[Rover] added information about owncloud RPI3 Rover images to documentation; images will be provided soon.
diff --git a/rover/doc/RoverWebSetup.pdf b/rover/doc/RoverWebSetup.pdf
index 00ae196..a8b286c 100644
--- a/rover/doc/RoverWebSetup.pdf
+++ b/rover/doc/RoverWebSetup.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/rover/doc/tex/websetup/RoverWebSetup.tex b/rover/doc/tex/websetup/RoverWebSetup.tex
index 4488433..4b778d3 100644
--- a/rover/doc/tex/websetup/RoverWebSetup.tex
+++ b/rover/doc/tex/websetup/RoverWebSetup.tex
@@ -18,22 +18,24 @@
-		\includegraphics{../images/page.png}
+		\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{../images/page.png}
 \section{General structure}
 \caption{General structure of this documentation's rover control}
-This documentation describes how to setup a Raspberry PI (RPI) in order to view its camera stream via a browser and further take control of the motors connected to the RPI in form of the rover. Please note that your RPI requires internet connection for some provided commands and that some of those take some time to execute.
+If you want to skip the manual installation process described in this document, access the pre-installed RPI3 images at \url{https://www.pimes.fh-dortmund.de/owncloud/index.php/s/qhWRjatfTQkaeEW} and apply them to your SD card. 
-If you work with a plain jessie (lite) distribution, in order to gain ssh access, just add an empty file named ssh to the sd card.
+If you do not want to use the provided images, this documentation describes how to setup a Raspberry PI (RPI) in order to view its camera stream via a browser and further take control of the motors connected to the RPI in form of the Rover. Please note that your RPI requires internet connection for some provided commands and that some of those take some time to execute.
+If you work with a plain Jessie (lite) distribution, please remember to add an empty file named `ssh` to the SD card in order to gain ssh access.
 \section{Apache2, cmake, and PHP5 Installation and Configuration}
-	In order to start driving the rover from a web page, one should install Apache2 and PHP5. To get the latest packages from the repository list go into shell and type (\textit{internet connectivity required}):
+In order to start driving the rover from a web page, one should install Apache2 and PHP5. To get the latest packages from the repository list go into shell and type (\textit{internet connectivity required}):
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get upgrade
diff --git a/rover/doc/tex/websetup/header.tex b/rover/doc/tex/websetup/header.tex
index 4fe7632..0a43361 100644
--- a/rover/doc/tex/websetup/header.tex
+++ b/rover/doc/tex/websetup/header.tex
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@