| # /* |
| # * <copyright> |
| # * |
| # * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Metascape, LLC |
| # * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Argonne National Labs |
| # * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # * |
| # * Contributors: |
| # * Argonne National Laboratory - Initial development (pre-contribution) |
| # * Metascape - Subsequent development and maintenance |
| # * |
| # * </copyright> |
| # */ |
| |
| |
| # ==================================================================== |
| # To code developer: |
| # Do NOT change the properties between this line and the |
| # "%%% END OF TRANSLATED PROPERTIES %%%" line. |
| # Make a new property name, append to the end of the file and change |
| # the code to use the new property. |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| # ==================================================================== |
| # ==================================================================== |
| |
| pluginName = AMF Acore Edit Support (Interim MetaABM) (Incubation) |
| providerName = Eclipse Agent Modeling Platform |
| |
| _UI_CreateChild_text = {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0} |
| _UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create new {0} for {1} |
| _UI_CreateChild_description = Create {0} for {1} in {2}. |
| _UI_CreateSibling_description = Create new sibling {0} of {2} for {1} parent. |
| |
| _UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1} |
| |
| _UI_SContext_type = Context |
| _UI_SAgent_type = Agent |
| _UI_SProjection_type = Space |
| _UI_SField_type = Field |
| _UI_SBehavior_type = Behavior |
| _UI_SNamed_type = Named |
| _UI_STrigger_type = Trigger |
| _UI_SSchedule_type = Schedule |
| _UI_SWatch_type = Watch |
| _UI_SValueLayer_type = Value Layer |
| _UI_SStyle_type = Style |
| _UI_SStyle3D_type = Style 3D |
| _UI_SStyle2D_type = Style 2D |
| _UI_SImplementation_type = Implementations |
| _UI_SImplemented_type = Implemented |
| _UI_Unknown_type = Object |
| |
| _UI_Unknown_datatype= Value |
| |
| _UI_SContext_projection_feature = Space |
| _UI_SContext_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_SContext_valueLayer_feature = Value Layer |
| _UI_SAgent_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_SAgent_style_feature = Style |
| _UI_SProjection_action_feature = Action |
| _UI_SNamed_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_SNamed_description_feature = Description |
| _UI_STrigger_projection_feature = Space |
| _UI_STrigger_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_SGrid_2D_xSize_feature = XSize |
| _UI_SGrid_2D_ySize_feature = YSize |
| _UI_SSchedule_start_feature = Start |
| _UI_SSchedule_interval_feature = Interval |
| _UI_SSchedule_pick_feature = Pick |
| _UI_SWatch_query_feature = Query |
| _UI_SWatch_watchField_feature = Watch Field |
| _UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified |
| |
| _UI_SFieldType_Boolean_literal = Boolean |
| _UI_SFieldType_Integer_literal = Integer |
| _UI_SFieldType_SYMBOL_LITERAL = Symbol |
| _UI_SFieldType_Undefined_literal = Undefined |
| _UI_SStyle_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_SAgent_context_feature = Context |
| _UI_SStyle_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_SContext_agents_feature = Agents |
| _UI_SContext_projections_feature = Spaces |
| _UI_SContext_valueLayers_feature = Value Layers |
| _UI_SAgent_fields_feature = Fields |
| _UI_SAgent_behaviors_feature = Behaviors |
| _UI_SAgent_styles_feature = Styles |
| _UI_SProjection_actions_feature = Actions |
| _UI_SWatch_targetFields_feature = Target Fields |
| _UI_SImplemented_type = Implemented |
| _UI_SImplementation_type = Implementation |
| _UI_SImplemented_implementation_feature = Implementation |
| _UI_SImplementation_package_feature = Package |
| _UI_SImplementation_className_feature = Class Name |
