Bug 562792: Add P-CP RTA (part 4)

Change-Id: Ie7f9224d99eeb6c5fff6e5e16d1eafd9ebbbca89
Signed-off-by: The Bao Bui <ZeroVNB@Gmail.com>
diff --git a/eclipse-tools/responseTime-analyzer/plugins/org.eclipse.app4mc.gsoc_rta/src/org/eclipse/app4mc/gsoc_rta/NPandPRTA.java b/eclipse-tools/responseTime-analyzer/plugins/org.eclipse.app4mc.gsoc_rta/src/org/eclipse/app4mc/gsoc_rta/NPandPRTA.java
index 1b7f000..8fdefb8 100644
--- a/eclipse-tools/responseTime-analyzer/plugins/org.eclipse.app4mc.gsoc_rta/src/org/eclipse/app4mc/gsoc_rta/NPandPRTA.java
+++ b/eclipse-tools/responseTime-analyzer/plugins/org.eclipse.app4mc.gsoc_rta/src/org/eclipse/app4mc/gsoc_rta/NPandPRTA.java
@@ -690,132 +690,252 @@
 		return blockingTime;



-	 * Calculation uses classic RTA + max(max_{j of type NP and in lp(i)} C_j; max_{k of type C and in lp(i)} c_k.

-	 * basically just add a blocking time 

-	 * (choose the longest time, task A will be block by another task (B/C/D) depends on each's execution time 

-	 * or each's runnable's execution time) among tasks within the same processor depend on each's preemption mode  

+	 * calculate task's response time when thisTask is preemptive/cooperative type and there exist non-preemp/cooperative task with lower priority

+	 * finishing time = start time + execution time + preemption by higher priority task(s).

+	 * Response time = finishing time - period, (using k-instance)

 	 * @param thisTask

 	 * @param ia

 	 * @param executionCase

+	 * @param pTypeArray - leave null if don't use

+	 * @boolean usePtypeArray - true if use pType array, otherwise false

 	 * @return


-	public Time getMixedPreempRTA(Task thisTask, int[] ia, TimeType executionCase) {

+	public Time getPreempCoopMixedTaskRTA(Task thisTask, int[] ia, TimeType executionCase, int[] pTypeArray, boolean usePtypeArray) {

 		//Adding decimal Format for better visual checking when debugging

 		//ie 6000000000 ps -> 6,000,000,000 ps 

-		DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,###.##");

-		EList<Task> listTask = this.model.getSwModel().getTasks();

-		Time result = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);

-		Time nonPreempBlockingTime = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);

-		Time coopBlockingTime = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);

-		Time taskClassicRTA = getResponseTimeViaRecurrenceRelation(thisTask, ia, executionCase);

+		Time responseTime = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);


+		//time that lp tasks may block thisTask in worst case response time

+		BigDecimal blockingTime = new BigDecimal(getLowerPriorityBlockingTime(thisTask, ia, executionCase, pTypeArray, usePtypeArray).getValue());


 		CPURta rtaia = new CPURta(this.model);

+		int[] thisIA = ia.clone();

+		List<Task> sortedTaskList = rtaia.taskSorting(groupTask(thisTask, thisIA));


-		List<Task> sortedTaskList = rtaia.taskSorting(groupTask(thisTask, ia));


-		//Reverse the order from highest -> lowest to the opposite lowest -> highest

-		Collections.reverse(sortedTaskList);

-		List<Task> npLowerPriorityTaskList = new ArrayList<>();

-		List<Task> coopLowerPriorityTaskList = new ArrayList<>();



-		/*Loop through all the task in the sorted Task list and add them to lowerPriorityTaskList until we see thisTask

-		 * I have reversed the order of the task list above so we will capture all task with lower priority via top down iteration

-		 * lowest -> highest prio

-		 */

-		for (Task task : sortedTaskList) {

-			int taskIndex = listTask.indexOf(task);

-			int preempTypeValue = this.preemptionTypeArray[taskIndex];

-			//add task to our list if it has lower priority and is non-preemptive (preempTypeValue = 1 )

