blob: e2fe399eab20130d86f72bab0614d255478ee7ea [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* *******************************************************************************
modelName="Amalthea", prefix="Amalthea",
// *** create XML instance of the Amalthea meta model
loadInitialization="false", // can be removed with Neon.3 ??
// dynamicTemplates="true",
// templateDirectory="org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model/templates",
copyrightText="*******************************************************************************\r\n Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.\r\n\r\n This program and the accompanying materials are made\r\n available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0\r\n which is available at\r\n\r\n SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0\r\n\r\n Generated using Eclipse EMF\r\n\r\n*******************************************************************************",
package org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDiagnosticChain
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EMap
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList$UnmodifiableEList
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Central Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class Amalthea extends BaseObject
derived readonly String version get {
return "0.9.7"
contains CommonElements commonElements
contains SWModel swModel
contains HWModel hwModel
contains OSModel osModel
contains StimuliModel stimuliModel
contains EventModel eventModel
contains ConstraintsModel constraintsModel
contains PropertyConstraintsModel propertyConstraintsModel
contains MappingModel mappingModel
contains ComponentsModel componentsModel
contains ConfigModel configModel
contains MeasurementModel measurementModel
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Common Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class CommonElements extends BaseObject
contains Tag[] tags
contains Namespace[] namespaces
contains CoreClassifier[] coreClassifiers
contains MemoryClassifier[] memoryClassifiers
* Base classes to be used to provide common functionality for all objects.
* Needs to be extended by other classes.
abstract class BaseObject extends IAnnotatable {}
abstract class ReferableObject extends IReferable {}
abstract class ReferableBaseObject extends IAnnotatable, IReferable {}
* IAnnotatable: Possibility to store custom properties on elements
interface IAnnotatable
contains CustomProperty[] customProperties
* ITaggable: Possibility to add tags to an elements
interface ITaggable
refers Tag[] tags
* INamed: Name attribute
interface INamed
String name = ""
op INamed getNamedContainer() {
if (eContainer instanceof INamed) eContainer as INamed else null
op INamespace getNamespace() { null }
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
derived readonly String qualifiedName get { AmaltheaExtensions.toPlainString(qualifiedNameSegments) }
op String getEncodedQualifiedName () { AmaltheaExtensions.toEncodedString(qualifiedNameSegments) }
op String getNamePrefix() {
if (namespace === null) return "" else AmaltheaExtensions.toPlainString(namePrefixSegments)
op String[] getQualifiedNameSegments() {
val segments = getNamePrefixSegments()
if (name !== null) segments.add(name)
return segments
@GenModel(documentation="Overwrite this method to define a specific prefix (used by name-based references).")
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() {
if (namespace === null) newBasicEList else namespace.qualifiedNameSegments
interface INamespaceMember {
refers INamespace namespace
interface INamespace extends IReferable
op boolean isNamespaceSegment() { true }
op String[] getQualifiedNameSegments() {
val segments = getNamePrefixSegments()
if (namespaceSegment) segments.add(name)
return segments
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of objects (INamespaceMember) referring to the this namespace.</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived INamespaceMember[] memberObjects get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.INamespace_MemberObjects,
interface IConditionalNamespace extends INamespace
boolean namespaceSegment = "false"
* IReferable: Computed ID for name based references
interface IReferable extends INamed
// use IPropertySheetEntry.FILTER_ID_EXPERT ("")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
id derived readonly String uniqueName get { encodedQualifiedName + "?type=" + }
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
interface IDisplayName
String displayName
interface IDescription
String description
* A tag for processes, runnables, events and labels
class Tag extends ReferableBaseObject, IDescription
String tagType
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of objects (ITaggable) referring to the this tag.</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived ITaggable[] taggedObjects get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.tag_TaggedObjects,
class Namespace extends INamespace
contains Namespace[] nextSegments opposite previousSegment
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly Namespace previousSegment opposite nextSegments
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (previousSegment?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
enum RelationalOperator
_undefined_ // Display: "<relation>"
* Classifiers for hardware properties
abstract class Classifier extends ReferableBaseObject, IDescription
class CoreClassifier extends Classifier
class MemoryClassifier extends Classifier
* Data transmission details for communication (e.g. LabelAccesses)
class TransmissionPolicy
contains DataSize chunkSize
int chunkProcessingTicks = "0"
double transmitRatio = "1.0"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Quantities
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Abstract class for Quantities (value + unit)
abstract class Quantity {}
* Time units (enumeration of available units)
enum TimeUnit
_undefined_ // Display: "<unit>"
interface TimeComparable wraps java.lang.Comparable<Time> {}
* General time class to define time value and unit.
class Time extends Quantity, Value, TimeComparable
BigInteger value = "0"
TimeUnit unit
op String toString() {
return value + " " + if (unit == TimeUnit::_UNDEFINED_) "<unit>" else unit.literal
op int compareTo(Time t) { return AmaltheaServices.compareTimes(this, t) }
op Time adjustUnit() { return AmaltheaServices.adjustTimeUnit(this) }
op Time add(Time t) { return AmaltheaServices.addTime(this, t) }
op Time subtract(Time t) { return AmaltheaServices.subtractTime(this, t) }
op Time multiply(long v) { return AmaltheaServices.multiply(this, v) }
op Time multiply(double v) { return AmaltheaServices.multiply(this, v) }
op double divide(Time t) { return AmaltheaServices.divideTime(this, t) }
* Frequency units (enumeration of available units)
enum FrequencyUnit
_undefined_ // Display: "<unit>"
// rpm ???
* General frequency class to define frequency value and unit
class Frequency extends Quantity
NonNegativeDouble value = "0.0"
FrequencyUnit unit
op String toString() {
return value + " " + if (unit == FrequencyUnit::_UNDEFINED_) "<unit>" else unit.literal
* Voltage units (enumeration of available units)
enum VoltageUnit
_undefined_ // Display: "<unit>"
* General voltage class to define voltage value and unit
class Voltage extends Quantity
double value = "0.0"
VoltageUnit unit
op String toString() {
return value + " " + if (unit == VoltageUnit::_UNDEFINED_) "<unit>" else unit.literal
* Data size units (enumeration of available units)
enum DataSizeUnit
_undefined_ // Display: "<unit>"
* General data size class to define size (value and unit)
class DataSize extends Quantity
BigInteger value = "0"
DataSizeUnit unit
op String toString() {
return value + " " + if (unit == DataSizeUnit::_UNDEFINED_) "<unit>" else unit.literal
* Convenience methods to retrieve the size in Bits and Bytes
op long getNumberBits() {
if (unit === DataSizeUnit::BIT) return value.longValue
val bits = AmaltheaServices.convertToBit(this)
if (bits === null) -1L else bits.longValue
op long getNumberBytes() {
if (unit === DataSizeUnit::B) return value.longValue
val bits = AmaltheaServices.convertToBit(this)
if (bits === null) -1L else Math::ceil(bits.longValue / 8).longValue
* Data rate units (enumeration of available units)
enum DataRateUnit
_undefined_ // Display: "<unit>"
bitPerSecond // Display: "bit/s"
interface DataRateComparable wraps java.lang.Comparable<DataRate> {}
* General data rate class to define rate (value and unit)
class DataRate extends Quantity, DataRateComparable
BigInteger value = "0"
DataRateUnit unit
op String toString() {
return value + " " + if (unit == DataRateUnit::_UNDEFINED_) "<unit>" else unit.literal.replace("PerSecond", "/s")
op int compareTo(DataRate rate) {
return AmaltheaServices.compareDataRates(this, rate)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom Properties and Values
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* custom property container for map
class CustomProperty wraps java.util.Map$Entry
String[1] key
contains Value value
* Abstract generalization of a value entry.
