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AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-07-14[319607] fixing broken link in docskprice1-1/+1
2010-06-08316088 - jem.proxy showing up as invalidly signeddavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-06-03[311607] wizard finish enablement broken, string for non-container entries st...rstryker1-1/+1
2010-06-03315438 - org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.tests can not be unpackeddavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314476] [NLS] ConsoleLog: NLS unused message entries in log while running JE...canderson1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314575] Add manifest entry page of module project should not list files in l...canderson1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314559] ClasspathDependencyValidator should only run on J2EEModuleVirtualCom...canderson1-1/+1
2010-05-27[314061] o.e.j.validation.sample is not OSGi bundlecanderson3-7/+7
2010-05-25302896 - Break out JSF plugins into distinct features from the rest of jst.webdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-05-24303935 - need to remove most, change a few, webtools repository URL in feat...david_williams1-5/+5
2010-05-20[309224] [NLS] Extensible mechanism for controlling available assembly techni...canderson1-1/+1
2010-05-20[313577] Code for JEE 6 still goes out to the web to access xsd filescanderson2-5/+5
2010-05-19[305630] Removing deprecated luceneSearchParticipants extensionkprice1-1/+1
2010-05-19[310164] IllegalStateException logged when deleting Web 2.5 project is fixed.dgiormov2-2/+2
2010-05-19[313421] Fixes Web 3.0 Annotation Tests to use java facet version 6 instead o...dgiormov1-1/+1
2010-05-18[311556] Java EE 6 facets should require at least Java 6kraev2-3/+3
2010-05-13[312738] Index out of bounds exception on startupcanderson2-6/+6
2010-05-11[311062] updates to j2ee docs for WTP 3.2kprice1-1/+1
2010-05-11[311097] [NLS] validation builder job uses incorrect messagecanderson3-6/+6
2010-04-29[311029] Derived references should not appear in an EAR's Deployment Assembly...canderson1-1/+1
2010-04-29updating version numbers for v3.2kprice1-1/+1
2010-04-29[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-29[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-3/+3
2010-04-29[310488] Source folder not created the first time you try to add it in the ne...kkomissarchik1-1/+1
2010-04-28[306085] properties files missing spaces for EE6 connector strings.dgiormov1-1/+1
2010-04-28[310455] multiple mappings to single servlet are not shown in DD treedgiormov1-1/+1
2010-04-28[310455] multiple mappings to single servlet are not shown in DD treedgiormov1-1/+1
2010-04-28[309067] Java EE 6 annotation not created for descriptionkraev1-3/+3
2010-04-28[310455] multiple mappings to single servlet are not shown in DD treedgiormov2-2/+2
2010-04-28[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-22[220956] [URI resolver] URIResolverExtensionRegistryReader doesn't handle mis...canderson2-5/+5
2010-04-21update SUAdavid_williams1-3/+3
2010-04-21update SUAdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-21[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-1/+1
2010-04-19[305848, 305849] added mergers and annotation support for java ee 6 artifacts...dgiormov2-2/+2
2010-04-19[308607] NPE in WebArtifactAdapterFactorykraev1-2/+2
2010-04-15[309186] [API] FlatVirtualComponent should ignore manifest referencescanderson2-3/+3
2010-04-15[309204] Default java facet is inconsistent between web projects vs other pro...canderson2-4/+4
2010-04-15308371 - Use consistent license string, and filedavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-14[307922] Ability to remove validatorscanderson3-7/+7
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams3-7/+7
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-4/+4
2010-04-09308371 Use consistent license string, and filedavid_williams1-5/+5
2010-04-09[306999] Altered Web Merged model to return xml or annotation model when getM...dgiormov1-2/+2
2010-04-08[308387] NPE thrown for "run on server" of binary ejbcanderson2-4/+4
2010-04-08[308282] [UI]Additional changes to Module assemblycanderson2-3/+3

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