-			if (!task.equals(thisTask) && preempTypeValue == 1) {

-				npLowerPriorityTaskList.add(task);

-			}


-			//add task to the list if has lower priority and in cooperative (preempTypeValue = 2 )

-			else if (!task.equals(thisTask) && preempTypeValue == 2) {

-				coopLowerPriorityTaskList.add(task);

-			}

-			//Get out of the loop when we met thisTask in the sorted task list

-			//Without this, lowerPriorityTaskList may add the task with higher priority

-			else if (task.equals(thisTask)) {

-				break;

-			}

+		/* Check ultilization value here, if ultiValue > 100% then ultiCheck = false*/

+		boolean ultiCheck = getUltilizationCheck(sortedTaskList, thisIA, executionCase);

+		if (!ultiCheck) {

+			//response time = 0 here, cuz the core would be damned if we use this set

+			return responseTime;




-		/**

-		 * if there is no non-preemptive task with lower priority allocate to the processor 

-		 */

-		if (npLowerPriorityTaskList.isEmpty()) {

-			//blockingTime = 0 initially

-			result = result.add(nonPreempBlockingTime);

-			log.debug(df.format(nonPreempBlockingTime.getValue()) + " ps - Non-preemptive blocking time, no blocking");

-		}


-		/**

-		 * if there is no cooperative task with lower priority in the same processor

-		 */

-		if (coopLowerPriorityTaskList.isEmpty()) {

-			//coop blocking time  = 0

-			result = result.add(coopBlockingTime);

-			log.debug(df.format(coopBlockingTime.getValue()) + " ps - Cooperative blocking time, no blocking");

-		}

+		int taskIndex = sortedTaskList.indexOf(thisTask);

+		Time iPeriodTime = CommonUtils.getStimInTime(thisTask);

+		BigInteger iPeriodInPs = AmaltheaServices.convertToPicoSeconds(iPeriodTime);

+		Time iExecutionTime = getExecutionTime(thisTask, thisIA, executionCase);



-		/**

-		 * adding blocking time of lower priority task with non-preemptive mode and cooperative

-		 * Take the longer blocking time among the 2

-		 * Only block if there either/both task in our task lists (coop + np)

-		 */

-		if (!npLowerPriorityTaskList.isEmpty() || !coopLowerPriorityTaskList.isEmpty()) {

-			for (Task task : npLowerPriorityTaskList) {

-				int taskIndex = listTask.indexOf(task);

-				Time currentBlockingTime = FactoryUtil.createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.PS);

+		/* ----- Get LEVEL - I for each task ------ */

+		BigDecimal lv0 = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+		BigDecimal currentLv = BigDecimal.ONE;


-				/**

-				 * 1 task can only have either np or coop preemption mode anyway

-				 */

-				if (this.preemptionTypeArray[taskIndex] == 1) {

-					currentBlockingTime = getExecutionTime(task, ia, executionCase);

-				}

-				else if (this.preemptionTypeArray[taskIndex] == 2) {

-					currentBlockingTime = getLongestRunnableExecutionTime(thisTask, ia, executionCase);

-				}

+		BigDecimal iPeriod = new BigDecimal(iPeriodInPs);

+		BigDecimal iExe = new BigDecimal(iExecutionTime.getValue());

+		BigDecimal iResponseTime = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+		String taskName = thisTask.getName();


-				/**

-				 * after the above we will have the time that [thisTask] is blocked by [task] potentially

-				 * We only need to loop through all task in [listTask] to find which [task] block [thisTask] the longest

-				 * 

-				 */


-				//Compare to find the longer one when iterate

-				if (nonPreempBlockingTime.compareTo(currentBlockingTime) <= 0) {

-					nonPreempBlockingTime = currentBlockingTime;

-				}

-				log.debug(df.format(currentBlockingTime.getValue()) + " ps - Lower priority task [" + task.getName() + "] blockingTime");

-			}

-			//add blocking time when we have find the maximum execution time among 

-			result = result.add(nonPreempBlockingTime);