abstract class Value {}
class ListObject extends Value
contains Value[] values
* Object for using the elementary datatype String as generic parameter
class StringObject extends Value
String[1] value
* Object for using the elementary datatype String as generic parameter
class BigIntegerObject extends Value
BigInteger[1] value = "0"
* Object for using object reference as generic parameter
class ReferenceObject extends Value
refers IReferable value
* Object for using the elementary datatype integer as generic parameter
class IntegerObject extends Value
int[1] value = "0"
* Object for using the elementary datatype long as generic parameter
class LongObject extends Value
long[1] value = "0"
* Object for using the elementary datatype float as generic parameter
class FloatObject extends Value
float[1] value = "0.0"
* Object for using the elementary datatype double as generic parameter
class DoubleObject extends Value
double[1] value = "0.0"
* Object for using the elementary datatype boolean as generic parameter
class BooleanObject extends Value
boolean[1] value = "false"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Statistics / Deviations (general)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface NumericStatistic {}
* Statistic to provide capabilities for min, max and avg
class MinAvgMaxStatistic extends NumericStatistic
int min = "0"
float avg = "0f"
int max = "0"
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
class SingleValueStatistic extends NumericStatistic
float value = "0f"
* The types of sampling
enum SamplingType
^default // Display: "<sampling>"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deviation of Time
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ITimeDeviation {
op Time getLowerBound()
op Time getUpperBound()
op Time getAverage()
abstract class TimeInterval {
contains Time[1] lowerBound
contains Time[1] upperBound
op Time getAverage() {
AmaltheaServices2.getAverage(lowerBound, upperBound)
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
class TimeConstant extends ITimeDeviation {
contains Time[1] value
op Time getLowerBound() { value }
op Time getUpperBound() { value }
op Time getAverage() { value }
class TimeHistogram extends ITimeDeviation {
contains TimeHistogramEntry[+] entries
op Time getLowerBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getLowerBound_Time(entries) }
op Time getUpperBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getUpperBound_Time(entries) }
op Time getAverage() { AmaltheaServices2.getAverage_Time(entries) }
class TimeHistogramEntry extends TimeInterval {
PositiveLong[1] occurrences = "1"
abstract class BoundedTimeDistribution extends TimeInterval, ITimeDeviation {}
abstract class TruncatedTimeDistribution extends ITimeDeviation {
contains Time lowerBound
contains Time upperBound
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
* Defines the upper and lower bounds of a value interval without defining the distribution
class TimeBoundaries extends BoundedTimeDistribution {
SamplingType samplingType
* Defines the upper bound, lower bound and mean of a value interval without defining the distribution
class TimeStatistics extends BoundedTimeDistribution {
contains Time[1] average
* Uniform distribution
class TimeUniformDistribution extends BoundedTimeDistribution {}
* Gauss distribution
class TimeGaussDistribution extends TruncatedTimeDistribution {
contains Time[1] mean
contains Time[1] sd
op Time getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfTruncatedNormalDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, mean, sd)
* Weibull Distribution
* The parameter of a Weibull distribution (kappa, lambda...) are calculated from the estimators minimum, maximum and average.
class TimeWeibullEstimatorsDistribution extends BoundedTimeDistribution {
contains Time[1] average
PositiveDouble[1] pRemainPromille = "1.0"
* Beta distribution
class TimeBetaDistribution extends BoundedTimeDistribution {
PositiveDouble[1] alpha = "1.0"
PositiveDouble[1] beta = "1.0"
op Time getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfBetaDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, alpha, beta)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deviation of Long
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface IDiscreteValueDeviation {
op Long getLowerBound()
op Long getUpperBound()
op Double getAverage()
abstract class DiscreteValueInterval {
Long[1] lowerBound = "0"
Long[1] upperBound = "0"
op Double getAverage() {
AmaltheaServices2.getAverage(lowerBound, upperBound)
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
class DiscreteValueConstant extends IDiscreteValueDeviation {
long[1] value = "0"
op Long getLowerBound() { value }
op Long getUpperBound() { value }
op Double getAverage() { value.doubleValue }
class DiscreteValueHistogram extends IDiscreteValueDeviation {
contains DiscreteValueHistogramEntry[+] entries
op Long getLowerBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getLowerBound_DV(entries) }
op Long getUpperBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getUpperBound_DV(entries) }
op Double getAverage() { AmaltheaServices2.getAverage_DV(entries) }
class DiscreteValueHistogramEntry extends DiscreteValueInterval {
PositiveLong[1] occurrences = "1"
abstract class BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution extends DiscreteValueInterval, IDiscreteValueDeviation {}
abstract class TruncatedDiscreteValueDistribution extends IDiscreteValueDeviation {
Long lowerBound // initial value is null
Long upperBound // initial value is null
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
* Defines the upper and lower bounds of a value interval without defining the distribution
class DiscreteValueBoundaries extends BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution {
SamplingType samplingType
* Defines the upper bound, lower bound and mean of a value interval without defining the distribution
class DiscreteValueStatistics extends BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution {
Double[1] average = "0.0"
* Uniform distribution
class DiscreteValueUniformDistribution extends BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution {}
* Gauss distribution
class DiscreteValueGaussDistribution extends TruncatedDiscreteValueDistribution {
double[1] mean = "0.0"
PositiveDouble[1] sd = "1.0"
op Double getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfTruncatedNormalDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, mean, sd)
* Weibull Distribution
* The parameter of a Weibull distribution (kappa, lambda...) are calculated from the estimators minimum, maximum and average.
class DiscreteValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution extends BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution {
Double[1] average = "0.0"
PositiveDouble[1] pRemainPromille = "1.0"
* Beta distribution
class DiscreteValueBetaDistribution extends BoundedDiscreteValueDistribution {
PositiveDouble[1] alpha = "1.0"
PositiveDouble[1] beta = "1.0"
op Double getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfBetaDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, alpha, beta)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deviation of Double
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
interface IContinuousValueDeviation {
op Double getLowerBound()
op Double getUpperBound()
op Double getAverage()
abstract class ContinuousValueInterval {
Double[1] lowerBound = "0.0"
Double[1] upperBound = "0.0"
op Double getAverage() {
AmaltheaServices2.getAverage(lowerBound, upperBound)
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
class ContinuousValueConstant extends IContinuousValueDeviation {
double[1] value = "0.0"
op Double getLowerBound() { value }
op Double getUpperBound() { value }
op Double getAverage() { value }
class ContinuousValueHistogram extends IContinuousValueDeviation {
contains ContinuousValueHistogramEntry[+] entries
op Double getLowerBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getLowerBound_CV(entries) }
op Double getUpperBound() { AmaltheaServices2.getUpperBound_CV(entries) }
op Double getAverage() { AmaltheaServices2.getAverage_CV(entries) }
class ContinuousValueHistogramEntry extends ContinuousValueInterval {
PositiveLong[1] occurrences = "1"
abstract class BoundedContinuousValueDistribution extends ContinuousValueInterval, IContinuousValueDeviation {}
abstract class TruncatedContinuousValueDistribution extends IContinuousValueDeviation {
Double lowerBound // initial value is null
Double upperBound // initial value is null
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
* Defines the upper and lower bounds of a value interval without defining the distribution
class ContinuousValueBoundaries extends BoundedContinuousValueDistribution {
SamplingType samplingType
* Defines the upper bound, lower bound and mean of a value interval without defining the distribution
class ContinuousValueStatistics extends BoundedContinuousValueDistribution {
Double[1] average = "0.0"
* Uniform distribution
class ContinuousValueUniformDistribution extends BoundedContinuousValueDistribution {}
* Gauss distribution
class ContinuousValueGaussDistribution extends TruncatedContinuousValueDistribution {
double[1] mean = "0.0"
PositiveDouble[1] sd = "1.0"
op Double getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfTruncatedNormalDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, mean, sd)
* Weibull Distribution
* The parameter of a Weibull distribution (kappa, lambda...) are calculated from the estimators minimum, maximum and average.
class ContinuousValueWeibullEstimatorsDistribution extends BoundedContinuousValueDistribution {
Double[1] average = "0.0"
PositiveDouble[1] pRemainPromille = "1.0"
* Beta distribution
class ContinuousValueBetaDistribution extends BoundedContinuousValueDistribution {
PositiveDouble[1] alpha = "1.0"
PositiveDouble[1] beta = "1.0"
op Double getAverage() {
return AmaltheaServices2.getAverageOfBetaDistribution(lowerBound, upperBound, alpha, beta)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
abstract class Mode extends ReferableBaseObject {}
class NumericMode extends Mode
// future extensions (restrictions) possible, e.g. range
class EnumMode extends Mode
contains ModeLiteral[] literals opposite containingMode
op ModeLiteral getLiteral(String literal) {
literals.findFirst[ == literal]
class ModeLiteral extends ReferableBaseObject
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly EnumMode containingMode opposite literals
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (containingMode?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
op String toString() {
if (name.nullOrEmpty) "<literal>" else name
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Datatypes
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Hardware Address (long; specified as hexadecimal value)
type Address wraps long
create {
if (it !== null) {
if (it.startsWith("-") || it.startsWith("+"))
throw new NumberFormatException("Sign character")
convert {
"0x" + Long.toHexString(it)
// Positive Numbers (value > 0): Integer (int), Long (long), Double (double)
type PositiveInt wraps int
type PositiveLong wraps long
type PositiveDouble wraps double
// Non Negative Numbers(value >= 0): Integer (int), Long (long), Double (double)
type NonNegativeInt wraps int
type NonNegativeLong wraps long
type NonNegativeDouble wraps double
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Components Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class ComponentsModel extends BaseObject, IComponentContainer, IInterfaceContainer
contains ComponentStructure[] structures
contains System[] systems
op Component[] getAllComponents() {
interface IComponentContainer {
contains Component[] components
interface IInterfaceContainer {
contains MainInterface[] interfaces
interface ISystem
contains ComponentInstance[] componentInstances opposite containingSystem
contains Connector[] connectors opposite containingSystem
contains QualifiedPort[] groundedPorts
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers derived readonly QualifiedPort[] innerPorts get {
abstract class ComponentInterface extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
refers TypeDefinition datatype
contains SubInterface[] subInterfaces opposite containingInterface
class MainInterface extends ComponentInterface, INamespaceMember
String version = "1.0"
class SubInterface extends ComponentInterface
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly ComponentInterface containingInterface opposite subInterfaces
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (containingInterface?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
class ComponentPort extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly Component containingComponent opposite ports
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (containingComponent?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
InterfaceKind kind
refers ComponentInterface ^interface
class ComponentStructure extends INamed, IComponentContainer, IInterfaceContainer
String structureType = ""
contains ComponentStructure[] subStructures
class Component extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable, INamespaceMember
contains ComponentPort[] ports opposite containingComponent
refers AbstractProcess[] tasks
refers Runnable[] runnables
refers Label[] labels
refers Semaphore[] semaphores
refers OsEvent[] osEvents
class Composite extends Component, ISystem {}
class System extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable, ISystem {}
class ComponentInstance extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
container ISystem containingSystem opposite componentInstances
refers Component ^type
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (namedContainer?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
class Connector extends BaseObject, INamed, ITaggable
container ISystem containingSystem opposite connectors
contains QualifiedPort sourcePort
contains QualifiedPort targetPort
contains InterfaceChannel[] implementedInterfaces
class InterfaceChannel wraps java.util.Map$Entry
refers ComponentInterface[1] key
refers Channel value
class QualifiedPort extends BaseObject
refers ComponentInstance instance
refers ComponentPort[1] port
enum InterfaceKind
_undefined_ // Display: "<kind>"
provides // Display: "PROVIDES"
requires // Display: "REQUIRES"
provides_requires // Display: "PROVIDES+REQUIRES"
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Config Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class ConfigModel extends BaseObject
contains EventConfig[] eventsToTrace
class EventConfig extends BaseObject, INamed
refers EntityEvent[1] event
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Constraints Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class ConstraintsModel extends BaseObject
contains EventChain[] eventChains
contains TimingConstraint[] timingConstraints
contains AffinityConstraint[] affinityConstraints
contains RunnableSequencingConstraint[] runnableSequencingConstraints
contains DataAgeConstraint[] dataAgeConstraints
contains Requirement[] requirements
contains DataCoherencyGroup[] dataCoherencyGroups
contains DataStabilityGroup[] dataStabilityGroups
contains PhysicalSectionConstraint[] physicalSectionConstraints
enum RunnableOrderType{
_undefined_ // Display: "<order>"
class RunnableSequencingConstraint extends ReferableBaseObject
RunnableOrderType orderType
contains RunnableEntityGroup[2..*] runnableGroups
refers AbstractProcess[] processScope
abstract class AffinityConstraint extends ReferableBaseObject {}
* An abstract superclass for all separation constraints
abstract class SeparationConstraint extends AffinityConstraint {}
* An abstract superclass for all pairing constraints
abstract class PairingConstraint extends AffinityConstraint {}
* An abstract superclass for all process related constraint
* The target describes the entity on which the processes can be mapped
abstract class ProcessConstraint
contains ProcessConstraintTarget target
* An abstract superclass for all runnable related constraint
* The target describes the entity on which the runnables can be mapped
abstract class RunnableConstraint
contains RunnableConstraintTarget target
* An abstract superclass for all data related constraint
* The target describes the entity on which the data can be mapped
abstract class DataConstraint
contains DataConstraintTarget target
* A runnable-separation-constraint
* groups describes the runnable-groups that should be separated from each other on the target
* if there is only one group then this means that the runnables of this group are not allowed to be executed on the target
class RunnableSeparationConstraint extends SeparationConstraint, RunnableConstraint, BaseObject
contains RunnableGroup[1..2] groups
* A process-separation-constraint
* groups describes the process-groups that should be separated from each other on the target
* if there is only one group then this means that the processes of this group are not allowed to be executed on the target
class ProcessSeparationConstraint extends SeparationConstraint, ProcessConstraint, BaseObject
contains ProcessGroup[1..2] groups
* A data-separation-constraint
* groups describes the label-groups that should be separated from each other on the target
* if there is only one group then this means that the label of this group is not allowed to be executed on the target
class DataSeparationConstraint extends SeparationConstraint, DataConstraint, BaseObject
contains LabelEntityGroup[1..2] groups
* A runnable-pairing-constraint
* runnables describes the group of runnables that should be paired on the target
class RunnablePairingConstraint extends PairingConstraint, RunnableConstraint, BaseObject
contains RunnableGroup[1] group
* A process-pairing-constraint
* processes describes the group of processes that should be paired on the target
class ProcessPairingConstraint extends PairingConstraint, ProcessConstraint, BaseObject
contains ProcessGroup[1] group
* A data-pairing-constraint
* labels describes the group of labels that should be paired on the target
class DataPairingConstraint extends PairingConstraint, DataConstraint, BaseObject
contains LabelGroup[1] group
* An abstract superclass for all possible targets for runnable-constraints
abstract class RunnableConstraintTarget {}
* An abstract superclass for all possible targets for process-constraints
abstract class ProcessConstraintTarget {}
* An abstract superclass for all possible targets for data-constraints
abstract class DataConstraintTarget {}
* A memory target description
* A memory can be a target for data-constraints
* memories: the reference to zero or more Memories. If this list is empty, the target stands for all memories!
