blob: edbc2c09019a660b66fd5f175135eecd400b6505 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 FH Dortmund.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* A4MCAR Project - Low-level Module Main File for connecting tasks using interfaces
* Authors:
* M. Ozcelikors <>
* Update History:
* In order to debug the project using printf, which is really handy, one has to do the following steps :
* 1) Makefile should have -fxscope flag for XCG FLAGS section
* 2) Run > Run Configurations > Filtering Preferences : Untick xCORE Application
* 3) Then, select xCORE Application, Browse to find the project and its details, and select hardware.
* 4) Hardware debug means that XTAG and printf will be used, One can also debug using other options, such as xSCOPE.
* For more information, refer to xTIMEcomposer User Guide Chapter 24 and 15.
* Simulator debug is handy as well, especially for PWM. To do this,
* Follow the steps in xTIMEcomposer User Guide Chapter 20.
#include "defines.h"
#include "rn42_driver.h"
#include "servo.h"
#include "sonar_sensor.h"
#include "tble02s_motor_controller.h"
#include "port_definitions.h"
#include "ethernet_app.h"
#include "ethernet_config.h"
#include "light_system.h"
#include "core_monitoring.h"
#include "core_debug.h"
#include "ar8035_phy_driver.h"
int main() {
// Interface instances to be used
interface uart_rx_if i_rx;
interface uart_tx_if i_tx;
input_gpio_if i_gpio_rx;
output_gpio_if i_gpio_tx[1];
i2c_master_if i2c_client_device_instances[1];
distancesensor_if sensors_interface;
control_if control_interface;
steering_if steering_interface;
core_stats_if core_stats_interface_tile0;
core_stats_if core_stats_interface_tile1;
lightstate_if lightstate_interface;
// Ethernet app interface instances to be used
chan c_xtcp[1];
ethernet_cfg_if i_eth_cfg[NUM_CFG_CLIENTS];
ethernet_rx_if i_eth_rx[NUM_ETH_CLIENTS];
ethernet_tx_if i_eth_tx[NUM_ETH_CLIENTS];
streaming chan c_rgmii_cfg;
smi_if i_smi;
ethernet_to_cmdparser_if i_cmd_from_ethernet_to_override;
par {
// UART TX Related Tasks
on tile[0]: output_gpio (i_gpio_tx, 1, PortUART_TX, null);
on tile[0]: uart_tx(i_tx, null, BAUD_RATE, UART_PARITY_NONE, 8, 1, i_gpio_tx[0]);
// UART RX Related Tasks
on tile[0].core[0] : input_gpio_1bit_with_events (i_gpio_rx, PortUART_RX);
on tile[0].core[0] : uart_rx(i_rx, null, RX_BUFFER_SIZE, BAUD_RATE, UART_PARITY_NONE, 8, 1, i_gpio_rx);
// I2C Task
on tile[0] : Task_MaintainI2CConnection(i2c_client_device_instances, 1, PortSCL, PortSDA, I2C_SPEED_KBITPERSEC);
// Motor Speed Controller (PWM) Tasks
on tile[0].core[4] : Task_DriveTBLE02S_MotorController(PortMotorSpeedController, PortBRAKEctrl, control_interface, sensors_interface);
// Steering Servo (PWM) Tasks
on tile[0].core[4] : Task_SteeringServo_MotorController (PortSteeringServo, steering_interface);
//Light System Task
on tile[0].core[7]: Task_ControlLightSystem (PortLightSystem_TH, PortLightSystem_ST, lightstate_interface);
// Other Tasks
on tile[0] : Task_ReadSonarSensors(i2c_client_device_instances[0], sensors_interface);
