blob: 47138949ad73e991bec8d56d5fceaf32d7b0bb26 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019 Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors: FH Dortmund - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.app4mc.gsoc_rta;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.AmaltheaServices;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.CallSequenceItem;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ClearEvent;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.InterProcessStimulus;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.InterProcessTrigger;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Label;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.LabelAccess;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.LabelAccessEnum;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ProcessingUnit;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Runnable;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.SetEvent;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Task;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.TaskRunnableCall;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Ticks;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Time;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.WaitEvent;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.util.FactoryUtil;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.util.RuntimeUtil;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.util.RuntimeUtil.TimeType;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.util.SoftwareUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
* Date: June 21-2019
* @author Junhyung Ki
* @version 1.0
* This class is to support CpuRTA class. Response Time Analysis contains low level calculation
* such as deriving execution time of a Task or Runnable. Execution time calculation varies depending on the analyzed model.
* Therefore, it is necessary to separate from Response Time calculation to increase adaptability.
* Only 'getExecutionTimeforCPUTask' method is accessible for CpuRTA and the rest are sub-methods of it.
public class RuntimeUtilRTA {
* Calculate execution time of the given task under one of the several configurations.
* Since this method is used by CPURtaIA, the visibility should be 'protected'
* 1. triggering task in the synchronous mode
* 2. triggering task in the asynchronous mode
* 3. GPU task on CPU
* 4. task with only Ticks
* @param task the observed task
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given task (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @param trt HashMap that would contain the corresponding GPU task's response time
* @param cpurta the instance of CPURtaIA class that calls this method
* (to access to the cumuAcTime Time variable that accumulate access latency)
* @return
* execution time of the observed task
protected Time getExecutionTimeforCPUTask(final Task task, final ProcessingUnit pu, final TimeType executionCase, final CpuRTA cpurta) {
// TODO: Contention Parameter
/* set the default result time variable as 0s */
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
/* check if the current task is a triggering task.
* If so, check whether or not it triggers the target task which is newly mapped to CPU.
* In that case, returns 0 ps */
if (doesThisTaskTriggerCPUTask(task, cpurta)) {
return result;
// TODO: Contention
/* The list of runnables of the given task */
final List<Runnable> runnableList = SoftwareUtil.getRunnableList(task, null);
/* To identify the index of the triggerEvent */
final List<CallSequenceItem> callSequenceList = SoftwareUtil.collectCalls(task, null,
(call -> call instanceof TaskRunnableCall || call instanceof InterProcessTrigger || call instanceof ClearEvent
|| call instanceof SetEvent || call instanceof WaitEvent));
int indexforTrigger = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < callSequenceList.size(); i++) {
if (callSequenceList.get(i) instanceof InterProcessTrigger) {
indexforTrigger = i;
/* To distinguish CPU Tasks between Sync & Async */
if (isTriggeringTask(task)) {
/* all should be synchronous (wait should not be ignored) - active wait */
if (SharedConsts.synchronousOffloading == true) {
result = syncTypeOperation(indexforTrigger, callSequenceList, runnableList, pu, executionCase, cpurta);
/* if this task has the OffloadingAsync runnable, subtract the runnable part from the result */
if (doesTaskHaveAsyncRunnable(task, cpurta)) {
result = result.subtract(getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(cpurta.offloadingAsyncRunnable, pu, executionCase));
/* all should be asynchronous (wait should be ignored) - passive wait */
else {
result = asyncTypeOperation(runnableList, pu, executionCase);
/* if this task is missing the OffloadingAsync runnable, add the runnable part to the result */
if (!doesTaskHaveAsyncRunnable(task, cpurta)) {
result = result.add(getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(cpurta.offloadingAsyncRunnable, pu, executionCase));
else {
/* GPU Origin Task on CPU & No Triggering Behavior (No InterProcessTrigger) */
if (!(callSequenceList.get(indexforTrigger) instanceof InterProcessTrigger)) {
/* GPU Origin task that is newly mapped to CPU */
if (cpurta.getGpuTaskList().contains(task)) {
result = result.add(getExecutionTimeForGPUTaskOnCPU(task, runnableList, pu, executionCase, cpurta));
// TODO: result = result.add(contention);
return result;
/* No Triggering Behavior (No InterProcessTrigger) */
for (final Runnable r : runnableList) {
result = result.add(getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(r, pu, executionCase));
// TODO: result = result.add(contention);
return result;
// TODO: result = result.add(contention);
return result;
* Find out whether the given triggering task(that has an InterProcessTrigger) triggers a GPU task which is newly mapped to CPU.