class TargetMemory extends DataConstraintTarget, BaseObject
refers Memory[] memories
* A core target description
* A core can be a target for runnable-constraints, process-constraints and scheduler-constraints
* cores: the reference to zero or more Cores. If this list is empty, the target stands for all cores!
class TargetCore extends RunnableConstraintTarget, ProcessConstraintTarget, BaseObject
refers ProcessingUnit[] cores
* A scheduler target description
* A scheduler can be a target for runnable-constraints and process-constraints
* schedulers: the reference to zero or more Schedulers. If this list is empty, the target stands for all schedulers!
class TargetScheduler extends RunnableConstraintTarget, ProcessConstraintTarget, BaseObject
refers Scheduler[] schedulers
* An abstract description for a group of labels that can be paired or separated by a runnable-constraint
abstract class LabelGroup {}
* An abstract description for a group of runnables that can be paired or separated by a runnable-constraint
abstract class RunnableGroup {}
* An abstract description for a group of processes that can be paired or separated by a process-constraint
abstract class ProcessGroup {}
* A group of labels that can be paired or separated by a data-constraint
class LabelEntityGroup extends LabelGroup, BaseObject
refers Label[1..*] labels
* A group of runnables that can be paired or separated by a runnable-constraint
class RunnableEntityGroup extends RunnableGroup, BaseObject
refers Runnable[1..*] runnables
* A group of processes that can be paired or separated by a process-constraint
class ProcessEntityGroup extends ProcessGroup, BaseObject
refers Process[1..*] processes
* A group that contains only a tag and groups all objects that are marked with this tag
* This can be runnables or processes
class TagGroup extends RunnableGroup, ProcessGroup, BaseObject
refers Tag[1] tag
//////////////////////////Event chains & Timing constraints:
* Describes an event chain which must have a minimum of two events (stimulus and response)
* If there are more events the event chain have to be divided into segments. Each segment is another event chain.
* Alternative event paths are contained in strands.
* stimulus: Beginning of chain
* response: End of chain
* segments: Sub event chains
* strands: alternative event paths
abstract class AbstractEventChain extends BaseObject, INamed
refers Event[1] stimulus
refers Event[1] response
contains EventChainItem[] items
EventChainItemType itemType
PositiveInt minItemsCompleted = "1"
enum EventChainItemType
_undefined_ // Display: "<item type>"
class EventChain extends AbstractEventChain, IReferable {}
class SubEventChain extends AbstractEventChain {}
interface EventChainItem
op AbstractEventChain getEventChain()
class EventChainReference extends BaseObject, EventChainItem
refers EventChain[1] eventChain
class EventChainContainer extends BaseObject, EventChainItem
contains SubEventChain[1] eventChain
abstract class TimingConstraint extends ReferableBaseObject {}
* This contraints is used to limit a section in Memories
class PhysicalSectionConstraint extends ReferableBaseObject
refers Section[1] section
refers Memory[+] memories
* Base class for synchronization constraints, which limit the distance between events
* multipleOccurrencesAllowed: Defines whether multiple event occurrences are allowed for analysis
* tolerance: Maximum allowed tolerance
abstract class SynchronizationConstraint extends TimingConstraint
boolean multipleOccurrencesAllowed = "false"
contains Time[1] tolerance
* The synchronization constraint considers a group of events and limits the distance of the events within this group.
class EventSynchronizationConstraint extends SynchronizationConstraint
refers EntityEvent[+] events
enum SynchronizationType
_undefined_ // Display: "<synchronization>"
* A synchronization constraint describes the allowed tolerance in synchronization between two event chains
* scope: Considered event chains that have to by in sync
* type: Defines which parts of the event chains have to be in sync
class EventChainSynchronizationConstraint extends SynchronizationConstraint
refers EventChain[2] scope
SynchronizationType ^type
enum MappingType
_undefined_ // Display: "<mapping>"
* This constraint describes how a source and a target event are placed relative to each other
class DelayConstraint extends TimingConstraint
MappingType mappingType
refers EntityEvent[1] source
refers EntityEvent[1] target
contains Time upper
contains Time lower
enum LatencyType
_undefined_ // Display: "<latency>"
* A latency constraint describes the allowed range in latency between a stimulus and its response.
