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<title>Editing WSDL files with the WSDL editor</title>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Editing WSDL files with the WSDL Editor</h1>

<div><p>The WSDL editor allows you to easily and graphically create, modify,
view, and validate WSDL files.</p>

<p>Using the WSDL editor, you can do the following:</p>

<li>Create new WSDL files</li>

<li>Validate and edit WSDL files</li>

<li>Create and delete:  <ul>
<li>services, which are used to aggregate a set of related ports. These are
the root elements of all WSDL files.</li>

<li>ports, which specify an address for a binding, thus defining a single
communication endpoint.</li>

<li>bindings, which specify concrete protocol and data format specifications
for the operations and messages defined by a particular port type.</li>

<li>port types, which are a set of abstract operations. Each operation refers
to an input message and output messages.</li>

<li>operations, which refer to input and output messages</li>

<li>messages, which represent an abstract definition of the data being transmitted.
A message consists of logical parts, each of which is associated with a definition
within some type system.</li>

<li>parts, which are a flexible mechanism for describing the logical abstract
content of a message</li>

<li>types, which describe all the data types used between the client and server.
WSDL is not tied exclusively to a specific typing system, but it uses the
W3C XML Schema specification as its default choice.</li>

<li>import statements, which are used to associate a namespace with a document
location </li>


<li>Import existing WSDL files for structured viewing</li>

<li>Generate documentation from a WSDL document.</li>


<p>The WSDL support in the WSDL editor is based on the W3C <a href="" target="_blank">Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1</a>. The WSDL specification from the W3C Web site is
also used for validation.  </p>


<div class="linklist"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br />

<div><a href="../../">WSDL</a></div></div>

<div class="linklist"><strong>Related tasks</strong><br />

<div><a href="../tasks/tcrtwsdl.html" title="You can create a new, empty WSDL file, then edit it using the WSDL editor.">Creating a new WSDL file</a></div>
<div><a href="../tasks/tedtwsdl.html" title="Once you have created a WSDL file, you can edit it in the WSDL editor. You can also import WSDL files you have created into the workbench and edit them in the WSDL editor.">Editing WSDL files</a></div></div>


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