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AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2009-12-03[294088] [UI] Automatically close paired characters in the editornitind4-6/+6
2009-12-03v200912020000 - Fix for: 296664, 294771, 295750, 295613tle2-7/+7
2009-12-02[247221] [api] Non-validation annotations for the StructuredTextEditornsandonato1-1/+1
2009-12-02[291120] [EaseOfUse] New server wizard flowavera1-1/+1
[288007] Cannot delete a module using the delete key button on servers view
2009-12-02[23099] [content assist] [content model] JSP and Taglib Model Query ↵nsandonato1-1/+1
Extensions should be aware of include options
2009-12-02[288886], [292085], [218028]dacarver2-6/+6
2009-12-02[296591] Layout problem on Add/Remove module dialogavera3-3/+3
[296345] A new extension point to allow adopters to add additional controls and behaviour to first page of server wizard [296636] Preview server contains System.out.println
2009-12-01[288239] [editor] XML Editor fails for files with different extension, e.g. ↵nsandonato6-8/+8
KML: "Cannot display document contents." [163315] [formatting] Formating CSS documents breaks CSS code [278966] [formatting] XML end tag disappears when entering / in an attribute [164263] [refactoring] The JSP Java refactoring participants do not cooperate well with themselves or others [296624] IExecutionDelegate should be using ISafeRunnable
2009-12-01[296529] Determination of when the sample goes live is not robustkchong1-1/+1
2009-12-01Extended XML Security Tools user guidedschadow1-1/+1
2009-12-01[295737] Allow extenders to disable download library button and menukkomissarchik1-1/+1
2009-12-01v200911300000 - Fix for: 258515, 258535tle2-5/+5
2009-11-30Bug #270133: CXF web service scenarios using ANTsclarke1-6/+6
2009-11-30[nobug] fix error messagesnsandonato4-5/+5
2009-11-30[164407] Renaming JSP causes content assist to failnsandonato6-8/+8
[279146] AbstractNotifier's getAdapterFor method may return inconsistent results [283365] JSP 2.1 should accept trimDirectiveWhitespaces attribute in @page directive [273002] [api] WTP DOM ElementImpl returns wrong Number of Nodes for Wildcard search [255451] CCE caused by using DND on the 'Design' tab [209737] onload, onunload, onblur, onfocus scripting events are not considered script event partitions [296022] [validation] files outside of workspace can cause NPE during validation [232658] The IANA field on Web/XML File preference pages lacks bacground on OS X [176425] [editor] Commenting CSS snippets [225763] Cleanup should have option to add XML Header Declaration [295127] DOM Level 3 isSameNode(Node) and compareDocumentPosition(Node) not Implemented
2009-11-29[277404] VEX will not delete empty tags from a DocBook documentdacarver1-2/+2
2009-11-27RESOLVED - bug 283646: 'Document' wizard throws NPE when a 'DITA Task' is ↵dacarver1-1/+1
2009-11-27[296139] Java EE 6 deployment descriptor for web and connector should be ↵canderson2-8/+8
2009-11-27[296139] Java EE 6 deployment descriptor for web and connector should be ↵canderson2-2/+2
2009-11-27update emf and gef pref and restore 1 hour timing to suitesdavid_williams2-5/+5
2009-11-26[242615] Use project creation operations to create projectskchong1-1/+1
2009-11-26[296245] Input.jsp produces malformed HTMLkchong1-1/+1
2009-11-26move up to latest prereqsdavid_williams1-2/+2
2009-11-26minor fixes for loggingdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-26increase overall time, shorten per test time.david_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-25[291120] [EaseOfUse] New server wizard flowavera1-1/+1
2009-11-25*** empty log message ***cjaun2-3/+3
2009-11-25[295736] [search] General clean up of JavaScript searchcjaun1-2/+2
[295340] [project setup] in "Add JavaScript Support" action, cancel is ignored [296062] [project setup] DeltaProcessor is not updating include path correctly.
2009-11-25[295679][validation] Definition level extensibility elements are not validatedvbaciu2-2/+2
2009-11-25 296122 DelegateConfigurationElement broken by latest Platform pre-reqdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-25296083 jsdt tests delete workspace after making itdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-25296083 jsdt tests delete workspace after making itdavid_williams1-3/+3
2009-11-25[290286]: If template defined before functions, validation errors appeardacarver1-2/+2
2009-11-25move up to latest prereqsdavid_williams1-2/+2
2009-11-24[292194] Runtime extension point should be based on RuntimeDelegateavera3-3/+3
[280815] Enhance the IServerWorkingCopy API to allow setting the timeout and publishers state [292822] Deleting a server does not remove the default "Run on Server" option for that server [290965] the org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.serverToolTip extension point does not accept multiple contributions for a server type [278155] Keyboard shortcuts for Debug/Start/Stop/Publish don't work in Servers view [288950] NPE while clicking on Server Editor
2009-11-24[294260] [296030] WSE source view missing some namespace prefixes in SOAP ↵kchong1-1/+1
response message
2009-11-24[nobug] update service version number for WTP 3.2 developmentcanderson1-1/+1
2009-11-24295767 logs lostdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24295767 logs lostdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24295767 fishy logs lostdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24295767 fishy logs lostdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24[295946] Create a default ModelProviderFactory for Connector 1.6canderson4-8/+8
2009-11-24295767 fishy logs lostdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24295944 Should present and document junit logs betterdavid_williams1-1/+1
2009-11-24[294079]: [editor] Content Assist for xpath expressions inside curly bracketsdacarver2-3/+3
2009-11-24295944 Should present and document junit logs betterdavid_williams1-4/+1

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