blob: c184cd7f0b23fa93807ae21821e8e9d86cc01c1f [file] [log] [blame]
package templates
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.GenericSystem
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.Model
import com.inchron.realtime.root.model.SchedulerStrategy
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Amalthea
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.FixedPriorityPreemptive
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwStructure
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.MappingModel
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.OSEK
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.SchedulerAssociation
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Semaphore
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.StructureType
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.TaskScheduler
import templates.utils.AmltCacheModel
* This class is responsible for the transformation of AMALTHEA OS Model into corresponding INCHRON mdoel elements and accordingly invoke other transformations
public class OSTransformer extends AbstractAmaltheaInchronTransformer {
* Creating Inchron GenericSystem from HwStructure of type MicroController in Amalthea
def create inchronModelFactory.createGenericSystem createGenericSystem(HwStructure microController) { = "System_" +
* Populating Inchron GenericSystem contents based on the Amalthea model data
public def void fillGenericSystem(GenericSystem genericSystem, Amalthea amalthea, Model inchronModel) {
val AmltCacheModel cacheModel=customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
/*-Creating RtosConfig element and associating it to the GenericSystem */
var inchronRtosConfig = inchronModelFactory.createRtosConfig
genericSystem.rtosConfig = inchronRtosConfig
/*-Fetching contents of Amalthea OS model */
if (amalthea.osModel != null) {
/*-Fetching all Amalthea Semaphore elements and creating corresponding Inchron elements */
for (Semaphore amltSemaphore : amalthea.osModel.semaphores) {
val inchronSemaphore = createSemaphore(amltSemaphore)
/*-Caching Inchron Semaphore object */
/*- Adding Semaphore to RtosConfig object*/
/*-Fetching Amalthea Tasks objects from SwModel and invoking the StimuliTransformer to build corresponding Inchron objects */
stimuliTransformerInstance.createInchronActivationConnections(amalthea.swModel.tasks ,inchronModel )
// heuristic for Inchron
/*-Creating Dummy Inchron Scheduler */
val dummyISRScheduler = inchronModelFactory.createScheduler
/*-Adding Dummy scheduler to RtosConfig element of Inchron */
val MappingModel amltMappingModel = amalthea.mappingModel
if (amltMappingModel != null) {
/*-Building cache for TaskScheduler <---> and SchedulerAssociation's */
/*-Building cache for TaskScheduler <---> and TaskAllocation's */
/*- Collecting all the root TaskScheduler's */
val rootTaskSchedulers = amltMappingModel?.schedulerAllocation?.map [ amltSchedulerAllocation |
if (amltSchedulerAllocation.scheduler instanceof TaskScheduler) {
return (amltSchedulerAllocation.scheduler as TaskScheduler).rootScheduler
].toSet.filter[it != null]
/*-Case 1: Fetching all the Amalthea SchedulerAllocation objects from Amalthea */
amltMappingModel?.schedulerAllocation?.forEach [ amltSchAllocation |
/*- Considering only if the associated scheduler is TaskScheduler */
if (amltSchAllocation.scheduler instanceof TaskScheduler) {
/*- getting Root scheduler */
var rootScheduler = getRootScheduler(amltSchAllocation.scheduler as TaskScheduler)
/*- gettting the ProcessingUnit from the responsibility of SchedulerAllocation*/
if (amltSchAllocation?.responsibility.size > 0) {
/*- Based on the Amalthea model, eContainer of ProcessingUnit is HwStructure of type MicroController */
var amltMicroController = amltSchAllocation?.responsibility?.get(0)?.eContainer
if ((amltMicroController != null) && (amltMicroController instanceof HwStructure) && (amltMicroController as HwStructure).structureType==StructureType.MICROCONTROLLER ){
/*- Based on the extend behaviour, if create method is invoked - with the same parameters again and again -> it does caching and returns back the already created object from cache */
var inchronCpu = HWTransformerInstance.createCpu(amltMicroController as HwStructure)
if (inchronCpu != null) {
/*-Adding the root scheduler to dummy ISR Scheduler */
} else { + " " + amltSchAllocation.scheduler)
