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Diffstat (limited to 'includes/downloads-common.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/includes/downloads-common.php b/includes/downloads-common.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a41d5b36..00000000
--- a/includes/downloads-common.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/modeling/includes/downloads-scripts.php");
-if (is_array($projects))
- $projectArray = getProjectArray($projects, $extraprojects, $nodownloads, $PR);
- $tmp = array_keys($projectArray);
- $proj = "/" . (isset($_GET["project"]) && preg_match("/^(?:" . join("|", $projects) . ")$/", $_GET["project"]) ? $_GET["project"] :
- (sizeof($tmp) > 0 && isset($projectArray[$tmp[0]]) ? $projectArray[$tmp[0]] : ""));
- $proj = "";
-$projct = preg_replace("#^/#", "", $proj);
-$topProj = preg_replace("#.+/(.+)#","$1", $PR);
-$numzips = isset($extraZips) ? 0 - sizeof($extraZips) : 0; // if extra zips (new zips added later), reduce the "required" count when testing a build
-if (isset($dls[$proj]) && is_array($dls[$proj]))
- foreach (array_keys($dls[$proj]) as $z)
- {
- $numzips += sizeof($dls[$proj][$z]);
- }
-// include extras-$proj.php or extras-$PR.php
-$files = array ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/extras-" . $projct . ".php", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/downloads/extras-" . $PR . ".php");
-foreach ($files as $file)
- if (file_exists($file))
- {
- include_once($file);
- break;
- }
-$hadLoadDirSimpleError = 1; //have we echoed the loadDirSimple() error msg yet? if 1, omit error; if 0, echo at most 1 error
-$sortBy = (isset($_GET["sortBy"]) && preg_match("/^(date)$/", $_GET["sortBy"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : "");
-$showAll = (isset($_GET["showAll"]) && preg_match("/^(1)$/", $_GET["showAll"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : "0");
-$showMax = (isset($_GET["showMax"]) && preg_match("/^(\d+)$/", $_GET["showMax"], $regs) ? $regs[1] : ($sortBy == "date" ? "10" : "5"));
-$showBuildResults = !isset($_GET["light"]) && !isset($_GET["nostatus"]); // suppress display of status to render page faster
-$doRefreshPage = false;
-$PWD = getPWD("$projct/downloads/drops"); // see scripts.php
-$isTools = isset($_GET["tools"]);
-$isTech = isset($_GET["tech"]);
-if (preg_match("#/(tools|technology)/#", $PWD, $m))
- $isTools = $m[1] == "tools";
- $isTech = $m[1] == "technology";
-if ($isBuildServer || false != strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "fullmoon")) //internal
- $downloadScript = "../../../";
- $downloadPre = "../../..";
-else // all others
- $downloadScript = "";
- $downloadPre = "";
-/* these are possible deps, the actual deps must be a subset of these and are read from build.cfg */
-/* See also:
- (depNames array),
- downloads-common.php ($deps array), and
- build-common.php (<b>Dependency URLs</b> & function findCatg())
-$deps = array(
- "eclipse" => "<a href=\"\">Eclipse</a>",
- "emf" => "<a href=\"\">EMF</a>",
- "query" => "<a href=\"\">Query</a>",
- "transaction" => "<a href=\"\">Transaction</a>",
- "validation" => "<a href=\"\">Validation</a>",
- "compare" => "<a href=\"\">Compare</a>",
- "net4j" => "<a href=\"\">Net4j</a>",
- "mwe" => "<a href=\"\">MWE</a>",
- "ocltools" => "<a href=\"\">OCL Tools</a>",
- "ocl" => "<a href=\"\">OCL</a>",
- "uml2" => "<a href=\"\">UML2</a>",
- "uml2tools" => "<a href=\"\">UML2 Tools</a>",
- "gef" => "<a href=\"\">GEF</a>",
- "gmf" => "<a href=\"\">GMF</a>",
- "orbit" => "<a href=\"\">Orbit</a>", "lpg" => "<a href=\"\">LPG</a>",
- "wtp" => "<a href=\"\">WTP</a>",
-// TODO: move this out into the per-project or per-component pages
-/* shortname => array("product", "component") */
-$bugzilla_pairs = array(
- "emf" => array("EMF", ""),
- "gmf" => array("GMF", ""),
- "xsd" => array("MDT", "XSD"),
- "ocl" => array("MDT", "OCL"),
- "eodm" => array("MDT", "EODM"),
- "uml2" => array("MDT", "UML2"),
- "uml2tools" => array("MDT", "UML2%20Tools"),
- "compare" => array("EMFT", "Compare"),
- "teneo" => array("EMFT", "Teneo"),
- "cdo" => array("EMFT", "CDO"),
- "net4j" => array("EMFT", "NET4J"),
- "mwe" => array("EMFT", "MWE"),
-print "<div id=\"midcolumn\">\n";
-print "<h1>Downloads</h1>\n";
-if (is_array($projects) && sizeof($projects) > 1)
- print doSelectProject($projectArray, $proj, $nomenclature, "homeitem3col", $showAll, $showMax, $sortBy);
-$branches = loadDirSimple($PWD, ".*", "d");
-$buildTypes = getBuildTypes($branches, $buildtypes);
-$builds = getBuildsFromDirs();
-if ($sortBy != "date")
- $builds = reorderAndSplitArray($builds, $buildTypes);
- $releases = $builds[1];
- $builds = $builds[0];
- krsort($builds); reset($builds);
-if (function_exists("doRequirements"))
- call_user_func("doRequirements");
