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+<meta name="abstract" content="Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a way to publish and discover information about Web services." />
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+<title>Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)</title>
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+<h1 class="topictitle1">Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)</h1>
+<div><p>Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification
+defines a way to publish and discover information about Web services.</p>
+<div class="p">UDDI has two functions: <ul><li>It is a SOAP-based protocol that defines how clients communicate with
+UDDI registries.</li>
+<li>It is a particular set of global replicated registries.</li>
+<p>UDDI includes an XML schema for SOAP messages that defines a set of documents
+to describe business and services information, a common set of APIs for querying
+and publishing information to the directories, and an API for replicating
+directory entries between peer UDDI nodes.</p>
+<p>For more information on UDDI refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
+<div class="section"><h4 class="sectiontitle">UDDI registries</h4><p>UDDI manages the discovery of Web
+services by relying on a distributed registry of businesses and their service
+descriptions implemented in a common XML format. Before you can publish your
+business entity and Web service to a public registry, you must first register
+your business entity with a UDDI registry.</p>
+<p>UDDI registries come in two
+forms: public and private.  Both types comply to the same specifications. 
+A private registry enables you to publish and test your internal e-business
+applications in a secure, private environment.  Rational<sup>®</sup> Developer
+products include a private UDDI registry. </p>
+<p>A public registry is
+a collection of peer directories that contain information about businesses
+and services. It locates services that are registered at one of its peer nodes
+and facilitates the discovery of published Web services. Data is replicated
+at each of the registries on a regular basis. This ensures consistency in
+service description formats and makes it easy to track changes as they occur. IBM<sup>®</sup> maintains
+two public registries called the IBM UDDI Business Registry and the IBM UDDI Test
+Registry. The IBM UDDI
+Test Registry allows you to develop your Web service and experience the UDDI
+registration process without placing your Web service in an official registry. 
+Use the IBM UDDI
+Test Registry to experiment with UDDI, and to test and validate your Web service. 
+For more information on the IBM's public registries, refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> For
+a list of public registries, refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
+<p>A private
+registry allows you to publish and test your internal applications in a secure,
+private environment. IBM has developed a private registry called the IBM WebSphere<sup>®</sup> UDDI
+Registry.  The IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry is a persistent storage
+mechanism for information published in the Registry.  There are two implementations
+of the SOAP-based APIs - the WebSphere Studio version 5.0 and 5.1 registries
+based on UDDI v2 and the Rational Developer products' registry based on UDDI
+v3 - that allow programmatic publish and inquiry operations. The private registry
+supports access using JDBC 2. Access using JDBC 1 is not supported. The IBM private
+registry and the Web Services Explorer support user-defined custom taxonomies
+in addition to the standard NAICS, UNSPSC and ISO-3166 taxonomies.</p>
+UDDI Business Registry acts as a B2B directory linking marketplaces, buyers,
+and sellers. The information provided in the registry consists of three components:
+white pages, yellow pages, and green pages. White pages include the business
+name, contact information, and a text description of the business's services.
+Yellow pages include industrial categorizations based on standard taxonomies
+such as NAICS, ISO 3166, and UNSPSC. Green pages include references to specifications
+for Web services and pointers to various file and URL-based discovery mechanisms.
+This makes it easy for businesses to integrate across marketplaces. Because
+it is registered, information is made available across all applications. For
+more information on NAICS refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> For more information on UNSPSC refer
+to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> For
+more information on ISO 3166 refer to <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
+populate the registry with descriptions of the services that they support.
+UDDI assigns a unique identifier to each service description and business
+registration. These become the service and business keys respectively. Search
+engines, and applications query the registry to discover services. UDDI servers
+are a directory of available services and service providers.</p>
+<div class="linklist"><strong>Related Concepts</strong><br />
+<div><a href="../../">Web services development</a></div>
+<div><a href="cwsdlud.html" title="The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a way to publish and discover information about Web services. UDDI has two functions: (1) it is a SOAP-based protocol that defines how UDDI clients communicate with registries, and (2) it is a particular set of globally replicated registries.">Relationship between UDDI and WSDL</a></div>
+<div><a href="../../">Relationship between UDDI and WSIL</a></div>
+<div><a href="../../">User-defined UDDI categories</a></div></div>
+<div class="linklist"><strong>Related Tasks</strong><br />
+<div><a href="../tasks/tuddiexp.html" title="Through UDDI and WSIL, other applications can discover WSDL documents and bind with them to execute transactions or perform other business processes.">Publishing Web services and business entities</a></div>
+<div><a href="../../"> Configuring a Unit Test UDDI Registry</a></div></div>
+<div class="linklist"><strong>Related Reference</strong><br />
+<div><a href="../ref/ruddi.html" title="Once you have registered and logged in to the UDDI registry that you want to use, you can register your Web service.  Registration of a service involves four core data structure types: business information, service information, binding information, and information describing the specifications for services. The relationship between these data types is described in Figure 1.">Data structure types (UDDI registry)</a></div></div>
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