/*-Case 2: Fetching all the Amalthea ISRAllocation objects from Amalthea */
amltMappingModel?.isrAllocation?.forEach [ amltISRAllocation |
var amltISR = amltISRAllocation.isr
/*-Fetching InterruptController from ISRAllocation element */
var amltInterruptController = amltISRAllocation.controller
if (amltInterruptController != null) {
var AmltCacheModel amltCacheModel = customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
//TODO: Clarify this .. why to get SchedulerAllocation again when ISRAllocation is already present
var amltSchedulerAllocation = amltCacheModel.taskScheduler_SchedulerAllocationMap.get(
if (amltSchedulerAllocation != null) {
if (amltSchedulerAllocation.executingPU != null) {
/*-get executing Core from SchedulerAllocation */
var amltExecutingCore = amltSchedulerAllocation.executingPU
val amltMicroController= amltExecutingCore.eContainer
// RootISRScheduler should be unique for each MicroController
val inchronRootISRScheduler = OSTransformerInstance.createRootISRScheduler(
amltMicroController as HwStructure)
/*-creating inchron Cpu element from the MicroController element in Amalthea model*/
var inchronCpu = HWTransformerInstance.createCpu(
amltExecutingCore.eContainer as HwStructure)
/*-Below check is made, if Inchron CPU object is already associated to Inchron model !! If not associating it explicitly */
// TODO: clarify if Inchron root ISRScheduler can be added in HyperVisorConfig - vmSchedulers list
var inchronCpuCore = HWTransformerInstance.createCpuCore(
/*-Below check is made, if Inchron CpuCore object is already associated to Inchron Cpu !! If not associating it explicitly */
/*- Creating a Process from ISR */
var inchronProcess = SWTransformerInstance.createProcess(amltISR)
// setting the priority from amlt ISRAllocation
inchronProcess.priority = amltISRAllocation.priority
/*-Associating CpuCore to Process */
// adding all the amlt ISR's as Processes to root ISR scheduler
* This method is used to create a Inchron Semaphore object from Amalthea Semaphore
public def create inchronModelFactory.createSemaphore createSemaphore(Semaphore amltSemaphore) {
it.initialValue = amltSemaphore.initialValue;
it.maxValue = amltSemaphore.maxValue; =;
* This method is used to return the root TaskScheduler object
def TaskScheduler getRootScheduler(TaskScheduler sch) {
if (sch.parentScheduler == null) {
return sch
return getRootScheduler(sch.parentScheduler)
* This method is used to create a Root ISR Scheduler object from Amalthea HwStructure (of type MicroController)
public def create inchronModelFactory.createScheduler createRootISRScheduler(HwStructure amltMicroController) { = "Root-ISR" + "_" +
* This method is used to create Inchron Root Scheduler object from Amalthea TaskScheduler
* <br>
* Additional things performed in this method are :
* <br>1. creation of child Schedulers for corresponding childAssociations to Amalthea Scheduler
* <br>2. Processing through TaskAllocations of a Amalthea scheduler and creating Inchron Process element
* <br>3. Processing through SchedulerAssociations of a Amalthea scheduler and creating Inchron CpuCore elements.. and associating them to the the Scheduler object
public def create inchronModelFactory.createScheduler createRootScheduler(TaskScheduler amltTaskScheduler) { =
var amltSchedulingAlgorithm = amltTaskScheduler.schedulingAlgorithm
if (amltSchedulingAlgorithm instanceof FixedPriorityPreemptive) {
it.strategy = SchedulerStrategy.FIXED_PRIORITY
if (amltSchedulingAlgorithm instanceof OSEK) {
it.strategy = SchedulerStrategy.OSEK
/* ============ building Inchron child Scheduler elements ======================== */
amltTaskScheduler.childAssociations.forEach [ amltChildSchedulerAssociation |
if (amltChildSchedulerAssociation.child instanceof TaskScheduler) {
var amltSchedulingParameters = amltChildSchedulerAssociation.schedulingParameters
var amltSubSchedulerPrio = 0
if (amltSchedulingParameters != null) {
amltSubSchedulerPrio = amltSchedulingParameters.priority
createScheduler(amltChildSchedulerAssociation.child as TaskScheduler, amltSubSchedulerPrio))
/* ============ building Inchron Process elements and associating to the Scheduler object ======================== */
var AmltCacheModel amltCacheModel = customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
//fetching all TaskAllocations associated to a specific TaskScheduler
