blob: 3c31c8e75c3f3361d750d40a87e5f701b75c1553 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- ======================================================= -->
<!-- The 'ioMode' attribute on the xSCOPEconfig -->
<!-- element can take the following values: -->
<!-- "none", "basic", "timed" -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The 'type' attribute on Probe -->
<!-- elements can take the following values: -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The 'datatype' attribute on Probe -->
<!-- elements can take the following values: -->
<!-- "NONE", "UINT", "INT", "FLOAT" -->
<!-- ======================================================= -->
<xSCOPEconfig ioMode="basic" enabled="true">
<!-- For example: -->
<!-- <Probe name="Probe Name" type="CONTINUOUS" datatype="UINT" units="Value" enabled="true"/> -->
<!-- From the target code, call: xscope_int(PROBE_NAME, value); -->