| _UI_SImplementation_path_feature = Path |
| _UI_SImplementation_mode_feature = Mode |
| _UI_SImplementation_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_SImplementation_qualifiedName_feature = Qualified Name |
| _UI_SImplementation_derivedPath_feature = Derived Path |
| _UI_SImplementation_derivedPackage_feature = Derived Package |
| _UI_SImplementation_fullPath_feature = Full Path |
| _UI_SImplementationMode_Generate_literal = Generate |
| _UI_SImplementationMode_Load_literal = Load |
| _UI_SImplementationMode_GenerateProtected_literal = Generate Protected |
| _UI_SImplementationMode_GenerateEmpty_literal = Generate Empty |
| _UI_SImplemented_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_SImplementation_basePath_feature = Base Path |
| _UI_SImplementation_srcDir_feature = Src Directory |
| _UI_SImplementation_binDir_feature = Bin Directory |
| _UI_SImplementation_basePath_description = The relative or absolute path to the base directory containing implementing code, e.g. "../myproject", "/MyDrive/local/myproject". |
| _UI_SImplementation_javaFileLoc_feature = Java File Location |
| _UI_SImplementation_classFileLoc_feature = Class File Location |
| _UI_SImplementation_derivedBinDir_feature = Derived Bin Directory |
| _UI_SImplementation_derivedPathDir_feature = Derived Path Directory |
| _UI_SImplementation_derivedSrcDir_feature = Derived Src Directory |
| _UI_SNamed_usageName_feature = Usage Name |
| _UI_DerivedPropertyCategory = Derived |
| _UI_SpecifypackagenameegorgmyorgmyprojectIfblankparentsvaluewillbeusedPropertyCategory = Specify package name, e.g. "org.myorg.myproject". (If blank, parent's value will be used.) |
| _UI_SImplementation_package_description = Specify package name, e.g. "org.myorg.myproject". (If blank, parent's value will be used.) |
| _UI_SAttribute_type = Attribute |
| _UI_SAttribute_owner_feature = Owner |
| _UI_SAttribute_watchers_feature = Watchers |
| _UI_SAttribute_gatherData_feature = Gather Data |
| _UI_SAttribute_default_feature = Default |
| _UI_SAgent_attributes_feature = Attributes |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Boolean_literal = Boolean |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Integer_literal = Integer |
| _UI_SAttributeType_SYMBOL_LITERAL = String |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Undefined_literal = Undefined |
| _UI_SImplementationMode_External_literal = External |
| _UI_SProjection_context_feature = Context |
| _UI_SNetwork_type = Network |
| _UI_SContinuous_dimensionality_feature = Dimensionality |
| _UI_SAutoAttribute_creator_feature = Creator |
| _UI_SAtrributed_type = Atrributed |
| _UI_SDelegatedAttribute_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_SAttributed_attributes_feature = Attributes |
| _UI_SAttributed_type = Attributed |
| _UI_RelationsPropertyCategory = Relations |
| _UI_IDsPropertyCategory = IDs |
| _UI_SGrid_type = Grid |
| _UI_SGeography_type = Geography |
| _UI_SContinuousSpace_type = Space |
| _UI_SNDimensional_type = N-Dimensional Space |
| _UI_SAttribute_units_feature = Units |
| _UI_SNDimensional_dimensionality_feature = Dimensionality |
| _UI_ValuesPropertyCategory = Values |
| _UI_AGroup_type = Activity Group |
| _UI_AAct_type = Activity |
| _UI_SAgent_rootActivity_feature = Activities |
| _UI_AGroup_roots_feature = Root Activities |
| _UI_AAct_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_AAct_reference_feature = Reference |
| _UI_ANode_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_AAccessor_type = Accessor |
| _UI_ASchedule_type = Schedule |
| _UI_AGetter_type = Getter |
| _UI_ASet_type = Setter |
| _UI_ACreateAgents_type = Agent Creator |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_type = Space Adder |
| _UI_ABuild_type = Builder |
| _UI_SAttribute_accessors_feature = Accessors |
| _UI_AAct_sources_feature = Sources |
| _UI_AAct_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_AGroup_members_feature = Member Activities |