* If the ProcessingUnit index of the triggered task is bigger than the biggest CPU index, that means the triggered task is mapped to GPU
* which would return false.
* @param task the observed task
* @param cpurta the instance of CPURtaIA class that calls this method
* (to get the task List & the integer array to identify the ProcessingUnit index of the triggered task)
* @return
* boolean value (true: the observed task triggers a task that is mapped to CPU /
* false: the observed task triggers a task that is mapped to GPU)
private boolean doesThisTaskTriggerCPUTask(final Task task, final CpuRTA cpurta) {
if (cpurta.getTriggeringTaskList().contains(task)) {
final List<CallSequenceItem> callList = SoftwareUtil.collectCalls(task, null,
(call -> call instanceof TaskRunnableCall || call instanceof InterProcessTrigger || call instanceof ClearEvent
|| call instanceof SetEvent || call instanceof WaitEvent));
final InterProcessStimulus ips = ((InterProcessTrigger) -> s instanceof InterProcessTrigger).iterator().next())
final EList<Task> allTaskList = cpurta.getModel().getSwModel().getTasks();
final int[] ia = cpurta.getIA();
final int cpuThreshold = CommonUtils.getNumberofCPUs(cpurta.getModel()) - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ia.length; i++) {
if (ia[i] > cpuThreshold) {
final Task theTask = allTaskList.get(i);
if (theTask.getStimuli().get(0) instanceof InterProcessStimulus) {
final InterProcessStimulus thisIPS = (InterProcessStimulus) theTask.getStimuli().get(0);
if (ips.equals(thisIPS)) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("Confirmation: The triggered task mapped to (GPU)");
return false;
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("Confirmation: The triggered task mapped to (CPU)");
return true;
return false;
* Calculate execution time of the given runnableList in a synchronous manner.
* (execution time of pre-processing) + GPU task response time + (execution time of post-processing)
* @param indexforTrigger Integer variable that is used to get InterProcessTrigger to identify the triggered GPU task
* @param callSequenceList callSequenceList List variable that is used to get InterProcessTrigger to identify the triggered GPU task
* @param runnableList the observed runnable List to calculate execution time in the synchronous mode
* @param trt HashMap that would contain the corresponding GPU task's response time
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given runnable (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @param cpurta the instance of CPURtaIA class that calls this method
* (to get the identified triggered GPU task in the model)
* (to access to the cumuAcTime Time variable that accumulate access latency)
* @return
* synchronous execution time of the observed set
private Time syncTypeOperation(final int indexforTrigger, final List<CallSequenceItem> callSequenceList, final List<Runnable> runnableList,
final ProcessingUnit pu, final TimeType executionCase, final CpuRTA cpurta) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("TYPE: SYNC");
/* set the default result time variable as 0s */
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
/* Sum all the runnable ExecutionTime of the CPU Task */
for (final Runnable r : runnableList) {
result = result.add(getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(r, pu, executionCase));
final InterProcessTrigger ipt = (InterProcessTrigger) callSequenceList.get(indexforTrigger);
final Task triggeredGPUTask = cpurta.getModel().getSwModel().getTasks().stream().filter(t -> t.getStimuli().get(0).equals(ipt.getStimulus())).iterator()
result = result.add(cpurta.getTRT().get(triggeredGPUTask));
return result;
* Calculate execution time of the given runnableList in an asynchronous manner.
* (execution time of pre-processing) + (execution time of post-processing)
* @param runnableList the observed runnable List to calculate execution time in the asynchronous mode
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given runnable (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @return
* asynchronous execution time of the observed runnable List
private Time asyncTypeOperation(final List<Runnable> runnableList, final ProcessingUnit pu, final TimeType executionCase) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("TYPE: ASYNC");
* <Asynchronous Task> et_t=sum_{runnable calls before GPU trigger
* event}et_r + et_{runnable calls after GPU trigger event};
/* set the default result time variable as 0s */
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
/* Sum all the runnable ExecutionTime */
for (final Runnable r : runnableList) {
/* In case of Pre_Detection_Post task, the AsyncOffloading runnable is already taken into account here. */
result = result.add(getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(r, pu, executionCase));
return result;
* Identify whether or not the given task has the OffloadingAsyncCosts Runnable (that takes costs into account in the Asynchronous mode)
* which some triggering tasks do not have.
