| _UI_TimeMetric_ParkingTime_literal = ParkingTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_PollingTime_literal = PollingTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_ReadyTime_literal = ReadyTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_ResponseTime_literal = ResponseTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_RunningTime_literal = RunningTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric_StartDelay_literal = StartDelay |
| _UI_TimeMetric_StartToStart_literal = StartToStart |
| _UI_TimeMetric_WaitingTime_literal = WaitingTime |
| _UI_TimeMetric__undefined__literal = <time metric> |
| _UI_TimeObject_type = Time Object |
| _UI_TimeRequirementLimit_limitValue_feature = Limit Value |
| _UI_TimeRequirementLimit_metric_feature = Metric |
| _UI_TimeRequirementLimit_type = Time Requirement Limit |
| _UI_TimeUnit__undefined__literal = <unit> |
| _UI_TimeUnit_ms_literal = ms |
| _UI_TimeUnit_ns_literal = ns |
| _UI_TimeUnit_ps_literal = ps |
| _UI_TimeUnit_s_literal = s |
| _UI_TimeUnit_us_literal = us |
| _UI_Time_type = Time |
| _UI_TimingConstraint_type = Timing Constraint |
| _UI_TransmissionPolicy_chunkProcessingInstructions_feature = Chunk Processing Instructions |
| _UI_TransmissionPolicy_chunkSize_feature = Chunk Size |
| _UI_TransmissionPolicy_transmitRatio_feature = Transmit Ratio |
| _UI_TransmissionPolicy_type = Transmission Policy |
| _UI_TriggerEvent_type = Trigger Event |
| _UI_TypeDefinition_type = Type Definition |
| _UI_TypeRef_type = Type Ref |
| _UI_TypeRef_typeDef_feature = Type Def |
| _UI_UniformDistribution_type = Uniform Distribution |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| _UI_UserSpecificSchedulingAlgorithm_parameterExtensions_feature = Parameter Extensions |
| _UI_UserSpecificSchedulingAlgorithm_type = User Specific Scheduling Algorithm |
| _UI_Value_type = Value |
| _UI_VariableRateActivation_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_VariableRateActivation_occurrencesPerStep_feature = Occurrences Per Step |
| _UI_VariableRateActivation_step_feature = Step |
| _UI_VariableRateActivation_type = Variable Rate Activation |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_maxDecreasePerStep_feature = Max Decrease Per Step |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_maxIncreasePerStep_feature = Max Increase Per Step |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_occurrencesPerStep_feature = Occurrences Per Step |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_scenario_feature = Scenario |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_step_feature = Step |
| _UI_VariableRateStimulus_type = Variable Rate Stimulus |
| _UI_VendorOperatingSystem_osName_feature = OS Name |
| _UI_VendorOperatingSystem_type = Vendor Operating System |
| _UI_VendorOperatingSystem_vendor_feature = Vendor |
| _UI_VendorOperatingSystem_version_feature = Version |
| _UI_VoltageUnit_V_literal = V |
| _UI_VoltageUnit__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_VoltageUnit_mV_literal = mV |
| _UI_VoltageUnit_uV_literal = uV |
| _UI_Voltage_type = Voltage |
| _UI_Voltage_unit_feature = Unit |
| _UI_Voltage_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_WaitEventType_AND_literal = AND |
| _UI_WaitEventType_OR_literal = OR |
| _UI_WaitEventType__undefined__literal = <wait event> |
| _UI_WaitEvent_eventMask_feature = Event Mask |
| _UI_WaitEvent_maskType_feature = Mask Type |
| _UI_WaitEvent_type = Wait Event |
| _UI_WaitEvent_waitingBehaviour_feature = Waiting Behaviour |
| _UI_WaitingBehaviour__undefined__literal = <waiting> |
| _UI_WaitingBehaviour_active_literal = active |
| _UI_WaitingBehaviour_passive_literal = passive |
| _UI_WeibullDistribution_type = Weibull Distribution |
| _UI_WeibullEstimators_mean_feature = Mean |
| _UI_WeibullEstimators_pRemainPromille_feature = PRemain Promille |
| _UI_WeibullEstimators_type = Weibull Estimators |
| _UI_WeibullParameters_kappa_feature = Kappa |
| _UI_WeibullParameters_lambda_feature = Lambda |
| _UI_WeibullParameters_type = Weibull Parameters |
| _UI_WriteStrategy__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_WriteStrategy_none_literal = none |
| _UI_WriteStrategy_writeback_literal = writeback |
| _UI_WriteStrategy_writethrough_literal = writethrough |
| _UI_HWModel_featureCategories_feature = Feature Categories |
| _UI_DataRateComparable_type = Data Rate Comparable |
| _UI_RunnableItem_containingRunnable_feature = Containing Runnable |
| _UI_CallSequenceItem_containingTask_feature = Containing Task |
| _UI_Stimulus_affectedProcesses_feature = Affected Processes |
| _UI_Runnable_referringComponents_feature = Referring Components |
| _UI_Label_referringComponents_feature = Referring Components |
| _UI_Tag_taggedObjects_feature = Tagged Objects |
| _UI_CallSequenceItem_containingProcess_feature = Containing Process |
| _UI_Semaphore_referringComponents_feature = Referring Components |
| _UI_AbstractProcess_referringComponents_feature = Referring Components |
| _UI_OsEvent_referringComponents_feature = Referring Components |
| _UI_Time_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_Time_unit_feature = Unit |
| _UI_Scheduler_runnableAllocations_feature = Runnable Allocations |
| _UI_TaskScheduler_taskAllocations_feature = Task Allocations |
| _UI_InterruptController_isrAllocations_feature = Isr Allocations |
| _UI_Scheduler_schedulerAllocations_feature = Scheduler Allocations |
| _UI_DataDependency_type = Data Dependency |
| _UI_RunnableParameter_type = Runnable Parameter |
| _UI_CallArgument_type = Call Argument |
| _UI_DataDependency_labels_feature = Labels |
| _UI_DataDependency_parameters_feature = Parameters |
| _UI_DataDependency_callArguments_feature = Call Arguments |
| _UI_RunnableParameter_containingRunnable_feature = Containing Runnable |
| _UI_RunnableParameter_direction_feature = Direction |
| _UI_RunnableParameter_dataType_feature = Data Type |
| _UI_RunnableParameter_dependsOn_feature = Depends On |
| _UI_Runnable_parameters_feature = Parameters |
| _UI_LabelAccess_dependsOn_feature = Depends On |
| _UI_CallArgument_containingCall_feature = Containing Call |
| _UI_CallArgument_parameter_feature = Parameter |
| _UI_CallArgument_dependsOn_feature = Depends On |
| _UI_RunnableCall_arguments_feature = Arguments |
| _UI_DirectionType__undefined__literal = _undefined_ |
| _UI_DirectionType_in_literal = in |
| _UI_DirectionType_out_literal = out |
| _UI_DirectionType_inout_literal = inout |
| _UI_HwPort_connections_feature = Connections |
| _UI_HwConnection_ports_feature = Ports |
| _UI_HwConnection_internal_feature = Internal |
| _UI_DataDependency_containingRunnable_feature = Containing Runnable |