* scope: Considered event chain that defines the stimulus and response relation
* type: Defines the point of view (forward or backward)
* minimum: Minimum allowed latency
* maximum: Maximum allowed latency
class EventChainLatencyConstraint extends TimingConstraint
refers EventChain[1] scope
LatencyType ^type
contains Time minimum
contains Time maximum
* A repetition constraint prescribes the distribution of a single event during runtime.
class RepetitionConstraint extends TimingConstraint
refers EntityEvent[1] event
int span = "0"
contains Time lower
contains Time upper
contains Time jitter
contains Time period
//////////////////////////Data Age Constraint
class DataAgeConstraint extends ReferableBaseObject
refers Runnable[1] runnable
refers Label[1] label
contains DataAge[1] dataAge
abstract class DataAge {}
class DataAgeCycle extends DataAge
int minimumCycle = "0"
int maximumCycle = "0"
class DataAgeTime extends DataAge
contains Time minimumTime
contains Time maximumTime
////////////////////////// Requirements
abstract class Requirement extends BaseObject, INamed
Severity severity
contains RequirementLimit[1] limit
class ProcessRequirement extends Requirement
refers AbstractProcess[1] process
class RunnableRequirement extends Requirement
refers Runnable[1] runnable
class ArchitectureRequirement extends Requirement
refers Component[1] component
class ProcessChainRequirement extends Requirement
refers ProcessChain[1] processChain
abstract class RequirementLimit
LimitType limitType
class CPUPercentageRequirementLimit extends RequirementLimit
CPUPercentageMetric metric
double limitValue = "0.0"
// can be ECU, Processor or Core
refers ProcessingUnit hardwareContext
class FrequencyRequirementLimit extends RequirementLimit
FrequencyMetric metric
contains Frequency[1] limitValue
class PercentageRequirementLimit extends RequirementLimit
PercentageMetric metric
double limitValue = "0.0"
class CountRequirementLimit extends RequirementLimit
CountMetric metric
int limitValue = "0"
class TimeRequirementLimit extends RequirementLimit
TimeMetric metric
// signed time is allowed because the requirement to lateness can be negative
contains Time[1] limitValue
enum Severity
_undefined_ // Display: "<severity>"
enum LimitType
_undefined_ // Display: "<limit>"
enum TimeMetric
_undefined_ // Display: "<time metric>"
enum CountMetric
_undefined_ // Display: "<count metric>"
enum PercentageMetric
_undefined_ // Display: "<% metric>"
enum CPUPercentageMetric
_undefined_ // Display: "<CPU % metric>"
enum FrequencyMetric
_undefined_ // Display: "<frequency metric>"
//////////////////////////// Data Groups (Coherency and Stability)
class DataCoherencyGroup extends ReferableBaseObject
refers Label[+] labels
contains DataGroupScope scope
CoherencyDirection direction
enum CoherencyDirection
_undefined_ // Display: "<direction>"
class DataStabilityGroup extends ReferableBaseObject
refers Label[+] labels
contains DataGroupScope scope
abstract class DataGroupScope {}
class ProcessScope extends DataGroupScope
refers AbstractProcess process
class RunnableScope extends DataGroupScope
refers Runnable runnable
class ComponentScope extends DataGroupScope
refers Component component
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Events Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class EventModel extends BaseObject
contains Event[] events
* An abstract event
abstract class Event extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable, IDescription
* A set of entity-events
class EventSet extends Event
refers EntityEvent[+] events
* An abstract event that describes the notification of a changed state of an entity
abstract class EntityEvent extends Event {}
* Defines Events to be used in Stimuli as trigger.
abstract class TriggerEvent extends EntityEvent
class CustomEvent extends TriggerEvent
String eventType
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of triggers (CustomEventTrigger).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived CustomEventTrigger[] explicitTriggers get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.customEvent_ExplicitTriggers,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.customEventTrigger_Event} )
* Describes the event of a stimulus.
* It contains only the stimulus but no event type because a stimulus has only one event type.
class StimulusEvent extends EntityEvent
refers Stimulus entity
* Describes the event of a process
* eventType: The type of the Event
* entity: The process that fires the event (optional)
* processingUnit: The processing unit that executes the process when the event is fired (optional)
class ProcessEvent extends EntityEvent
ProcessEventType eventType
refers Process entity
refers ProcessingUnit processingUnit
* Describes the event of some process within a process chain
* eventType: The type of the Event
* entity: The process that fires the event (optional)
* processingUnit: The processing unit that executes the process when the event is fired (optional)
class ProcessChainEvent extends EntityEvent
ProcessEventType eventType
refers ProcessChain entity
refers ProcessingUnit processingUnit
* Describes the event of a runnable
* eventType: The type of event
* entity: The runnable that fires the event (optional)
* process: The process that executes the runnable (optional)
* processingUnit: The processing unit that executes the runnable (executes the process that calls the runnable) (optional)
class RunnableEvent extends TriggerEvent
RunnableEventType eventType
refers Runnable entity
refers Process process
refers ProcessingUnit processingUnit
* Describes the event of a label access
* eventType: The type of event
* entity: The accessed label that fires the event (optional)
* runnable: The runnable that accesses the label (optional)
* process: The process that accesses the label (optional)
class LabelEvent extends TriggerEvent
LabelEventType eventType
refers Label entity
refers Runnable runnable
refers Process process
* Describes the event of a channel access
* eventType: The type of event
* entity: The accessed channel that fires the event (optional)
* runnable: The runnable that accesses the label (optional)
* process: The process that accesses the label (optional)
class ChannelEvent extends TriggerEvent
ChannelEventType eventType
refers Channel entity
refers Runnable runnable
refers Process process
* Describes the event of a semaphore access
* eventType: The type of event
* entity: The accessed semaphore that fires the event (optional)
* runnable: The runnable that accesses the semaphore (optional)
* process: The process that accesses the semaphore (optional)
* processingUnit: The processing unit that executes the process/runnable that accesses the semaphore (optional)
class SemaphoreEvent extends EntityEvent
SemaphoreEventType eventType
refers Semaphore entity
refers Runnable runnable
refers Process process
refers ProcessingUnit processingUnit
* Describes the event of a component
* eventType: The type of event
* entity: The component that fires the event (optional)
class ComponentEvent extends EntityEvent
ComponentEventType eventType
refers Component entity
* The types of a process event
enum ProcessEventType
* The types of a runnable event
enum RunnableEventType
* The types of a label event
enum LabelEventType
* The types of a label event
enum ChannelEventType
* The types of a semaphore event
enum SemaphoreEventType
* The types of a component event
enum ComponentEventType
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// HW Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class HWModel extends BaseObject
contains HwDefinition[] definitions
contains HwFeatureCategory[] featureCategories
contains HwStructure[] structures
contains HwDomain[] domains
class HwStructure extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
StructureType structureType
contains HwPort[] ports
contains HwStructure[] structures
contains HwModule[] modules
contains HwConnection[] connections
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers derived readonly HwPort[] innerPorts get {