| _UI_AAccessor_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_ASchedule_start_feature = Start |
| _UI_ASchedule_interval_feature = Interval |
| _UI_ASchedule_pick_feature = Pick |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_projection_feature = Space |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_ACreateAgents_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_SGrid_borderRule_feature = Border Rule |
| _UI_SBorderRule_Sticky_literal = APERIODIC |
| _UI_SBorderRule_Strict_literal = STRICT (OBSOLETE) |
| _UI_SBorderRule_Bouncy_literal = BOUNCY (OBSOLETE) |
| _UI_SNDimensional_borderRule_feature = Border Rule |
| _UI_SGrid_multiOccupant_feature = Multi Occupant |
| _UI_SBorderRule_Periodic_literal = PERIODIC |
| _UI_SNetwork_directed_feature = Directed |
| _UI_SAttributeArray_type = Attribute Array |
| _UI_SAttributeArray_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_SAttribute_defaultValue_feature = Default Value |
| _UI_AAct_targets_feature = Targets |
| _UI_AConnection_type = Connection |
| _UI_AConnection_fromSource_feature = From Source |
| _UI_AConnection_toTarget_feature = To Target |
| _UI_AGroup_connections_feature = Connections |
| _UI_AConnection_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_AConnection_to_feature = To |
| _UI_AConnection_from_feature = From |
| _UI_AWatch_type = Watch |
| _UI_AEvaluate_type = Evaluate |
| _UI_AValue_type = Value |
| _UI_FEqual_type = Equal |
| _UI_FIdentical_type = Identical |
| _UI_FGreater_type = Greater |
| _UI_FGreaterEqual_type = Greater or Equal |
| _UI_FLesser_type = Lesser |
| _UI_FLesserEqual_type = Lesser or Equal |
| _UI_FAdd_type = Add |
| _UI_FSubtract_type = Subtract |
| _UI_FMultiply_type = Multiply |
| _UI_FDivide_type = Divide |
| _UI_FMod_type = Modulo |
| _UI_ASchedule_priority_feature = Priority |
| _UI_ASchedule_frequency_feature = Frequency |
| _UI_AEvaluate_function_feature = Function |
| _UI_AEvaluate_parameters_feature = Parameters |
| _UI_AParameterized_type = Parameterized |
| _UI_ATest_type = Test |
| _UI_AParameterized_parameters_feature = Parameters |
| _UI_ATest_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_AElse_type = Else |
| _UI_AElse_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_FPow_type = Pow |
| _UI_ASet_parameter_feature = To |
| _UI_ARule_type = Rule |
| _UI_ARule_body_feature = Body |
| _UI_ARule_body_description = The rule implementation. |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_attributes_feature = Attributes |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_type = Network Type |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_Network generation type_feature = Network generation type |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Barabasi_literal = BARABASI |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Erdos Renyi_literal = ERDOS_RENYI |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Eppstein Power Law_literal = EPPSTEIN_POWER_LAW |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_GraphML_literal = GRAPHML |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Watts Small World_literal = SMALL_WORLD |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice 1D_literal = LATTICE 1D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice 2D_literal = LATTICE2D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Pajek_literal = PAJEK |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Random Density_literal = RANDOM_DENSITY |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_ASCII Matrix_literal = ASCII_MATRIX |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_netGenType_feature = Net Gen Type |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_ErdosRenyi_literal = ErdosRenyi |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_EppsteinPowerLaw_literal = EppsteinPowerLaw |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_KleinbergSmallWorld_literal = KleinbergSmallWorld |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice1D_literal = Lattice1D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice2D_literal = Lattice2D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_RandomDensity_literal = RandomDensity |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_WattsSmallWorld_literal = WattsSmallWorld |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_ASCIIMatrix_literal = ASCIIMatrix |