* Since this method is used by CPURtaIA, the visibility should be 'protected'
* @param task the observed task
* @param cpurta the instance of CPURtaIA class that calls this method
* (to access to the triggeringTaskList List<Task> variable that contains tasks with an InterProcessTrigger)
* @return
* boolean value of the result
protected static boolean doesTaskHaveAsyncRunnable (final Task task, final CpuRTA cpurta) {
boolean result = false;
if (cpurta.getTriggeringTaskList().contains(task)) {
final List<CallSequenceItem> callList = SoftwareUtil.collectCalls(task, null,
(call -> call instanceof TaskRunnableCall || call instanceof InterProcessTrigger || call instanceof ClearEvent
|| call instanceof SetEvent || call instanceof WaitEvent));
final int waitIndex = callList.indexOf( -> s instanceof WaitEvent).iterator().next());
final int clearIndex = callList.indexOf( -> s instanceof ClearEvent).iterator().next());
if ((clearIndex - waitIndex) > 1) {
result = true;
else {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("ERROR: This task is not a triggering task!!");
return result;
* Calculate execution time of the given task which was originally designed for GPU but newly mapped to CPU by Generic Algorithm Mapping.
* It should ignore offloading runnables and take the required labels(read from pre-processing, write from post-processing) into account.
* The method follows Read / Compute(Ticks) / Write semantic.
* Read(Write)_Access_Time = Round_UP(Size_of_Read_Labels / 64.0 Bytes) * (Read_Latency / Frequency)
* @param task the observed task
* @param runnableList runnable list of the given task
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given runnable (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @param cpurta the instance of CPURtaIA class that calls this method
* (to access to the gpuToCpuLabels HashMap variable that contains List<Label> of required read & write labels)
* @return
* execution time of the observed task
private Time getExecutionTimeForGPUTaskOnCPU(final Task task, final List<Runnable> runnableList, final ProcessingUnit pu,
final TimeType executionCase, final CpuRTA cpurta) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("TYPE: GPUTaskOnCPU // " + "Task: " + task.getName());
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
Runnable funcRunnable = null;
for (final Runnable r : runnableList) {
final List<Ticks> thisTicksList = SoftwareUtil.getTicks(r, null);
if (thisTicksList.size() != 0) {
funcRunnable = r;
final Time parameter = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ONE, TimeUnit.S);
final double freq = AmaltheaServices.convertToHertz(pu.getFrequencyDomain().getDefaultValue()).longValue();
final HashMap<Task, List<Label>[]> gtcl = cpurta.getGTCL();
final List<Label>[] thisLabelList = gtcl.get(task);
final List<Label> readLabelList = thisLabelList[0];
final List<Label> writeLabelList = thisLabelList[1];
for (final Label l : readLabelList) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("Label(Read): " + l.getName() + " // (" + task.getName() + ")");
for (final Label l : writeLabelList) {
Logger.getLogger(RuntimeUtilRTA.class).debug("Label(Write): " + l.getName() + " // (" + task.getName() + ")");
double readLatency = 0;
double writeLatency = 0;
if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.WCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getUpperBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getUpperBound();
else if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.BCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getLowerBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getLowerBound();
else {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getAverage();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getAverage();
/* Read (LabelAccess): */
double readAccessParameter = 0;
double sizeofReadLabels = 0;
for (final Label rl : readLabelList) {
sizeofReadLabels += rl.getSize().getNumberBytes();
readAccessParameter = (Math.ceil(sizeofReadLabels / 64.0) * (readLatency / freq));
final Time readAccess = parameter.multiply(readAccessParameter);
result = result.add(readAccess); // LabelAccess(Read) added
/* Execution (Ticks): */
final List<Ticks> ticksList = SoftwareUtil.getTicks(funcRunnable, null);
for (final Ticks t : ticksList) {
final Time tickExecution = RuntimeUtil.getExecutionTimeForTicks(t, pu, executionCase);
result = result.add(tickExecution); // Execution(Ticks) added
/* Write (LabelAccess): */
double writeAccessParameter = 0;
double sizeofWriteLabels = 0;
for (final Label wl : writeLabelList) {
sizeofWriteLabels += wl.getSize().getNumberBytes();
writeAccessParameter = (Math.ceil(sizeofWriteLabels / 64.0) * (writeLatency / freq));
final Time writeAccess = parameter.multiply(writeAccessParameter);
result = result.add(writeAccess); // LabelAccess(Write) added
return result;
* Calculate execution time of the given runnable.
* The method consider Read / Compute(Ticks) / Write semantic.