on tile[0].core[1] : Task_MainProcessingAndBluetoothControl(i_tx, i_rx, control_interface, steering_interface, i_cmd_from_ethernet_to_override, lightstate_interface);
// Core Monitoring Tasks
on tile[0]: Task_MonitorCoresInATile (core_stats_interface_tile0);
on tile[1]: Task_MonitorCoresInATile (core_stats_interface_tile1);
// Ethernet App Tasks
on tile[1]: rgmii_ethernet_mac(i_eth_rx, NUM_ETH_CLIENTS, i_eth_tx, NUM_ETH_CLIENTS, null, null, c_rgmii_cfg, rgmii_ports, ETHERNET_DISABLE_SHAPER);
on tile[1].core[0]: rgmii_ethernet_mac_config(i_eth_cfg, NUM_CFG_CLIENTS, c_rgmii_cfg);
on tile[1].core[0]: Task_Ar8035_Phy_Driver (p_eth_reset, i_smi, i_eth_cfg[CFG_TO_PHY_DRIVER]);
on tile[1]: smi(i_smi, p_smi_mdio, p_smi_mdc);
on tile[0]: xtcp(c_xtcp, 1, null, i_eth_cfg[0], i_eth_rx[0], i_eth_tx[0], null, ETHERNET_SMI_PHY_ADDRESS, null, otp_ports, ipconfig);
on tile[0]: Task_EthernetAppTCPServer(c_xtcp[0], i_cmd_from_ethernet_to_override, core_stats_interface_tile0, core_stats_interface_tile1);
par {
// UART TX Related Tasks
on tile[0]: output_gpio (i_gpio_tx, 1, PortUART_TX, null);
on tile[0]: uart_tx(i_tx, null, BAUD_RATE, UART_PARITY_NONE, 8, 1, i_gpio_tx[0]);
// UART RX Related Tasks
on tile[0].core[1] : input_gpio_1bit_with_events (i_gpio_rx, PortUART_RX);
on tile[0].core[1] : uart_rx(i_rx, null, RX_BUFFER_SIZE, BAUD_RATE, UART_PARITY_NONE, 8, 1, i_gpio_rx);
// I2C Task
on tile[0] : Task_MaintainI2CConnection(i2c_client_device_instances, 1, PortSCL, PortSDA, I2C_SPEED_KBITPERSEC);
// Motor Speed Controller (PWM) Tasks
on tile[0].core[1] : Task_DriveTBLE02S_MotorController(PortMotorSpeedController, control_interface, sensors_interface);
// Steering Servo (PWM) Tasks
on tile[0].core[1] : Task_SteeringServo_MotorController (PortSteeringServo, steering_interface);
//Light System Task
on tile[0].core[1]: Task_ControlLightSystem (PortLightSystem_TH, PortLightSystem_ST, lightstate_interface);
// Other Tasks
on tile[0] : Task_ReadSonarSensors(i2c_client_device_instances[0], sensors_interface);
on tile[0].core[1] : Task_MainProcessingAndBluetoothControl(i_tx, i_rx, control_interface, steering_interface, i_cmd_from_ethernet_to_override, lightstate_interface);
//on tile[0] : Task_ProduceMotorControlOutputs (sensors_interface);
// Core Monitoring Tasks
on tile[0]: Task_MonitorCoresInATile (core_stats_interface_tile0);
on tile[1]: Task_MonitorCoresInATile (core_stats_interface_tile1);
// Ethernet App Tasks
on tile[1]: rgmii_ethernet_mac(i_eth_rx, NUM_ETH_CLIENTS, i_eth_tx, NUM_ETH_CLIENTS, null, null, c_rgmii_cfg, rgmii_ports, ETHERNET_DISABLE_SHAPER);
on tile[1].core[1]: rgmii_ethernet_mac_config(i_eth_cfg, NUM_CFG_CLIENTS, c_rgmii_cfg);
on tile[1].core[1]: ar8035_phy_driver(i_smi, i_eth_cfg[CFG_TO_PHY_DRIVER]);
on tile[1]: smi(i_smi, p_smi_mdio, p_smi_mdc);
on tile[0]: xtcp(c_xtcp, 1, null, i_eth_cfg[0], i_eth_rx[0], i_eth_tx[0], null, ETHERNET_SMI_PHY_ADDRESS, null, otp_ports, ipconfig);
on tile[0]: Task_EthernetAppTCPServer(c_xtcp[0], i_cmd_from_ethernet_to_override, core_stats_interface_tile0, core_stats_interface_tile1);
return 0;