| _UI_AGridAdder_type = Grid Adder |
| _UI_AGridAdder_gridGenType_feature = Grif Type |
| _UI_AGridGenTypes_Random_literal = Random |
| _UI_AGridGenTypes_RandomAroundPoint_literal = RandomAroundPoint |
| _UI_ASpaceAdder_type = ASpace Adder |
| _UI_ASpaceAdder_gridGenType_feature = Grid Gen Type |
| _UI_AGridGenTypes_File_literal = File |
| _UI_ABuildSpace_type = N-Dimensional Adder |
| _UI_ABuildSpace_genTypes_feature = Gen Types |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_Random_literal = Random |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_RandomAroundPoint_literal = RandomAroundPoint |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_File_literal = File |
| _UI_SAttributeType_INTEGER_LITERAL = Long |
| _UI_SAttributeType_File_literal = File |
| _UI_ASpaceAdder_genType_feature = Gen Type |
| _UI_AGridAdder_FillAgent_feature = Fill Agent |
| _UI_ASpaceGenTypes_Random_literal = RANDOM |
| _UI_ASpaceGenTypes_RandomAroundPoint_literal = RANDOM_POINT |
| _UI_ASpaceGenTypes_File_literal = FILE |
| _UI_AInitialize_type = Initialize |
| _UI_ARule_generate_feature = Generate |
| _UI_AGridAdder_fillAgent_feature = Fill Agent |
| _UI_SAttribute_sType_feature = Type |
| _UI_FEqual_Test_feature = Test |
| _UI_AEvaluate_Test2_feature = Test2 |
| _UI_FValue_type = FValue |
| _UI_FFunction_type = Function |
| _UI_FNumeric_type = Numeric |
| _UI_FCondition_type = Condition |
| _UI_FOperator_type = Operator |
| _UI_FUnary_type = Unary |
| _UI_FBinary_type = Binary |
| _UI_FNegate_type = Negate |
| _UI_FIs_type = Is |
| _UI_FNot_type = Not |
| _UI_FEqual_type = Equal |
| _UI_FIdentical_type = Identical |
| _UI_FGreater_type = Greater |
| _UI_FGreaterEqual_type = Greater or Equal |
| _UI_FLesser_type = Lesser |
| _UI_FLesserEqual_type = Lesser or Equal |
| _UI_FAdd_type = Add |
| _UI_FPow_type = Pow |
| _UI_FSubtract_type = Subtract |
| _UI_FMultiply_type = Multiply |
| _UI_FDivide_type = Divide |
| _UI_FMod_type = Modulo |
| _UI_FGenericFunction_type = Generic Function |
| _UI_FGenericCondition_type = Generic Condition |
| _UI_AAct_type = AAct |
| _UI_AControl_type = AControl |
| _UI_AGroup_type = Act Group |
| _UI_ARoot_type = Act Root |
| _UI_AMethod_type = Method |
| _UI_AAny_type = Union |
| _UI_AAll_type = Intersection |
| _UI_ANone_type = None |
| _UI_ATest_type = Test |
| _UI_AEvaluate_type = Evaluate |
| _UI_AWatch_type = Watch |
| _UI_ASet_type = Set |
| _UI_ACreateAgents_type = Create Agents |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_type = Build Space |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_type = Build Network |
| _UI_ABuildSpace_type = Build Space |
| _UI_ABuildGrid_type = Build Grid |
| _UI_FGenericFunction_resultType_feature = Result Type |
| _UI_FGenericFunction_inputTypes_feature = Input Types |
| _UI_FGenericCondition_inputTypes_feature = Input Types |
| _UI_AAct_sources_feature = Sources |
| _UI_AAct_targets_feature = Targets |
| _UI_AAct_reference_feature = Reference |
| _UI_AAct_group_feature = Group |
| _UI_AGroup_roots_feature = Roots |
| _UI_AGroup_members_feature = Members |
| _UI_AMethod_body_feature = Body |
| _UI_AMethod_generate_feature = Generate |
| _UI_ATest_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_AEvaluate_function_feature = Function |
| _UI_ASet_parameter_feature = To |
