categories[$category_id]; if (!$category) $category = $listing->categories['all']; $category->to_html($html); return $html; } function get_recent_articles_summary($count) { $listing = get_listing(); $category = $listing->categories['all']; $category->sort_articles(); $html = ""; foreach($category->articles as $article) { if ($count <= 0) break; $authors = $article->authors_to_html(); $short_description = full_word_substr($article->description); $html .= "
  • "; $html .= "root/$article->link\">$article->title $authors"; $html .= "
    $short_description"; $html .= "
  • "; $count--; } return $html; } /* * This function returns a substring of the contents of $text that * is at most $max characters in length containing only full words. * That is, the break will occur on whitespace. */ function full_word_substr($text, $max=120) { while ($max > 0 && substr($text, $max, 1) != ' ') $max--; return substr($text, 0, $max) . '...'; } /* * This method generates an html list of all categories. The intent is to * let users click an entry from this list to filter the set of articles * displayed. Each item in the generated list contains a link back to the * articles page (specified using the $base_url parameter); the link is * parameterized with the id of the category to filter on. No link is * included on the category with id $category_id as this category is * assumed to be displayed currently. */ function get_categories_for_filtering_as_html($base_url, $category_id) { $html = ""; $categories = get_categories(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $html .= "
  • "; if ($category_id != $category->id) $html .= "id\">"; $html .="$category->title"; if ($category_id != $category->id) $html .= ""; $html .= "
  • "; } return $html; } /* * This function returns a list of Category instances representing the * categories under consideration. */ function & get_categories() { $listing = new ArticleListing(); load_categories($listing); return $listing->categories; } /* * This function runs an instance of ArticleListing containing all the * information we know about articles. */ function get_listing() { $listing = new ArticleListing(); load_categories($listing); load_articles($listing); return $listing; } /* * The ArticleListing class represents all the categories and articles * that our current universe knows about (restricted to Eclipse Corner, * of course). */ class ArticleListing { var $categories = array (); function add_category(& $category) { $id = $category->id; $this->categories = array_merge($this->categories, array ($id => $category)); } function get_category($category_id) { return $categories[$category_id]; } function add_article(& $article) { if (!$article->show) return; foreach ($article->categories as $category_id) { $category = $this->categories[$category_id]; if ($category) { // TODO Yucky work-around. For some reason =& isn't working... investigate $this->categories[$category_id]->add_article($article); } } $this->add_recent_article($article); $this->categories["all"]->add_article($article); } function add_recent_article(& $article) { // If there is no "recent" category, bail out. $category = & $this->categories["recent"]; if (!is_object($category)) return; // I consider recent to mean created or changed within the // last year... $base_date = strtotime("-1 year"); if ($article->is_more_recent_than($base_date)) { $category->add_article($article); } } function to_html(& $html) { $html .= "


    "; $html .= ""; foreach ($this->categories as $category) { $category->to_html($html); } } } class Category { var $id; var $title; var $description; var $articles = array (); // Render this category in html format. function to_html(& $html) { $this->sort_articles(); $html .= "


    "; if ($this->has_articles()) { if ($this->description) { $html .= "


    "; } $html .= ""; } else { $html .= 'This category has no articles.'; } } function sort_articles() { usort($this->articles, 'sort_articles_cmp'); } // Add an article to the category. function add_article(& $article) { array_push($this->articles, $article); } // Does this category have any articles? function has_articles() { return count($this->articles) > 0; } } function sort_articles_cmp($a, $b) { $a_date = get_last_update_date($a); $b_date = get_last_update_date($b); if ($a_date == $b_date) return 0; return $a_date < $b_date ? 1 : -1; } function get_last_update_date($article) { $updates = $article->updates; if (count($updates) > 0) { $update = $updates[count($updates) - 1]; return $update->date; } return $article->date; } class Article { var $title; var $root; var $link; var $description; var $authors = array(); var $categories = array(); var $date; var $updates = array(); var $show = true; function add_author(&$author) { array_push($this->authors, $author); } function add_update(&$update) { array_push($this->updates, $update); } function is_more_recent_than($date) { if ($this->date > $date) return true; foreach ($this->updates as $update) { if ($update->date > $date) return true; } return false; } // Render the article as html. function to_html(& $html) { $html .= "
  • root/$this->link\">$this->title"; // Get the collection of authors and render them. $authors = $this->authors_to_html(); if ($authors) { $html .= "
    "; $html .= $authors; } if ($this->date) { $html .= "
    "; $html .= date("F Y", $this->date); } foreach ($this->updates as $update) { $html .= "
    "; $update->to_html($html); } $description = $this->description; $html .= "
    "; } // Render the article's authors to html. function authors_to_html() { $authors = $this->authors; $count = count($authors); if ($count == 0) return; $html = ' by '; $html .= $authors[0]->to_html($html); // Print each of the authors, excluding the first and the last for ($index = 1; $index < $count -1; $index ++) { $html .= ", "; $html .= $authors[$index]->to_html($html); } // If there are more than two authors, then we need to separate // the last one from the second last one with a comma. if ($count > 2) { $html .= ","; } // If there was more than one author, then print the last author's // information if ($count > 1) { $html .= " and "; $html .= $authors[$count -1]->to_html($html); } return $html; } } // The Author class represents individual authors of an article. class Author { var $name; var $email; var $company; var $link; // Render the Author as html. function to_html(& $html) { // If an email address is provided, include a link. if ($this->email) { // Screw up the address a bit so that it can't be harvested $address = str_replace("@", "_*NOSPAM*_", $this->email); $html .= ""; } // The author name must be provided. $html .= $this->name; // If an email address is provided, then close off the link. if ($this->email) { $html .= ""; } // If company information is provided, display it. if ($this->company) { $html .= " ($this->company)"; } } } class Update { var $date; var $authors = array(); var $reason; function add_author(&$author) { array_push($this->authors, $author); } // Render the article as html. function to_html(& $html) { $html .= "Updated "; $html .= date("F Y", $this->date); // Get the collection of authors and render them. $this->authors_to_html($this->authors, $html); if (strlen($this->reason)) { $html .= " $this->reason"; } } // Render the article's authors to html. function authors_to_html($authors, & $html) { $count = count($authors); // If there is at least one author, print their information if ($count > 0) { $html .= ' by '; $html .= $authors[0]->to_html($html); } // Print each of the authors, excluding the first and the last for ($index = 1; $index < $count -1; $index ++) { $html .= ", "; $html .= $authors[$index]->to_html($html); } // If there are more than two authors, then we need to separate // the last one from the second last one with a comma. if ($count > 2) { $html .= ","; } // If there was more than one author, then print the last author's // information if ($count > 1) { $html .= " and "; $html .= $authors[$count -1]->to_html($html); } } } ?>