var taskAllocations = amltCacheModel.taskScheduler_TaskAllocationMap.get(amltTaskScheduler)
if (taskAllocations != null) {
taskAllocations.forEach [ amltTaskAllocation |
var process = SWTransformerInstance.createProcess(amltTaskAllocation.task)
// adding a created process inside the schedulables list of inchron scheduler
if (amltTaskAllocation?.schedulingParameters != null) {
process.priority = amltTaskAllocation?.schedulingParameters?.priority
/* ============ building Inchron CpuCore elements and associating to the Scheduler object ======================== */
var amltSchedulerAllocation = amltCacheModel.getTaskScheduler_SchedulerAllocationMap.get(amltTaskScheduler)
if (amltSchedulerAllocation != null) {
amltSchedulerAllocation.responsibility.forEach [ amltcore |
// associating CpuCore to HyperVisorSystemSchedulable
public def create inchronModelFactory.createScheduler createSubScheduler(
SchedulerAssociation amltSchedulerAssociation) {
// TODO: create virtual system (use ARSystem instead of OSEK System), create coreMappings, schedulingParameters
var amltChildScheduler = amltSchedulerAssociation.child
// get the appropriate SchedulerAssociation to identify on which Core this scheduler is mapped
var AmltCacheModel cacheModel = customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
var amltChildSchedulerAllocation = cacheModel.getTaskScheduler_SchedulerAllocationMap.get(amltChildScheduler)
if (amltChildSchedulerAllocation != null) {
name = amltChildSchedulerAllocation.scheduler?.name
amltChildSchedulerAllocation.responsibility.forEach [ amltcore |
// associating CpuCore to HyperVisorSystemSchedulable
* This method is used to create Inchron Scheduler object from Amalthea TaskScheduler
* <br>
* Additional things performed in this method are :
* <br>1. creation of child Schedulers for corresponding childAssociations to Amalthea Scheduler
* <br>2. Processing through TaskAllocations of a Amalthea scheduler and creating Inchron Process element
* <br>3. Processing through SchedulerAssociations of a Amalthea scheduler and creating Inchron CpuCore elements.. and associating them to the the Scheduler object
public def create inchronModelFactory.createScheduler createScheduler(TaskScheduler amltTaskScheduler,
int priority) { =
it.priority = priority
var amltSchedulingAlgorithm = amltTaskScheduler.schedulingAlgorithm
//TODO: Mostly the same for the root -- point for harmonization?
if (amltSchedulingAlgorithm instanceof FixedPriorityPreemptive) {
it.strategy = SchedulerStrategy.FIXED_PRIORITY
if (amltSchedulingAlgorithm instanceof OSEK) {
it.strategy = SchedulerStrategy.OSEK
/* ============ building Inchron child Scheduler elements ======================== */
// TODO: add if conditions for all the sub classes of TaskSchedulingAlgorithm
amltTaskScheduler.childAssociations.forEach [ amltChildAssociation |
if (amltChildAssociation.child instanceof TaskScheduler) {
var amltSchedulingParameters = amltChildAssociation.schedulingParameters
var amltSubSchedulerPrio = 0
if (amltSchedulingParameters != null) {
amltSubSchedulerPrio = amltSchedulingParameters.priority
it.schedulables.add(createScheduler(amltChildAssociation.child as TaskScheduler, amltSubSchedulerPrio))
/* ============ building Inchron Process elements and associating to the Scheduler object ======================== */
var AmltCacheModel amltCacheModel = customObjsStore.getInstance(AmltCacheModel)
// fetching all TaskAllocations associated to a specific TaskScheduler
var taskAllocations = amltCacheModel.taskScheduler_TaskAllocationMap.get(amltTaskScheduler)
if (taskAllocations != null) {
taskAllocations.forEach [ amltTaskAllocation |
var process = SWTransformerInstance.createProcess(amltTaskAllocation.task)
// adding a created process inside the schedulables list of inchron scheduler
if (amltTaskAllocation?.schedulingParameters != null) {
process.priority = amltTaskAllocation?.schedulingParameters?.priority
/* ============ building Inchron CpuCore elements and associating to the Scheduler object ======================== */
var amltChildSchedulerAllocation = amltCacheModel.getTaskScheduler_SchedulerAllocationMap.get(amltTaskScheduler)
if (amltChildSchedulerAllocation != null) {
name = amltChildSchedulerAllocation.scheduler?.name
amltChildSchedulerAllocation.responsibility.forEach [ amltcore |
// associating CpuCore to HyperVisorSystemSchedulable