| _UI_ACreateAgents_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_projection_feature = Space |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_attributes_feature = Attributes |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_netGenType_feature = Net Gen Type |
| _UI_ABuildSpace_genType_feature = Gen Type |
| _UI_ABuildGrid_fillAgent_feature = Fill Agent |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_Random_literal = RANDOM |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_RandomAroundPoint_literal = RANDOM_POINT |
| _UI_ABuildSpaceTypes_File_literal = FILE |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Barabasi_literal = Barabasi |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_ErdosRenyi_literal = ErdosRenyi |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_EppsteinPowerLaw_literal = EppsteinPowerLaw |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_GraphML_literal = GraphML |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_KleinbergSmallWorld_literal = KleinbergSmallWorld |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice1D_literal = Lattice1D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Lattice2D_literal = Lattice2D |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_Pajek_literal = Pajek |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_RandomDensity_literal = RandomDensity |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_WattsSmallWorld_literal = WattsSmallWorld |
| _UI_ABuildNetworkTypes_ASCIIMatrix_literal = ASCIIMatrix |
| _UI_ABuild_type = Build |
| _UI_IAttributeClient_type = Attribute Client |
| _UI_IValue_type = Value |
| _UI_IAct_type = Act Interface |
| _UI_IAttributeClient_attribute_feature = Attribute |
| _UI_AEvaluate_inputs_feature = Inputs |
| _UI_ATest_inputs_feature = Inputs |
| _UI_AParameterized_inputs_feature = Inputs |
| _UI_ILabeled_type = Labeled |
| _UI_IControl_type = Control |
| _UI_IRoot_type = Root Act |
| _UI_ILabeled_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_ABuildNetwork_networkType_feature = Network Type |
| _UI_ABuildSpace_spaceType_feature = Space Type |
| _UI_SNamed_pluralName_feature = Plural Name |
| _UI_IArtifact_type = IArtifact |
| _UI_FLogical_type = Logical |
| _UI_FLogicalOperator_type = Logical Operator |
| _UI_FLibrary_type = Functions |
| _UI_FOperator_symbol_feature = Symbol |
| _UI_FOperator_arity_feature = Arity |
| _UI_FLibrary_functions_feature = Functions |
| _UI_FLibrary_subs_feature = Subs |
| _UI_SContext_library_feature = Library |
| _UI_FGenericLogical_type = Logical Function |
| _UI_FGenericLogical_inputTypes_feature = Input Types |
| _UI_ASink_type = Sink |
| _UI_ASink_inputs_feature = Inputs |
| _UI_AFilter_type = Filter |
| _UI_AFilter_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_SID_type = SID |
| _UI_SID_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_SID_id_feature = Id |
| _UI_SValue_type = SValue |
| _UI_IID_type = IID |
| _UI_IID_label_feature = Label |
| _UI_IID_ID_feature = ID |
| _UI_Node_type = Node |
| _UI_SContext_nodes_feature = Nodes |
| _UI_Node_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_Node_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_Node_children_feature = Children |
| _UI_Node_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_Node_data_feature = Data |
| _UI_Node_key_feature = Key |
| _UI_SubNode_type = Sub Node |
| _UI_Node_ID_feature = ID |
| _UI_TID_type = TID |
| _UI_TID_ID_feature = ID |
| _UI_SAgent_acts_feature = Actions |
| _UI_SNamed_pluralLabel_feature = Plural Label |
| _UI_FLiteral_type = FLiteral |
| _UI_FLiteral_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_ASink_literals_feature = Literals |
| _UI_ASink_inputClients_feature = Input Clients |
| _UI_AAttributeClient_type = AAttribute Client |
| _UI_AInputClient_type = Client |
| _UI_AInputClient_sink_feature = Sink |
| _UI_ABuildProjection_agents_feature = Agents |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Agent_literal = Agent |