abstract class HwModule extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
contains HwPort[] ports
refers PowerDomain powerDomain
refers FrequencyDomain frequencyDomain
abstract class HwDomain extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable {}
class FrequencyDomain extends HwDomain
// contains Frequency[] possibleValues
contains Frequency defaultValue
boolean clockGating = "false"
class PowerDomain extends HwDomain
// contains Voltage[] possibleValues
contains Voltage defaultValue
boolean powerGating = "false"
class ProcessingUnit extends HwModule, HwDestination, HwPathElement
refers ProcessingUnitDefinition definition
contains HwAccessElement[] accessElements opposite source
contains Cache[] caches
class Memory extends HwModule, HwDestination
refers MemoryDefinition definition
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of mappings (MemoryMapping).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived MemoryMapping[] mappings get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.memory_Mappings,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.memoryMapping_Memory} )
enum MemoryType
class Cache extends HwModule, HwPathElement
refers CacheDefinition definition
class HwFeatureCategory extends ReferableBaseObject, IDescription
HwFeatureType featureType
contains HwFeature[] features opposite containingCategory
class HwFeature extends ReferableBaseObject
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly HwFeatureCategory containingCategory opposite features
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (containingCategory?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
op String toString() {
val featureName = containingCategory?.name
return (if (featureName.nullOrEmpty) "<category>" else featureName) + "::" + (if (name.nullOrEmpty) "<feature>" else name)
double value = "0.0"
class HwPort extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (namedContainer?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
int bitWidth = "0"
int priority = "0"
PortType portType
PortInterface portInterface
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
derived readonly boolean delegated get {
eContainer instanceof HwStructure
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of connections (HwConnection).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived HwConnection[] connections get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.hwPort_Connections,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.hwConnection_Port1, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.hwConnection_Port2}
class ConnectionHandler extends HwModule, HwPathElement
refers ConnectionHandlerDefinition definition
contains HwConnection[] internalConnections
class HwConnection extends ReferableBaseObject, HwPathElement, ITaggable
op String[] getNamePrefixSegments() { (namedContainer?.qualifiedNameSegments) ?: newBasicEList }
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Read latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation readLatency
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Write latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation writeLatency
contains DataRate dataRate
refers HwPort port1
refers HwPort port2
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
derived readonly boolean internal get {
eContainer instanceof ConnectionHandler
op HwPort[] getPorts() {
return newArrayList(port1, port2).filterNull.toEList.unmodifiableEList
class HwAccessElement extends ITaggable, INamed
// container (read only)
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly ProcessingUnit source opposite accessElements
refers HwDestination[1] destination
contains HwAccessPath accessPath opposite containingAccessElement
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Read latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation readLatency
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Write latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation writeLatency
contains DataRate dataRate
enum StructureType
enum CacheType
enum PortType
initiator // master
responder // slave
enum SchedPolicy
enum WriteStrategy
abstract class HwDefinition extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable {}
class ProcessingUnitDefinition extends HwDefinition
PuType puType
refers HwFeature[] features
refers CoreClassifier[] classifiers // backward compatibility
class ConnectionHandlerDefinition extends HwDefinition
SchedPolicy policy
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Read latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation readLatency
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Write latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation writeLatency
contains DataRate dataRate
PositiveInt maxBurstSize = "1"
PositiveInt maxConcurrentTransfers = "1"
class MemoryDefinition extends HwDefinition
contains DataSize size
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Access latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation accessLatency
contains DataRate dataRate
MemoryType memoryType
refers MemoryClassifier[] classifiers // backward compatibility
class CacheDefinition extends HwDefinition
contains DataSize size
contains DataSize lineSize
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Access latency [cycles]</b></p>")
contains IDiscreteValueDeviation accessLatency
CacheType cacheType
WriteStrategy writeStrategy
int nWays = "0"
boolean coherency = "false"
boolean exclusive = "false"
double hitRate = "0.0"
abstract class HwPath
op HwAccessElement getContainingAccessElement() {}
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
refers derived readonly ProcessingUnit source get {
return containingAccessElement.source
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
refers derived readonly HwDestination destination get {
return containingAccessElement.destination
class HwAccessPath extends HwPath, INamed
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly HwAccessElement containingAccessElement opposite accessPath
refers HwPathElement[+] pathElements
Address startAddress = "0"
Address endAddress = "0"
Address memOffset = "0"
interface HwPathElement extends IReferable
op HwPort[] getPorts()
interface HwDestination extends IReferable
op HwPort[] getPorts()
enum PuType
enum PortInterface
SPI // Serial Peripheral Interface
I2C // Inter-Integrated Circuit
AXI // Advanced eXtensible Interface
AHB // Advanced High-performance Bus
APB // Advanced Peripheral Bus
SWR // Serial WireRing
enum HwFeatureType
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Mapping Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class MappingModel extends BaseObject
contains SchedulerAllocation[] schedulerAllocation
contains RunnableAllocation[] runnableAllocation
contains TaskAllocation[] taskAllocation
contains ISRAllocation[] isrAllocation
contains MemoryMapping[] memoryMapping
contains PhysicalSectionMapping[] physicalSectionMapping
MemoryAddressMappingType addressMappingType
* Defines how to interpret the memory addresses in this mapping model
enum MemoryAddressMappingType
_undefined_ // Display: "<address type>"
// no addresses required
// absolute memory address
// offset from first address of memory
//////////////// Generalizations for the Allocations (assignment to cores)
* Allocation of Schedulers
class SchedulerAllocation extends BaseObject
refers Scheduler[1] scheduler
refers ProcessingUnit[+] responsibility
refers ProcessingUnit executingPU
//////////////// Specializations of Allocations
class TaskAllocation extends BaseObject
refers Task[1] task
refers TaskScheduler[1] scheduler
refers ProcessingUnit[] affinity
contains SchedulingParameters schedulingParameters
contains ParameterExtension[] parameterExtensions
class ISRAllocation extends BaseObject
refers ISR[1] isr
refers InterruptController[1] controller
Integer priority
class RunnableAllocation extends BaseObject
refers Scheduler[1] scheduler
refers Runnable[1] entity
//////////////// Specializations of Mappings
* Mapping of AbstractMemoryElement (Label, Runnable, ISR, Task, ...)
* to a specific memory.
