| <!-- |
| Some of the code below is |
| (c) Chris Aniszczyk <caniszczyk@gmail.com> |
| (c) Lawrence Mandel <lmandel@ca.ibm.com> |
| (c) Peter Friese <peter.friese@itemis.com> |
| --> |
| <project name="org.eclipse.amp.doc" default="build-doc" basedir="."> |
| |
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| Global vars |
| --> |
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| <!-- Changed from XText version to write directly to the web dir..saves on cvs thrashing.. --> |
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| <!-- |
| DocBook Toolchain |
| --> |
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| |
| <target name="build-doc" depends="init, install-wikitext, get-docbook-xsl, get-fop"> |
| <echo>Building Output...</echo> |
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| <antcall target="docbook2pdf" /> |
| <antcall target="docbook2html" /> |
| <!-- |
| <antcall target="wikitext2eclipsehelp"/> |
| --> |
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| |
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| <get dest="${download.dir}${fs}fop.zip" src="${fop.url}" /> |
| <unzip src="${download.dir}${fs}fop.zip" dest="${download.dir}" /> |
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| <!-- HACK! images should rather be copied to build/images --> |
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| <!-- Remove the resulting formatting object. This object isn't necessary in the |
| result of this build. --> |
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| |
| |
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