| _UI_FGeneric_type = FGeneric |
| _UI_FGeneric_inputTypes_feature = Input Types |
| _UI_SAttributeType_AgentList_literal = AGENT_LIST |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Location_literal = LOCATION |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Projection_literal = PROJECTION |
| _UI_AQuery_type = Query |
| _UI_AQuerySpace_type = Query Space |
| _UI_AQueryFrom_type = Query From |
| _UI_AQuery_condition_feature = Condition |
| _UI_AQuerySpace_space_feature = Space |
| _UI_AQueryFrom_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Coordinate_literal = COORDINATE |
| _UI_SActable_type = SActable |
| _UI_SActable_rootActivity_feature = Root Activity |
| _UI_AQuerySpaceFor_type = Query Space For |
| _UI_AQuerySpaceFor_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_AQuerySpaceFor_targetAgent_feature = Target Agent |
| _UI_ALogic_type = Logic |
| _UI_SLocation_type = Location |
| _UI_AMoveToAgent_type = AMove To Agent |
| _UI_AMoveToLocation_type = AMove To Location |
| _UI_SLocation_projection_feature = Space |
| _UI_AMoveToAgent_space_feature = Space |
| _UI_AMoveToAgent_targetAgent_feature = Target Agent |
| _UI_AMoveToLocation_location_feature = Location |
| _UI_SAttribute_immutable_feature = Immutable |
| _UI_ASelect_type = Select |
| _UI_ASelectSpace_type = ASelect Space |
| _UI_ASelectSpaceFrom_type = ASelect Space From |
| _UI_AMove_type = Move |
| _UI_AOrdering_type = AOrdering |
| _UI_ASelect_from_feature = From |
| _UI_ASelectSpace_space_feature = Space |
| _UI_ASelectSpaceFrom_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_ASelectSpaceFrom_includeOrigin_feature = Include Origin |
| _UI_AMove_space_feature = Space |
| _UI_AMove_targetAgent_feature = Target Agent |
| _UI_AOrdering_for_feature = For |
| _UI_ASelectTypes_First_literal = FIRST |
| _UI_ASelectTypes_One_literal = ONE |
| _UI_ASelectTypes_Ranked_literal = RANKED |
| _UI_ASelectTypes_All_literal = ALL |
| _UI_ASelect_agent_feature = Agent |
| _UI_ASelect_space_feature = Space |
| _UI_ASelect_for_feature = For |
| _UI_AMove_origin_feature = Origin |
| _UI_AMove_destination_feature = Destination |
| _UI_AAct_selection_feature = Selection |
| _UI_AAct_selected_feature = Selection |
| _UI_orgeclipseuiviewspropertiesexpertPropertyCategory = org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.expert |
| _UI_AInput_type = Input |
| _UI_AInput_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_AInput_sink_feature = Sink |
| _UI_AInput_selected_feature = Selection |
| _UI_IValueClient_type = IValue Client |
| _UI_IValue_accessors_feature = Accessors |
| _UI_IValueClient_value_feature = Value |
| _UI_FInputPrototype_type = FInput Prototype |
| _UI_FInputPrototype_sType_feature = Type |
| _UI_FInputPrototype_function_feature = Function |
| _UI_FGeneric_inputPrototypes_feature = Input Prototypes |
| _UI_FGenericFunction_outputPrototypes_feature = Output Prototypes |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Numeric_literal = Numeric |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_type = FArgument Prototype |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_sType_feature = Type |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_function_feature = Function |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_inputFunction_feature = Input Function |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_outputFunction_feature = Output Function |
| _UI_ASink_function_feature = Function |
| _UI_IValue_availableTypes_feature = Available Types |
| _UI_FArgumentPrototype_optional_feature = Optional |
| _UI_FFunction_availableTypes_feature = Available Types |
| _UI_FOperator_inputType_feature = Input Type |
| _UI_FArgumentArrayPrototype_type = Argument Prototype Array |
| _UI_FArgumentArrayPrototype_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_FFunction_inputPrototypes_feature = Input Prototypes |