-			log.debug(df.format(nonPreempBlockingTime.getValue()) + " ps - Final Non-preemptive/coop blocking time: ");

-		}

-		//final result should be RTA = blockingTime + classicRTA(task)

-		result = result.add(taskClassicRTA);



-		BigDecimal thisTaskPeriodInBigDec = new BigDecimal(AmaltheaServices.convertToPicoSeconds(CommonUtils.getStimInTime(thisTask)));

-		if (result.getValue().compareTo(thisTaskPeriodInBigDec.toBigInteger()) > 0) {

+		/* If blocking time is equal/bigger than task period, then unschedulable for sure, 

+		 * just return 0 and warning, no need for further calculation*/

+		if (blockingTime.compareTo(iPeriod) >= 0 && schedubilityCheck) {

 			log.error("!!! UNSCHEDULABLE !!!");

-			log.error("Response time of task [" + thisTask.getName() + "] is bigger than its period, return 0 for RT ");

-			log.error(df.format(result.getValue()) + " > " + df.format(thisTaskPeriodInBigDec));

+			log.error("Blocking time of task [{}] is bigger than its period, return 0 for RT ", taskName);

+			if (logError) {

+				String s1 = df.format(blockingTime);

+				String s2 = df.format(iPeriod);

+				log.error("{} > {} ", s1, s2);

+			}

 			//result is 0

-			result.setValue(BigInteger.ZERO);

-			return result;

+			return responseTime;


-		log.debug(df.format(result.getValue()) + "ps - Task [" + thisTask.getName() + "] NP environment response time :");


-		return result;

+		//sum of execution time of all tasks with higher prio not including this task (in TU Dortmund say included, they are imbecile )

+		BigDecimal hpCiSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;


+		int iterationCounterLvI = 0;

+		while (!currentLv.equals(lv0)) {

+			lv0 = currentLv;

+			//entry = each small sum of [Li/Tj]Cj, p_j >= p_i ( i = taskIndex)

+			BigDecimal iterationValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;


+			for (int entry = 0; entry < taskIndex + 1; entry++) {

+				Task entryTask = sortedTaskList.get(entry);

+				BigInteger entryPeriodInPs = AmaltheaServices.convertToPicoSeconds(CommonUtils.getStimInTime(entryTask));

+				BigDecimal entryPeriod = new BigDecimal(entryPeriodInPs);

+				BigDecimal entryExe = new BigDecimal(getExecutionTime(entryTask, thisIA, executionCase).getValue());


+				BigDecimal roundUp = currentLv.divide(entryPeriod, 0, RoundingMode.CEILING);

+				BigDecimal entryValue = roundUp.multiply(entryExe);


+				iterationValue = iterationValue.add(entryValue);

+			}

+			//First entry of level-i = Bi + Ci, the sum above doesn't exist (or maybe 1, not gonna risk it hence the code below)

+			//check non-premptive scheduler from TUDortmund pdf, google that shit

+			if (iterationCounterLvI == 0) {

+				iterationValue = iExe;

+			}

+			iterationCounterLvI++;

+			/* -- Add blocking if there is non-preemptive or cooperative in the set ---- 

+			 * iteration = current lv + blocking*/

+			iterationValue = iterationValue.add(blockingTime);

+			currentLv = iterationValue;

+		}

+		if (logDebug) {

+			String lv0String = df.format(lv0);

+			log.debug("{} ps - level-i ", lv0String);

+		}

+		/* ----- Get K (total task iteration) ------ */

+		int bigK = lv0.divide(iPeriod, 0, RoundingMode.CEILING).intValue();


+		/* ----- Get start time for each task ------ */

+		/**

+		 * Things get more complicated from here, we get preemption from higher prio, blocking from lower prio

+		 * so we have to calculate the START TIMEEEE with blocking, my man

+		 */

+		for (int smallK = 1; smallK <= bigK; smallK++) {

+			log.debug(" --- k instance : {}/{} --------------------------------------------", smallK, bigK);

+			BigDecimal kLv = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+			BigDecimal currentKLv = BigDecimal.ONE;

+			int smallK1 = smallK - 1;

+			BigDecimal kCi1 = iExe.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(smallK1));


+			//Equation from Tu Dortmund for this is wrong, it's < taskIndex, not < i.