* @param runnable the observed runnable
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given runnable (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @return
* execution time of the observed runnable
protected Time getExecutionTimeForRTARunnable(final Runnable runnable, final ProcessingUnit pu, final TimeType executionCase) {
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
final double freq = AmaltheaServices.convertToHertz(pu.getFrequencyDomain().getDefaultValue()).longValue();
double readLatency = 0;
double writeLatency = 0;
if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.WCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getUpperBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getUpperBound();
else if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.BCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getLowerBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getLowerBound();
else {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getAverage();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getAverage();
/* Read & Write Memory Access Time */
result = result.add(getRunnableMemoryAccessTime(runnable, freq, readLatency, writeLatency));
/* Execution (Ticks): */
final List<Ticks> ticksList = SoftwareUtil.getTicks(runnable, null);
for (final Ticks t : ticksList) {
final Time tickExecution = RuntimeUtil.getExecutionTimeForTicks(t, pu, executionCase);
result = result.add(tickExecution); // Execution(Ticks) added
return result;
* Calculate memory access time of the observed task.
* Since this method is used by CPURtaIA, the visibility should be 'protected'
* @param task the observed task
* @param pu ProcessingUnit that would compute the given runnable (A57 or Denver)
* @param executionCase BCET, ACET, WCET
* @return
* memory access time of the observed task
protected Time getTaskMemoryAccessTime (final Task task, final ProcessingUnit pu, final TimeType executionCase) {
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
final double freq = AmaltheaServices.convertToHertz(pu.getFrequencyDomain().getDefaultValue()).longValue();
final List<Runnable> runnableList = SoftwareUtil.getRunnableList(task, null);
double readLatency = 0;
double writeLatency = 0;
if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.WCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getUpperBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getUpperBound();
else if (executionCase.equals(TimeType.BCET)) {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getLowerBound();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getLowerBound();
else {
readLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getReadLatency().getAverage();
writeLatency = pu.getAccessElements().get(0).getWriteLatency().getAverage();
for(final Runnable r : runnableList ) {
result = result.add(getRunnableMemoryAccessTime(r, freq, readLatency, writeLatency));
return result;
* Calculate memory access time of the observed runnable.
* The method follows Read / Compute(Ticks) / Write semantic.
* Read(Write)_Access_Time = Round_UP(Size_of_Read_Labels / 64.0 Bytes) * (Read_Latency / Frequency)
* @param runnable the observed runnable
* @param frequency frequency value of the Processing Unit
* @param readLatency readLatency value of the Processing Unit
* @param writeLatency writeLatency value of the Processing Unit
* @return
* memory access time of the observed runnable
private Time getRunnableMemoryAccessTime (final Runnable runnable, final double frequency,
final double readLatency, final double writeLatency) {
Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);
final Time parameter = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ONE, TimeUnit.S);
final List<LabelAccess> thisLAList = SoftwareUtil.getLabelAccessList(runnable, null);
final List<LabelAccess> readList = -> (x.getAccess()).equals(LabelAccessEnum.READ)).collect(Collectors.toList());
final List<LabelAccess> writeList = -> (x.getAccess()).equals(LabelAccessEnum.WRITE)).collect(Collectors.toList());
/* Read (LabelAccess): */
double readAccessParameter = 0;
double sizeofReadLabels = 0;
for (final LabelAccess rl : readList) {
sizeofReadLabels += rl.getData().getSize().getNumberBytes();
readAccessParameter = (Math.ceil(sizeofReadLabels / 64.0) * (readLatency / frequency));
final Time readAccess = parameter.multiply(readAccessParameter);
result = result.add(readAccess); // LabelAccess(Read) added
/* Write (LabelAccess): */
double writeAccessParameter = 0;
double sizeofWriteLabels = 0;
for (final LabelAccess wl : writeList) {
sizeofWriteLabels += wl.getData().getSize().getNumberBytes();
writeAccessParameter = (Math.ceil(sizeofWriteLabels / 64.0) * (writeLatency / frequency));
final Time writeAccess = parameter.multiply(writeAccessParameter);
result = result.add(writeAccess); // LabelAccess(Write) added
return result;
* Identify whether the given task has an InterProcessTrigger or not.
* @param task the observed task
* @return
* boolean value of the result
protected static boolean isTriggeringTask(final Task task) {
/* true: Triggering Task, false: Non-Triggering Task */
boolean result = false;
final List<CallSequenceItem> callList = SoftwareUtil.collectCalls(task, null,
(call -> call instanceof TaskRunnableCall || call instanceof InterProcessTrigger || call instanceof ClearEvent
|| call instanceof SetEvent || call instanceof WaitEvent));
List<CallSequenceItem> iptList = -> s instanceof InterProcessTrigger).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (iptList.size() != 0) {
result = true;
return result;