| _UI_ITyped_type = Typed |
| _UI_ITypedArray_type = Typed Array |
| _UI_ITyped_sType_feature = Type |
| _UI_ITypedArray_size_feature = Size |
| _UI_ALeave_type = Leave |
| _UI_ADie_type = Die |
| _UI_AAct_allSources_feature = All Sources |
| _UI_AAct_allTargets_feature = All Targets |
| _UI_AConnect_type = Connect |
| _UI_ATransform_destination_feature = Destination |
| _UI_AConnect_directed_feature = Directed |
| _UI_AConnect_within_feature = Within |
| _UI_ANetwork_type = Network |
| _UI_ADisconnect_type = Disconnect |
| _UI_AReplace_type = Replace |
| _UI_ANetwork_within_feature = Within |
| _UI_ACommand_type = ACommand |
| _UI_SAgent_owner_feature = Owner |
| _UI_SProjection_owner_feature = Owner |
| _UI_ALiteral_type = Literal |
| _UI_AInput_literal_feature = Literal Value |
| _UI_ALiteral_valueLiteral_feature = Value |
| _UI_ALiteral_inputFor_feature = Input For |
| _UI_ATransform_type = ATransform |
| _UI_ACreateAgents_agentCount_feature = Agent Count |
| _UI_SGrid_neighborhood_feature = Neighborhood |
| _UI_SNeighborhoodType_Euclidian_literal = EUCLIDIAN |
| _UI_SNeighborhoodType_Moore_literal = MOORE |
| _UI_SNeighborhoodType_VonNeumann_literal = VON_NEUMANN |
| _UI_ActPropertyCategory = Act |
| _UI_AAct_rootSelected_feature = Root Selection |
| _UI_FImplementedLibrary_type = Library Implementation |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Real_literal = Real |
| _UI_SAttributeType_State_literal = State |
| _UI_SState_type = State |
| _UI_SStateValue_type = Option |
| _UI_SState_choices_feature = Options |
| _UI_SState_default_feature = Default |
| _UI_SStateValue_set_feature = Set |
| _UI_SAttributeType_Symbol_literal = Symbol |
| _UI_SState_options_feature = Options |
| _UI_SState_defaultOption_feature = Default Option |
| _UI_SContext_allAgents_feature = All Agents |
| _UI_SContext_allContexts_feature = All Contexts |
| _UI_AMultiValue_type = Multiple Values |
| _UI_AMultiValue_values_feature = Multiple Values |
| _UI_FMultiArgumentPrototype_type = FMulti Argument Prototype |
| _UI_FFunction_multiValue_feature = Multi Value |
| _UI_ABuildGeography_type = Build Geography |
| _UI_ALoadAgents_type = Load Agents |
| _UI_ALoadAgents_source_feature = Source |
| _UI_ALoadAgents_sourceURL_feature = Source URL |
| _UI_SGeography_agentShapes_feature = Agent Shapes |
| _UI_SShapeType_Point_literal = Point |
| _UI_SShapeType_Line_literal = Line |
| _UI_SShapeType_Polygon_literal = Polygon |
| _UI_AShaped_type = Shaped |
| _UI_ALoadShapedAgents_type = Load Shaped Agents |
| _UI_ACreateShapedAgents_type = Create Shaped Agents |
| _UI_AShaped_shape_feature = Shape |
| _UI_SStyleShape_type = SStyle Shape |
| _UI_SStyleShape_shape_feature = Shape |
| _UI_SImport_type = SImport |
| _UI_SImport_URI_feature = URI |
| _UI_SImport_uri_feature = Uri |
| _UI_SImport_model_feature = Model |
| _UI_SImplementation_imports_feature = Imports |
| _UI_IID_label_description = A reasonably short, human readable name for the agent. For example, "Timber Wolf", "Forex Trader" or "Movement Probability". These should be defined so that they fit in well with auto-generated documentation. |
| _UI_ACause_type = Cause |
| _UI_ADiffuse_type = Diffuse |
| _UI_APerform_type = Perform |
| _UI_ADiffuse_diffused_feature = Diffused |
| _UI_ADiffuse_diffusionRate_feature = Diffusion Rate |
| _UI_ADiffuse_evaporationRate_feature = Evaporation Rate |
| _UI_ACause_target_feature = Target |
| _UI_ACause_result_feature = Result |
| _UI_ADerive_type = Derive |
| _UI_SAttribute_derived_feature = Derived |
| _UI_IAgentChild_type = IAgent Child |
| _UI_SAgent_children_feature = Children |
| _UI_IAgentChild_name_feature = Name |
| _UI_IAgentChild_parent_feature = Parent |
| _UI_IAttributeChild_type = IAttribute Child |
| _UI_IModelExtension_type = IModel Extension |
| _UI_SAttribute_children_feature = Children |
| _UI_IAttributeChild_parent_feature = Parent |