class MemoryMapping extends BaseObject
refers AbstractMemoryElement[1] abstractElement
refers Memory memory
* The position of the element in the mapped memory
Address memoryPositionAddress = "0"
class PhysicalSectionMapping extends ReferableBaseObject
refers Section[+] origin
refers Memory[1] memory
Address startAddress = "0"
Address endAddress = "0"
refers Label[] labels
refers Runnable[] runEntities
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// OS Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class OSModel extends BaseObject
contains Semaphore[] semaphores
contains OperatingSystem[] operatingSystems
contains OsOverhead[] osOverheads
class OsDataConsistency extends BaseObject
OsDataConsistencyMode mode
contains DataStability dataStability
contains NonAtomicDataCoherency nonAtomicDataCoherency
class DataStability
boolean enabled = "false"
String algorithm
AccessMultiplicity accessMultiplicity
DataStabilityLevel level
class NonAtomicDataCoherency
boolean enabled = "false"
String algorithm
AccessMultiplicity accessMultiplicity
enum OsDataConsistencyMode
_undefined_ // Display: "<data consistency mode>"
enum AccessMultiplicity
_undefined_ // Display: "<access multiplicity>"
enum DataStabilityLevel
_undefined_ // Display: "<data stability level>"
period // between consecutive occurrences
process // within a Task or ISR
scheduleSection // between Schedule points (explicit schedule points, begin and end of process)
runnable // within a Runnable
* name: Name of semaphore
* maxValue: maximum number of users which can access the semaphore simultaneously
* initialValue: number of users which access semaphore at system startup
* priorityCeilingProtocol: enables priority ceiling for this resource
class Semaphore extends ReferableBaseObject
SemaphoreType semaphoreType
int initialValue = "0"
int maxValue = "0"
boolean priorityCeilingProtocol = "false"
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of accesses (SemaphoreAccess).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived SemaphoreAccess[] semaphoreAccesses get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.semaphore_SemaphoreAccesses,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.semaphoreAccess_Semaphore} )
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of components the semaphore belongs to.</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived Component[] referringComponents get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.semaphore_ReferringComponents,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.component_Semaphores} )
enum SemaphoreType
_undefined_ // Display: "<semaphore type>"
* scheduling algorithm: The used algorithm for scheduling
* computation items: steps to perform the scheduling algorithm
abstract class Scheduler extends ReferableBaseObject
contains ComputationItem[] computationItems
op Algorithm getSchedulingAlgorithm() {}
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of scheduler allocations (SchedulerAllocation).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived SchedulerAllocation[] schedulerAllocations get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.scheduler_SchedulerAllocations,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.schedulerAllocation_Scheduler} )
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of runnable allocations (RunnableAllocation).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived RunnableAllocation[] runnableAllocations get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.scheduler_RunnableAllocations,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.runnableAllocation_Scheduler} )
class TaskScheduler extends Scheduler
contains TaskSchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm
contains SchedulerAssociation parentAssociation opposite child
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of child associations (SchedulerAssociation).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived SchedulerAssociation[] childAssociations get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.taskScheduler_ChildAssociations,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.schedulerAssociation_Parent} )
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of task allocations (TaskAllocation).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived TaskAllocation[] taskAllocations get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.taskScheduler_TaskAllocations,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.taskAllocation_Scheduler} )
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
refers derived readonly TaskScheduler parentScheduler get {
return parentAssociation?.parent
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
refers derived readonly TaskScheduler[] childSchedulers get {
val result =[child].filterNull
return new UnmodifiableEList(this as InternalEObject, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.taskScheduler_ChildSchedulers,
result.size, result.toList.toArray)
class SchedulerAssociation
// container (read only)
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only")
container readonly TaskScheduler child opposite parentAssociation
refers TaskScheduler parent
contains SchedulingParameters schedulingParameters
contains ParameterExtension[] parameterExtensions
class InterruptController extends Scheduler
contains InterruptSchedulingAlgorithm schedulingAlgorithm
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of ISR allocations (ISRAllocation).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived ISRAllocation[] isrAllocations get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.interruptController_IsrAllocations,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.ISRAllocation_Controller} )
* Common scheduling parameters
class SchedulingParameters
Integer priority
contains Time minBudget
contains Time maxBudget
contains Time replenishment
* Parameter extensions (used for scheduling algorithms)
class ParameterExtension wraps java.util.Map$Entry
String[1] key
String[1] value
abstract class Algorithm extends BaseObject {}
* Interrupt Scheduling Algorithm
abstract class InterruptSchedulingAlgorithm extends Algorithm {}
* Task Scheduling Algorithm
abstract class TaskSchedulingAlgorithm extends Algorithm {}
* Fixed Priority Scheduling
abstract class FixedPriority extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm {}
* Fixed Priority Preemptive scheduling algorithm
class FixedPriorityPreemptive extends FixedPriority {}
* Fixed Priority Preemptive scheduling algorithm (with budget enforcement)
class FixedPriorityPreemptiveWithBudgetEnforcement extends FixedPriority {}
* OSEK scheduling algorithm
class OSEK extends FixedPriority {}
* task with shortest deadline has highest priority
class DeadlineMonotonic extends FixedPriority {}
* task with shortest recurrence (i.e. period) has highest priority
class RateMonotonic extends FixedPriority {}
* Proportionate Fair (Pfair) Scheduling
* (global scheduling algorithm)
abstract class Pfair extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm
int quantSizeNs = "0"
* Proportionate Fair PD2 Scheduling
* (global scheduling algorithm)
class PfairPD2 extends Pfair {}
* Partly Proportionate Fair PD2 Scheduling
* (global scheduling algorithm)
class PartlyPFairPD2 extends Pfair {}
* Early Release Fair PD2 Scheduling
* (global scheduling algorithm)
class EarlyReleaseFairPD2 extends Pfair {}
* Partly Early Release Fair PD2 Scheduling
* (global scheduling algorithm)
class PartlyEarlyReleaseFairPD2 extends Pfair {}
* Dynamic Priority Scheduling
abstract class DynamicPriority extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm {}
* global scheduling algorithm
class LeastLocalRemainingExecutionTimeFirst extends DynamicPriority {}
* earliest absolute deadline first
class EarliestDeadlineFirst extends DynamicPriority {}
* all tasks with equal priority executed for certain time slice
class PriorityBasedRoundRobin extends DynamicPriority {}
* Reservation Based Server
abstract class ReservationBasedServer extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm {}
* Deferrable Server
class DeferrableServer extends ReservationBasedServer {}
* Polling Periodic Server
class PollingPeriodicServer extends ReservationBasedServer {}
* Sporadic Server
class SporadicServer extends ReservationBasedServer {}
* Constant Bandwidth Server
class ConstantBandwidthServer extends ReservationBasedServer {}
* Constant Bandwidth Server With CASH
class ConstantBandwidthServerWithCASH extends ReservationBasedServer {}
* logical grouping of tasks/child-schedulers
class Grouping extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm {}
* allows the user to define own scheduling algorithm (TA-Toolsuite feature)
class UserSpecificSchedulingAlgorithm extends TaskSchedulingAlgorithm, InterruptSchedulingAlgorithm
contains ParameterExtension[] parameterExtensions
* Priority based Scheduling Algorithm for Interrupts
class PriorityBased extends InterruptSchedulingAlgorithm {}
class OperatingSystem extends BaseObject, INamed
refers OsOverhead overhead
contains TaskScheduler[] taskSchedulers
contains InterruptController[] interruptControllers
contains OsDataConsistency osDataConsistency
class VendorOperatingSystem extends OperatingSystem
String osName
String vendor
String version
class OsOverhead extends ReferableBaseObject
contains OsAPIOverhead apiOverhead
contains OsISROverhead isrCategory1Overhead
contains OsISROverhead isrCategory2Overhead
class OsAPIOverhead extends BaseObject
contains Ticks apiSendMessage
contains Ticks apiTerminateTask
contains Ticks apiSchedule
contains Ticks apiRequestResource
contains Ticks apiReleaseResource
contains Ticks apiSetEvent
contains Ticks apiWaitEvent
contains Ticks apiClearEvent
contains Ticks apiActivateTask
contains Ticks apiEnforcedMigration
contains Ticks apiSuspendOsInterrupts
contains Ticks apiResumeOsInterrupts
contains Ticks apiRequestSpinlock
contains Ticks apiReleaseSpinlock
contains Ticks apiSenderReceiverRead
contains Ticks apiSenderReceiverWrite
contains Ticks apiSynchronousServerCallPoint
contains Ticks apiIocRead
contains Ticks apiIocWrite
class OsISROverhead extends BaseObject
contains Ticks preExecutionOverhead
contains Ticks postExecutionOverhead
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Property Constraints Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class PropertyConstraintsModel extends BaseObject
contains CoreAllocationConstraint[] allocationConstraints
contains MemoryMappingConstraint[] mappingConstraints
* Abstract Class, used to describe Constraints for Allocations
* (these usually target Cores and their features/attributes)
abstract class CoreAllocationConstraint extends BaseObject
contains CoreClassification coreClassification
* Abstract Class, used to describe Constraints for Mapping
* (these usually target Memories and their features/attributes)
abstract class MemoryMappingConstraint extends BaseObject
contains MemoryClassification memoryClassification
* ProcessAllocationConstraints describe the constraints for
* Process-to-Core allocations
class ProcessAllocationConstraint extends CoreAllocationConstraint
refers Process process
* ProcessPrototypeAllocationConstraints describe the constraints for
* ProcessPrototype-to-Core allocations
class ProcessPrototypeAllocationConstraint extends CoreAllocationConstraint
refers ProcessPrototype processPrototype
* RunnableAllocationConstraints describe the constraints for
* Runnable-to-Core allocations
class RunnableAllocationConstraint extends CoreAllocationConstraint
refers Runnable runnable
* AbstractElementMappingConstraints describe the constraints for
* AbstractMemoryElement-to-Memory Mapping
class AbstractElementMappingConstraint extends MemoryMappingConstraint
refers AbstractMemoryElement abstractElement
* Generalization for all Hardware related constraints
abstract class Classification extends BaseObject
Condition condition
GroupingType grouping
enum Condition
_undefined_ // Display: "<condition>"
enum GroupingType{
_undefined_ // Display: "<grouping>"
class CoreClassification extends Classification
refers CoreClassifier[] classifiers
class MemoryClassification extends Classification
refers MemoryClassifier[] classifiers
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
// Stimuli Model
// ===============================================================================
// ===============================================================================
class StimuliModel extends BaseObject
contains Stimulus[] stimuli
contains Clock[] clocks
* Every process/task can have one or more stimuli.