+			for (int entry = 0; entry < taskIndex; entry++) {

+				Task entryTask = sortedTaskList.get(entry);

+				BigDecimal entryExe = new BigDecimal(getExecutionTime(entryTask, thisIA, executionCase).getValue());

+				hpCiSum = hpCiSum.add(entryExe);

+			}


+			int iterationCounterK = 0;


+			while (!kLv.equals(currentKLv)) {

+				currentKLv = kLv;

+				//entry = each small sum of [Li/Tj]Cj (rown down), j > i, not >=

+				BigDecimal iterationValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+				for (int entry = 0; entry < taskIndex; entry++) {

+					Task entryTask = sortedTaskList.get(entry);

+					BigInteger entryPeriodInPs = AmaltheaServices.convertToPicoSeconds(CommonUtils.getStimInTime(entryTask));

+					BigDecimal entryPeriod = new BigDecimal(entryPeriodInPs);

+					BigDecimal entryExe = new BigDecimal(getExecutionTime(entryTask, thisIA, executionCase).getValue());


+					BigDecimal roundDown = currentKLv.divide(entryPeriod, 0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);

+					BigDecimal roundDownPlusOne = roundDown.add(BigDecimal.ONE);

+					BigDecimal entryValue = roundDownPlusOne.multiply(entryExe);


+					iterationValue = iterationValue.add(entryValue);

+				}

+				kLv = iterationValue;

+				kLv = kLv.add(kCi1); //add k*Ci at the end of iteration 


+				//first iteration = Bi + hpCiSum

+				if (iterationCounterK == 0) {

+					log.debug("hpCiSum - {} blocking {}", hpCiSum, blockingTime);

+					kLv = hpCiSum;

+					//reseti this for next k-task

+					hpCiSum = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+				}

+				log.debug("iterationValue + (k-1)*Ci + blockingtime (ignore if first iteration)");

+				log.debug("{} + {} + {}", iterationValue, kCi1, blockingTime);

+				kLv = kLv.add(blockingTime); // add blocking time here

+				log.debug("current iteration : {}", kLv);

+				iterationCounterK++;

+			}


+			/* ----- Get response time for each task (k) ------ */

+			BigDecimal taskStartTime = kLv;

+			BigDecimal taskStartPeriod = iPeriod.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(smallK1));

+			/*task finishing time in this case = startTime + Ci + hp_task's preemptive time */

+			BigDecimal taskFinishingTime;


+			BigDecimal kTaskFinishingTime = BigDecimal.ONE;

+			BigDecimal currentFinishingTime = BigDecimal.ZERO;


+			/* if task is not non-preemptive (coop-preemptive) then

+			 * finishingTime = startTime + Ci + hp_task's preemptive time 

+			 * challenge here is to calculate the preemption from higher priority task*/

+			while (!kTaskFinishingTime.equals(currentFinishingTime)) {

+				currentFinishingTime = kTaskFinishingTime;

+				BigDecimal iterationValue = BigDecimal.ZERO;

+				/*this entry loop will return the preemption time from higher priority task*/

+				for (int entry = 0; entry < taskIndex; entry++) {

+					Task entryTask = sortedTaskList.get(entry);

+					BigInteger entryPeriodInPs = AmaltheaServices.convertToPicoSeconds(CommonUtils.getStimInTime(entryTask));

+					BigDecimal entryPeriod = new BigDecimal(entryPeriodInPs);

+					BigDecimal entryExe = new BigDecimal(getExecutionTime(entryTask, thisIA, executionCase).getValue());


+					//roundUp = [fi/tj]up  

+					BigDecimal roundUp = currentFinishingTime.divide(entryPeriod, 0, RoundingMode.CEILING);


+					//roundDown = [si/tj]down 

+					BigDecimal roundDown = kLv.divide(entryPeriod, 0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);

+					//roundDownPlusOne = [si/tj]down +1

+					BigDecimal roundDownPlusOne = roundDown.add(BigDecimal.ONE);


