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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-08-27Fixed usage of Java 6 api.kkomissarchik1-1/+1
2010-08-26[318068] Aggregate Deployment Assembly fixes for Helios SR1kkomissarchik1-3/+3
2010-08-26[154405] [emfworkbench] EMF2SAXRenderer rethrows checked exceptions as ↵canderson1-1/+1
unchecked exceptions
2010-08-26[322952] Adopters should be able to hide folders from displaying as resource ↵canderson1-2/+2
2010-08-24[254916] IndexOutOfBoundsException in ↵canderson1-2/+2
2010-08-19[322227] ConcurrentModificationException during EMF model initializationcanderson1-1/+1
2010-08-12[322227] ConcurrentModificationException during EMF model initializationcanderson1-3/+3
2010-07-23[320562] Issues in application.xml file when changing URI from Deployment ↵canderson1-2/+2
Assembly page
2010-07-15[319299] [API] Problematic Class-Path entry generated in EJB 3.0's Manifestcanderson1-1/+1
2010-07-15[319924] Need to use ReferencedComponent instead of DependentObject in order ↵canderson1-2/+2
to set archive name
2010-07-15[319550] Web 3.0 Filter mappings are missing dispatcher types in created ↵dgiormov1-1/+1
annotated class.
2010-07-15[318601] AIOOB while initializing J2EE classpath containercanderson1-6/+6
2010-07-08[319185] 'Apply' button on 'Manifest Entries' tab reverts changes on first usecanderson1-2/+2
2010-07-07[318601] AIOOB while initializing J2EE classpath containercanderson1-2/+2
2010-07-07Increment service level version.dgiormov1-1/+1
2010-07-07[315423] fixed regression in WebAppMergerdgiormov1-2/+2
This bug was caused by adapting web merged model to work for Web 3.0 and changes the behavior of the MergedModel in Web 2.5 Current behavior will ignore certain servlet mappings declarations if they are defined in Web 1.4 style. where it is possible to have many declarations of servlet mapping with one and the same servlet name and different url pattern. Junit tests are added.
2010-07-07Increment service level version.kraev1-1/+1
2010-07-02[318558] Not Externalized String in Servlet Wizardkraev1-1/+1
2010-07-01Initial 3.2.1 dropcbridgha1-1/+1
2010-06-24[317477] org.eclipse.wst.common.emfworkbench.integration needs to prereq ↵canderson1-2/+2
latest org.eclipse.jem.util
2010-06-23[315755]Annotation Model does not process correctly value annotation ↵dgiormov1-1/+1
parameter webfilter and webservlet
2010-06-22[312288] Filter and Listener wizards should not be shown for Web 2.2 projectskraev1-3/+3
2010-06-22[312449] 2 NPEs on new Servlet Wizard -> Browse for existing classkraev1-2/+2
2010-06-21[315286] Deadlock initializing legacy J2EE EMF modelscanderson1-3/+3
2010-06-03[311607] wizard finish enablement broken, string for non-container entries ↵rstryker1-1/+1
strange (fixed)
2010-05-27[314476] [NLS] ConsoleLog: NLS unused message entries in log while running ↵canderson1-1/+1
JEE automated smoke
2010-05-27[314575] Add manifest entry page of module project should not list files in ↵canderson1-1/+1
lib dir of its EAR
2010-05-27[314559] ClasspathDependencyValidator should only run on ↵canderson1-1/+1
J2EEModuleVirtualComponent objects
2010-05-27[314061] o.e.j.validation.sample is not OSGi bundlecanderson1-4/+4
2010-05-20[309224] [NLS] Extensible mechanism for controlling available assembly ↵canderson1-1/+1
techniques based on technology or vendor restrictions
2010-05-20[313577] Code for JEE 6 still goes out to the web to access xsd filescanderson1-4/+4
2010-05-19[310164] IllegalStateException logged when deleting Web 2.5 project is fixed.dgiormov1-1/+1
Added checks for accessible project on DD tree construction and on get model request
2010-05-18[311556] Java EE 6 facets should require at least Java 6kraev1-2/+2
2010-05-13[312738] Index out of bounds exception on startupcanderson1-5/+5
2010-05-11[311097] [NLS] validation builder job uses incorrect messagecanderson1-4/+4
2010-04-29[311029] Derived references should not appear in an EAR's Deployment ↵canderson1-1/+1
Assembly page
2010-04-29[309834] WTP 3.2 releng fixes for URI resolver and Internet cachecanderson1-3/+3
2010-04-29[310488] Source folder not created the first time you try to add it in the ↵kkomissarchik1-1/+1
new dynamic web project wizard
2010-04-28[309067] Java EE 6 annotation not created for descriptionkraev1-3/+3
2010-04-28[310455] multiple mappings to single servlet are not shown in DD treedgiormov1-1/+1
also valid for filter mappings. [310450] @WebListener is now correctly recognized by the Servlet 3.0 model [310452] ConcurrentModificationException on package delete in web projects is fixed.
2010-04-22[220956] [URI resolver] URIResolverExtensionRegistryReader doesn't handle ↵canderson1-4/+4
missing "stage" attribute
2010-04-19[305848, 305849] added mergers and annotation support for java ee 6 ↵dgiormov1-1/+1
artifacts plus junit tests for mergers and annotation readers.
2010-04-19[308607] NPE in WebArtifactAdapterFactorykraev1-2/+2
2010-04-15[309186] [API] FlatVirtualComponent should ignore manifest referencescanderson1-2/+2
2010-04-15[309204] Default java facet is inconsistent between web projects vs other ↵canderson1-3/+3
2010-04-14[307922] Ability to remove validatorscanderson1-4/+4
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-1/+1
2010-04-11make providerName correct and consistentdavid_williams1-2/+2
2010-04-09[306999] Altered Web Merged model to return xml or annotation model when ↵dgiormov1-2/+2
getModelObject(IPath) is called, it will now return XML model if/WEB-INF/web.xml is passed, or annotation model if a path to a class is supplied. Altered the servlet operations to use the method and write only in XML model.

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