blob: 59576da4dc93ac521f518b3782c13fc2b20008a6 [file] [log] [blame]
package templates
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.FrequencyUnit
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.GenericSystem
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.Model
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.memory.MemoryType
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.List
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Cache
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Frequency
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.FrequencyDomain
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HWModel
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwStructure
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Memory
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ProcessingUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.StructureType
import templates.utils.AmltCacheModel
* This class is responsible for the transformation of AMALTHEA Hardware Model into corresponding INCHRON mdoel elements and accordingly invoke other transformations
public class HWTransformer extends AbstractAmaltheaInchronTransformer {
public def transfromHWModel(HWModel amltHWModel, Model inchronModel) {
val AmltCacheModel cacheModel=customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
/*- Transformation of FrequencyDomain elements to Clock elements in Inchron */
amltHWModel?.domains.filter[it instanceof FrequencyDomain].forEach [ amltQuartz |
val inchronClock = createClock(amltQuartz as FrequencyDomain)
/*- Transformation of each Memory element of SYSTEM to Memory element in Inchron*/
st?.modules.filter[it instanceof Memory].forEach[amltMem|
val inchronMemory = createMemory(amltMem as Memory)
/*- Collecting all Amalthea ECU elements */
val amltECUs=new ArrayList
/*- Conversion of Amalthea ECU and its sub-elements into corresponding Inchron elements */
for (amaltheaEcu : amltECUs) {
amaltheaEcu?.modules.forEach [ amltMem |
/*- Transformation of each Memory element of ECU to Memory element in Inchron*/
if(amltMem instanceof Memory){
val inchronMemory = createMemory(amltMem)
val List<GenericSystem> allGenericSystems=new ArrayList<GenericSystem>
/*- Transformation of each Structure of type MicroController to correspnding Inchron element*/
for (amaltheaMicroController : amaltheaEcu?.structures.filter[it.structureType==StructureType.MICROCONTROLLER]) {
/*- Each MicroController is created as GenericSystem element in Inchron and corresponding data of sub-elements is transformed accordingly. */
val genericSystem = OSTransformerInstance.createGenericSystem(amaltheaMicroController)
/*-Building Inchron CPU element */
val inchronCpu = createCpu(amaltheaMicroController);
/*-Adding Inchron CPU and GenericSystem elements to Inchron Model */
/*- Transformation of each Memory element of MicroController to Memory element in Inchron*/
amaltheaMicroController?.modules.filter[it instanceof Memory].forEach [ amltMem |
val inchronMemory = createMemory(amltMem as Memory)
/*-Adding Amalthea microController and Inchron GenericSystem into the Cache map. */
cacheModel.cacheMappingAmltMicroController_GenericSystem(amaltheaMicroController, genericSystem)
/*-Collecting all Inchron GenericSystems, so as to process them later */
for (genericSystem : allGenericSystems) {
/*-======================================Process each Inchron GenericSystem and populate the data ======================================*/
OSTransformerInstance.fillGenericSystem(genericSystem, amaltheaModel, inchronModel)
/*-Adding Stimulation scenarios to Inchron Model */
* Creating a Inchron CPU element from AMALTHEA HwStructure of type MicroController
public def create inchronModelFactory.createCpu createCpu(HwStructure amltMicrocontroller) { =
/*Transformation of Amalthea ProcessingUnit to CpuCore element in Inchron */
for (amltCore : amltMicrocontroller?.modules.filter[it instanceof ProcessingUnit]) {
val inchronCpuCore = createCpuCore(amltCore as ProcessingUnit)
/*- Transformation of each Memory element of ProcessingUnit to Memory element of type CACHE in Inchron*/
(amltCore as ProcessingUnit)?.caches.forEach [ amltMem |
val inchronMemory = createMemory_CacheType(amltMem)
inchronMemory.type = MemoryType.CACHE
inchronCpuCore.cpu = it
/*-Transformation of FrequencyDomain of the ProcessingUnit in Amalthea */
val amltQuartz = amltCore?.frequencyDomain
if (amltQuartz != null) {
val inchronClock = createClock(amltQuartz)
//TODO:Clarify if this is correct ? as the CpuCore Clock into is set to the CPU level in Inchron
it.clock = (inchronClock) //TODO: Error : In this case, CPU will only hold the Clock of last CpuCore
* Creating Inchron Clock element for FrequencyDomain element of Amalthea
def create inchronModelFactory.createClock createClock(FrequencyDomain amltQuartz) { =
it.frequency = createFrequency(amltQuartz.defaultValue)
* Creating Inchron Frequency element for the corresponding Frequency element of Amalthea
def create inchronModelFactory.createFrequency createFrequency(Frequency amltFrequency) {
it.unit = FrequencyUnit.getByName(amltFrequency?.unit.getName)
it.value = amltFrequency?.value.floatValue
* Creating Inchron CpuCore from ProcessingUnit element of Amalthea
def create inchronModelFactory.createCpuCore createCpuCore(ProcessingUnit core) { =
* Creating Inchron Memory element from Memory element of Amalthea.
* In this method, corresponding FrequencyDomain of the Amalthea element is accordingly converted to Inchron Clock element
def create inchronmemoryFactory.createMemory createMemory(Memory amltMemory) { =
if (amltMemory.frequencyDomain != null) {
it.clock = createClock(amltMemory.frequencyDomain)
it.prescaler = amltMemory?.frequencyDomain?.defaultValue?.value
/** Creating Inchron Memory element from Memory element of Amalthea.
* In this method, corresponding FrequencyDomain of the Amalthea element is accordingly converted to Inchron Clock element
def create inchronmemoryFactory.createMemory createMemory_CacheType(Cache amltMemory) { =
if (amltMemory.frequencyDomain != null) {
it.clock = createClock(amltMemory.frequencyDomain)
it.prescaler = amltMemory?.frequencyDomain?.defaultValue?.value