+					//bigSum =([fi/tj]up - ([si/tj]down + 1))

+					BigDecimal bigSum = roundUp.subtract(roundDownPlusOne);

+					//this is the preemption time from higher prio task

+					BigDecimal entryValue = bigSum.multiply(entryExe);


+					// iteration value = Sum of all entry (each hp task give 1 entry, sum all entry = preemption time, hence the for loop mate)

+					iterationValue = iterationValue.add(entryValue);

+					log.debug("([fi/tj]up - ([si/tj]down + 1)) : {} - {}", roundUp, roundDownPlusOne);

+					log.debug("Sum*Ci= {} = {} x {}", entryValue, bigSum, entryExe);

+				}

+				/*finishingTime = startTime + Ci + hp_task's preemptive time */

+				log.debug("Finishing time = s + Ci + preemp (Sum*Ci) : {} + {} + {}", kLv, iExe, iterationValue);

+				iterationValue = iterationValue.add(kLv).add(iExe);

+				kTaskFinishingTime = iterationValue;

+			}


+			//I can just use the kTaskFinishingTime for the calculation below but 

+			//....well for the asthetic, taskfinishingTime sound more...in sync with the others

+			taskFinishingTime = kTaskFinishingTime;

+			if (logDebug) {

+				String s1 = df.format(taskStartTime);

+				String s2 = df.format(iExe);

+				String s3 = df.format(taskFinishingTime);

+				String s4 = df.format(taskStartPeriod);

+				log.debug("start time : {} + execution time: {} + finishing time: {}; period: {}", s1, s2, s3, s4);

+			}

+			BigDecimal taskResponseTime = taskFinishingTime.subtract(taskStartPeriod);

+			if (logDebug) {

+				String s1 = df.format(taskResponseTime);

+				log.debug("{} - this k instance response time ", s1);

+			}

+			//biggest value among all k-instance in our busy period would be the worse case response time

+			//but...best case? it is thisTask execution time :))

+			if (taskResponseTime.compareTo(iResponseTime) >= 0) {

+				iResponseTime = taskResponseTime;

+			}

+			if (logDebug) {

+				String s1 = df.format(iResponseTime);

+				log.debug("{} - biggest response time so far ", s1);

+			}

+		}

+		if (logInfo) {

+			String s1 = df.format(iResponseTime);

+			log.info("{}  ps - Task [{}] level-i response time in mixed preemptive environment", s1, taskName);

+		}


+		//Check schedulability

+		if (iResponseTime.compareTo(iPeriod) > 0 && schedubilityCheck) {

+			log.error("!!! UNSCHEDULABLE !!!");

+			log.error("Response time of task [{}] is bigger than its period, return 0 for RT ", taskName);

+			if (logError) {

+				String s1 = df.format(iResponseTime);

+				String s2 = df.format(iPeriod);

+				log.error("{} > {} ", s1, s2);

+			}

+			//result is 0

+			return responseTime;

+		}

+		//Set response time value after all calculation above

+		responseTime.setValue(iResponseTime.toBigInteger());


+		return responseTime;






 	 * this function will get PURE execution time via calculate execution time of task's runnables

 	 * @param thisTask

@@ -881,12 +1001,22 @@
 			BigDecimal division = numerator.divide(denominator, 9, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

 			ultiValue = ultiValue.add(division);


-		log.debug(ultiValue.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)) + " % - core ultilization Value ");

+		if (logDebug)

+		{

+			String s1 = ultiValue.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)).toString();

+			log.debug("{} % - core ultilization Value ", s1);

+		}



 		//if ultilization percentage > 100% then core exceed it maximum workable ability, should never happen

 		if (ultiValue.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0) {

 			log.error("!!! UNSCHEDULABLE !!!");

-			log.error("Ultilization value :" + ultiValue.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)) + " exceed 100% ");

+			if (logError)

+			{

+				String s1 = ultiValue.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)).toString();

+				log.error("Ultilization value :{} exceed 100% ",s1);

+			}


 			checkValue = false;