-$rssfeed = "<a href=\"$PR/feeds/builds-$projct.xml\"><img style=\"float:right\" alt=\"Modeling Build Feed\" src=\"/modeling/images/rss-atom10.gif\"/></a>";
-if (sizeof($builds) == 0 && sizeof($releases) == 0)
- print "<div class=\"homeitem3col\">\n";
- print "<h3>${rssfeed}Builds</h3>\n";
- print "<ul class=\"releases\">\n";
- if (is_array($projectArray) && !in_array($projct, $projectArray))
- {
- print "<li><i><b>Sorry!</b></i> There are no builds yet available for this component.</li>";
- }
- else
- {
- print "<li><i><b>Error!</b></i> No builds found on this server!</li>";
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- print "</div>\n";
-if ($sortBy != "date")
- doLatest($releases, "Releases");
- $c = 0;
- foreach ($builds as $branch => $types)
- {
- foreach ($types as $type => $IDs)
- {
- print "<div class=\"homeitem3col\">\n";
- print "<h3>$rssfeed" . $buildTypes[$branch][$type] . "s</h3>\n";
- print "<ul class=\"releases\">\n";
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($IDs as $ID)
- {
- print outputBuild($branch, $ID, $c++);
- $i++;
- if (!$showAll && $i == $showMax && $i < sizeof($IDs))
- {
- print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($IDs));
- break;
- }
- else if ($showAll && sizeof($IDs) > $showMax && $i == sizeof($IDs))
- {
- print showToggle($showAll, $showMax, $sortBy, sizeof($IDs));
- }
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- print "</div>\n";
- }
- }
-else if ($sortBy == "date")
- doLatest($builds, "Builds");
-if ($doRefreshPage)
-{ ?>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- setTimeout('document.location.reload()', 60*1000); // refresh every 60 seconds if there's a build in progress
-<?php }
-if (function_exists("requirementsNote"))
- requirementsNote();
-if (isset($oldrels) && is_array($oldrels) && sizeof($oldrels) > 0)
- showArchived($oldrels);
-$extras = array("doLanguagePacks", "showNotes");
-foreach ($extras as $z)
- if (function_exists($z))
- {
- call_user_func($z);
- }
-print "</div>\n";
-print "<div id=\"rightcolumn\">\n";
-$extras = array("doBleedingEdge");
-foreach ($extras as $z)
- if (function_exists($z))
- {
- call_user_func($z);
- }
-print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
-print "<h6>Additional Info</h6>\n";
-print "<ul>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"$PR/faq.php\">FAQs</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"#archives\">Archived Releases</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"\">About Build Types</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"\">Using md5 Files</a></li>\n";
-if (isset($bugzilla_pairs[$projct]))
- print "<li><a href=\"{$bugzilla_pairs[$projct][0]}&amp;component={$bugzilla_pairs[$projct][1]}&amp;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED\">Open Bugs</a></li>\n";
- print "<li><a href=\"$topProj&amp;component=$projct&amp;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&amp;bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED\">Open Bugs</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"$PR/news/relnotes.php?project=$projct&amp;version=HEAD\">Release Notes</a></li>\n";
-print "</ul>\n";
-print "</div>\n";
-print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
-print "<h6>Getting Sources</h6>\n";
-print "<ul>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"\">CVS + Eclipse</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"\">CVS + Map File + Script</a></li>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"$PR/downloads/?project=$projct\">SDK zip</a> or <a href=\"$PR/updates/\">Update Manager</a> (org.*.source_x.y.z.*/*</li>\n";
-print "</ul>\n";
-print "</div>\n";
-if (isset($NLpacks) && is_array($NLpacks))
- print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
- print "<h6>Language Packs</h6>\n";
- print "<ul>\n";
- foreach (array_keys($NLpacks) as $z)
- {
- print "<li><a href=\"#$NLpacks[$z]\">$z</a></li>\n";
- }
- print "</ul>\n";
- print "</div>\n";
-print "<div class=\"sideitem\">\n";
-print "<h6>Sort</h6>\n";
-$newsort = ($sortBy == "date" ? "type" : "date");
-print "<ul>\n";
-print "<li><a href=\"?project=$projct&amp;showAll=$showAll&amp;showMax=$showMax&amp;sortBy=$newsort\">By " . ucfirst($newsort) . "</a></li>\n";
-print "</ul>\n";
-print "</div>\n";
-$f = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/$PR/build/sideitems-common.php";
-if (file_exists($f))
- include_once($f);
-if (function_exists("sidebar"))
- sidebar();
-if (isset($incubating) && in_array($projct, $incubating))
-<div class="sideitem">
- <h6>Incubation</h6>
- <p>This component is currently in its <a href="">Validation (Incubation) Phase</a>.</p>
- <div align="center"><a href=""><img
- align="center" src=""
- border="0" /></a></div>
- </div>
-print "</div>\n";

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