* A stimulus activates the process
abstract class Stimulus extends ReferableBaseObject, ITaggable
contains ModeValueList setModeValueList
contains ModeConditionDisjunction executionCondition
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of affected processes (Process).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived Process[] affectedProcesses get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.stimulus_AffectedProcesses,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.process_Stimuli} )
class ModeValueList extends BaseObject
contains ModeAssignment[] entries
class ModeValueMapEntry wraps java.util.Map$Entry
refers ModeLabel[1] key
String[1] value
abstract class ModeValue extends BaseObject {
refers ModeLabel[1] label
String[1] value
op boolean validateInvariants(EDiagnosticChain diagnostics, EMap<Object,Object> context) {
AmaltheaValidations.validateInvariants(this, diagnostics, context)
op ModeLiteral getLiteral() {
if (value === null) return null
val mode = label?.mode
if (mode instanceof EnumMode) {mode.literals.findFirst[name == value]} else {null}
op Integer getInteger() {
if (value === null) return null
val mode = label?.mode
if (mode instanceof NumericMode && value.matches("-?\\d+")) {Integer.parseInt(value)} else {null}
class ModeAssignment extends ModeValue {
class ModeConditionDisjunction extends BaseObject
contains ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry[+] entries
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] context) {
for (ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry entry : entries) {
if (entry.isSatisfiedBy(context)) return true;
return false;
interface ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry extends BaseObject
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] assignment)
interface ModeCondition extends ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry {
RelationalOperator relation
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] context)
class ModeValueCondition extends ModeValue, ModeCondition
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] context) {
// no value defined => satisfied (don't care)
val labelValue = context?.get(label)
return (labelValue === null) || (labelValue == value)
class ModeLabelCondition extends ModeCondition
refers ModeLabel[1] label1
refers ModeLabel[1] label2
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] context) {
// no value defined => satisfied (don't care)
val labelValue1 = context?.get(label1)
val labelValue2 = context?.get(label2)
return (labelValue1 === null) || (labelValue2 === null) || (labelValue1 == labelValue2)
class ModeConditionConjunction extends ModeConditionDisjunctionEntry
contains ModeCondition[+] entries
op boolean isSatisfiedBy(ModeValueMapEntry[] context) {
for (ModeCondition entry : entries) {
if (! entry.isSatisfiedBy(context)) return false;
return true;
* Stimulus that is triggered periodically.
* offset: Time of first occurrence
* recurrence: Time between following occurrences
interface FixedPeriodic
contains Time[1] recurrence
contains Time offset
* Stimulus that is triggered periodically.
* jitter: Deviation from true periodicity to real occurrence
* minDistance: Minimal time between occurrences
class PeriodicStimulus extends Stimulus, FixedPeriodic
contains ITimeDeviation jitter
contains Time minDistance
* Stimulus that is triggered relative to the previous occurrence.
* offset: Time of first occurrence
* step: Time (Deviation) between successive occurrences
class RelativePeriodicStimulus extends Stimulus
contains Time offset
contains ITimeDeviation[1] nextOccurrence
* Periodic stimulus based on other events, like rotation speed
* clock: Time base which defines deviation of time, multiple stimuli can have the same time base
class VariableRateStimulus extends Stimulus
contains Time[1] step
contains IContinuousValueDeviation[1] occurrencesPerStep
Double maxIncreasePerStep // initial value is null
Double maxDecreasePerStep // initial value is null
contains Scenario scenario
class Scenario extends BaseObject
refers Clock[1] clock
NonNegativeDouble samplingOffset = "0.0"
NonNegativeDouble samplingRecurrence = "1.0"
* Stimulus (repeated periodically) with a defined list of occurrences.
* occurrenceTimes: List of all occurrences
class PeriodicSyntheticStimulus extends Stimulus, FixedPeriodic
contains Time[+] occurrenceTimes
* Stimulus to describe own custom types, including properties.
class CustomStimulus extends Stimulus, IDescription
* Single occurrence at a defined time.
class SingleStimulus extends Stimulus
contains Time[1] occurrence
* Stimulus based on a explicit inter process trigger.
class InterProcessStimulus extends Stimulus
contains Counter counter
// back pointer (readonly)
@GenModel(documentation="<p><b>Returns an <em>immutable</em> list of triggers (InterProcessTrigger).</b></p>")
@GenModel(propertyCategory="Read only", propertyFilterFlags="")
refers transient readonly volatile derived InterProcessTrigger[] explicitTriggers get {
AmaltheaIndex.getInverseReferences(this, AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.interProcessStimulus_ExplicitTriggers,
#{AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.interProcessTrigger_Stimulus} )
* Stimulus (repeated periodically) for burst occurrences
* burstLength: Time frame for the burst (occurrences after the length are clipped)
class PeriodicBurstStimulus extends Stimulus, FixedPeriodic
contains Time[1] burstLength
contains Time occurrenceMinDistance
int occurrenceCount = "0"
* Stimulus which is activated by an event.
class EventStimulus extends Stimulus
refers TriggerEvent[+] triggeringEvents
contains Counter counter
* Arrival Curve Stimulus
class ArrivalCurveStimulus extends Stimulus
contains ArrivalCurveEntry[+] entries
class ArrivalCurveEntry extends BaseObject
int numberOfOccurrences = "0"
contains Time lowerTimeBorder
contains Time upperTimeBorder